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Care Providers Conferences 2023 THE ROAD TO SUCCESS
Delivering the latest news, information and products that will enable owners, managers and staff to be at the forefront of delivering care excellence.
Listen to national speakers and experts, network with like minded operators, and enjoy the chance to demonstrate in the exhibition hall with your latest products and technology that are designed to enhance quality in care homes.
York Racecourse YO23 1EX
Wednesday 6th September 2023
Ashford International Hotel TN24 8UX
Tuesday 24th October 2023
Dunston Hall, Norwich NR14 8PQ
Wednesday 25th October 2023
Stands from £550+vat
Price includes lunch and refreshments throughout the day, electric, furniture, Wi-Fi and delegate list. Your company profile, logo and contact details will also be included in the delegate brochure.