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out the arguments
how the MSG Sphere is lighting up Las Vegas, but will the minister and Mayor find it right for a site in Stratford?
by Jon Massey
Madison Square Garden Entertainment is set to o cially open its first S Sphere in Las Vegas on September 9 to the strains of a live show. The venue, recently rebranded as The Venetian esort – presumably because its dome is somewhat sunken into the firmament – is the first iteration of an arena type S hopes to build in east ondon.
Coated inside and out with the world’s highest resolution screens it’s capable of pro ecting more or less anything on its exterior and interior. Current Secretary f State for evelling p, ousing and Communities, ichael ove has indicated he may call in the plans following the ondon egacy evelopment Corporation’s decision to approve the planning application – which would see a 1,500 capacity arena built in Stratford. n the one hand, you have the obvious levels of light pollution –the glare from more than a million s shining bright up to 11pm at night, which will doubtless impact those living nearby as well as local wildlife.
It’s also likely to take some business away from The – the world’s most successful venue – as a venue of similar si e and filled with 0 0s tech in a location that’s better connected to public transport than reenwich Peninsula. There’s significant opposition from ewham Council, West am’s P and local residents, although it will be the ayor f ondon and ichael ove who have the final say. ut with videos of the as Vegas venue now hitting the internet, there will also be those thinking that a landmark like this could form part of the crowning glory of Stratford’s regeneration. It would bring obs to ewham, give ondon another world-class entertainment venue and probably drive the kind of tourist numbers to the area that nish apoor’s curly wurly rbit could only dream of. ecision makers and residents should look carefully at the footage of as Vegas as that is the best guide we have. Go to london.msg.com
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Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park Stratford
EVENT | UK Black Pride
Last year’s event drew some 25,000 people to Stratford and 2023’s is expected to be even bigger. This event is looking for volunteers to help run it. Aug 20, noon-8pm, free, ukblackpride.org.uk
Cart And Horses Stratford
GIG | Fury
The West Midlanders bring their special brand of anger back to east London alongside support act Voltstorm who promise ri s and stout drumming. Aug 18, 7pm, £9, cartandhorses.london
Stratford Picturehouse Stratford
FILM | Rye Lane
This debut from breakout director Raine Allen-Miller is a romantic comedy following two 20-somethings as they deal with their nightmare exes. Aug 20, 5pm, £8, picturehouses.com ash back
This is Janos Verebes-Weisz, founding director of Leo Weisz Therapy in Bethnal Green, which is expanding its operation to Canary Wharf to help people with the struggles in their lives leoweisztherapy.co.uk
Scan this code to read Wharf Life’s interview with Janos and to nd out more about psychotherapy want more? @wharfwhispers
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