1 minute read
by wgs5
This year’s Young Enterprise team, Rags2Bags, aimed to highlight sustainability and recycling as important principles in their business idea, which was to repurpose fabric from old clothing and turn it into bags and other useful items. The team have taken part in a Trade Fair at the Trafford Centre and an online Dragons’ Den. They also successfully negotiated a partnership with a local retailer selling sustainable products and refills, Lentils and Lather, who agreed to sell the team’s bags and who were delighted to work with a local school team.

In March, Rags2Bags attended the Area Showcase event at Manchester High School for Girls where the team were a real credit to Withington. Prior to the event they had to submit a company report and on the day they answered judges questions and delivered a presentation to an audience of pupils, teachers and business advisors. There was stiff competition at the event and, sadly, the team didn’t progress to the next round but we can be very proud of them.

Participation by our students in Young Enterprise is made possible through the support of Mr Hugh Campbell, a trustee of the Pastest Charitable Trust. We are extremely grateful and delighted that the Pastest Charitable Trust has agreed to continue to support the YE Companies programme in this way for a further two years.