ECHO See pg. 7: ‘A Cappella performs at winter concert’ December 2017 Volume 103 Issue 4 100 Selma Ave st. Louis MO 63119 Photo by Caroline Fellows
Table of Contents
Pg. 3 More should be done to prevent sexual harassment Pg. 4 Discrimination against AIDS must end Pg. 4 Letter to the Editor Pg. 5 Raptor to be implemented in district Pg. 6 Swastikas bring up topic of social justice Pg. 7 A Cappella performs winter concert Pg.8-9 Students, staff recognize sexism at WGHS Pg. 10 Seasonal lights bestow holiday happiness Pg. 11 Popular mall Santas share stories Pg. 12 Women’s swim dives into new State changes Pg.13 Schnettgoecke competes at State, shares experience Pg. 14 ‘Coco’ is heartwarming, but unoriginal Pg.14-15 How to relieve stress before, during finals Pg.15 Mega Man returns for 30th anniversary Pg. 16 Willie’s Comic
2017-18 ECHO STAFF
SOME MATERIAL COURTESY OF AMERICAN SOCIETY OF NEWSPAPER EDITORS/MCT CAMPUS HIGH SCHOOL NEWSPAPER SERVICE The ECHO is a monthly publication of the newspaper staff of Webster Groves High School, 100 Selma Avenue, Webster Groves, MO. To contact staff members, call 314-963-6400 ex. 11157 or write to Unsigned editorials are the opinion of a majority of staff members; signed articles are the opinion of the writer. Letters to the editor of 300 words or less are welcome; submit letters by the 10th of the month to, or room 155. All letters must be signed, although the name may be withheld from publication if requested. The ECHO has the right to edit letters for publication as long as intent remains unchanged. The ECHO is a member of SSP, Quill and Scroll, MJEA, JEA, MIPA, NSPA and CSPA.
December 2017
The ECHO FAMILY The ECHO Family helps make the ECHO possible. To become a member of the ECHO Family, please contact Thanks to all of our members!
Melanie Bennett Curtin Family Fellows Family Jean Dugan Meghan Gray Aerin Johnson Phil Wojak Ernie Yilmaz
More should be done to prevent sexual harassment The ECHO defines sexual harassment as verbal, nonverbal or physical conduct that is sexual in manner and is non-consensual/ unwelcome. Sexual assault is a form of sexual harassment. The ECHO condemns any and all conduct of this nature. A majority of sexual harassers are male. For this article, the focus is on that majority. The recent national exposure of sexual harassers has revealed a problem. The ECHO wants to help prevent occurrences of sexual harassment by this generation and future generations. The problem WGHS faces regarding sexual assault is in part due to the lack of education students receive on how to handle cases of harassment and assault. In seventh grade, students are introduced to the concept of sexual harassment through a curriculum known as “Flirting or Hurting.” This curriculum is unhelpful, unproductive and tone-deaf. It has became a joke and a medium for the sexual harassment to become daft rather than serious. Senior Adele Pohl endured sexual assault and abuse her sophomore year and is appalled some students refuse to acknowledge the reality behind sexual assault. Pohl thinks it’s partly the school’s responsibility to reinforce that sexual assault is “not a joke. It happens to people.” The ECHO recommends a more conducive program which includes real stories/people and a thorough explanation of consent and the impact of sexual actions. “Tea Consent” is a video that provides an entertaining but informative analogy for consent, which the ECHO recommends to be included in the curriculum. Also, it should be made clear these commonly heard phrases are never meaningful or appropriate excuses for any conduct: “It’s just locker room talk,” “Boys will be boys,” and “She was asking for it.” Pohl agrees with this and thinks this goes for any “jokes” regarding assault and rape that are made over the internet. Administrators encourage students who have encountered sexual assault to meet with them. Assistant principal Dr. Angela Thompson assures students cases of sexual assault will be handled with the utmost of care and Webster takes “reports of sexual harassment or sexual assault very seriously here. We (the school) investigate, include our school resource officer, follow through with conversations and supports, and discipline in accordance with building and district discipline codes and policies.” According to the U.S. Department of Justice, “approximately one in five female high school students report being physically and/or sexually abused by a dating partner.” Students can help prevent sexual harassment by having conversation(s) with their partner about boundaries. How to conduct conversations such as these should be taught to students each year by administrators and/or school counselors. Senior Sammie Weber was assaulted the end of her junior year. She believes, “Speaking out can prevent future assaults.” The ECHO agrees, both that survivors of harassment and assault benefit others by sharing their stories and seeking help, and that speaking to a sexual partner and confirming consent is essential before participating in sexual conduct. If anything could
affect the ability of one of the participants to make an informed decision, there shouldn’t be any sexual conduct. In other words, a response that does not express complete compliance to sexual conduct should treated as a “No.” Sexual harassment is never the fault of the victim. Women should know their limits and talk to a trusted individual other than their partner about their limits. Part of women knowing their own limits requires proper education on the matter, and proper support and reinforcements regarding acknowledgement of their worth and rights. Everyone should watch for any indication of unwelcome sexual behavior of their male friends and be able to confront them or tell someone who can confront them for the safety of all concerned. The ECHO recognizes the fear and anxiety of victims which leads them to not report their experiences or get help. WGHS should make it as easy as possible to get help. Weber would “encourage anyone who finds themselves uncomfortable through written, verbal or physical behavior to speak out.” Friends of victims should talk to the school about helping the victims without revealing their names and preventing the harasser from victimizing others, if the victims have any reason, rational or irrational, to not ask for help from the school. If a friend of a victim approaches the school, the school shouldn’t press for the identity of victim. The school’s available resources should be made clear. The school does offer a “Safe School Hotline,” which Weber called shortly after her assault, and she later spoke with staff and the school resource officer. Teachers should also address their availability as resources if any students need someone to confide in. Students shouldn’t feel restricted to only going to counselors or administrators; if a student feels close to a teacher, or is trying to help a friend who is close to one, he or she should be able to talk to that adult with the same conditions of confidence as with the counselors or administration. Thompson urges students to “please continue to seek out the administrators.” The St. Louis Regional Sexual Assault Center provides assistance to victims of sexual assault in the St. Louis metro area. While the organization provides counseling services, emergency room assistance, a 24-hour crisis hotline and support groups, these are often unknown to students. Administrators offer these resources to students, but the fact they aren’t known proves students don’t hear about them or sexual harassment as a whole far enough. Pohl was unaware of the resources available to her before her assault and wishes she would have been more educated about what to do during and after her situation. Any critiques on how administration handles cases of sexual harassment and assault are welcome. Although students aren’t always happy with the consequences the assailant may face, the school has limited power regarding what it can and can’t do, according to Thompson. She reminds students that even if they do not see the consequences they desire, it does not mean the school is unaware, uninterested or finished working with the student’s case; administration will meet with them and help them in whatever way they need in whatever way they can.
December 2017
Ellie’s Expression
Discrimination against AIDS must end
Eleanor Marshall Opinion Columnist
tract HIV is to share bodily fluids (not including saliva, sweat, or urine) with a person carrying the disease. People who are HIV positive are thought of as dirty. Many People with HIV and AIDS are treated unfairly, mainly bepicture drug users, impoverished and mentally ill people, sex cause of the misinformation. workers, or members of the LGBTQ+ community (mostMany people are so confused they don’t realize that ly gay men). While nothing is wrong with any of those AIDS and HIV are not exactly the same thing. people, the reality is: most of the time one can’t tell HIV is a virus that attacks the immune system, if a person has HIV and AIDS until they share their which is our body’s natural defence against illness. information. The virus destroys a type of white blood cell in the Going back to the stigmas, the one around gay men immune system and makes copies of itself inside these is probably the most significant. cells. The FDA’s “Revised Recommendations for Reducing As HIV destroys more cells and makes more copthe Risk of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Transies of itself, it gradually breaks down a person’s mission by Blood and Blood Products” states, immune system. This means as time goes on, “Defer for 12 months from the most recent an HIV positive person not getting treatment sexual contact, a man who has had sex with will find it harder to fight off infections and another man during the past 12 months.” diseases. If HIV is left untreated, it can In simpler terms, gay men must wait 12 take up to 10 or 15 years for the immune months from the last time they had sex with system to be so severely damaged it can no other men to give blood, even if their sexual longer defend itself at all. Public domain photo from Wikimedia partner does not have HIV or AIDS. There is currently no cure for HIV, but Some could see this as being careful, Commons with the right treatment, people can live but it is also very discriminating. Able a more normal, healthy life. This treatblood donors are being turned away just ment helps limit the number of people who get to the final stage because of their sexuality. of HIV, known as AIDS. People aren’t just being turned away from donating, they AIDS is not a virus, rather a set of symptoms caused by the are being turned away when they try to get help. According to HIV virus. A person has AIDS when his or her immune system AVERT, “Roughly one in eight people living with HIV is being is too weak to fight off infection, and he or she develop certain denied health services because of stigma and discrimination.” symptoms and illnesses. This is when the infection is very adThis prejudice towards people with HIV and AIDS should not vanced. be allowed. People are degraded and dehumanized for a disease. There is a huge stigma attached to HIV and AIDS. People are Would someone be put down for having cancer or heart disease? scared to be around HIV positive people in fear of “getting in- Obviously not. fected by the air,”which is impossible. The only ways to conIt is time for this to stop.
Letter to the Editor
Student responds to ECHO article about DJ Dear Mr. Johnson & ECHO Crew, I am writing this letter in regards to the recent story published in your ECHO criticizing Lebari Kanee. A lot of students (including myself) have been discussing the story, and we do not agree that Lebari did not do a good job. It’s almost as if the article was shaming the music that most African Americans enjoy. It’s a large group of African American students who feel as if homecoming in the past years were not as good because we were not familiar with the songs (but there has never been a story about that). In my opinion, out of all four homecomings that I have attended, this year by far was the most fun. Everyone was dancing,
December 2017
and for once, there were up-to-date songs that I knew. I am not the only one who feels this way. I am requesting for another story to be written on this topic (maybe a nice one). I feel that this year at homecoming a lot of African Americans felt as it we belonged: Finally WEBSTER GROVES is playing something we know. I feel as if there was a change. Maybe this is the beginning to something new! Although the songs were not good to certain people, it’s only because they are never exposed to our music and our culture, we (African Americans) are only exposed to theirs. From Alissa Bradford
Raptor to be implemented in district
Evelyn Trampe Business/Ads Manager Webster Groves School District will implement a new check-in system, to provide better security to students and staff on Jan. 3. From the 1999 Columbine shooting, which killed 21 people, to the 2012 Sandy Hook shooting, which killed 27 people, school shootings have become highly publicized and have forced schools across the nation to constantly reevaluate their policies and procedures. The centerpiece of the new plan is a system from Raptor technologies that will “improve safety for students and staff by screening visitors, contractors and volunteers at all school buildings,” assistant superintendent for human resources, Sandy Wiley, said in an email to parents. Once this $1,600 per school system is in place, all visitors will be asked to present identification, and then this system will match visitor’s identification against a national database, “and it then provides information to the receptionist in regards to any legal issues that would call for a person not to be inside the school,” assistant principal Shiree Yeggins said. If there were to be a match, the school administrative assistant would be immediately alerted, and an alert would also be texted to all of the administrators in the building as well as the human resources officer. With the safety of the students being the “high-
Photo by Evelyn Trampe
Receptionist Cyndy Gilbert works at her desk. People who enter the building during school hours must go to the main office to sign in.
est priority” with this new system, schools have a “quick and efficient way to identify anyone who might present a danger to students,” Wiley said. About why this new system is important, Yeggins said, “Because our work is changing, society is changing, and our students are one of our most precious gifts here at the high school, and we really value our staff as well. So as long as we continue to try and find opportunities to improve safety, I think we should utilize them.”
December 2017
News ECHO 6 Swastikas bring up topic of social injustice Rosa Parks Feature Editor At most high schools, students might expect to find graffiti of male and female anatomy, but Webster’s walls also have symbols and sayings of hate popping up. The administration said via email, “Graffiti at the school is infrequent, but exists. While principal Jon Clark has expressed concern in his emails about the incidents of discriminatory graffiti, not all graffiti is discriminatory. However, it is still vandalism, hurtful, inappropriate, and can be costly to remove.” An unidentified student digitally made a swastika out of another student’s face on social media. The swastika, which originally represented religions like Hinduism and Buddhism, was taken over by the Nazis during the Holocaust. The swastika became the symbol of the Nazis, a symbol of extreme hatred and oppression to many Jews. The administration communicated to parents details of the vandalism, which was then covered by news media. About the incident, senior Leor Shomroni said, “I don’t like when people call it ‘graffiti’ or ‘vandalism’ because it’s way worse than cuss words or penises. I want people to just call it what it is-swastika.” On Dec. 5, the administration sent emails and made an announcement about the swastika incident. Included in this was
December 2017
this excerpt from the Equity Resolution. The Equity Resolution, which has been around since 2001, states, “We believe we must directly confront issues of bias and social injustice in order to eliminate the inequitable practices and unsafe environments these issues create for everyone.” Some students believe the school has not dealt with previous social injustice issues this way. Shomroni said, “My mom said the only reason the school acted on it was because it was on the news.” About the issue, the administration said, “In addition, Dr. Clark has sent emails regarding this issue to parents, staff and students. It was an email from Dr. Clark to parents that was referenced in the recent Webster Kirkwood Times in the article about this issue. The recent news reports were also in response to the latest email that Dr. Clark sent on Dec. 4. So, we were bringing attention to this issue before the media gave it attention. Being transparent about this issue is extremely important. At first, it might make us look like we have a bigger problem than other schools. However, we feel that we are addressing this issue head on and will continue to explore ways that we can do it even better.” The swastikas haven’t been the only type of racism to appear. A few months ago, Thespian officer of diversity recruitment for the drama department, junior Trinity Madison, put up posters around the school that defined persons of color as “Excellent, Beautiful, Empowered, Captivating, Flawless.” The posters were made to encourage students of color. One of the posters was defaced with the words, “white power, white power.” About the defacement of the posters, Madison said, “It was extremely upsetting to me because the poster wasn’t disrespectful to white people, and there wasn’t a logical reason to deface it. The administration, who originally were excited for me to put up the flyers, and signed off on everything, ordered me to take all the posters down. They told me that the posters were only going to cause more trouble.” About solving the issue, the administration said, “We have asked for student help to stop the vandalism and hate speech. Students are key in resolving this. Having discriminatory graffiti does not promote inclusiveness or the feeling of everyone being valued. It can create fear, anxiety and anger. We are specifically asking students to report hate speech as soon as they see it or hear it... We also established a student group that has been trained by the Anti-Defamation League to lead discussions on bias in classrooms. They have been working on their presentations and will start visiting classrooms at the beginning of second semester. We hope that this will heighten students’ awareness of the destructive impact of bias on our school community and in our society.” Madison added, “Racism and hatred and bullying show up in our school in many different forms too often. When I found out about the swastikas, I was outraged, but not surprised. These things need to end...The school keeps ‘handling’ these things in a certain way and then they happen again. You can’t keep putting bandaids on broken bones and be surprised that the bone doesn’t heal.”
A Cappella performs at winter concert
Photo by Caroline Fellows
Senior Isaac Collins sings a solo in “The Man Who Can’t Be Moved” by The Script.
Ellie Marshall Podcast Editor Sean Mullins Graphics Editor A Cappella groups, A-Men and A-Ladies, performed on Friday Dec. 8, in the auditorium from 7 to 9 p.m.. They were accompanied by the Missouri State a cappella group, A Cub Bella. Friday’s concert raised funds for A-Men and A-Ladies, which will go towards equipment, songs and field trips. Roughly 600 people attended the concert, which is the largest audience the a cappella groups have had for a winter concert. Various songs were performed, including “The Night We Met” by Lord Huron. “We sang all types of songs, slow and kind of sad or upbeat and happy songs,” sophomore Peyton St. James, A-Ladies performer, said. “We sang a mix of a little bit of everything so that the audience could enjoy a variety of music,” senior Claudia LeSage, A-Ladies performer, added. In addition to new songs, the groups performed songs from past years, such as “Why Georgia” by John Mayer and “Valerie” by Amy Winehouse. “It was cool to see the same songs that the alumni performed,” junior Zoe Schultz, who saw the concert, said. “I really liked the choreography for all of the sets.” On Sunday, the a cappella groups performed at the St. Louis Art Museum. While Friday’s concert raised funds for both groups, Sunday’s concert was meant to give new members experience in performing. “It’s good to have more experience, so that’s why having gigs at new locations and with new people who wouldn’t normally see
Photo by Caroline Fellows
Sophomore Ellie Gilstrap sings a solo in “Clarity” by Zedd featuring Foxes.
us is useful,” sophomore Quinn Coffman, A-Men performer, said. A-Men and A-Ladies are currently preparing for their upcoming A Cappella Extravaganza event on May 11. The concert will include every song the groups have performed this year, as well as skits and videos.
Proud to support the independent student journalists at The Echo
December 2017
Students, staff recog Cole Schnell Junior Editor
Caroline Fellows Editor-in-Chief
Ashli Wagner Video Editor
Natalie Johnson Social Media Manager
TIME Magazine’s Person of the Year is “the silence breakers” because more light needs to be shed on the issues of sexual harassment and discrimination, which can take place anywhere, even WGHS. Assistant principal John Raimondo said sexism is a problem within the high school, and “we need to do more.” Whereas, activities director Jerry Collins said there isn’t any outstanding problems with sexism that needs more attention with regard to athletics. This shows some inconsistency of thought whether more needs to be done. The Board of Education released the Equity Resolution which states, “Webster Groves School District Board of Education on this date May 31, 2017, affirms its commitment to lead efforts to advance a culture of equity and justice leading to better lives for all, including but not limited to the elimination of disparities which exist across groups of children in this school district.” Part of this commitment was to gender equity. Principal Jon Clark and Raimondo reaffirmed this ideal for the high school. Some teachers’ commitment to this resolution is unclear as represented by their actions. Different teachers enforce
the dress code differently. Thirty-five students allege some teachers publicly shame female students who are dressed against teachers’ interpretation of the dress code. However, this conduct is against the dress code, which states, “Attire that is not in compliance with the dress code will be addressed with the student in private.” The Equity Resolution states, “We believe in the dignity and worth of every person regardless of his or her ... sex.” Some students view most clothing of females that’s ruled inappropriate as not distracting to the learning environment. Sophomore Noel Spatola said, “We’re in an age now where we are supposed to express ourselves through our clothes.” Seventy percent of 59 student respondents polled by the ECHO believe teachers and the dress code constrain student expression. In 2015, Feminist Coalition members lobbied to change the dress code to allow for students to wear spaghetti straps to school, and the code was changed according to their request. Senior Gracie Kaul said, “[The dress code change] was a big step.” Despite this change, according to 20 students, teachers haven’t stopped from telling students not to wear spaghetti straps, and students feel the enforcement of the dress code is unfair. “I’ve been dress coded for a tank top because apparently my shoulders are distracting, Artwork by Trinity Madison which I think
December 2017
Do students feel athletes should be able to take off shirts during sports practice? 6.67 % (4)
93.3 % (56)
is sending a bad message to girls saying that their bodies are distracting, and they need to cover up,” sophomore Cecilia Eldridge said about an experience after the dress code change, which allows students to wear such a top. The dress code for sports is the same as the dress code for the standard school day with the exception of swimmers, who to perform as well as possible can’t follow the standard dress code. According to Collins, athletes who are hot have no reason to take off their shirts but should get better shirts for the weather. Ninety-three percent of 60 student respondents told the ECHO athletes should be able to take off their shirts during sports practice. Thirty-two students have witnessed or participated in a double standard of the enforcement of this rule: the rule being enforced more often on female athletes or on both sexes only after female athletes have taken off their shirts during practice. This has been observed in track, cheerleading, field hockey, basketball and soccer. “I want to ensure that equal opportunities are available for all students. I had a chance to talk with all sophomore and junior students, and one topic brought up was sexism at WGHS. A few students mentioned a concern, and five-to-six
gnize sexism at WGHS Do students believe teachers and the dress code limit student expression?
How often have students heard name-calling such as “sl**” or “wh***” used towards female students at school? 11.8 % (13)
30.5 % (18) 69.5 % (41)
students mentioned sports in particular. Almost all students suggested more consistency in enforcement of the rules, like how some boys are allowed to go shirtless during practice, while girls are told not to wear sports bras,” Clark said regarding the discussion he had with students about sexism at the high school. Male dominated classes are also a worry of some students, who feel the female students’ voices are heard less often compared to male students. “I will say an answer. Then another girl would say an answer, and then no one really pays attention to it. Then a boy would say the same answer, and everybody is like, ‘Oh, yeah, yeah, that’s it,’” Kaul said about male dominated classes. Spatola said male dominated classes stay male dominated because students shame female students into not taking the classes despite their interests. Spatola said this is caused by “gender stereotypes.” At WGHS, sexism is an occurrence that females experience walking through the halls of the school. An ECHO poll asked, “How often have you heard name-calling such as “sl**” or “wh***” used towards girls at school?” Forty-eight students responded that they heard name-calling sometimes at school, and 19 respondents said they heard name-
27.3 % (30)
17.3 % (19)
43.6 % (48)
calling used towards females daily. Senior Kelly Gleeson said she hears girls get catcalled in the hallway daily, and she herself has been cat-called in front of a teacher who “did nothing and acted like they didn’t hear it happen.” Senior Claudia LeSage has been a part of WGHS A Cappella for all of her high school career and has witnessed the all female group A-Ladies be overshadowed by the male group A-Men. LeSage said this is in part due to how long each group has been around. A-Men has been around longer than A-Ladies. Although the school is aware that both groups exist, recent mistakes have been made when the groups are mentioned on the announcements, online and even the elementary school tour. To combat these mistakes, LeSage has taken action like commenting on and correcting an incorrect Facebook post, and emailing WGHS staff. LeSage said, “Things have gotten better over time,” but she plans to “continue to promote the fact that A-Ladies is just as important as A-Men. Both groups have equal talent and passion for singing a cappella. Our hard work should be acknowledged too. A-Men has done a good job with making us (A-Ladies) feel equally as important as them.”
Student shares harassment story Sexual impropriety can happen to anyone anywhere. It can take many forms from a simple catcall to something more extreme like this: “I was at my friend’s house, and there were like six other people there, and we were sitting on the couch playing a hockey video game on his Xbox, and then the guy comes down, and he has the leash and collar of the ownerof-the-house’s dog. Someone pinned me down, and the guy put a collar on my neck and called me, ‘his b****,’ and I’m not that strong, and this guy was on top of me pinning me down, so I couldn’t do anything about it. “No one was really doing anything about it because they thought it was a joke, but I found it offensive. I did not think it was a joke because they do this a lot; they make it known they do not like feminists, they make fun of me for being a feminist, and they say stuff to me to make me feel bad about being a feminist. “They think that they’re entitled, that every girl wants them and even if they (the girls) don’t act like it, they want it secretly down inside. They (the boys) think that they’re hot s***, and they think girls think, ‘Oh they’re hot; let me f*** you!’ when they’re (the boys) actually gross and ugly.”
Safe School Hotline Text or call 314-329-SAFE (7233)
December 2017
ECHO Feature 10 Seasonal lights bestow holiday happiness
Photo by Riley Mullgardt
At the end of Tilles Park’s “Winter Wonderland,” the famous last line of the poem “T’was the Night Before Christmas” lights the way to the exit.
Riley Mullgardt Print Editor As the holiday season gets closer, St. Louis starts to get a bit brighter. The lights show everything from traditional Christmas scenes and the 12 Days of Christmas, to Frosty the Snowman and Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. While there are other events showing lights, two stand out from the others. The Garden Glow: At the St. Louis Botanical Gardens, the annual “Garden Glow” has begun. Starting Nov. 17, and ending on New Year’s Day (not including Christmas Eve and Christmas Day). It is open from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. and the pricing for the glow varies on the day attended. The garden has so many lights it lights up the sky. There are also fire pits at almost every corner offering smores and hot cocoa to be purchased. Carolers stand around and sing Christmas songs to entertain those eating the smores or drinking the hot chocolate. There are paths to get around the gardens, and cut throughs that lead to the exit if the attraction is too long. On “Regular Admissions” nights, adult prices are $18 for the public and $14 for members. For children ages three to 12, the public must pay $10, and members must pay $6. On “Merry and Bright Bargain Nights” adults pay $16 for public and $12 for members. Children pay $10 for public and $6 for members. “Family Night’s” costs are $16 for public adults, $12 for adult members and $3 for all children; member or not. Winter Wonderland: In addition to the “Garden Glow,” the Tilles Park’s “Winter Wonderland” is starting! These lights have been a tradition since 1985. Those interested can walk, drive or ride in a carriage.
December 2017
“I love going and seeing the [Winter Wonderland] lights every year. It really makes me get into the holiday spirit after a stressful week or so of finals. They’re stunning and just really fun,” senior Caroline Mund said. Cars and carriages are from Sunday through Friday 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., and carriages only on Saturdays from 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. The walk, however, has already passed. This attraction is not open on Christmas Eve or New Year’s Eve. Carriages must be reserved in advance and the pricing depends on the amount of people that are attending. A “Sweetheart Carriage,” two people, costs $55, a “Snowflake Carriage,” six people, costs $80, a “Candy Cane Carriage,” nine people, costs $120, and “Santa’s Sleigh,” up to 24 people, costs $12 a person. The car pricing is based on the size of the vehicle or the number of people in a carriage. A “family vehicle” cost $10, a limousine cost $20, a commercial transport van cost $40, and a tour bus cost $90. To reserve a carriage, go to, call MetroTix at 314-534-1111 or go to the Fox Theater box office.
Upcoming Events: Special Schedule-Dec. 14 First hour final-Dec. 15 Second and third hour final-Dec. 18 Fourth and fifth hour final-Dec. 19 Sixth and seventh hour final-Dec. 20 Half Day-Dec. 18-20 Winter Break-Dec. 21-Jan. 3 School Resumes-Jan. 4 Grades due-Jan. 4
11 Popular mall Santas share experiences
Josie Krueger Entertainment Editor One of the most memorable characteristics of a mall in December is the bearded character in red, who comes around each year to sit in his red velvet chair and listen to countless children’s wishes. His presence is so regular in December people don’t often think about the impact these Santa Clauses have. For some children, visiting Santa is the highlight of their whole year, and for others, Santa is the only person they confide in about their true wishes for the season. It’s hard to tell if the mall Santa life is a truly jolly one without knowing one of them, so here’s a look. An inside view is offered from Santa Claus located in Crestwood. This year Claus was at Spectrum Eyeglass Repair in Watson Plaza, previously having been the returning Santa at the Crestwood Mall before its closure. Claus said, “Well, (my family) drove to Alaska in 1999, and I didn’t shave while we were gone… Then I said, ‘Maybe I’ll just keep this and try being a Santa.’ So that’s how it started.” This began his 19 years and counting of being Saint Nick, during which Crestwood Santa has had many experiences such as arriving to the mall in a helicopter and being visited by reindeer. Crestwood Santa said, “The kids are great... Of course, some
of the little ones cry, but mostly everything is pleasant. It’s a good experience.” Outside of his role as Santa, he has two children and five grandchildren of his own, the youngest grandchild being 21 years old. They visited him when they were younger to sit on his lap and tell him what they wanted for Christmas, and some of them still visit him every year. Another Santa Claus has worked at West County Mall for three years so far. He was introduced to the position by suggestion of a fellow Santa while pursuing a different job. He took the opportunity and loves it to this day. The best part of his job is “the people. I do have to say that the children are generally much better than their parents.” His memorable experiences include “the people who show up every year; you get to know them. (West County has) groups that do a yearly themed photo, such as a group in here earlier that was doing an eclipse photo,” Claus said. Admittedly, there are parts of being a mall Santa that Claus does not enjoy. His least favorite includes “People running onto the set screaming, ‘Santa! I know him!’ I hate that movie (‘Elf’)... One of them jumped on me… (He) was a full grown little fella.” Overall, being a Santa can be hectic at times with crying children and ‘Elf’ reenactments gone awry, but the good experiences and children’s smiling faces outweigh any negative parts.
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December 2017
Frazier from the Field
Women’s swim dives into new State changes Greg Frazier Sports Columnist Womens’ swim will be top 20 at State this year. “I think we’re going to show how good we are and surprise everyone,” senior swimmer Isi Albers said. The five dominant swimmers on the team are seniors Katherine Kempf, Caroline Kinstler and Albers, accompanied by junior Kendra Howard and sophomore Parker Hagemann. Each one of these five swimmers competed at State last year in eight events. Hagemann was the third ranked freshman in the 200-yard freestyle with a time of 1:57.73 and the 100-yard backstroke with a time of 1:01.76. Hagemann placed 28 out of 46 in the backstroke. Howard became the second ranked sophomore in the 100-yard freestyle and swam a 54.7. She was also the fourth ranked sophomore in the 200-yard IM (an IM is a butterfly stroke, backstroke, breaststroke and freestyle in one race) with a time of 2:10.94. Kempf placed 23 out of 35 in the 50-yard freestyle with a time of 25.23. During the 200-yard medley, the team secured a time of 2:00.20. Three of the swimmers on the relay are now seniors and Haley O’Brien has graduated. The 400-yard freestyle relay had a swimmer from each class on it: O’Brien, Kempf, Howard and Hagemann. They were able to swim 5.24 seconds faster than their seeded time of 3:46.75 (a seeded time is the times competing swimmers submit to swim at a meet).The 200-yard freestyle was Webster’s strongest event where Albers, Kempf, Howard and Hagemann placed 10 out of 42. Hagemann said, “We’re staying positive and encouraging ev-
Photo by Greg Frazier
Swimmers dive into Webster University pool at the start of a race against Parkway North on Dec. 5.
eryone. We’re hoping to compete well, and I think we will do well.” This year State is being separated into two different categories for events, the automatic time (which has been the normal timings) and the consideration time. The consideration time is if the automatic standard elicits fewer than 32 swimmers, the consideration qualifiers who have been declared as entries in that event will be used to fill the event to 32 competitors, fastest to slowest. This change elicits more people to go to State to compete. Albers said, “We’re hoping to get as many people to State this year because of this new change.”
Upcoming Meets Dec. 16 Flyer Invitational at Lindbergh HS
Jan. 1 at Kirkwood HS Jan. 10-11 Nancy Brandt Invitational at Rockwood HS Photo by Greg Frazier
Jan. 16 at Pattonville HS
Junior Julia Love takes a breath in her breaststroke interval during the 200m medley. Webster defended against Parkway North and won 102-68 on Dec. 5.
December 2017
Sports 13 Schnettgoecke competes at State, shares experience
Photo by Greg Frazier
Senior Nicolette Schnettgoecke was the only woman from Webster Groves High School to compete at State this year.
Elise Keller News/Opinion Editor Senior Nicolette Schnettgoecke has run cross country since freshman year, and in her senior year she was named November Athlete of the Month and ran in the MSHSAA Cross Country State Championship this year. Schnettgoecke considers her best accomplishment to be, “this year at Sectionals where I made it to State. By myself I was 27th, and (sophomore) Elizabeth Teeter was 31st, so we worked together the whole race. It was a really amazing race, and then I made it to State, so, yeah, it was pretty cool.” In the State Championship, Schnettgoecke placed 142nd and was the only runner from Webster’s Women’s Cross Country team to compete at State. She ran a 5k, about three miles, with a total time of 21:44.16. Elizabeth Teeter, sophomore, ran with Schnettgoecke this year, and the pair became close as running partners and as friends. “It was a really good experience running together. We got to know each other and became really close friends, especially near the last few races. When they got more intense, we worked together to push each other to run faster. We worked as a pair which I think helped us both a lot,” Teeter said.
Schnettgoecke has made many memories in her four years of running with team building experiences, including one eventful camping trip. “It’s really funny, but (my favorite memory was) probably at the camping trip we went on before my junior year. We weren’t experienced at camping, and we tried to boil ice to have water to make mac and cheese. It didn’t work, and we left everything out, and raccoons got to the macaroni and cheese. It was pretty funny,” Schnettgoecke said. About what she’ll miss most, Schnettgoecke said, “Probably all the friends I made. Actually the workouts, which is surprising, but they were just, it’s mentally hard, but then it’s really rewarding in the end.” Overall, Schnettgoecke’s running career has been beneficial to her high school experience and helped her gain life skills. “It’s definitely helped me grow as a leader and helped me make a lot of friends. (It’s) probably just helped me focus better on school because I had something that was mentally challenging athletic-wise and then going home and having to do homework. It just helped a lot with time management and mental strategies, things like that,” Schnettgoecke said. “I think she has a really good work ethic. She works super hard for what she wants to achieve, and she always brings good spirit and determination to whatever she does. She leads the group. She’s our team leader,” Teeter said about what made Schnettgoecke successful. Looking back to the beginning of Schnettgoecke’s time in high school, she almost didn’t choose to run. “I actually decided I wanted to run the night before the first practice,” Schnettgoecke said. To the people wanting to be successful in cross country, Schnettgoecke would say to, “Just go in with a good mental attitude because it’ll take all your willpower and mental strength. Just don’t ever give up because the first couple meets will be rough but then you’ll just keep improving.” Schnettgoecke plans to attend Saint Louis University and hopes to continue running. “SLU is D1, so I don’t think I’ll be running there, but I definitely will try to do an intramural running group or something like that,” Schnettgoecke said.
December 2017
‘Coco’ is heartwarming, but unoriginal
Caroline Fellows Editor-in-Chief
At first glance, viewers will see “Coco” as a beautiful story full of passion, adventure and music. However, when they reflect on it later, they’ll wonder, “Wait, haven’t I seen this before?” “Coco,” Disney’s latest movie, tells of a boy named Miguel (Anthony Gonzalez) who dreams to become a world-renowned musician like his idol, Ernesto de la Cruz (Benjamin Bratt). This dream isn’t easy to accomplish, however, because Miguel’s family has a generations-old ban on music since Miguel’s greatgreat-musician grandfather walked out on the family. Miguel is so passionate about music that he’s willing abandon his family and break and enter the “tomb house” of Ernesto de la Cruz to steal his guitar. This sends him to The Land of the Dead on the night of El Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead), where he becomes a sort of concentrated ghost. Determined to learn the truth behind his family’s ancient music ban and prove his love and talent for music, he sets out on a whirlwind adventure which includes falling into swimming pools while playing the guitar, being thrown hundreds of feet into an underground cave and realizing the bad guy isn’t always the ugly one. While the story is heartwarming, it’s impossible to ignore the stark similarities between “Coco” and “The Book of Life,” which was produced by Reel FX Creative Studios and 20th Cen-
tury Fox in 2014. Although “The Book of Life” is centered around a love story and “Coco” is not, both are very family and music oriented and follow a similar plot of a musician, who goes on adventure through the Land of the Dead on El Dia de los Muertos, wishing to prove himself. There has been controversy over which studio had the idea first. Even though “Book of Life” was released three years before “Coco,” “Coco” was first pitched in 2012, a few months before “Book of Life” started production. Disney also attempted to trademark the phrase “Dia de los Muertos” across multiple platforms to protect its upcoming film and announced predominantly white producers and animators for “Coco” in 2015. “The Book of Life” included Mexican producers and a Mexican director, and people have turned against Disney. Disney had already gotten backlash for “Beauty and the Beast” last March when a minor character was revealed to have an “exclusively gay moment” at the end of the movie. Perhaps surprisingly, “Coco” also reflects “Moana,” which Disney released in November 2016. Both Miguel and Moana feel ostracized from their family because of their passions for what they are forbidden from and set off on dangerous adventures to find out the truth about their ancestors. “Coco” runs for 1 hour and 49 minutes and is rated PG.
Josie’s Journal
How to relieve stress before, during finals Josie Krueger Entertainment Columnist The dreaded four days of final testing is rapidly approaching, disintegrating the mental composure of even the top student. Many freshmen don’t know what to expect, and some seniors feel helpless in finals preparations even after four years of them. Although it may seem impossible to escape this stress, small ways to relax are abundant. Here are some stress relieving essentials for before and during finals week. 1. Take a bath. Warm baths can relieve muscle pain, which helps your body relax. According to Jr Thorpe at, the rise and drop in body temperature during and after a warm bath can help you fall asleep into a deeper slumber than you might have if you just take a quick shower before bed. 2. Make a playlist and have a one-person dance party. What better way to get rid of stress is there than to dance it out? You might be alone, but that just means you don’t have to worry about being judged for your groovy moves, and you get to choose all the music. 3. Cry. Crying is a regular part of many students’ finals week routines, most of the time induced by stress itself. The Huffing-
December 2017
ton Post describes crying as actually helping boost your mood and relieve stress, while also clearing out your nasal passages! Don’t be afraid to let the tears fall; just make sure they don’t smudge the ink on your study guides in front of you. 4. Go on a walk. Walks are fantastic for physical and mental health. They can clear your mind and help you focus on your surroundings rather than what’s inside your head. They can also regulate your heart rate which helps balance out stress levels. 5. Make a cup of hot chocolate. This drink contains the embodiment of heaven and gives a boost of sugar to get you through long afternoons and nights of studying, and the rich warmth relaxes you to relieve stress. On the other hand, if you aren’t a fan of liquid happiness, there are alternatives such as apple cider and coffee that are just as wonderful, especially in the frosty weather. 6. Do some yoga. Yoga is a calming exercise proven to reduce stress. If you prefer an option that does not require payment for a class and a yoga mat, there are tons of yoga instructing videos on Youtube, and a towel works is an easy alternative to a mat. 7. Talk to a friend about your stress. Outwardly expressing issues causing you stress can often relieve that stress. Many feel like a weight has been lifted off their shoulders after confiding in a close friend who will listen, and chances are, your friend
Continued on Page 15--Josie’s Journal
Electric Retrospective
Mega Man returns for 30th anniversary Sean Mullins Technology Columnist Mega Man, the super fighting robot and undisputed champion of classic platforming games, is set to make his grand return for his 30th anniversary in “Mega Man 11,” coming late 2018. The Mega Man series has been critically acclaimed since its start on the NES in 1987. The games focus on Rock, or Mega Man, a robot with a strong sense of justice who fights Dr. Wily and his league of Robot Masters. The series is most known for its excellent gameplay, memorable soundtracks, and beloved spinoff games like Mega Man X, which takes place 100 years after Rock’s adventures. The series has been on hiatus since “Mega Man 10” in 2010, and fans have anxiously awaited Mega Man’s return. Since then, the most fans have received was the Mega Man Legacy Collection series, which brought beloved Mega Man games -and also Mega Man 8- to modern consoles. However, during a 30th anniversary celebration livestream on Dec. 4, publisher Capcom announced “Mega Man 11,” the next entry in the series. In a return to form, Mega Man will face eight Robot Masters whose stages can be played in any order. Mega Man’s series-defining ability, the Variable Weapons System, allows him to copy defeated Robot Masters’ abilities, and each weapon is strong against another Robot Master. While weapons previously changed Mega Man’s armor color, Mega Man’s arms and headgear now change designs as well. One new Robot Master was revealed, whose name during development was Brick Man and will be changed closer to release. After defeating Brick Man, Mega Man can drop brick blocks on enemies in midair. For Storm Eagle-eyed fans, concept artwork of Brick Man’s special weapon was hidden as a teaser in the artwork gallery of “Mega Man Legacy Collection 2.” The developers confirmed that Robot Master weapons will have multiple uses aside from damaging enemies, like a dash attack that propels Mega Man through the air in tough platforming sections. Mega Man’s weapons have often had extra utility in the past, leading to interesting stage interactions. The earliest examples are the Thunder Beam and Super Arm from the original “Mega Man,” which broke large blocks in stages. While previous Mega Man games stick to the 8-bit style from the first six games, “Mega Man 11” features hand-drawn graph-
Photo from Capcom
Mega Man unleashes a Charge Shot, a powerful attack introduced in “Mega Man 4,” in a new construction site level.
ics, and the reveal trailer indicates particle effects and lighting. Mega Man and other returning characters have been redesigned, and while their new designs are faithful to the originals, they appear sleeker and modern. The game’s Japanese title includes the subtitle, “The Gears of Fate,” which implies the game will focus on a new mechanic shown in the trailer. While no further details have been given on how it works, Mega Man uses a special charged shot to destroy enemies that seems to be activated by a gear icon. “Mega Man 11” isn’t the only Mega Man game releasing in 2018. “Mega Man Legacy Collection” and “Mega Man Legacy Collection 2,” which previously released on Xbox One, PS4, and PC, will release on Switch. All eight Mega Man X games will also release on Switch, PS4, XBox One and PC, though it’s unclear if they’ll be released separately or in another collection, like “Mega Man X Collection” from 2006. With a whopping 18 past games becoming available on modern consoles and a new game in the span of a year, Mega Man’s 30th anniversary is set to be fantastic. While new information about “Mega Man 11” is under wraps for the next few months, it’s clear the game is going in an interesting new direction for the series. Needless to say, Mega Man is back and better than ever. Go to the Electric Retrospective blog at for more game reviews and news. New posts release every Tuesday.
Josie’s Journal continued from pg. 14 might have similar feelings of stress, and it always helps to know you’re not alone in what you’re feeling. 8. Last but not least, study for your finals! Studying can often help students remember the information that will be on their finals, leading to a higher likeliness to receive a sufficient grade. Junior Allyson Peters said, “Before finals, I make a list of everything I need to study in each class, with note cards or past worksheets.” She additionally listens to classical music during
finals to reduce her stress. The key to studying for finals is finding the right study tactics for you, personally. Peters studies best by making lists and note cards while listening to classical, but another might study best by learning a song to help them memorize facts, or reciting facts out loud. Different people have different preferences, so find yours to have increased success studying. Good luck!
December 2017
We wish all a blessed Holiday Season! December 2017