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What is a Notary Public?
Whats On! • www.whatsonlangley.ca 11 on Willls and Estate Planning Lilián Cazacu What if i die Without a Will? Most people think that they don’t need a Will because they don’t own much. Others think that the government will get it all. So, are these beliefs correct? Yes and No. First, there are many other reasons to prepare your Will besides transferring your estate – such as appointing Executors, Guardians of your minor kids, and making sure that your estate goes to the right people, but not to the ones that the government decides. Secondly, the government doesn’t “get it all”, but dying “intestate” (without a Will) makes your estate going through Administration process instead of Probate, which is normally costlier and more time consuming. The new Wills, Estates and Succession Act (WESA) that came into effect 2 years ago has changed the structure of the intestate distribution, which is quite different than the previous structure. However, the most questions that might affect your estate could include the following questions: • How my estate will be divided? • Who takes control of your estate when dying without a Will? • Who will pay for the Public Guardian and Trustee to administer your estate? If you have more questions like these, please contact us for a FREE estate planning meeting where you can find all the answers! www.LangleyNotaryPublic.ca 604-375-2679 Call us! Services: • Real EstateTransactions • Wills & Estates • Powers of Attorney • Mortgage Refinancing • Health Care • Contracts and Agreements • Notarizations and • Letters of Invitation for • Authorizations of Minor Our main office is conveniently located in Willowbrook — the commercial “heart” of Langley (next to Costco) We have a 2nd office in Aldergrove, for your convenience! Phone: 604-375-2679 • e-mail: Lilian@LCnotary.ca 20385 64th Avenue Langley, B.C. • www.LCnotary.ca Our PRICES for Buying, Selling or Refinancing (including taxes): Sale = $695 (if there is no Mortgage) OR $795 (with a Mortgage discharge) Purchase = $895 (if there is no Mortgage) OR $1095 (with a Mortgage) Sale + Purchase = $75 OFF discount from our Purchase price Refinance (discharge 1 old Mortgage + Register 1 new Mortgage) = $995 Our PRICES for Estate Planning documents: Wills = $300 (couple) OR $350 (single) Powers of Attorney = $200 (couple) OR $250 (single) Representation Agreements = $200 (couple) OR $250 (single) *If you choose to have a “package” (a combination of all or some of the documents above), additional discounts are applicable. Please call us and ask us about our 1/2 hour FREE Estate Planning meeting! on Willls and Estate Planning Lilián Cazacu What if i die Without a Will? Most people think that they don’t need a Will because they don’t own much. Others think that the government 604-375-2679 Call us! Services: • Real EstateTransactions • Wills & Estates • Powers of Attorney • Mortgage Refinancing • Health Care
Declarations and Representation Agreements Builders Liens, Easements and RestrictiveCovenants • Contracts and Agreements • Notarizations and Authentications of International Documents Statutory Declarations and Affidavits • Letters of Invitation for Foreign Travel • Authorizations of Minor Child Travel Our main office is conveniently located in Willowbrook — the commercial “heart” of Langley (next to Costco) We have a 2nd office in Aldergrove, for your convenience! Phone: 604-375-2679 • e-mail: Lilian@LCnotary.ca 20385 64th Avenue Langley, B.C. • www.LCnotary.ca Our PRICES for Buying, Selling or Refinancing (including taxes): Sale = $695 (if there is no Mortgage) OR $795 (with a Mortgage discharge) Purchase = $895 (if there is no Mortgage) OR $1095 (with a Mortgage) Sale + Purchase = $75 OFF discount from our Purchase price Refinance (discharge 1 old Mortgage + Register 1 new Mortgage) = $995 Our PRICES for Estate Planning documents: Wills = $300 (couple) OR $350 (single) Powers of Attorney = $200 (couple) OR $250 (single) Representation Agreements = $200 (couple) OR $250 (single) *If you choose to have a “package” (a combination of all or some of the documents above), additional discounts are applicable. Please call us and ask us about our 1/2 hour FREE Estate Planning meeting! What is a Notary Public? What can BC Notaries do? The terms “notary public” or “notaries public” are very common. However, sometime even professionals like lawyers, realtors, mortgage brokers, bankers, etc. don’t fully understand what this profession entails and what we do. BC Notaries can provide noncontentious legal services in these main areas of law: Real Estate Transactions (Purchases, Sales, Mortgage Refinancing), Wills & Estates (Wills, Powers of Attorney, Representation Agreements), Various Notarizations (Affidavits, Statutory Declarations, Certified True Copies, etc.) and Contracts. On the Society of Notaries of BC’s website you can find a list of over 30 services that BC Notaries can practice. Despite some opinions (often being promoted even by some professionals) that Notaries are not allowed to provide legal advice, BC Courts have confirmed that BC Notaries can and are obliged to give appropriate legal advice in areas in which they are authorized to practice and to the same standard as solicitors who are members of the Law Society of British Columbia. Moreover, the Legal Profession Act does not give a complete monopoly on the giving of legal advice just to Lawyers and there is an explicit exemption for BC Notaries. www.LangleyNotaryPublic.ca Lilian Cazacu was born in the Republic of Moldova, located in Eastern Europe. There, he received his Law Degree, Master’s in Law, and Ph.D. in Law & Criminology. Lilian is a legal professional who worked in this fi eld for about After he received his law degree, he taught Criminology to undergraduate students, while working on his Master’s and Doctoral studies at the Moldova State University. In 2005, Lilian and his family moved to Canada without speaking any English. Since his 10+ years of legal education were not recognized here in Canada, he went back to school and received a second Master’s degree in Applied Legal Studies at SFU, in order to become a Notary 20 years now. Public.
In 2014, after 12 years of legal education, Lilian started his own Notary practice. Now, LC Notary team consists of 8 people and keeps growing every year. hat if i die Without Most people think that they don’t need a Will because they don’t own much. Others think that the government will get it all. So, are these beliefs First, there are many other reasons to prepare your Will besides transferring your estate – such as appointing Executors, Guardians of your minor kids, and making sure that your estate goes to the right people, but not to the ones that the government Secondly, the government doesn’t “get it all”, but dying “intestate” (without a Will) makes your estate going through Administration process instead of Probate, which is normally costlier and more time consuming. The new Wills, Estates and Succession Act (WESA) that came into effect 2 years ago has changed the structure of the intestate distribution, which is quite different than the previous structure. However, the most questions that might affect your estate could include the • How my estate will be divided? • Who takes control of your estate • Who will pay for the Public Guardian and Trustee to administer If you have more questions like these, please contact us for a FREE estate planning meeting where you can find 604-375-2679 Call us! Services: • Real EstateTransactions • Wills & Estates • Powers of Attorney • Mortgage Refinancing • Health Care
Declarations and Representation Agreements Builders Liens, Easements and RestrictiveCovenants • Contracts and Agreements • Notarizations and Authentications of International Documents Statutory Declarations and Affidavits • Letters of Invitation for Foreign Travel • Authorizations of Minor Child Travel Our main office is conveniently located in Willowbrook — the commercial “heart” of Langley (next to Costco) We have a 2nd office in Aldergrove, for your convenience! Phone: 604-375-2679 • e-mail: Lilian@LCnotary.ca 20385 64th Avenue Langley, B.C. • www.LCnotary.ca Our PRICES for Buying, Selling or Refinancing (including taxes): Sale = $695 (if there is no Mortgage) OR $795 (with a Mortgage discharge) Purchase = $895 (if there is no Mortgage) OR $1095 (with a Mortgage) Sale + Purchase = $75 OFF discount from our Purchase price Refinance (discharge 1 old Mortgage + Register 1 new Mortgage) = $995 Our PRICES for Estate Planning documents: Wills = $300 (couple) OR $350 (single) Powers of Attorney = $200 (couple) OR $250 (single) Representation Agreements = $200 (couple) OR $250 (single) *If you choose to have a “package” (a combination of all or some of the documents above), additional discounts are applicable. Please call us and ask us about our 1/2 hour FREE Estate Planning meeting! 604-375-2679 Call us! Services: • Real EstateTransactions • Wills & Estates • Powers of Attorney • Mortgage Refinancing • Health Care
Declarations and Representation Agreements Builders Liens, Easements and RestrictiveCovenants • Contracts and Agreements • Notarizations and Authentications of (if there is no Mortgage) OR $795 (with a Mortgage discharge) 604-375-2679 Call us! Services: • Real EstateTransactions • Wills & Estates • Powers of Attorney • Mortgage Refinancing • Health Care
Declarations and Representation Agreements Builders Liens, Easements and RestrictiveCovenants • Contracts and Agreements • Notarizations and Authentications of International Documents Statutory Declarations and Affidavits Our PRICES for Buying, Selling or Refinancing (including taxes):
(if there is no Mortgage) OR $795 (with a Mortgage discharge) (if there is no Mortgage) OR $1095 (with a Mortgage) discount from our Purchase price (discharge 1 old Mortgage + Register 1 new Mortgage) = $995 Our main offi ce is conveniently located in Willowbrook — the commercial “heart” of Langley (next to Costco) We have a 2nd offi ce in Aldergrove, for your convenience! Services: • Real EstateTransactions • Wills & Estates • Powers of Attorney • Mortgage Refi nancing • Health Care Declarations and Representation Agreements • Builders Liens, Easements & Restri ctive Covenants • Contracts and Agreements • Notarizations and Authentications of International Documents • Statutory Declarations and Affi davits • L
Foreign T etters of Invitation for ravel • Authorizations of Minor Child Travel Can BC Notaries give legal advice?
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Centra l Fraser Valley WoodcarversMeetings every Wed, Yale Secondary School woodworking room, Abbotsford, 6:30-9pm, during the school year. Come out and join us, beginner or experienced. cfvwoodcarvers.ca or on Facebook.
Langley Newcomers and Friends- We welcome women of all ages who are new to Langley or ladies who want to join us in our varied social activities including morning walks, guest speakers, movies, lunches etc. Make new friends close to home. Felicity 604-427-4009 or langleynewcomers@ gmail.com
Theatre in the Country - Dinner Theatre, Dinner With Friends- Apr 15-25, 2020. Winner of the 2000 Pulitzer Prize. “Donald Margulies writes about relationships with such intelligence and spiky humor that his comedy-drama becomes something quite wonderful. -Time Magazine.” Tickets, theatreinthecountry.com, 604-259-9737. Dinner 6:30pm, Theatre Only 7:30pm. 5708 Glover Rd.
Walnut GroveWilloughby Business Association (WWBA) Networking Eventheld every 3rd Wed
alternating between RBC Branch Willoughby and RBC Branch Walnut Grove. RSVP admin@ wwba.ca. wwba.ca. 5:30- 6:30pm.
Valley Women’s Assoc. Networking Luncheon- every 3rd Wed of the month, 11:30-1:30pm, Langley Golf & Banquet Centre. $30 members, $34 guests, $37 late arrivals. Payment by e-transfer: vwalangtreasurer@ gmail.com, includes guest speaker.
English Conversation Groups- practice and improve your English conversation skills. Learn more about common vocabulary and phrases used at work and in everyday life. Suitable for temporary residents, refugee claimants, and naturalized citizens. Registration/info, successbcsis.com/events, 236-808-2323. Until Mar 24, 2020. City of Langley Library. 10:30- 12:30pm.
Fraser South Rhodo Society- Interested in gardening? 3rd Wed of the month. 7:30-9pm. Langley Mennonite Church Hall, 20997 40th Ave. Monthly Speaker followed by shared desserts and coffee; plant sales and raffl es. Info, Ginny 604 857- 4136 vfearing@fearing. ca Fort Langley Food & Friends Seniors- St. George’s Parish Hall in Fort Langley. All seniors (55+) are welcome to enjoy a lunch, coffee/tea and a guest speaker. 2nd & 4th Wed of the month. 11:30-1pm. RSVP 604- 888-7782 no later than noon the day before the event. Langley Youth Hubresources and support for 12-24 year olds. Medical care, free meals, counselling, life skill building, basic needs support, music, cooking sessions and so much more! Drop by and check us out! 6275 203 St, Langley, 604.546.1130, LangleyYouthHub.com.
Toastmasters Aldergrove- Drop in to practice public speaking, improve your communication and build leadership skills. Meetings every other Mon at Aldergrove Secondary School, aldergroveTM@ hotmail.com, 7275. toastmastersclubs.org
Langley Community Chorus- a nonauditioned mixed chorus of men and women and we are seeking members! All enquires are welcome. We rehearse on Wed evenings at the Langley Community Music School. langleychorus.org, 604- 771-2507.
City of Langley Library- ongoing programs throughout the year: Babytime, Mondays 2-2:30pm. Lego Club, Mondays 4-5:30pm. Storytime, Thursdays, 10:30- 11am, Scrabble® Club Wednesdays, 1:30- 3:30pm. fvrl.ca City Walkway Gallerylocated in the walkway between the Timms Community Centre and the Langley City Library. An exhibit space that features a variety of displays from members of our community. EXHIBITS Winter Scenes- until Mar 16, Animals: Brandon Wolfe- Mar 18 to May 4.
Cultural Connections Gallery- located in City Hall on the fi rstfl oor lobby outside of Corporate Services. MonFri, 8:30-4:30pm. Closed on Statutory Holidays. EXHIBITS Langley Weavers’ and Spinners’ –
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