Wolmers Girls' June Newsletter

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NEWSLETTER Wolmers Girls' Key Club


Farwells from the Executive Board

Introduction of the New Executive Board

Yearly Review


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Letter from the Editor Messages from the Past Executive Board Year in Review Message from the New Executive Board Take a Break Monthly Recap Covid-19 Precautions

Hey Key clubbers We're back for another year and its bigger and better. I'd firstly like to offer a great thanks to the outgoing exec board. they brought the club through the last stages of online meetings and they must be commended.

As you guys embark upon a new year, plan more activities, participate more, assist your new exec and always represent the WGS KEY CLUB wherever you go!

Letter from the Editor

LETTERS FROM THE PAST EXECUTIVE BOARD For the past year 2021-2022 we've had an exceptional executive board that was nothing less than amazing.

Although some may not be returning, we still love and appreciate the work they put in from the long board meetings to the planning and execution of projects.

Here is what they have to say !


Hey key clubbers! It’s been a pleasure to be able to perform as president for the previous Key Club year! I’ve made so many connections and managed to get so much done despite the circumstances and it really wouldn’t have been possible without all of you guys! As i hand over to your current president i just want you all to know that the club is in good hands, please keep attending, keep caring, keep reaching out and keep making a difference! I better see all of you at DCON next year! Love you guys!


Hey my lovely key clubbers, thank you for giving me the opportunity to be your Vice President. I had so much fun working with u guys and I’ve experienced and learned so many things. Thank you cooperating with your president and I and best as u could, thank for your constant support and enthusiasm towards this club. I am really going to miss my key club family, I have created so many great memories with you guys and I will be forever grateful. I pray the next Vice President learns from my many mistakes and strives to be a better VP. All the best key clubbers Love Vice President Shaniqua Coley


For the past year 2021-2022 we've had an exceptional executive board that was nothing less than amazing.

Although some may not be returning, we still love and appreciate the work they put in from the long board meetings to the planning and execution of projects. Here is what they have to say !

SCERETARY KIRSTEN STUPART As my last newsletter written as secretary of key club for the year 2021-2022, I would like to thank everyone for an amazing, exciting and memorable experience. To the exec body, I would like to thank you all for your continued hard work both in person and online. Making various trips, attending so many meetings form early Sunday morning to midnight on Fridays. You have been the reason my job has been so fulfilling and manageable. Whenever there was so much to do, you never let me do it by myself. To the members of Key Club, from the bottom of my heart I would like to thank you all for such an amazing year. Your continuous support towards events and willingness to help out really made this year worth all the hard work. You have made this another great Key Club year at Wolmers, despite having a pandemic in the way. I hope everyone continues to stay in the best club at this school and continue to show up our key club family that keeps on growing. Finally I would like to pass on a message to your next secretary and vice secretary for the year 2022-2023, Thalia-Jade William and Arianna Williams. I know this job will require a lot for you in the upcoming years, especially with everything being face- to –face. At times it may seem like it is demanding too much from you both, but it will all be worth it. The effort you put towards this club will make it feel like you have formed a family with all the members. They will have your back, so whatever the challenge I know you will be able to make the upcoming year even better that before. I believe in you both and wish you all the best! This is your secretary Kirsten Stupart closing off this year at 3pm.

ASSISTANT SECRETARY KIONI RICHARDS Hi guys I’m Kioni Richards your assistant secretary. It has been an incredibly good year with key club and the school community as well. I’ve learned and experienced a lot and I hope u guys have as well. I’m happy I was able to b apart of this family and I hope we continue to grow as a club. I love every single one of u guys within the club so thank u for being apart of my year. I pray next year will be even better for you guys.


Hey Guys, treasurer here Just want to say a farewell to all our upper six members who will be leaving this year to go off to college or wherever it is life takes them, and a big good luck to you guys and also a temporary farewell to our other members as we await the new school year where we’ll all be back and ready for a new key club year where I will be lucky enough to join you as you Vice President, I look forward to all the IN PERSON fun we will have. Love you guys bye ❤️

LETTERS FROM THE PAST EXECUTIVE BOARD For the past year 2021-2022 we've had an exceptional executive board that was nothing less than amazing.

Although some may not be returning, we still love and appreciate the work they put in from the long board meetings to the planning and execution of projects.

Here is what they have to say !

ASSISTANT GAMES CAPTAIN TSEHAI NAIRNE Hi ladies, I loved being your Assistant Games Captain for the 2021-22 year. The thrill of making the difficult kahoot games and planning and creating of original ideas with Annabel is an experience I will definitely miss. I appreciate your continued participation week after week, especially those weeks we were honestly lazy and just gave you drawasaurus to play. Though sometimes the competitiveness of the lower school girls would break out into arguments, the competition is what most times brought vibes to the games. Bye ladies, wishing you the best next year!


Hey everyone, it has been such as pleasure serving as your Bulletin Editor/Webmaster. I learnt alot, met so many new persons and deepened connections with those i already knew. You guys are really the best of the best and I am honoured to have served on your executive Board.


LETTERS FROM THE NEW EXECUTIVE BOARD As we embark upon a new Key Club year, we welcome new leadership, some old faces, some new ones and new opportunities. As we welcome the new executive board, we look towards a new, inspiring and exceptional year!

Here is what the new board has to say !


Hey guys! Some of you already know me but for those who don't my name is Ramonique Morris. It is my utmost pleasure to be serving as your 2022-2023 President. You guys are such an inspiring, morivational and welll represented club and i am so happy that I get to be apart of that. As we embark upon the new year, i pray wealth in service and an abundance or closeness and togetherness for us. I look forward to serving as your new presi. <33

VICE-PRESIDENT JADA-KARRIE WATSON Hey guys, it’s Jada-Karrie, I’m so beyond excited to serve as your first VP this year. Serving as treasurer for the past 2 years have been really fun and I look forward to all the new things I’m gonna get to do as VP. Key Club has always been a big club with a great group of members and I just know this year isn’t gonna be any different. Looking forward to a year of fun and excitement.

SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT TONI-ANNE DALEY Hey guys, it’s Toni-Anne. I’m so thrilled to serve as your second VP for this year. It is truly a great honor being selected as an exec member. Key Club has always been an admirable club that attracts many members every year. Being a part of this club has truly been fun and impactful and I can’t wait to fulfill my duties as your second VP. I look forward to a year filled with interactive and exciting activities !

LETTERS FROM THE NEW EXECUTIVE BOARD As we embark upon a new Key Club year, we welcome new leadership, some old faces, some new ones and new opportunities. As we welcome the new executive board, we look towards a new, inspiring and exceptional year! Here is what the new board has to say !


Hello! My name is Secretary Thalia-Jade and I am your Secretary elect for the year 2022-2023! I’m beyond honored to not only be apart of Key Club, but to also serve my prestigious club in such a great way. I understand that I have a demanding role ahead that requires me to give of nothing but my very best, however I must say that from interaction with members of the club and the executive body it is a role I look forward to! As secretary it is my responsibility to diligently undertake communication and documentation duties. To simplify, I keep the club’s records in check and keep things help keep things organized. I look forward to a productive and fun-filled time serving our school and community as true Kiwanians. Thank you for recognizing me as someone you can rely on, I will do my very best in this position


Being a treasure doesn't mean having publicity or being popular. In a society where people strive to be well known, people often may find themselves doing things to make their own image look better. Being treasurer, on the other hand, entails not only working hard for oneself, but also working hard for others and assisting Key Club in any way possible. I will do this by budgeting and managing money so that things can actually happen. So that resources can be bought. As a treasure, I will devote my time and energy to assisting this club in achieving its objectives. I'll bring new ideas to my group and attempt to make other people's ideas work. Being a member of Key club will be a fantastic experience for me. As Treasurer, I am confident that I will perform an excellent job, and I look forward to making Key Club even better.

LETTERS FROM THE NEW EXECUTIVE BOARD As we embark upon a new Key Club year, we welcome new leadership, some old faces, some new ones and new opportunities. As we welcome the new executive board, we look towards a new, inspiring and exceptional year!

Here is what the new board has to say !

WEBSMASTER JOHANA STANLEY Hello Key Clubbers, I am thankful for being a part of the exec body 20222023. Moving forward as your Webmaster. I will make sure to keep all of the Wollmer's Girl Key Club's digital platforms up to date and that all posters for inter clubbing, projects etc. will be appealing. And for all the girls that are currently studying for exams I wish you the best<33

Take a break and play

R E V NE EVER I E HAV lost my skipped been house key school to DCON lost my KC badge

faked being sick

went camping

been to a f2f interclubbing

been to a beach cleanup messaged the wrong person

been to ICON

made up an excuse to avoid any type of work

missed my stop on a bus

Screenshot, play and tag us @keyclubwgs on

Monthly Recap Campion College Induction Ceremony

Jamaica College Induction Ceremony Kiwanis of North St.Andrew Child's Month Seminar

Barbados District Convention

ALERT Covid-19 is still majorly present not only in Jamaica but worldwide ! Take the time now to read about the precautions . This won't only help you but will help others !

Sanitize frequently touched areas whether in the home, workplace or school.

Always practice to wear a mask when in the vicinity of others

Always wash hands when possible

Always practice social distancing. Atleast 6feet apart!

If unable to wash hands tthen sanitize frequently


Key Club Pledge I pledge on my honor to uphold the objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school, and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.

Core Values Leadership » Leadership is grounded in humility and service to others. A true leader listens, recognizes, and empowers. Character building » Character is built by everyday acts of kindness, integrity and teamwork to grow stronger relationships and communities. Caring » Compassion for others is a cornerstone of the Key Club experience, inspiring action and service to one’s community. Inclusiveness » We welcome people of all backgrounds and ethnicities to join in serving and making a positive difference in our world.



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