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Please check Individual Businesses for their Hours, Pick up or Delivery
Rainbow Chinese Restaurant: 250-590-5038 rainbowchineserestaurant.ca Red Robin: 250-386-4440 www.redrobin.com Restaurante La Tortilla Mexicana: 250-590-1422 Roast : instagram.com/roastvictoria Romeo’s Restaurant Hillside: instagram.com/romeoshillside Royal Spice: instagram.com/royalspiceyyj Ruth & Dean: 250-590-2780 ruthanddean.com Sabhai Thai: sabhai.ca Salt And Pepper Fox: instagram.com/snpfox Saltchuck Pie Company: 250-383-7551 saltchuckpies.com/ Salty’s sh and chips: saltyscraig ower.com Saveur: 250-590-9251 instagram.com/saveurresto Seahorses Cafe: 250-544-1564 www.seahorsescafe.com Sen Zushi Japanese Restaurant : 250-385-4320 www.senzushi.com Shiki Sushi: 250-381-8622 www.shikisushi.ca Shine Café: 250-595-2133 www.shinecafe.ca Shizen Sushi: 250-381-8228 www.shizensushi.ca Singing Bowl Granola: 250-896-3280 www.singingbowlgranola.com Six Mile Pub : 250-478-3121 www.sixmilepub.com Sizzling Tandori: instagram.com/sizzlingtandoor_

Smiths Pub: 250-360-2544 www.smithspub.com Sol Food: 250-381-6629 sol nefoods.com Sookjai Thai Restaurant: 250-383-9945 www.sookjaithai.com Spice Valley: instagram.com/spicevalleyvictoria Stage: 250-388-4222 www.stagewinebar.com Steamship Grill: instagram.com/steamshipgrill Sushi Matsuri: 250-590-8110 www.facebook.com/sushimatsuri8110 Sult Pierogy Bar: 778-265-7858 instagram.com/sultpierogibar Sun Wah Chinese Restaurant: 250-381-8966 Sunnyside Cafe: 250-590-2412 www.sunnysidecafe.ca Sushi Jiro : 778-433-4490 www.sushijiro.ca Tl Cakes: instagram.com/tlcakesvictoria Taj Taste Of India: instagram.com/taj_tasteo ndia Thai Green Elephant: 778-433-7172 thaigreenelephant.com Thai Lemongrass Restaurant : 250-385-3838 www.thailemongrass.ca The Bent Mast: 250-383-6000 The Bikery: 778-533-6968 thebikery.ca The Broken Paddle Co ee House: 250-474-2999 www.brokenpaddle.ca The Chopped Leaf: instagram.com/thechoppedleaf The Cookie Guy: instagram.com/cookieguy_yyj The Crooked Goose Bistro: 250-590-4556 www.crookedgoosebistro.ca The Fat Macaron: instagram.com/thefatmacaron The Hive: 778-432-4483 hiveeatery.ca The Hot And Cold Cafe: 778-433-1007 www.thehotandcoldcafe.com The Lakes Restaurant: 250-658-8989 www.thelakesvictoria.com The Loft Pub : www.loftpubvictoria.com The Mint: 250-386-6468 themintvictoria.com
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The Noodle Box Uptown: instagram.com/noodleboxcanada The Very Good Butchers: instagram.com/theverygoodbutchers The Village Butcher: 250-598-1115 villagebutcher.ca The Village (COOK St.): 250-590-8915 Thunderbird Korean Fried Chicken: 250-384-6090 Tropicalisland Restaurant : 250-477-2538 thetropicalisland.ca Tru es Catering : 250-544-0200 tru escatering.net Tumeric Langford: 250-478-6600 instagram.com/turmeric_langford Urban cup cafe: 250-477-7741 Varsha Indian Kitchen: 250-590-6252 www.varsha.ca Vancouver Isand Brewing : 250-361-0007 vibrewing.com Veneto: instagram.com/venetovictoria Venus Sophia Tea: instagram.com/venussophia Victoria Pie Company: instagram.com/victoriapieco Vij’s Sutra: 778-747-0174 vijssutra.com Wendy’s: menu.wendys.com/en_CA West Coast Wa es: instagram.com/westcoastwa esvic Whistle Bouy: www.whistlebuoybrewing.com/beerdelivery Wind Cries Mary: instagram.com/windcriesmary.vic Wild Fire Bakery: 250-381-3473 wild rebakery.ca Toque Catering: 778-432-2460 www.toquecatering.com Zambri’s: 250-360-1171 www.zambris.ca

Costco Wholesale : www.costco.ca Country Grocers: www.countrygrocer.com Lifstyles Market: lifestylemarkets.com/about Quality Foods: www.qualityfoods.com Market On Millstream: www.themarketstores.com Market On Yates: www.themarketstores.com Oxford Foods: oxfordfoods.net Pepper’s Foods: peppers-foods.com Real Canadian Superstore: www.realcanadiansuperstore.ca Red Barn Market: www.redbarnmarket.ca Save On Foods: www.saveonfoods.com The Old Farm Market: theoldfarmmarket.ca/the-oldfarm-market-victoria-location Thrifty Foods: www.thriftyfoods.com
Village Food Market Sooke: www.villagefoodmarkets.com Western Foods Sooke: www.westernfoods.com Whole Foods Market: www.wholefoodsmarket.com Wholesale Club: www.wholesaleclub.ca

Pharmasave : pharmasave.com Shoppers Drugmart: www1.shoppersdrugmart.ca Guardian And Ida: www.guardian-ida-pharmacies.ca
Munro Books : 250-382-2464 munrobooks.com Russell Books: 250-361-4447 www.russellbooks.com Get Joni: getjoni.com Growlies For Pets: 250-391-4475 growlies.ca/catalog Pets West: 250-744-1779 www.petswest.ca Bellies In Bloom: bellies.ca/pages/increasedservices-for-mamas-at-bellies-in-bloom Doggie Dogster: 306-530-0405 www.facebook.com/doggiedogster Kharma Salon: www.facebook.com/ Kharmasalons/?hc_location=u
Butchart Gardens : 250-652-4422 www.butchartgardens.com
Ardmore Golf Course : 250-656-4621 www.ardmoregolfcourse.com Bear Mountain Golf Course: 250-744-2327 bearmountain.ca/recreation/golf Cedar Hill Golf Course: 250-475-7151 www.saanich.ca Cordova Bay Golf Course: 250-658-4951 www.cordovabaygolf.com DeMamiel Creek Golf Course: 250-642-8000 www.crd.bc.ca/seaparc/facility-booking/demamielcreek-golf-course Highland Paci c Golf Course: 250-478-4653 www.highlandpaci cgolf.com Metchosen Golf & Country Club: www.metchosingolfcourse.com Olympic View Golf Club: 250-474-3673 www.olympicviewgolf.com