4 minute read
Getting Rid of Headaches with Dr. Marcy
Do you or someone you love suffer from headaches?
Tension-type headaches are one of the most common forms of headaches, yet they are not well understood. Most people describe having a band of pressure around their head that can last from 30 minutes to a week. Tension headaches can be related to muscles tightening in the back of the neck, and improper alignment of the joints of the spine. Often, a headache is triggered by poor posture habits.
Q. What can I do to help decrease my headaches? A.Dr. Marcy is happy to provide lifestyle tips for optimizing your care outside of your appointments. Try out these tips! Exercise regularly to decrease the impact of stress on your health, and decrease your headaches. Relax your muscles by applying heat to sore muscles in the shoulders. Massage, and a warm bath, will also relieve muscle tension. Correct your posture to keep your muscles from tensing up, and reduce strain on your body. A jutting head, combined with slumped shoulders, can cause fatigue and tension in your neck and upper back. Record when your headaches occur, and what you were doing before they started. Try to recognize the factors that cause, or aggravate, your headaches. Be sure to tell your chiropractor if you’ve noticed any changes in your usual headaches, such as: frequency, duration; intensity; or if your headaches begin to worry you. Q. How Can Chiropractic Help? A. Dr. Marcy can perform a chiropractic assessment to find out if you need help with the following: • Managing your headaches by identifying triggers • Increase range of motion of your neck and shoulders • Decrease muscle tension • Correct your posture
Book your assessment today!
Dr. Marcy has 20 years experience providing chiropractic care with a focus on family wellness. Her patients are all ages, and include women during pregnancy. She uses gentle, safe, and effective techniques that can be done by hand, or instrument. Dr. Marcy is Webster Certified.
To Book...
www.cheamwellnessgroup.com 604-776-2432 Direct billing available and ICBC approved Follow: @drmarcykimpton on Instagram www.drmarcykimpton.com
Ongoing Events
The Knights of Abbotsford Toastmasters- Want to sharpen your public speaking and leadership skills? Gain the confidence to speak up? Every 2nd and 4th Mon of each month. 7-9pm. To receive the Zoom meeting link RSVP: Céline & Michael, 604-7512979, ahodekonc@hotmail.com
BNI Thrive Abbotsford – Meeting online Thursday mornings, 7am to 8:30am To get the invite link email whatsonabbotsford@gmail.com Grow your business with BNI.
Soroptimist International Abbotsford-Mission- Monthly club meeting, 2nd Wed every month. Due to COVID-19 our meetings are virtual, if you wish to participate please contact us 604-613-2334 or email siabbotsford.mission@ soroptimist.net. Women helping women & girls to be their best.
Toast of the City Toastmasters- Come hear interesting speeches along with supportive and helpful feedback during a fun and informative meeting. Everyone will learn something! We will be meeting online until further notice, 12:00-1pm every Wednesday. Guests Are Always Welcome! Join Zoom Meeting, https://us02web. zoom.us/j/83755003863, Dial option for audio: 778 907 2071 Canada, Meeting ID: 837 5500 3863 .
Connect Now Business Networking- Connect Now Business Networking- 9 meetings per month to choose from. 11:30am-1pm. Make connections, expand your community, and grow your business! Join us and meet other professionals and discover new business opportunities. Connect Now is the place to get connected, learn, and collaborate! fb.com/ connectnowcommunity Fraser Valley Messengers of Hope Motorcycle Ministry- (a chapter of the Christian Motorcyclists Association) invites you to come ride with us. Each Tues at Tim Horton’s on 2255 Sumas Way in Abbotsford, by Costco at 6:45pm. Ride leaves at 7pm. All welcome. For more information contact https://www.facebook. com/MOH.Abbotsford or Bernie 604-799-2061.
We’ve Got You Covered Fundraiser- Soroptimist International AbbotsfordMission are making and selling contour face masks for $10 each. Men’s and ladies’ fabrics. Proceeds go towards our many programs including our Live Your Dream Awards. Check out our Facebook page or email siabbotsford.mission@ soroptimist.net. Women helping women & girls to be their best.
The Abbotsford Stroke Recovery Program After Stroke March of Dimes afterstroke.marchofdimes.ca
Abbotsford Stroke Recovery Group will meet virtually every Thursday, 12:30-3pm. Join us for Cognitive Activities, exercise and a bit of fun! Call 604-3166718 or leave an email message here to join. We would love to have you! We also have free provincewide Stroke Recovery programs: Every Tuesday and Thursday morning at 9:00, join us for free seated exercise classes. Every Wednesday and Friday afternoon from 1:00-3:30, join us for lively discussion, Cognitive Activities & Exercise. To join you must pre-register (just once). We will get back to you ASAP with a link to the meeting and a password. For caregivers: After Stroke - March of Dimes also offers virtual support groups, cafés, and webinars available to caregivers through this national website. Come together with other caregivers to discuss your needs and share information. For a full list of programs offered by the SRABC please visit: https://strokerecoverybc. ca/virtual-programs/ or email abbystrokerecovery@ gmail.com