WG ECHO November 2017 Issue

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ECHO See pg. 12: ‘Anniversary of longest traditional game’ November 2017 Volume 103 Issue 3 100 Selma Ave st. Louis MO 63119 Photo by ashli wagner WGECHO.org


Table of Contents


Pg. 3 Is vaping really better for your health? Pg. 3 Letter to the Editor Pg. 4 Drama presents first major show in Black Box Pg. 5 Veterans dedicate time to country, students Pg. 5 Milagro wins ChiliFest for 6th time Pg. 6 Seniors reflect on college applications Pg. 7 WGHS hosts students from Stuttgart, Germany Pg. 8-9 Pageant shines light on talents of seniors Pg. 10 Interact Club supports local organizations Pg. 11 Athlete of Month plans to keep swimming Pg. 11 Anthony Brown to attend and play D3 Pg. 12 Longest traditional game sees 110th anniversary Pg. 13 XC runs at State for 9 consecutive years Pg. 14 New DJ criticized following Friendship Pg. 15 Review: Hats off to ‘Super Mario Odyssey’ Pg. 16 Drama presents first major show in Black Box Pg. 16 Willie’s Comic

2017-18 ECHO STAFF


SOME MATERIAL COURTESY OF AMERICAN SOCIETY OF NEWSPAPER EDITORS/MCT CAMPUS HIGH SCHOOL NEWSPAPER SERVICE The ECHO is a monthly publication of the newspaper staff of Webster Groves High School, 100 Selma Avenue, Webster Groves, MO. To contact staff members, call 314-963-6400 ex. 11157 or write to wgecho@wgmail.org. Unsigned editorials are the opinion of a majority of staff members; signed articles are the opinion of the writer. Letters to the editor of 300 words or less are welcome; submit letters by the 10th of the month to wgecho@wgmail.org, or room 155. All letters must be signed, although the name may be withheld from publication if requested. The ECHO has the right to edit letters for publication as long as intent remains unchanged. The ECHO is a member of SSP, Quill and Scroll, MJEA, JEA, MIPA, NSPA and CSPA.

November 2017

The ECHO FAMILY The ECHO Family helps make the ECHO possible. To become a member of the ECHO Family, please contact wgecho@wgmail.org. Thanks to all of our members!

Melanie Bennett Curtin Family Fellows Family Jean Dugan Meghan Gray Aerin Johnson Phil Wojak Ernie Yilmaz wgecho.org



Ellie’s Expression


Is vaping really better for your health? people, especially for teens. The Food and Drug Administration didn’t start regulating e-cigarettes until 2016. The finalized rule included banning their sale to minors, both in person and online. The ban went into effect in August 2016, but individuals under 18 are still vaping, and the numbers are growing. A new study said 40 percent of e-cigarette users 18 to 24 years old had never been cigarette smokers. Between 2011 and 2015, e-cigarette use increased from 1.5 percent in 2011 to 16 percent in 2015 among high school students and 0.6 percent to 5.3 percent among middle schoolers. In total, about three million middle and Photo by Travis Long/Raleigh News & Observer/TNS high school students were current users of ecigarettes in 2015. A study released on Wednesday, Sept. 14, 2016, indicates an increasing posE-cigarette companies make the practice sibility that vaping may aid in helping smokers kick the habit. seem safe, which is just not true. Nicotine is a cardiovascular stimulant, Eleanor Marshall meaning it can weaken people’s hearts. It obviously harms the Opinion Columnist respiratory system, and there’s some evidence that e-cigarettes can have a negative effect on blood vessels and may increase In honor of Lung Cancer Awareness Month, it’s time to tackle people’s heart attack risk in that way, a difficult topic: vaping. However, the main problem with nicotine is the effect it has on In theory e-cigarettes are a great idea. They were created a young person’s brain. to help smokers quit, and they don’t have any tobacco (which According to Regina Boyle Wheeler of WebMD, “(Nicotine causes cancer). Of course, they still contain nicotine and other can) harm the developing brains of kids and could affect memory chemicals, but vaping is supposed to be better for someone than and attention.” smoking. Teenagers are more at risk for long-lasting effects of exposing “There is no question that a puff on an e-cigarette is less dan- their developing brains to nicotine. These risks include nicotine gerous than a puff on a conventional cigarette,” professor of addiction, mood disorders and permanent lowering of impulse medicine and director of the Center for Tobacco Control Re- control. Nicotine also changes the way synapses are formed, search and Education at the University of California, San Fran- which can harm the parts of the brain that control attention and cisco Stanton Glantz said. learning. That, however is not the issue. The issue is the increased numThis is obviously dangerous. If someone decides to vape, he or ber of teens who vape without realizing the dangers. Vaping may she must realize the consequences of putting chemicals in one’s be safer than smoking, but the nicotine in vape is not good for body.

Letter to the Editor

Educator shares views on Pledge, Anthem

Dear ECHO staff, As a frequent substitute teacher at WGHS, I’ve seen an increasing number of students choosing to stay seated during the second period Pledge of Allegiance. Especially since Colin Kaepernick first took a knee at an NFL game over a year ago. I’ve often wanted to say something after seeing this and hope the ECHO will give me that opportunity. When I travel and am at an event where their national anthem is played, I stand along with them. When I’m in a church of a different faith and they kneel to pray, I kneel along with them.


Not because I share their beliefs but out of respect for their rituals and traditions. Likewise, it is because of my respect for fellow citizens that I choose to stand for The Pledge. No one needs to know what is inside my head or in my heart during these public displays, that knowledge is mine alone. But in all these cases I do want my hosts to know that I respect them. So why do you stand, sit, or kneel? I’m sure the ECHO would like to share your opinions. Ron Zager

November 2017

Opinion ECHO 4 Writers present two views on lunch Evelyn Trampe Business/Ads Manager


Currently only seniors are allowed to leave campus for lunch, but it hasn’t always been this way. “When I first came here, everyone was allowed to leave campus; that was back in the 1990s,” assistant principal John Raimondo said. The open campus policy ended because “of kids coming back late for classes,” Raimondo said. “A lot [of students] were responsible, but there was a significant amount that were coming back late, which was a concern. In addition, some students were getting in trouble from restaurant owners who say they were experiencing some issues, so at some point we discussed it and decided [off campus lunch] would be a senior privilege.” However, the off campus policy is not enforced; every day, freshmen, sophomores and juniors leave campus with not so much as a bat of an eye. The student handbook states, “In order to exit the campus, the senior must present his/her student ID,” however, many students have indicated they’ve never had to present their IDs. “I leave to eat off campus everyday, and I’ve never once been asked to show my student ID,” a junior girl said. A few consequences supposedly come with breaking the closed campus rules: “Underclassmen who choose to leave campus for lunch will be: First Offense = assigned to a 2.5 hour detention. Second Offense and all subsequent offenses = assigned a 2.5-hour detention or in-school or out-of-school suspension,” according to the student handbook. If the lunch closed-campus policy is not being enforced, it is pretty clear that is because it is not a big concern. It is not a big concern because there haven’t been any bigenough problems to warrant concern. Since the closed-campus policy was first put in place, non-seniors found a way off campus and will continue to do so long as the policy is in place, which is why there is no point to the closed campus policy. One of the initial reasons the closed campus policy began was because students were coming back late to campus, but students only have 30 minutes to eat lunch. That’s 30 minutes for a student to walk to his car, drive to a restaurant, order, wait for his order, eat, drive back to campus and walk to class, a process which most companies give their employees an hour to do. In the past, when there was an open campus policy, and students were coming back late for classes, the problem doesn’t seem to be a result of irresponsibility, but rather time. If students were allowed a longer lunch, then the number of students running late to class would decrease. Students other than seniors will continue to leave campus, and rather than create rules that won’t be followed, accommodations and new rules should be created to better fit the situation. So long as students are responsible about leaving campus, there should be no problem with an open-campus lunch policy.

November 2017

Photo by Evelyn Trampe

Students leave and return to campus for lunch.

Ashli Wagner Video Editor

Seniors only

Seniors have spent the last three years going to pep rallies, taking finals and watching previous seniors leave campus to get lunch while the other classes sit in the cafeteria or courtyard. Now it’s their turn. Webster Groves High School used to have open campus lunch allowing all students to go get lunch but starting the class of 1995-96, only seniors were allowed off campus. The board of education was worried about students getting hurt or doing something wrong during the lunch period and wanted to close campus lunch for everyone. Alumni administrator Pat Voss, who was principal at the time, got a group of students who gave a presentation to the board which ended with a compromise of allowing only seniors to go off campus. “We don’t do enough to help seniors experience that independence because you’re (seniors) going to experience it the year you leave us,” Voss said about whether she thinks other classes should be able to go out for lunch. Principal Dr. Jon Clark considers being allowed to go off campus as a “perk” for seniors. The board of education still hasn’t changed its opinion about the closed campus lunch. “ I hear pressure all the time to close campus, but I think it’s something I owe to seniors,” Clark said about how others don’t think seniors should be allowed out at all. Clark has received pressure from other schools and attorneys that Webster Groves High should have a closed campus lunch due to security reasons.





Veterans dedicate time to country, students

Natalie Johnson Social Media Manager Dozens of military men and women come to WGHS in honor of Veterans Day each year. During first hour, an assembly introduces the day and its significance, and focuses on one particular element of military life. This year the focus of the day was honoring military families. Veterans are assigned to social studies rooms and speak to classes about their experiences in the military throughout the day. Some show Powerpoints or memorabilia like photographs and honors. Students are invited to ask questions. Pat Voss, alumni office director, encourages students to engage with the veterans in order to take advantage of having “living history,” as Voss described the veterans, within reach during the day. Social Studies teacher Terry Verstraete said the veterans “gives the kids an idea of the different walks of life they come from and they’re experience in the military.” Verstraete tries to put service people from different eras in the same room so students can hear a diverse range of experiences. Marvin Stewart, Air Force, said he “really hesitated to sit among men who have actually done something in service.” Stewart said he spent his time in the Air Force doing a lot of traveling and never saw combat. Stewart’s job was to guard the

aircraft and its perimeter. Despite not participating in combat, Stewart experienced a camaraderie among his fellow military men and enjoyed hearing their experiences as well as sharing his own. Don Lueders, who graduated from WGHS 50 years ago, served in a medical platoon. He said he was happy to be back at the school. At just 22 years old, Lueders worked in a major deployable general hospital that involved the open field and was entrusted with the lives of 1,000 soldiers. Lueders said when in the military one needs to “be able to adapt.” Stewart added, “The military never seems to give someone something they can’t handle,” and Lueders agreed. Lueders said what students can take from the veterans’ messages is to “be able to recognize there are bumps in the road” and understand the sense of responsibility the students have for the future of the United States. Richard Kirschman, father of social studies teacher Nicholas Kirschman, flew planes in the Air Force and spent three months in Vietnam. Kirschman volunteers at a Veterans Hospital and said the patients loved the idea of veterans coming to WGHS to tell their stories. All three veterans agreed that it is important for students to hear their stories to get a deeper understanding of the sacrifices military men and women make for their country.

Milagro wins ChiliFest for 6th time Cole Schnell Junior Editor

For the 20th time, students, staff, and community members of Webster Groves gathered to fraternize and eat chili. ChiliFest participants chose the best professional chili and amateur chili present. ChiliFest participants were given two slips of paper, one for the best professional and amateur chili vote. These pieces of paper, when matched with the box that read a name of a contestant, had the power to determine the best professional and amateur chilies. The 20th annual Webster’s Best ChiliFest took place on Wednesday, Nov. 22, from 5-7 p.m., proceeding WGHS prep rally and bonfire Winners of the Webster’s Best ChiliFest compete against Kirkwood’s Turkey Day Chili Bowl Cook-Off winners in the Kirkwood-Webster Chili Bowl. For the sixth year, chili fest voters chose Milagro as best professional chili as announced during the halftime of the Turkey Day game. Milagro continued to beat KHS best professional chili in the 2017 Chili Bowl. WGHS FACS won the best ama-


teur chili. Each contesting group prepared 15 gallons of chili to serve. Professional chilies are made by local businesses who come to support the WGHS by competing in the WGHS ChiliFest. The amateur chilies are made by clubs and the WGHS classes. ChiliFest raises funds for WGHS parent club to provide grants and scholarships. This year’s professional contestants were Milagro, Llywelyn’s Pub, Highway 61 Roadhouse and Kitchen, St. Louis Wing Co., Straub’s, Weber’s Front Row and Olive and Oak. Bistro 45 and J. Greene’s Pub participated last year but didn’t return for the 2017 ChiliFest. This year’s amateur contestants were classes of 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021, WGSD Board of Education, WGSD Foundation, and the FACS student team. The professional contestants made their chilis at their restaurants, and the amateur contestants at the high school kitchen the Monday and Tuesday the week of the ChiliFest. Tickets were $10 for adults, $7 for students, and free for children five and under. Tickets were available in advance and at the door. Tickets were available online on the WGHS Parents Club website and at Schnarr’s Hardware.

November 2017




Seniors reflect on college applications Caroline Fellows Editor-in-Chief

High school seniors are a little stressed right now. With Nov. 1, and Nov. 15, deadlines having already passed and Dec. 1, deadline approaching, seniors have been pretty busy for the past few months applying to colleges. According to The American Freshmen report series conducted by the Higher Education Research Institute, 35 percent of first-time freshmen applied to seven or more colleges during the fall 2016 admission season. Senior Keillyn Johnson filled out 10-15 applications and sent information like test scores and the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to five to six colleges. These colleges include Mizzou, Washington University and Missouri S&T, and she also plans to apply to Harvard University and Georgetown. Johnson has had to write multiple essays and knows she will write more as she progresses to more scholarship applications. “I recognize that they (colleges) think that they need to know who I am and that it’s easier for them to decide on who to admit if they don’t just have numbers, but I don’t see how me writing an essay for them is going to tell them anything about me because the quality of my essay is not only due to my own effort, but also how good of teachers I have,” Johnson said. Senior Grace Kaul applied to 11 colleges and said she has

November 2017

Photo by Caroline Fellows

Senior English classes give students assistance with college essay writing.

written about 14 essays, but has reused or slightly modified some of them to pertain to each college. In contrast to Johnson, she believes that some colleges should ask for essays. “They want to see if you’ll put in the effort because I think certain schools want kids that are willing to go that extra mile... I think that asking essays is a good way to distinguish people, because (colleges) are right. If you don’t really want to go there, and if you’re not determined, you’re not going to do the essays,” Kaul said.


Feature ECHO 7 WGHS hosts students from Stuttgart, Germany Elise Keller News/ Opinion Editor Brent Mackey, German teacher, has continued the German American Partnership Program (GAPP) at Webster since 2006. This year, the exchange school is from Stuttgart, the capital city of Baden-Wurtemburg, a state in southwest Germany. The GAPP is a three-week exchange partnership between a school in the United States and a school in Germany. “There are up to 20 students from each school that participate, and we pair them each with a partner from the school in Germany and with our school, and essentially the German students will come and stay with our students and their families for about two and a half to three weeks, and basically they just try to live life as if they were an American teenager,” Mackey said about the program. The German students visited New York City and Chicago and spent most of their time in St. Louis. Delal Yoleri, a student from Stuttgart, found the Halloween parties she went to most memorable. “(I) went to parties, eat many new things that I never eat before, meet many new people, (and went) to school,” Yoleri said about her time here. She enjoyed and was surprised to see the ways people here differed from how she thought they would before her exchange. “I thought that Americans (were) unfriendly, but they are really friendly. Like if you come into a shop they ask you, ‘How are you?’ ‘How’s it going?’ and stuff like this,” Yoleri said. Mackey has also learned some things from the GAPP exchange. “This is the first time with an exchange out near Stuttgart, which is a different area of Germany from our last exchange which was in the Dortmund area, more northern Germany. I’m just learning a little bit about the differences in the culture between mid- to northern-Germany and southern Germany,” Mackey said. Yoleri thought the most fun part about being in America was “to see how the people really are like not just have these (stereotypes); to see how different the people here are.” The other half of the exchange will occur in May and June after school gets out. The same select Webster students will be hosted by the German students. “When we go, we return the exchange. We go back and live with them for three weeks and our students do the same thing. (The Webster students) will go to their schools. They’ll participate in some of (the Germans’) classes, they will present on American culture in Germany and try to live the life of a German high schooler,” Mackey said. Because this year’s exchange is in a different city in Germany, the students will be able to take advantage of some new opportunities. “I like showing the students Germany because I love Germany. We go sledding in the Alps; we spend a couple days in Munich. This year we’re going to take a day trip Paris, which I’m pretty excited about. Mostly I just like showing the students Germany


Photo by Brent Mackey

German students and Webster students in the German American Partnership Program visit the Arch during the exchange.

in general.” Mackey said about what he’s looking forward to. Junior Hope Johnson is also excited to expand her knowledge of Germany. “I am looking forward to immersing myself into the culture of German students because I have been to Germany before, but it is a completely different learning experience when you are actually living with a German family for three weeks,” Johnson said. “I am so thankful for the friendships I have made. I have so many great memories from the past few weeks, and I have gotten friendships that will hopefully last a lifetime,” Johnson said.

Upcoming Events: SAT testing - Dec. 2 Silver Strings’ Sneak Peek of Carnegie Hall - Dec. 5, 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. One Act Festival - Dec. 6, 7:30-9 p.m. Band Small Ensemble Program - Dec. 7, 7-9 p.m. A Cappella Concert - Dec. 8, 7-9 p.m.

November 2017




Pageant shines light on Rosa Parks Feature Editor Josie Krueger Entertainment Editor Twelve contestants - one winner. On Nov. 29, a group of 12 seniors participated in the high school’s annual Mr. Webster competition. Each of them presented a three minute long talent. Here is a look at the contestants from this year’s pageant.

Contestant: Ben Gossow Why should you win Mr. Webster?: “I’ve lived in Webster my entire life, and I think I have learned a lot from the community and the school district. I think I can hopefully show that the personality I’ve developed can be reflective of everything Webster has taught me and the type of person it’s made me, which I believe is hopefully a good one.” Who’s your escort?: Senior Natalie Johnson. What’s your talent?: “Cool yoyo tricks.” What are you involved in?: “Cross country, track and field, jazz band, NHS, marching band.”

November 2017

Contestant: Thomas Putnam Why should you win Mr. Webster?: “I’m dedicated to the school, and I represent my community well.” Who’s your escort?: His “very small” Cousin Zoe, from Illinois What’s your talent?: Setting up a tent blindfolded.

Contestant: Brian O’Loughlin Why should you win Mr. Webster?: “I represent the community well; I’m very talented and funny.” Who’s your escort?: Senior Gillian Connors. What’s your talent?: “Doing golf trick shots.” What are you involved in?: “DECA, Pep Club.”

Contestant: Isaac Collins Why should you win Mr. Webster?: “I don’t know... I’m just gonna do my best. I‘m not really try-harding it.” Who’s your escort?: Senior Alexandra Barrett. What is your talent? : “Singing ‘Feeling Good’ by Michael Buble.”

Contestant: Jack Snelling Why should you win Mr. Webster?: “I should win because I’m really involved, and I’m a cool guy, and lots of people know who I am.” Who’s your escort?: Senior Adele Pohl What’s your talent?: Unavailable What are you involved in?: Jazz band, history club, philosophy club, Symphony Youth Orchestra, Jazz U

Contestant: RJ Wright Why should you win Mr. Webster?: “I didn’t see it as a competition; I just wanted to be in it for college experience and to represent a community.” Who’s your escort?: Senior Tahlia Davis. What’s your talent?: “Poetry.” What are you involved in?: “Basketball, Future Leaders.”




n talents of seniors

Contestant: Yusuf Randolf Why should you win Mr. Webster?: “I feel like I should win to not only inspire people in the black community, but also the LGBTQ community, to not be afraid to do something that they want to do ... I feel like a lot of people, especially in the black community, it would be embarrassing, and I want people to know that it’s okay to be different and express yourself in the ways that you want to.” Who’s your escort?: Senior Caroline Mund What’s your talent?: Dancing to a compilation of Beyonce’s songs. What are you involved in?: Step Team, yearbook

Contestant: Ryan Rusan Why should you win Mr. Webster?: “I don’t think I’ll win; I just think it will be a good experience for me.” Who’s your escort?: “My mom.” What’s your talent: Unavailable. What are you involved in?: “Basketball and football.”


Contestant: Louis Shumate Why should you win Mr. Webster?: “Because, um, I am a man of many attributes. I would describe myself as funny, pretty personable.” Who’s your escort? Junior Kate Christanell What’s your talent?: Unavailable What are you involved in?: “Pep club, NHS, DECA, hockey, lacrosse.”

Contestant: Billy Hollis Why should you win Mr. Webster?: “I’m diverse, and I bring a new and unique talent that not many people have.” Who’s your escort?: Senior Hannah Tolin. What’s your talent?: “Gymnastics, I’ve been doing it since I was four.” What are you involved in?: “Athletic training club, fishing club, lip dub.”


Contestant: Mitchell Lazaroff Why should you win Mr. Webster?: “I feel that I embody what it means to be a student at Webster based on my activities and my involvement with the school.” Who’s your escort?: Senior Julia Ross What’s your talent?: “Beatboxing.” What are you involved in?: “Choir, volleyball, football and a capella.”

Contestant: Will Hayes Why should you win Mr. Webster?: “I don’t know.” Who’s your escort?: Senior Gigi Littleton. What’s your talent?: “All 11 of the talents, except worse.” What are you involved in?: “Marching Band.”

November 2017



ECHO Interact Club supports local organizations

Photo by Greg Heard

Interact Club members make macaroni meals at St. Louis World Food Day high school rally night on Nov. 3, at John Borroughs High School.

Eleanor Marshall Podcast Editor Interact Club is a service club that works on community service projects throughout the year and is sponsored by science teacher Greg Heard. “I enjoy the service component [of Interact Club]. To quote Mahatma Gandi, ‘The best way to find yourself is to loose yourself in the service of others.’ I feel we are at our best when we are helping others,” Heard said. “Secondly I enjoy the friendships fostered within the club,” Heard said. “Our members are kind and selfless. I am blessed to work with such awesome young people,” Heard said. “It was Mr. Heard’s first year my freshman year. At the first meeting there were lots of people, but as the year progressed, there were only four of us who actually came to the meeting and talked, so it became really informal. We couldn’t really do a lot because we couldn’t organize events with four people,” club president senior Caroline Fellows said. “Mr. Heard and I have been in this together since day one. We both had no idea what was going on. The other people graduated or left, so it was just us. We’ve

November 2017

been reaching out with our friends and opportunities through the club with all of through social media to try to get more the projects I’ve done,” Fellows said. people to join the club,” Fellows said. “I’m currently organizing a project Since Fellows’ freshman year, the club called Operation Gratitude. We would has grown from four to about 30. Now write letters to veterans and people servit is able to organize projects throughout ing in the military and send them to them the year. to show our gratitude. I’m trying to get the “We like to have one big service projentire school district involved, so I have to ect per month, but some months we have make a proposal for the administration,” a lot. In October we volunteered at the Fellows said. Rotary Pancake Festival. We bussed “The best opportunity I’ve had through tables and gave out drinks. It was really the club was the summer after my sophofun to interact with the Rotary members more year when I had the chance to apply because they give us donations and just to RYLA Academy, which is the Rotary lots of support, so it was nice to support Youth Leadership Award Academy. It’s them. We also did Hands on Kirkwood in Fulton, Missouri, and it’s a four-day which was on Oct. 7. Members that went leadership academy at William Woods did things like rake people’s yards. We University, so I was with a bunch of peoalso did Make a Difference Day with the ple from all over Missouri. It was really Rotary Club, where we cleaned beneath cool because I was nominated by the club the highway,” Fellows said. to go. When I came back I gave a long The November service project was the presentation to the entire Rotary Club of canned food drive, which ran Nov. 13Webster Groves which was scary but re17. The donations went to the Websterally fun for me,” Fellows said. Rock Hill Ministries. Junior Bella DeArmitt also attend “We do the canned food drive every RYLA Academy in 2017. year,” Fellows said. “We usually sell Ted Drewes in the spring, and that goes to different charities. (Senior) Olivia Korte brought a new idea to the club last year, called World Food Day and (in the past) we have raised money for Mr. (Jon) Petter’s child’s surgery, sold candy grams for Dignity Period, and did a Winter Coat Drive for the Little Bit Foundation,” Fellows said. “I joined because I like helping peowww.websterkirkwoodtimes.com ple in the community and making a difference in others’ Proud to support the independent student lives,” junior Ali journalists at The Echo Kuskowski said. “I’ve had so many





Athlete of Month plans to keep swimming Evelyn Trampe Business/Ads Manager Chris Ball, November Athlete of the Month, has swam four years on Webster’s men’s swim team and began swimming in sixth grade for the Webster Waves swim team. Throughout his high school career, Ball made considerable contributions to men’s swimming. “I qualified for State my junior and senior year in the 100-yard backstroke, 200-medley relay, 200- freestyle relay, and the 400-freestyle relay,” Ball said. For Ball, “Swimming means everything,” and he doesn’t know, “what [he] would be doing without the sport.” About his attitude towards swimming, Ball’s sister, junior Cassidy Ball said, “[Chris is] very dedicated and always works his hardest at practice.” Ball currently holds the school’s 100-yard backstroke record. Swimming may be a huge part of Ball’s identity, but his friends describe him as, “outgoing, funny, and a great friend,” senior Glory Patrick said. “[Chris] definitely brings humor into every situation and doesn’t take himself too seriously,” Patrick said. This humor

was shown by his last Friendship dance experience. Ball had made plans with his friends for his before and after Friendship dance activities, and it wasn’t until the day of the dance when someone reminded him not to forget his ticket, that he realized he didn’t have a Photo by Greg Frazier ticket. Senior Chris Ball dives at the Lindbergh Invitational on Ball was “freaking Oct. 14. out” that he didn’t have a ticket, but his friends were “freakNot wanting there to be any chance of ing out even more,” Patrick said. Ball not getting a ticket to his last FriendWhile on the bus ride home from the ship Dance, the three called him and Gateway Student Council Convention, stayed on the line until Ball was able to seniors Connie Rhodes, Glory Patrick and “buy [his] ticket.” Ashli Wagner frantically did their best to Ball’s high school swimming career and figure out a ticket solution. dance ticket dilemma have more in comThey talked about, “scanning and mak- mon than one might think, they both have ing a new ticket,” or figuring out how to happy endings. “break into the activities office and swipe About what role swimming will have a ticket,” but finally they found a way to in his future, Ball said, “I am planning contact the activities office, who said Ball on swimming in college. I am undecided could buy a ticket if he came to school, where, but I am planning.” “right then.”

Anthony Brown to attend and play for D3 Greg Frazier Sports Editor Senior Anthony Brown will attend Washington University next fall and play for the football team. “I’m excited to go and there’s going to be a lot of learning. I’m going to be pushed academically and Photo by Greg Frazier physically. The football coach there has been coaching for Senior Anthony Brown drags Lafayette player a long time, and we’re going Brain Reid before making an over 50-yard touchto try to get a championship,” down. Webster lost the game 27-25. Brown said. The WGHS football program has been ances honors and AP classes. influential on Brown’s life. Brown is a “If you do your work and do your pracfour-year Varsity football player and bal- tice, there’s no problem,” Brown said.


Brown is the cornerstone of the defensive line on the football team, performing three consecutive tackles during the annual Turkey Day game against Kirkwood on Nov. 23, in a first half drive, stopping the Pioneers and forcing them to punt. Brown also is a threat on the offensive line; he has a total of 183 rushing yards in the regular season. Brown’s most notable game was on Sept. 29, against Lafayette, where he rushed 77 yards and scored one touchdown. Outside of his football accomplishments, Brown received the Senior of the Month title in November. “Football has taught me dedication and that if you want something you have to work hard,” Brown said.

November 2017



ECHO Longest traditional game sees 110th anniversary

Photo by Riley Mullgardt

Following the Wednesday night Pep Rally, students and the community gathered on Plymouth Field in the burning of Kik E. Wood

Finally the bell rang signaling the pep rallies start. The band began playing, the cheerleaders ran out, and students in the crowd screamed the lyrics to Fight Song. Following the fight song, the performances started, beginning with the cheerleaders. “The cheerleaders had been prepping for this for months. It was tough, we had been practicing for 11 hours a week including Sundays, but it was all worth it when we got to show off our hard work,” Junior Danielle Kern said. After the cheerleaders finished, the Step Team started their routine. “It has been very cool to see over time how much step [team] has changed, not only with its reputation at school, but also as a team. The team has grown bigger and bigger and it is always nice to expand in next year’s performance. This year was definitely a performance you didn’t want to miss,” senior Yusuf Randolph said. Senior Line Dance, the “Kirkwood Cheerleaders,” the Turkey Bowl and tug of war finished ending the pep rally. The next night, Chili Fest took place. Milagro Modern Mexican restaurant won the chili cook off and then the pep rally started again followed by the burning of Kirk E. Wood. Like all good things, they must end. The 110 Turkey Game took place at Kirkwood with the final score being 35 to 7, Kirkwood taking the bell.

Riley Mullgardt Print Editor This year marks the 110th anniversary of the Turkey Day tradition. The standings for number of wins is, Kirkwood with 47 wins, Webster with 54 wins and 7 tie games (not including games that the Junior Varsity team played). The Nov. 4, Friendship Dance, held this year at Webster, began the festivities. “Turkey Day week is the best week of the entire school year,” senior Katie Conley said. “I would say the whole student body is in agreement that you don’t want to miss Turkey Day at Webster.” Nov. 13, started spirit week with USA day. Followed by that was Pajama Day, Little Kid Day, Tourist Day and Disney Character Day. Then, kicking off the “best week of the year,” was Tacky Day. Red and white swept the halls as students mocked Kirkwood. In good spirit though, as Tacky Day was happening at Kirkwood too, with students wearing orange and black. “I think Turkey Day is the best thing at Webster. Our [homecoming] is so unique because we share it all with Kirkwood. Turkey Day week is when you really see school spirit at Webster,” senior Kaelin Dooley said. On Tuesday Nov. 21, students bled orange and black, “Thiz Iz Turkey Day (More Than a Game),” by Buzz Da Navigator, played throughout the school’s speakers and thousands of voices talked about the excitement that was about to begin during seventh hour.

November 2017



Frazier from the Field



XC runs at State for 9 consecutive years

Greg Frazier Sports Editor

Cross country season begins as soon as track season ends, running all throughout the end of humid spring, the entirety of the hot Cross country made it to State nine summer and the beginning of the years in a row despite turmoil, hardbrisk fall. ship and performance. The first “unofficial” race of the “The goal was to get to State and season is an infamous “Alumni” run well there; we only achieved one race that pits junior-freshman and a half of that,” head coach Jon against senior-sophomore against Petter said. alumni. The focus of the season was to be JV men competed at Parktop 10 at State; however with only way Central on Aug. 22, for the three notable runners leading VarsiCross Country Classic 3K, which Photo by Greg Frazier ty, sophomore Charlie Teeter, senior marked the “official” race of the Ben Gossow and junior Sam Getz, Cross country head coach Jon Petter and assistant season. Junior runner Jackson spots needed to be filled to meet their head Patrick Bommarito lead the huddle at the Bontty led the Statesmen by comMSHSAA State Cross Country Championship on goal. ing in first with a time of 11:50.56. Petter said, “We needed to work on Nov. 4, to prepare Varsity for their final race of the Petter’s intent is to form a comour back-half racing for races, with season. munity of runners that enjoy runproper tapering.” ning and after high school conThe important Sectional race on Oct. 28, was at Parkway Centinue their running careers; recreationally or at a college level. tral. The Statesmen had a chance to be champions, but they’d Petter said, “We have good young boys with good grades behave to beat SLUH in the process. coming great people, not just good athletes.” Sophomore Parker Bont said, “It was going to be a tight race. A good Varsity is made from a good JV; the majority of the Every spot would count. Nothing was going to be given to us.” team is under 20 minutes in the 5K. Breaking 20 is a feat that SLUH came out on top, but it didn’t prohibit Webster’s ninth many runners stride for. Sophomore Evan Welch was battling consecutive State appearance in Jefferson City. with breaking 20 for almost the entire season until, he raced at Koch Park on Sept. 22 and broke 20 and 19. “That was one of the best moments of the season, seeing Evan brake 20 and 19,” Petter said. As the XC season comes to an end, track and field starts up. Petter said, “We had a great season. We’re preparing and getting ready for next year. We know what to improve and work on.”

Sophomore Charlie Teeter runs ahead of senior Ben Gossow at the Suburban Conference Championship on Oct. 7. Gossow became Webster’s fastest runner with a time of 16:49.07 followed by Teeter’s 16:49.19. Petter had to round out Varsity if he wanted to be top 10 at State. Bont became a prominent runner towards the end of the season. His State performance would compete with Getz’s spot on Varsity in the future. Bont said, “As our team gets closer, our times get faster.” Sophomore Ray Wetzel-Meehan was given the Varsity spot from senior four-year runner Ian Thompson for State. He decided to do the selfless act of giving Thompson his spot back and not running at State.


Photo by Greg Frazier

Senior Ian Thompson leads the pack with junior Sterling Smith and sophomore Evan Schneider at the Forest Park Innovational on Sept. 9.

November 2017



Josie’s Journal


New DJ criticized following Friendship Josie Krueger Entertainment Columnist The November Webster-Kirkwood Friendship Dance was considered a success by some and a flop by others. Most aspects of Friendship are constant every year: the Friendship Court, the alternating Webster/Kirkwood location and the engaging photobooth, but this year STUCO decided to mix it up and hire a new DJ-- Prince Lebari. Lebari Kanee, with the DJing title of Prince Lebari, was proposed to STUCO as the potential DJ for Friendship by Kanee himself; the idea was supported by friends of Kanee and many others around the school. Reflecting on the dance, Kanee said, “I feel like in past years-TKO, they’re not really DJ’s. They play music that is geared towards the white crowd... I’m black, so when I DJ, my music is geared towards the black crowd. I think it’s hard to find someone that can do both...I probably shouldn’t DJ again. I don’t know-whatever the school decides. We need to find a DJ or find a collab or something like that that can fit both crowds. I mean, you can’t please everyone.” Kanee openly received song requests in person or over social

media during the weeks preceding the dance, but when the night of Friendship rolled around, many people did not recall hearing any songs they suggested. Senior Yusuf Randolph said Prince Lebari failed to “diversify the songs. Also when people asked him to play certain songs...he would not listen to them or take their opinion on it.” Others Friendship attendees shared similar opinions. Junior William Colton said, “It wasn’t the greatest music. All the songs sounded the same, and he just added the airhorn noise to every song.” Sophomore Mary Claire Wolk thought there was not enough “variety.” She said, “It was only music that some people listen to, not everyone.” Junior Trinity Madison was discontented with the lack of variety in the songs also. “He played a lot of songs that were popular but (are not) popular now, and he didn’t play any slow songs...Not a lot of people could relate (to the music) which is kind of frustrating,” Madison said. In response to criticism he has been receiving about Friendship, Kanee said, “I did say some stuff on social media that can’t be repeated. You can’t please everyone. You gotta do the best that you can do.”

We wish everyone a blessed holiday season! November 2017




Electric Retrospective


Review: Hats off to ‘Super Mario Odyssey’ Sean Mullins Technology Columnist

For over 30 years, Mario has revolutionized gaming, from his arcade origins in “Donkey Kong” to the groundbreaking “Super Mario 64.” He’s not stopping anytime soon if his newest adventure, “Super Mario Odyssey,” is evident. To save Princess Peach from a forced marriage to Bowser, Mario and his new ally, Cappy, travel across the world to new kingdoms, each of which has something Bowser needs for the wedding. Each kingdom is visually unique, like the comically realistic New Donk City. Mario’s partner, Cappy, possesses his iconic hat, giving him the new Capture ability. Replacing typical power-ups, Mario can throw his hat onto enemies to control them. Mario can possess over 50 different enemies, and while each enemy only has one or two abilities, the levels are brilliantly designed around them. While the abilities stay the same, how the player uses them to solve puzzles constantly changes. Mario has dozens of moves to traverse wide maps. The game can be completed without them, but advanced moves give experienced players a chance to truly explore. With practice, skilled players can do the impossible- and the developers know this, as there are hidden items in seemingly unreachable areas for those willing to find them. For solving puzzles, Mario receives Power Moons, which fuel his hat-shaped spaceship, the Odyssey. Moons are scattered across wide kingdoms, and can be found in different ways, such as platforming challenges, talking to locals and possessing spe-

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Photo from Nintendo

Mario swings his arms from side to side as he dances in Steam Gardens, a greenhouse run by nature-loving robots.

cific enemies. A set number of Moons is needed to travel the next kingdom, but the player can stay behind or return to kingdoms anytime to collect all the Moons at any pace. Hundreds of Moons can be found, but not all are fun to collect. Some Moons are difficult to find without a sharp eye. There’s also a Moon or two in most kingdoms that involve finding a seed, carrying it halfway across the map, then waiting for it to grow. While not required to progress, they slow down the adventure. Mario’s character animation is top-notch, with so much attention to detail that even his nose has its own physics. Outfits and hats can be bought that compliment his goofy animations, some of which are costumes from past Mario games. The new Snapshot mode allows fantastic angles for beautiful screenshots, but combined with his silly outfits and expressions, the right photographer can make pictures into comedy gold. As per usual for the series, the soundtrack is phenomenal. While boss themes are less memorable, area music sounds wonderful and fits each level, many of which explore different musical genres.. Between the drum and bass theme of Steam Gardens, Fossil Falls’ tear-inducing orchestra, or “Jump Up, Super Star,” which took on a life of its own in the game’s trailers, it’s difficult to pick a favorite. “Odyssey” excels in variety. Each area is unique, and thanks to movement options and capture abilities, traversing kingdoms is a blast. The player can go at any pace, collecting as few moons as needed or staying in each kingdom to collect everything. Because of its variety, “Super Mario Odyssey” stands as one of Mario’s greatest adventures yet. “Super Mario Odyssey” is available for $59.99 on Nintendo Switch. Go to the Electric Retrospective blog at https://electricretrospective.wordpress.com. for more game reviews and news. New posts release every Tuesday.

November 2017


ECHO Drama presents first major show in Black Box Entertainment

Sean Mullins Graphics Editor “Crimes of the Heart” was performed by the drama department in the Black Box Theater at 7 p.m. on Nov. 7, 8, 9 and 10. Written by Beth Henley, the Pulitzer Prize winning play focuses on three sisters brought back to their hometown when one of them is on trial. The play revolves around their family drama and personal issues. The play was chosen to spotlight its female writer and leads. Todd Schaefer, drama teacher, said there needs to be more female representation in theater. ”We tend to have an issue on Broadway right now where female writers, stories with female leads, stories based around women, written and directed by women in major theater circles are kind of lacking,” Schaefer said. Much like the recent production of “Never the Sinner,” “Crimes of the Heart” addresses social issues like dysfunctional family life. According to junior Trinity Madison, who played Meg, the department wanted to produce a show that was enjoyable in its own right but also left the audience thinking afterwards. ”Not only was it really controversial and addressed a bunch of stuff for its time, it also addresses a bunch of stuff for our time,” Madison said. “It’s one of those plays that, even though it was

November 2017

written in the 70s, it still hits close to home, which is so beautiful.” This was the first major show performed in the Black Box Theater, which was intended to replace the Little Theater, but Senior Meredith Grimm-Howell, junior this is the first time Grace Engel and junior Trinity Madison it’s been equipped performed in “Crimes of the Heart” in with lighting and the Black Box Theater on Nov. 7, 8, 9 sound. and 10. After “Crimes of the Heart,” the rest of the season will be performed in the Black Box. While the audience only sees what’s on stage, the drama department recognizes the show wouldn’t be possible without people working behind the scenes. Junior Grace Engel, who played the role of Babe, is grateful for everyone who helped make the show what it is. “All of the people who might not be on stage, but who worked on the show, like people who painted the set, all the crew members are so important,” Engel said.


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