4 minute read
When Your Mind Races at Night When Your Mind Races at Night
Do you ever find yourself lying awake at night, with your mind racing and unable to shut off?
Maybe you're worrying about something that happened during the day, or maybe you're anxious about something that might happen in the future. Whatever the cause, a racing mind can be incredibly frustrating and exhausting. If you're experiencing this, you're not alone. Many people struggle with racing thoughts at night, and it can impact both your mental and physical health. In this blog post, we'll explore some strategies you can use to calm your mind and get a better night's sleep.
Practice Relaxation Techniques
Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga can help you calm your mind and body. These techniques can slow down your breathing and heart rate, which in turn can reduce your feelings of anxiety and stress. You can try incorporating these techniques into your bedtime routine to help you wind down before sleep.
Write Down Your Thoughts
One reason why your mind might be racing at night is because you have too many thoughts swirling around in your head. Writing down your thoughts can help you get them out of your head and onto paper. This can help you process your emotions and make sense of what you're feeling. It can also help you identify any patterns or triggers that might be contributing to your racing thoughts.
Practice Good Sleep Hygiene
Good sleep hygiene means creating a sleep-friendly environment and establishing healthy sleep habits. This includes things like keeping your bedroom cool, dark, and quiet, avoiding caffeine and alcohol before bed, and sticking to a regular sleep schedule. When you create an environment that promotes relaxation and sleep, you may find that your mind is less likely to race at night.
Seek Professional Help
If your racing thoughts are interfering with your daily life and preventing you from getting the sleep you need, it might be time to seek professional help. A counsellor can help you identify the underlying causes of your racing thoughts and provide you with strategies to manage them and get the rest you need.
If you're struggling with racing thoughts at night, know that there are strategies and resources available to help you. By practicing relaxation techniques, writing down your thoughts, practicing good sleep hygiene, and seeking professional help when necessary, you can calm your mind and get the rest you need to feel your best. Remember, a good night's sleep is essential for both your mental and physical health, so don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it.
Michelle Edwards Counselling
(604) 615-0316
Recurring Events
Rise and Shine! (Jun - Aug), 911am, Kilby Historic Site, 215 Kilby Rd, Harrison Mills. Kilby.ca / 604796-9576 / info@kilby.ca
Chess Club, 2 - 4pm, Mission Library, 604-826-6610
Sunday Blues Matinee at the Historic Dewdney Pub, 3pm, Historic Dewdney Pub
Sunday Jam Sessions at The Captain’s Cabin Pub, 4-8pm. Live Jam session. Free entry,19+. No reservations. All genres: blues, rock, country, reggae
Legendary Blues Jam at the Historic Dewdney Pub, 5pm, Historic Dewdney Pub
Boswyk Walk, 9:30 - 10am, Boswyk Seniors Activity Centre. 604-814-2188
Blood Pressure Clinic, 9:3011:30am, Boswyk Seniors Activity Centre. 604-814-2188
Floor Curling,10 - 12pm, Boswyk Seniors Activity Centre. 604-8142188 missionseniors@gmail.com
Intergenerational Quilting, 12 –1pm, Lifetime Learning Centre Register at 604-820-0220 or lifetimelearningcentre.org
Call to Book your Private Parties Today!
Have a fun night out with your girls – includes 20% off for all guests, hostess gift, draws, appies, and refreshments
Canasta, 12:30 - 3pm, Boswyk Seniors Activity Centre. 604-8142188 missionseniors@gmail.com
Piece Makers Quilting, 1:15 – 3pm, Lifetime Learning Centre Register lifetimelearningcentre.org
Monday Night Improv Drop-In, 7pm, Opening Nite Theatre. Info at Ontsimprov@gmail.com
Bingo, 11am - 3pm, Boswyk Seniors Activity Centre. 604-8142188 missionseniors@gmail.com
Bridge,1- 3pm, Boswyk Seniors Activity Centre. 604-814-2188
MCSS Food Centre – Food hampers on Mon & Fri 9am-12pm; Wed 2:30-4:30pm. Patrons can use the hamper once a month. 604-8143333 foodcentre@missionmcss.com
Billiards, 9am – 3pm (Fridays, 9am12pm), Boswyk Seniors Activity Centre. 604-814-2188
Hot Lunch at the Mission Friendship Centre, 12 - 1pm, 604-826-1281
TUESDAYS StrongNation with BEI Fitness, 8:30am, Cedar Valley Church All fitness levels encouraged; come and have some fun. www.beifitness.com
Line Dancing Level 3, 9:1510:45am, Boswyk Seniors Activity Centre. 604-814-2188
Balance and Stretch with BEI Fitness, 9:30am, Cedar Valley Church All fitness levels encouraged; come and have some fun. www.beifitness.com
Carpet Bowling, 9:30 - 11:30am, Boswyk Seniors Activity Centre. 604-814-2188
Wellness Group, 10am - 12pm, Boswyk Seniors Activity Centre. 604-814-2188
Storytime, 10:30 - 11am, Mission Library, 604-826-6610
Cribbage, 11:45am - 2:30pm, Boswyk Seniors Activity Centre. 604-814-2188
Introduction to Spanish (May 9 –Jun 27), 11:30am - 12:30pm, Lifetime Learning Centre Register at lifetimelearningcentre.org
Rotary Club of Mission Mid-Day Luncheon, 11:45am - 1pm, Chartwell Cedarbrooke, 32331 7th Ave. rotarymissionmidday.ca
Creative Crafts, 12:30 – 3pm, Boswyk Seniors Activity Centre. 604-814-2188
Intermediate Spanish (May 9 - Jun
27), 12:45 - 1:45pm, Lifetime Learning Centre Register at lifetimelearningcentre.org or 604820-0220
Chair Yoga ($2 fee per class), 1:15 - 2pm, Boswyk Seniors Activity Centre. 604-814-2188
LEGO Club, 3 - 4:15pm, Mission Library, 604-826-6610
Trivia Tuesdays at HUBco Brewing,6 - 8pm, 33211 N. Railway Ave. hubcobrewing.com
Trivia Night at Mission Springs Brew Pub, 7 - 9pm
Music Bingo at Sisto’s Pub, 7pm, 34555 Vosburgh Ave
Mission Book Club, 6:30 - 7:30pm, Mission Library, 604-826-6610
Mission Toastmasters Meeting, 7:15pm, Cedarbrooke Chateau missiontoastmasters@gmail.com
Holding Hope Mission BC, 7- 9pm, Fraser House, 33063 4th Ave. Downstairs in the front. Lots of Free parking! This is a safe space to share and find support for Anyone with Someone who is struggling with substances. To register or for any questions, email: holdinghopemissionbc@gmail.com