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What’s On
DECEMBER 2021 Events
Thursday 30th December
Cinderella Christmas Panto - Spey Valley Cinema, Macdonald Aviemore Resort, 2-4pm. T: 01479 815100. www.macdonaldspeyvalleycinema.co.uk Live Music with Tweed - The Winking Owl, Aviemore. 9.30pm. Maggie Adamson & Friends Concert - Royal British Legion, Grantown on Spey. 8-10pm. Tickets are £12.00 cash only from the Royal British Legion or The Bookmark in Grantown.
Friday 31st December
Christmas Fun - Landmark Forest Adventure Park, Carrbridge. 10am-4pm. T: 01479 841613. www.landmarkpark.co.uk
Festive Mince Pie Specials & Afternoon
Tea Services - Strathspey Steam Railway, Aviemore. T: 01479 810725. www.strathspeyrailway.co.uk
Chapel House Arts November December
Exhibition - Kingussie. 1-5pm. T: 01540 662438. www.fusedandlight.co.uk Hogmanay Party - The Boathouse Restaurant, Loch Insh, Kincraig. 7pm. T: 01540 651394. www.lochinsh.com Hogmanay Gala Dinner - The Boat Country Inn, Boat of Garten. 6pm-1am. T: 01479 831258. www.boathotel.co.uk
Hogmanay Free Outdoor Party -
The Old Bridge, Aviemore. 9pm. www.facebook.com/theoldbridgeinn Hogmanay Street Party - The Square, Grantown on Spey. 10pm-1am. Fireworks - Cairngorm Hotel, Aviemore. 12-12.15am. T: 01479 810233. www.cairngorm.com/whats-on You are in an all year round destination with lots going on. Check out what’s happening each day, for further information and details of new events added please visit:
www.visitcairngorms/whats on
JANUARY 2022 Events
2nd January-11th February
Winter Fun - Landmark Forest Adventure Park, Carrbridge. 10am-4pm. T: 01479 841613. www.landmarkpark.co.uk
7th-9th January
Dannsa Step Dance Weekend - Talla Nan Ros, Kingussie. T: 07780 925663. www.dannsa.com
27th-30th January
The Siberian Husky Club of Great Britain 38th Aviemore Sled Dog Rally 2022 -
Hayfield, Glenmore, Aviemore.
Saturday 1st January
Kingussie Shinty Festival Veteran’s Match -
Market Stance, Kingussie. 1pm. Cinderella Christmas Panto - Spey Valley Cinema, Macdonald Aviemore Resort, 2-4pm. T: 01479 815100. www.macdonaldspeyvalleycinema.co.uk
Sunday 2nd January
The Loch Morlich Running Festival -
Glenmore. 10am-2pm. www.entrycentral.com/festival/2861
Thursday 6th January
Grantown Library Book Group - Grantown on Spey. 10.15-11.15am. T: 01349 781630. Y Play - YMCA, Grantown on Spey. 10am-12pm.
Friday 7th January
Roots Freeskiing film: Braemar Premiere -
Braemar Village Hall. 7-10pm. www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/roots-braemarpremiere-tickets-217472505117
Tuesday 11th January
The Storylands Sessions; Open Mic Nights
hosted by Merryn Glover - Boathouse Restaurant, Loch Insh, Kincraig. 7-10pm. www.badenochstorylands.com/storylandssessions/
Wednesday 12th January
Stick Man Storytime - Grantown Library, Grantown on Spey. 4-5pm. T: 01349 781630.
Thursday 13th January
Y Play - YMCA, Grantown on Spey. 10am-12pm.
Sunday 16th January
Cairngorm Repair Cafe - Boat of Garten Community Hall. 2-5pm. T: 01479 831123. www.boatofgarten.com/boat-hall/ourcommunity Screen Machine: Encanto - Car Park, Newtonmore Grill. 5.30-7.30pm. T: 01315 503734. www.screenmachine.co.uk Screen Machine: No Time to Die - Car Park, Newtonmore Grill. 8-10pm.
Monday 17th January
Screen Machine: Dune - Car Park, Newtonmore Grill. 5-7pm. T: 01315 503734. www.screenmachine.co.uk
Screen Machine: West Side Story -
Car Park, Newtonmore Grill. 8-10pm.
Thursday 20th January
Y Play - YMCA, Grantown on Spey. 10am-12pm.
Tuesday 25th January
Storylands Sessions; Table Tunes Folk
Session with Hamish Napier - Ghillie’s Rest Bar, Duke of Gordon Hotel, Kingussie. 7-11pm. T: 07971 561693.
Thursday 27th January
Y Play - YMCA, Grantown on Spey. 10am-12pm.
Saturday 29th January
Travel through Central Asia & Iran -
Braemar Village Hall. Tickets on door. 7.30pm.
Live Music with Arthur Coates & Alex
Kustorok - Glen Buchat Hall, Strathdon. 7.30pm. T: 01975 641303.