2 minute read
Worst Case Scenario Director: Autumn Palen USA, 2019
A woman recounts the turbulent summer wherein she was diagnosed with stomach cancer, just before meeting the love of her life Zines Heteronormativity Drawings of stick figures in love can tell us so much about unspoken assumptions. This zine defines and questions heteronormativity in pop culture. Landslide Creator: Nina M. Vazquez (USA) Nola and Earri fall in love, a foundation based on false promises and no support Earri soon realizes that this relationship has drained her.
Additional Official Selection (Not Currently Streaming This Weekend)
Free and Beautiful Director: Narges Haghighat Canada, 2020
“Free and Beautiful” is a poetic animated short that illustrates heartbreaking realities in three parts around the subject of violence against
Creator: Karla Cabrera
Mostly News Pandemic Haiku Creator: Laura Anh Williams (USA)
The third in a series of zines that turn news stories into haiku, this zine keeps a chronology of headlines and tweets from January through May 2020, from cruise ships to face masks, from eels to bees.
Read Me Creator: Ricky Araiza (USA)
Read Me is an interrogation of the gendered rhetoric of the body.
SJZ Vol. 5: A QuaranZine Edited by: Laura Anh Williams (USA)
A collection of poems, photography, essays, playlists, and a crossword puzzle created by NMSU Gender & Sexuality students, alumni, faculty, and friends, all while staying home, together.
Sometimes I Lie Creator: Hari Chakyar (India)
As a teen and a young adult, I spent a lot of time feeling guilty and confused. I was too caught up in the conventional ways of gender roles and how I was to behave as a man. Any sign of femininity in a boy would be a subject of ridicule and gossip. I'm 33 now and I'm finally feeling in charge of my sexuality and my fetishes. This comic is a way of normalizing cross-dressing for myself. This is how I tell myself it is okay, that there's no guilt in dressing up.
Things I’ve Borrowed Creator: Sarah DiMichele (USA)
I've never been a person that keeps small objects that spark a memory; movie stubs, knick-knacks, etc. But when I look in my closet, maybe I am that kind of person. I've kept wearable items I've borrowed from people and never returned. We're all guilty of this. But I'd like to believe that I've given these items a new life, and that maybe their original owner might've forgotten about them anyways.
thisfestivalwouldnothavebeenpossible: Wewouldliketothankthefollowingindividuals,withoutwhom ManalHamzeh ofFBAFF. KarinaCalderon M.CatherineJonetandLauraAnhWilliamsaretheCo-Directors CynthiaBejarano KarlaCabrera JuliaSmith PattiWojahn sponsoredbyNMSUGender&SexualityStudies/Interdisciplinary Studies. AmandaAdame RickyAraiza MinervaBaumann AmyLanasa JimMaupin ElisaMontoya TheFeministBorderArtsFilmFestivalPandemicPopUp!is