What‘s Up Canada? I am overjoyed to introduce my What’s Up Canada’s life after lockdown! We've come a long way from our days of "influencing" and hosting networking events across our beloved country, and we are thrilled to package up our work/life fun with a seasonal dose of entrepreneurship and lifestyle! Our goal is help bridge the start-up gap I facedwhenmystart-upjourneycommenced.AlthoughIwasclimbingthat corporate ladder, I knew where my passions lay. Business ownership and strategy, for one, please! I was indeed thirsty for whatever resources were available, but let me tell you, the pipeline was as dark and quiet as our Canadianwintersky.Attimes,itfeltasthoughIwaswalkingonatreadmill, and if I stopped to rest… I'd get pushed right back to the very beginning. I didn'tgrasptheimportanceofabalancedlifestyleasIkepttryingtotickoff thatnever-ending"goals"checklist.
As the pandemic paused the world for many, the operations of my companies were no exception my team and my business owner friends weren'ttheonlyonestryingtopivotwiththe"newnormal."
Somanyothersdecidedtojointhe start-upworld!
Incrediblesmallbusinesses,inspiring thoughtleaders,brands,productlines services,podcasts,bloggers,and creatorsboomed,andwe'rehereforit
Withenthusiasm,Iamproudtobring youourmagazine,filledwithBIGdream passion,mindsetandourbeloved country.
"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid."
- Albert Einstein
The average business owner was 57 years old.
We polled 12,000 25 through 40 year old business owners
The prime age for your career to flourish and to mesh with experience/education and life is between the ages of 35 and 54.
Roughly a third of new businesses exit within their first two years, and half exit within their first five years
63% of Business Owners are 40+ years old or older, 30% are between the ages of 30-40 years 7% are between 20-30 years old
The average business owner was 55 years old
The average business owner was 44 years old.
MID 2023
1 out of 3 are considering starting, or has started their own business.
3 out of 5 business owners showcase behind-the-scenes footage of themselves in the workplace and a little less than 1/3 of them also become a personal "influencer" or creator due to this
Behind every stat is a passionate person who works hard, has vision, takes risks, makes mistakes, and strives to make an impact We must continue to support one another and get excited about our flourishing entrepreneurial world
1 2
Lemonberry: Stockport a la Mode.
This charming and warm is the coziest must-have for the autumn season. What's better than the Stockport a true classic?? The Stockport a la Mode. We’re absolutely obsessed with it! Content: 95% Polyester, 5% Wool
The philosoph community. Th favourites, esp
Le Mo Autum Cook
The yellowishautumnal leaf divine add-on
Website: https://lokhia.com
IG: @lokhia.inc
Website: https://www.lemonberry.ca
IG: @lemonberry_ca
Website: https://cutetuques.com IG: @cutetuques
Website: https://thealbionrooms.com IG: @thealbionrooms
Website: https://www.roomescapeottawa.com
IG: @roomescapeottawa
Website: https://lemoulindeprovence.com
IG: @lemoulindeprovencemarket
Asthecrispbreezeandchangingleavessignalthearrivalofthechillier seasons,it'stimetoembraceanourishingandcomfortingdiet.Saygoodbyeto summer 'sbountyandwelcomeanewarrayofflavorsandnutrientstoyour plate.Joinusonajourneythroughtheseason'smostinvigoratingandhealthful ingredients,asweunveilacuratedselectionoffruits,vegetables,spices,and otherculinarydelightsthatwillnotonlykeepyouwarmbutalsofortifyyour bodyagainstthecold.Let'sdiscoverthevibranttapestryofautumnandwinter foodsthatcanelevateyourwell-beingand tantalizeyourtastebuds.
Highinfiberand vitaminC,applescan aiddigestionandboost yourimmunesystem
Pearsprovidedietary fiberandvitaminK, importantforbone health
Richinantioxidants, pomegranateshave beenlinkedtoheart healthandantiinflammatory benefits
Packedwithvitamin C,kiwialsoprovides vitaminKand dietaryfiber
Knownfortheir antioxidants, cranberriescanhelp withurinarytract health.
Thesefruitsareagood sourceofvitaminsA andC,whichare essentialforskinand eyehealth.
Oranges,grapefruits,and lemonsarerichinvitamin C,whichsupports immunefunctionandskin health.
Figsareagood sourceofdietary fiber,potassium,and variousvitaminsand minerals.
Grapescontainantioxidantslike resveratrolandareasourceof naturalsugarsforenergy.
Highinpotassium,bananascan helpregulatebloodpressureand provideenergy.
RichinvitaminA andfiber,sweet potatoessupport visionand digestion.
HighinvitaminC andfiber,this squashisgreatfor immunehealthand digestion.
Thesecruciferous vegetables providevitaminK andarerichin antioxidants.
Asuperfood,kaleis packedwithvitaminsA, C,andK,aswellas calciumand antioxidants.
Highinironand folate,spinachis excellentforblood healthandoverall nutrition
Agoodsourceof vitaminsCandK, broccoliisalso packedwithfiber.
Carrotsareknownfor theirbeta-carotene content,whichis essentialforvision.
Aversatile vegetable, caulifloweris richinvitaminC andfiber.
Cabbageislowin caloriesand providesvitaminsC andK.
Beetsarehighinfiber andcontainnutrients likefolateand manganese.
Thisleafygreenisrichin vitaminsA,K,andC,along withmineralslike magnesium.
Cinnamonisknownfor itsanti-inflammatory andantioxidant properties.
Nutmegisusedinboth sweetandsavorydishes andaddsawarm,nutty flavor.
Cloveshaveastrong flavorandareusedfor theirpotentialantiinflammatoryproperties.
Thisherbaddsflavorand mayhavecognitiveand antioxidantbenefits.
Thymeisanaromaticherb withpotentialantibacterial andanti-inflammatory properties.
Sageisoftenusedin stuffingandmayhave antioxidantproperties.
Garlicisknownforits immune-boosting propertiesandmayhelp reducebloodpressure.
Curcumininturmeric hasstrongantiinflammatoryand antioxidanteffects
Gingerisknownfor itsdigestive benefitsandantinauseaeffects
Oatsarehighinfiber andprovidesustained energyandfullness.
Nutsareasourceof healthyfats,protein,and variousvitaminsand minerals
Chiaandflaxseeds arerichinomega-3 fattyacidsandfiber.
Quinoaisacomplete proteinandagreat sourceoffiber.
Lentilsareagood sourceofplant-based proteinandiron.
Chicken,turkey,andtofu areleansourcesof proteinformuscle health.
Darkchocolatecontains antioxidantsandmayhave heart-healthybenefits.
Greenteaisknownforits potentialmetabolismboostingandantioxidant effects.
Peppermintand chamomileteascanaid digestionandrelaxation
Oliveoilisahealthysource ofmonounsaturatedfats forcookinganddressings.
Theopenroadstretchesoutbeforeyou,thehumoftheengineandthewindinyourhairprovidingthe soundtrack to your adventure. Solo road trips offer a unique opportunity to disconnect from the daily grind, explore the beauty of the world, and discover oneself along the way. Canada, with its vast and diverselandscapes,isaperfectdestinationforsuchtherapeuticjourneys Inthisarticle,we'llexplorethe therapeutic benefits of solo road trips and provide you with a list of cozy places to visit throughout Canada,alongwithaquickpackingchecklistforbothyoursuitcaseandyourcar.
Self-Discovery:Soloroadtripsofferachance for self-reflection and discovery. With no distractions,youhavetimetoponderlife'sbig questions and gain insights into your own thoughtsanddesires.
Stress Relief: Escaping the routine and embracing the freedom of the road can be a powerful stress reliever. The act of driving itselfcanbemeditative,allowingyoutoclear yourmindandfocusonthepresentmoment
Freedom and Independence: On a solo road trip,yousetthepaceanddecidetheitinerary
This freedom allows you to follow your heart andexploreplacesthatresonatewithyou.
Connection with Nature: Canada's breathtaking landscapes, from rugged coastlines to pristine lakes, provide the perfect backdrop for reconnecting with nature. The serene beauty of these places canbetrulytherapeutic
Meeting New People: Solo travelers often find it easier to strike up conversations with locals and fellow travelers These interactions can lead to meaningful connectionsandnewfriendships.
A rugged paradise on Vancouver Island's west coast, Tofino offers worldclass surfing, whale watching, and pristinebeaches.
The iconic lighthouse overlooking the rocky shore is a must-see, and the nearby fishing village is quaint and inviting.
Awildernesslover'sdream,thispark boasts lush forests, serene lakes, andabundantwildlife.
Withitsdarkskies,Jasperisaperfect spot for stargazing, and its stunning landscapes are a treat for nature enthusiasts.
Algonquin Provincial Park, OntarioBanff,Alberta: NestledintheCanadianRockies,Banff offers stunning mountain vistas and the chance to explore Banff National Park's hiking trails and hot springs.
Prince Edward Island: Known for its rolling hills, picturesque coastlines, and charming small towns,PEIisacozygemontheEastCoast.
Quebec City, Quebec: The old-world charm of Quebec City's historic district is a delight. Walk its cobbled streets, enjoy French cuisine, and immerse yourselfinthecity'srichhistory.
Clothingsuitablefortheweather(layeringiskeyin Canada'svariableclimate).
Maps,guidebooks,andaGPSdeviceor smartphonewithnavigationapps
Explore fjords, waterfalls, and unique geological formations in this UNESCO WorldHeritagesite.
Known as the "Polar Bear Capital of the World," Churchill offers a chance to see these magnificent creatures in their naturalhabitat.
This scenic drive takes you through the Cape Breton Highlands, offering breathtaking views of the Gulf of St. Lawrence.
Vehicledocuments,including registrationandinsurance.
Sparetire,jack,andtoolsfor changingatire.
Roadsideemergencykitwithflares orreflectivetriangles.
Extrablanketsandwarm clothingincaseofbreakdowns.
Coolerwithfoodanddrinksfor thejourney.
GPSorasmartphonemount fornavigation.
Entertainmentoptionslikemusic, audiobooks,andpodcasts.
Carphonechargerandpower bank.
Insectrepellentandsunscreen foroutdoorstops.
Embracethecrispair,thecozyknits,andtheeerieallureofautumn!Whetheryou'rea lifestylecreatororabusinessownerlookingtoaddsomeseasonalmagictoyourcontent, we 'vegotyoucovered.Diveintotheseautumnal,fun,cozy,andspookycontentideas that'llhaveyouraudiencefallingforyourcreativity.
Pumpkin Spice Everything
SharequickandeasyDIYHalloweendecorideasthatyourviewerscantryat home.Fromspookycenterpiecestocreepy-crawlycrafts,inspireyour audiencetogetcreative
Createatrendyautumnfashionreel,featuringyourfavoritefalloutfitsand accessories AddsomespookytwistswithHalloween-themedaccessories
Setupacozyreadingnookwithblankets,pillows,andyourfavorite autumnreads.Shareyourtopbookrecommendationsfortheseason.
Whipupadeliciousautumnrecipe,likepumpkinsouporapplepie,ina fast-forwardcookingvideo.Don'tforgettoincludethespookygarnishes!
8.AutumnHome DecorTour
Organizeafunfallthemedphotoshoot withfriendsorfamily Capturethe beautifulautumn sceneryandcreate amemorablereel.
Ifthere'salocal hauntedhouse attraction,filmyour spookyadventureas youexploreitwith friends.Shareyour reactionsand memorablemoments.
Exploreyourtown's spookyhistoryby visitinglocalhaunted sites.Shareintriguing storiesandspinetinglinglegends,adding adashofhistorical contexttoyourcontent.
Takeyourviewerson atourofyourhome's autumndecorations
Sharewhereyougot yourdecoritems andhowyoustyled them.
ShowcaseyourHalloween costumeevolutionfrom starttofinish Startwitha casualoutfit,and magicallytransformintoa spookycharacter, capturingtheentire processinacaptivating time-lapsereel
Challengeyour followerstoa pumpkincarving contest Shareyour owncreativedesign andencourage otherstoparticipate.
13.Autumn SkincareRoutine
Transitioningseasons canwreakhavoconthe skin.Shareyourautumn skincareroutinewith product recommendationsand tipstokeepyourfollowers glowingthroughthe coolermonths.
Ifyou'reabusinessownerin thefoodorbeverage industry,createashort seriesfeaturingfall-inspired cocktailsormocktails Teachyouraudiencehowto crafttheseseasonal beveragesathome,adding atouchofelegancetotheir autumnevenings
Takeyourfollowersona virtualnaturewalkthrough ascenicautumnforest
Sharethebeautyoffall foliage,thesoothingsounds ofrustlingleaves,and maybeevenasurprise encounterwithlocalwildlife.
6.FallPhoto Shoot 7.Spooky MovieNight Shareyourtop spookymoviepicks foracozynightin Setthescenewith popcorn,blankets, andeerielighting 9.PumpkinCarving Challenge 10.Haunted HouseVisit 11.Haunted HistoryTour 12.Costume Transformation 14.Fall-Inspired Mixology 15.Autumnal NatureWalkSocial media is an excellent way to build and reinforce your brand. It allows for a presence in your industry and connection. Many platforms can be detrimental, be it YouTube, a personal blog site, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, or Twitter – but there is nothing like LinkedIn. Staying on top of this proficient platform is vital for your professional footprint.
LinkedIn allows us to build a networking bridge with professionals – you must establish that community to climb the corporate ladder, become an expert, or expand your company's network.
It allows a person to discover new job opportunities, find new contacts, new skills, find recent conferences and events, connect with those communities, and grow their brand – so no, it's not dead. Aside from the benefits that LinkedIn can give you; there are so many reasons (7 to be exact) as to why you should leverage it for your professional success.
TheImportanceofLinkedInfor yourprofessionalsuccess
LinkedIn is now the most popular professional networking site in the world
Many people today use it as their go-to platform for career opportunities and professional development
By creating a LinkedIn profile and connecting with other professionals in your field, you are able to maintain a strong network of people who can help you in the future.
Additionally, when you are looking for a job, LinkedIn is an invaluable tool for your job search
It has many different features that keep you engaged, such as the ability to share your content, your resume, and network with your contacts.
What's even better about it is that it has a free version.
There are people in LinkedIn who will be able to offer you advice, gain industry insights, and get you in the door to new opportunities
For many , LinkedIn is the most important social media platform. It's not just the most accessible place to find work opportunities; it's also a fantastic place to connect with other professionals, share thoughts and ideas, and have a platform that's taken a little more seriously to showcase your expertise
Intoday'sdigitalage,theworldofcontentcreationhasexploded,offeringindividualstheopportunity toturntheirpassionintoafull-timecareer.WiththeriseofplatformslikeYouTube,Instagram,TikTok, andpodcasting,creatorshaveaplethoraofoptionstochoosefrom.Eachplatformcomeswithits uniquesetofadvantagesanddisadvantages.Ifyouaspiretobecomeafull-timecontentcreator,it's crucialtounderstandtheprosandconsofeachplatformtomakeaninformeddecision.
Long-Form Content: YouTube is ideal forcreatorswhopreferlonger,in-depth content It allows you to create videos ranging from a few minutes to several hours,givingyouampletimetoconvey yourmessageorshowcaseyourskills
Monetization: YouTube offers multiple waystomonetizeyourcontent,suchas ad revenue, merchandise shelf integration,andchannelmemberships. Creators can earn a substantial income once they accumulate a dedicatedfollowing.
Diverse Content: You can create a wide variety of content on YouTube, from tutorials and vlogs to gaming, cooking, and educational content This versatilityappealstoabroadaudience
Searchable Content: YouTube videos are highly searchable on both the platform and search engines like Google,increasingyourdiscoverability
Saturation: YouTube is a highly competitive platform, with millions of creators vying for attention.Breakingthroughand gaining subscribers can be challenging.
Time-Consuming: Producing quality video content is timeconsuming Editing, filming, and scripting can eat up a significantportionofyourday
Algorithm Changes: YouTube's algorithms are constantly evolving, which can impact yourvideo'svisibilityandreach
VisualContent:Instagramis perfectforcreatorswhoexcelin visualcontent,suchas photography,fashion,andart.It'sa platformwhereaestheticsmatter.
Engagement:Instagram's interactivefeatureslikeStories, Reels,andlivestreamingfoster engagementwithyouraudience.
BrandCollaborations:Influencer marketingisprevalenton Instagram,makingiteasierto collaboratewithbrandsandearn income.
ExplorePage:Instagram'sExplore pagecanhelpyourcontentreacha wideraudiencebyfeaturingitto userswhomightbeinterested
Short-FormContent:TikTok's shortvideosarequicktocreate andconsume,makingit accessibleforawiderangeof creators.
Discoverability:TikTok's"For YouPage"algorithmhelpsnew creatorsgainvisibilityquicklyif theircontentresonateswiththe audience.
Engagement:TikTok'sduets, challenges,andinteractive featuresencourage engagementandcollaboration.
Algorithm Changes: Instagram's algorithm can be unpredictable, affectingthevisibilityofyourcontent.
Limited Link Sharing: Instagram restrictslinksharingincaptions,making it challenging to drive traffic to external websitesorproducts.
Image-Centric: If your content doesn't revolve around visuals, Instagram may notbethebestplatformforyou
ViralPotential:Content can go viral on TikTok overnight, dramatically increasingyourfollowercount
MonetizationOptions: While TikTokisagreatplatformfor gainingexposure,monetization optionsarelimitedcompared tootherplatforms
ContentVariety: TikTokis primarilyvideo-focused,which maynotsuitcreatorswho preferotherformats.
ShortAttentionSpan:The platform'sshortvideoformat maylimityourabilitytoconvey complexideasormessages.
Audio-Only: Podcastingisperfectforcreatorswho excelinaudiocontent,interviews, storytelling,ordiscussions
DiverseTopics: Podcastingallowsyoutoexploreawide rangeoftopicsandformats,appealing tonicheaudiences.
Long-LastingContent: Podcastepisodesremainaccessiblefor anextendedperiod,allowingyouto buildalibraryofcontentovertime
Monetization: Youcanmonetizeyourpodcastthrough sponsorships,ads,merchandise,and listenersupport.
Time-ConsumingEditing: Editingaudiocanbetime-consuming, andhigh-qualityproductionisessential forasuccessfulpodcast.
Visibility: Podcastingreliesheavilyonpromoting yourcontentthroughsocialmediaand otherchannels,asdiscoverabilitywithin podcastplatformscanbechallenging.
LimitedVisualAppeal: Ifyourcontentreliesonvisuals, podcastingmaynotbethebest platformforyou
Inconclusion,thechoiceofplatformforfulltimecontentcreationdependsonyourskills, contentformat,andaudiencepreferences. It'softenbeneficialtodiversifyanduse multipleplatformstoreachabroader audienceandmitigatetherisksassociated withalgorithmchangesandplatform saturation. Regardlessofyourchoice,consistency, quality,andengagementwithyouraudience arekeytosucceedingasafull-timecontent creatorintoday'sdigitallandscape.
Canada,knownforitsstunningnaturallandscapesandrichculturalheritage,alsoboastsahauntingly diversecollectionofghostlylegendsandeerielocations.Fromcoasttocoast,thisvastcountryishometo tales of restless spirits, mysterious apparitions, and inexplicable phenomena. In this article, we'll take youonaspine-tinglingjourneythrough20hauntedspotsandlegendsacrossCanada,eachwithitsown uniquestorytotell.
Nestled in the heart of the Canadian Rockies, the Banff Springs Hotel has long been a hotspot for ghostly encounters. Guests and staff have reported sightings of a spectral bride, a bellman who helps lost travelers,andeventhephantomofaformerhotelier
This grand Victorian mansion in Victoria is said to be haunted by the restless spirits of its former occupants. Visitors often hear ghostly footstepsandexperienceunexplainedcoldspotsthroughoutthecastle.
A historic hotel in Winnipeg, Fort Garry is rumored to have several ghostly residents The most famous is the ghost of a woman who perished in Room 202. Guests report flickering lights and eerie apparitions
The Algonquin Hotel in St. Andrews-by-the-Sea is home to the Lady in Red, a ghostly figure who roams the halls in her crimson dress Legend hasitthatsheisthespiritofajiltedbride
Halifax'sCitadelHillissaidtobehauntedbytheghost ofasoldierwhodiedinthe18thcentury Visitorsreport hearing phantom footsteps and witnessing ghostly apparitions.
Once the home of Canada's first Prime Minister, William Lyon Mackenzie King, this Toronto residence is said to be haunted by the politician's spirit Strange noises and objects moving on their own are common occurrences
The Plains of Abraham in Quebec City witnessed a historic battle between the British and French in 1759. Today,somesaytheghostsofsoldiersstilllinger,with sightings of phantom armies marching on foggy nights
Located on Bannerman Island, this abandoned castle is said to be haunted by the ghost of George Bannerman, the former owner. Visitors have reported eerienoisesandstrangeapparitions.
Government House in Charlottetown is rumored to be inhabited by the spirit of a former governor ' s wife, Lady LeMarchant. Her ghostly presenceisoftenfeltinthedrawingroom.
Calgary's Old Spaghetti Factory is rumored to be haunted by the spirit of a young girl named Sam whodiedinatragicaccidentonthenearbytrain tracks. Patrons often report mysterious encountersandsightings.
Ottawa's Bytown Museum, situated on the Rideau Canal, is said to be haunted by the ghost of Thomas D'Arcy McGee, a Father of Confederation who was assassinated nearby in 1868. His apparitionhasbeenseenwanderingthemuseum.
This luxurious Ottawa hotel is said to be haunted by Charles Melville Hays, the former president of the Grand Trunk Railway, who perished in the sinking of the Titanic. Guests have reported ghostlyencounters
In recent years, there has been a remarkable surge in the selfpublishing industry, giving aspiringauthorstheopportunity to bring their literary dreams to life. Traditional publishing is no longer the only path to becomingapublishedauthor.
Self-publishingoffersanaccessible and viable alternative, and in this article, we'll explore the reasons why you should consider writing andpotentiallyself-publishingyour first book. We'll also delve into the process, types of books to write, and provide checklists and tips to help you embark on this exciting journey.
One of the most compelling reasonstoself-publishisthelevel of creative control it affords authors.Youhavethefinalsayon everything, from the book's title and cover design to its content and marketing strategy. This freedomallowsyoutoshapeyour workexactlyasyouenvisionit.
Traditional publishing can be a lengthy and uncertain process, often taking years from manuscript submission to bookshelves. Self-publishing can get your book into readers' hands in a matter of months, allowing you to share your story more quickly.
In traditional publishing, authors typically receive a modest percentageofbooksalesasroyalties. In contrast, self-published authors often enjoy much higher royalty rates, making it a more financially rewardingendeavor.
ThroughplatformslikeAmazonKindle Direct Publishing (KDP), Apple Books, and others, self-published books have access to a global audience. Thisenablesauthorstoreachreaders worldwide, even without the backing ofatraditionalpublisher.
Nowthatyou'reintriguedbytheprospectofself-publishing,let's breakdowntheprocessintoactionablesteps:
Startbychoosingagenreortopicyou're passionateabout.Whetherit'sfiction,non-fiction, self-help,ormemoir,yourenthusiasmwillshine throughinyourwriting.Createawritingschedule andsetrealisticwordcountgoalstostayontrack.
Investinprofessionaleditingandproofreading servicestoensureyourmanuscriptispolishedand freefromerrors.Awell-editedbookenhancesyour credibilityasanauthor.
2. 3.
Properlyformatyourmanuscriptforbothprintande-book versions.Thisstepensuresyourbooklooksprofessionalandis readableonvariousdevices.
Selectaself-publishingplatform suchasAmazonKDP,AppleBooks, orBarnes&NoblePress.Follow theirguidelinesforuploadingyour bookandsettingpricingand distributionoptions.
Developamarketingstrategythatincludes buildinganauthorwebsite,leveragingsocial media,runningpromotionalcampaigns,and seekingreviews.Engagewithyourreadersand createastrongonlinepresence.
Considerofferingyourbookinbothdigitaland printformatstocatertoawideraudience. Print-on-demandservicesmakephysical copiesaccessiblewithouttheneedforlarge upfrontprintingcosts.
Nowthatyouknowtheprocess,let'sexplorethetypesofbooks youcanwriteandself-publish.
Write novels, short stories, or novellas in various genres such as romance, mystery, science fiction, or fantasy. Let your imagination run wild and create captivating worldsandcharacters.
Share your expertise on a specific topic through non-fiction books. This can include self-help, memoirs, howto guides, cookbooks, and educationalmaterials.
If you have a way with words and a passion for poetry, consider selfpublishing a collection of your poems. Poetry books can be a unique and artistic addition to the self-publishing landscape.
Create delightful stories and illustrations for children's books. The self-publishing process allows you to bring your imaginative tales to youngreadersworldwide.
The flood of self-publishing has democratized the publishing industry, making it easier than ever for aspiring authors to share their stories with the world. With creative control, faster publication, higher royalties, and global reach, selfpublishing offers numerous advantages.
By following the outlined process, you can navigate the world of self-publishing and bring your first book to life, whether it's fiction, nonfiction, poetry, or children's literature. Embrace the opportunity, and embark on your journey to becoming a publishedauthortoday.
Content creators have been popular in the digital world with the advent of social media on popular platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok and even podcasting. Content creators work with a variety of niches and topics and are always striving to be more creative in their output.
However, if you want to be a successful creator or influencer, it's important to keep track of your work and to create content that is engaging, unique, and memorable. You should also do it in a fun, witty, and highly informative way. Sounds a little extravagant, right? No worries! We are here to give you a quick checklist on getting started!
Content creators have been popular in the digital world for quite some time now If you are looking to start a YouTube channel, blog, podcast, or any type of content, the first step is coming up with ideas
Jot down notes Make a list of topics Choose a genre Pick your purpose Focus on your audience Target your market.
Remember, when creating ideas, you may need to follow certain rules or guidelines. Try writing the first thing that comes to your mind and working on it.
As a content creator, you have to know how to find the best sources for your content Your research should be thorough, and you should find sources that have information that is reliable There are many ways to do research from google, books, podcasts and even learning from friends and family It's time-consuming, but sure will pay off if you stick to it
From personal branding to blog posts to social media posts, one of the most important things you can do to make your content successful is to make sure that it has a direction and consistency.
You don't want your content to be all over the place. This will make it harder for people to follow what you are trying to say. Instead, make sure you are creating a content map and follow it through. You can always switch some stuff up as you go, but be sure to have a plan.
It’s important to polish your content before you publish, as it will help ensure that you are creating high-quality content your audience can benefit from. It will also help to avoid any issues that may come up once you do end up releasing it.
For example, if you publish a video without editing it first, it could end up being blurry or grainy. It's also crucial to prevent any grammatical errors or typos in your work.
If you take the time to polish your content before you publish, it will be easy to find little details you may have passed over.
Many of us have a love and appreciation for reading – especially when talking about self-development, growth, and motivation. With that, here are 10 Motivational Books You Need in Your Life Now!
In the book, Dale Carnegie talks about how you can use the method of "The Magic Formula for Success" to help you to win people over and to be the person that you want to be in the eyes of many.
This book is designed to make people more effective, both at work and in their personal lives. These are habits that are considered to be critical for success and happiness.
This book is about the power of positive thinking. It is an inspiring book that shows you how to achieve success. The most famous quote from the book is “A quitter never wins-and-a winner never quits.”
This book is centered around the idea that people should learn from the mistakes of those who have already succeeded, not from the mistakes of those who fail. It's a motivational guide that teaches the reader that they can achieve anything if they put their mind to it – in financial terms or not.
You are a Badass by Jen Sincero is one of the best motivational books to read. It is full of great life lessons and quotes that will help you on your journey to be the best version of yourself and how you can help yourself to develop a personal philosophy.
The Power of Habit is a book about how habits can impact our lives. It is written in a way that is easy to understand, and it is filled with interesting facts and examples of how habits have been adopted by people from all walks of life.
Marilee G. Adams created this book is to help people ask better interrogations and shift their perspective in order to feel empowered and in control of their life.
The main idea of the book is that anyone with a dream and a willingness to work hard can create their own business and be successful – even with a $100 startup.
The book is about a new way of creating businesses that are strategic, customerfocused, and built on the idea of creating a learning organization. The Lean Startup is an effective, validated approach to entrepreneurship that provides a framework for building a business.
The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod is a motivational book about the science of waking up early. The book is full of research-backed ways to improve your life with the morning, including how to make the most of it.
Lokhia,apioneeringbrandintheworld of natural nausea relief, is making waves with its remarkable product lineup recognized by the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada. The brainchild of two inspiring founders, Sabrina Stroppetti and Ashley Florestal, Lokhia is transforming the way people combat nausea and reclaim their lives. Life's demands can be overwhelming, and no one should be slowed down by debilitatingnausea.
Lokhia's mission is clear: "To not let nauseagetinthewayofyoubeingyour best self!" This dedication to providing effective, natural solutions for nausea sufferers has made Lokhia a standout in theindustry,especiallyinoureyes.
Lokhia's tasty star remedy, has earned its recognition from the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada through its Brand Recognition Program. This recognition highlights the effectiveness and reliability of Lokhia's naturalnauseareliefsolution.
LokhiaAnti-Nauseaisachewabletablet that offers quick and reliable relief from nausea. What sets it apart is its allnatural composition, making it a safe and effective alternative to traditional anti-nausea drugs. Each chewable tabletcontainsapowerfulcombination
ofgingerandB6,thoughtfullybalanced to allow users to take up to ten chewables throughout the day, ensuring continuous relief from nausea. Lokhia also offers two delicious natural flavors, Lemon and Strawberry, catering todiversepalates.
The driving force behind Lokhia's success is its remarkable founders, Sabrina and Ashley. Both founders have experienced the debilitating effectsofnauseafirsthand.
Ashley, from a young age, battled nauseaandmotionsickness,seekinga solution to avoid the inconvenience and discomfort it caused. Sabrina, on the other hand, suffered from severe nausea during her pregnancies. While the medication she was prescribed offered relief, it left her exhausted, making rest a distant dream, especially with her second pregnancy, when she had to juggle work from homeandcaringforhertoddler.
WithSabrina'spharmaceuticalindustry expertiseandAshley'sbackgroundin Naturopathy,theyunitedtheirskillsto createLokhia.Afteryearsofbrainstorming, rigorousproducttesting,ingredient selecselection,andcollaborativelabwork, SabrinaandAshleyintroduced Lokhiatotheworld.
Sabrina Stroppetti and Ashley FlorestalLokhiaismorethanjustaproduct; it'samovement.Itoffers:
Powerful Relief: Lokhia's ginger and B6 combination fights even the toughest nauseasymptoms.
NaturalandVegan:LokhiaAnti-Nauseais vegan, dairy-free, cruelty-free, nut-free, andproudlymadeinCanada.
Endorsed by SOGC: While the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada does not endorse specific products, they encourage open discussionsbetweenhealthcareproviders and patients to determine the best solutionforeachindividual.
Canadadoesnotendorsespecificproducts,theyencourageopen discussionsbetweenhealthcareprovidersandpatientstodeterminethe bestsolutionforeachindividual.
Lokhiaisdedicatedtohelpingindividualsregaincontrolovertheirlives bysayinggoodbyetonausea,naturally.Whetherit'spregnancy-related nausea,PMSdiscomfort,motionsickness,travel-inducednausea,or simplyanupsetstomach,Lokhiaoffersasafe,effective,andnatural remedyforall.
JoinLokhiainitsmissiontoinspireandprovideincrediblenatural nausearelief.TryLokhiaAnti-Nauseatodayandexperiencealifefree fromtheshacklesofnausea.
QUESTION 1: What's the "aha" moment that made you say,"Let'screateLokhia!"?Sharethestorybehindyour lightbulbmomentfornaturalnausearelief.
Sabrina: our aha moment was more of a ah no moment. When I started getting nauseous during my first pregnancy Before that we knew we wanted to create natural innovative health products, but we couldn't pin down the "That's the one " until the pregnancy I asked Ashley, who is a naturopathic doctor what I can take to help my nausea in pregnancy and the products that she recommends I was too nauseous to swallow them She also shared her nausea struggles in her life. Which were also similar to mine, pre pregnancy. Typical motion sicknessnauseaonboats,planesandcarrides.
Ashley: I saw right away nausea is a very common thing people suffer from and there is really nothing on the market like Lokhia to affectively help nauseous people That'swheretheideawasborn!
QUESTION 2: We've all been there - the dreaded nausea strikes at the worst times! Can you recall a hilarious or memorableinciincidentthatyouwererelievedtorealize lokhiawasclose-byandcreatedtohelp.
Sabrina:I wish I had a hilarious story, but my nausea was just so horrible This story happened after I gave birth to my second child I had just come out of the csection and startedgettingnauseousreallyfastandIstartedvomiting 5times!Rightafterbeingslicedopen!IhadPost-operative nausea and vomiting (PONV) and because of the severity of it, I was given something intravenously that worked but made me lightheaded and drowsy. I couldn't function to take care of my baby who was just an hour or two old. I toldthempleasedon'tgivemeanymoreandI'llseehowI am doing When the medication ran out I started to feel nauseous again and they said ok we need to give you more drugs I told them no thank you, I have lokhia I took some lokhia and I was perfectly fine after and was alert andabletotakecareofmybabyandconnectwithher
QUESTION 3: How did you guys celebrate when you launched?
Ashley: since Sabrina and I now live in different cities we popped a bottle of champagne on our own. But we definitely need a better celebration for all the success we havehadthroughtheyear
QUESTION 4: Lemon and Strawberry flavors, eh? It'slikeLokhia'shavingaflavorparty!Whywasit so important for you to make nausea relief not justeffectivebutdelicioustoo?
Sabrina: simple I was craving strawberry when I was pregnant and Ashley who was not pregnant said lemon was a more popular flavour So, we made both to see which flavour would do better and....ITSATIE!
QUESTION5:Lokhia'sallaboutthosegoodvibesvegan,dairy-free,cruelty-free,andnut-free.Tell us,whichofthesevaluesisclosesttoyourheart, andwhydidyoudecidetorockthem?
Sabrina:Crueltyfreereallyringsclosetomyheart. Formeit'samatterofrespectinganimals.
Ashley:vegansamelikesabrinamanypeopleare becoming more and more respectful of animals ThefuturelooksbrightforLokhia!Canyouspillthe beans on any top-secret plans or upcoming surprises we should keep an eye out for in the Lokhiauniverse?
Ashley: We have some new innovative products brewing.Staytuned!
In a world dominated by fast fashion and rampant consumerism, Lemonberry shines as a radiant beacon of hope, nestled in the heart of Canada. This eco-conscious lifestyle boutique isn't just about fashion; it's a movement that encourages women to embrace a more mindful, minimalist approach to life while leaving a positive footprint on our beloved Earth.
Lemonberry's mission is nothing short of inspiring – they want to empower women to feel beautiful and adopt an eco-conscious mindset They achieve this by curating a collection of high-quality clothing, non-toxic beauty products, and lifestyle brands that align seamlessly with their values. Lemonberry's dedication to products created with integrity has transformed the way women perceive fashion, urging them to shift towards a more eco-aware existence.
But Lemonberry's vision goes beyond clothing and cosmetics They aspire to become a household name across Canada, a sanctuary where women can find support and fulfillment in all aspects of their lives. From clothing to home, food to lifestyle, and beauty to books, Lemonberry aims to create a movement that champions minimalism and sustainability.
One of our favorite pieces from Lemonberry is the Stockport a la Mode herringbone coat/cardigan. It's a cozy and stunning autumn classic that combines style and comfort Made from 95% Polyester and 5% Wool, this piece is perfect for cool crisp autumn nights or layering up for a chic winter look It's a true classic with a twist that's bound to turn heads.
Another gem is the Ariel mitts, a winter favorite brought back by Lemonberry. These mitts are not only stylish but also eco-friendly, as they're made from upcycled wool sweaters They're a heartwarming addition to your winter wardrobe, and the fact that they're made in Canada makes them even more special.
And let's not forget the Flannel Nights candle, a Canadian brand that encapsulates the essence of cozy autumn nights With scents like Bergamot, Mahogany, and Musk, it's like wrapping yourself in your favorite cozy blanket Hand-poured in Newmarket, Ontario, this candle is crafted with 100% natural soy wax and premium cotton wicks, ensuring a clean and long-lasting burn
The Lemonberry Book Club: A Surprise for the Mindful Reader
Lemonberry recently introduced an exciting addition to their offerings – the Lemonberry Book Club. This book club is not just about reading; it's about nourishing the mind and soul while staying true to eco-conscious values
When you join the Lemonberry Book Club, you're embarking on a journey where literature meets ecoconsciousness The club offers curated monthly reads, carefully chosen to spark meaningful discussions and align with the club's ethos. As a member, you'll have access to an exclusive Facebook community where you can connect with fellow book lovers, share insights, and build connections. Plus, you'll enjoy discounts on the monthly book club picks and early access to related merchandise, enhancing your reading experience.
In a world where mindful living and sustainability are becoming increasingly vital, Lemonberry stands out as a shining example. It's more than just a boutique; it's a community that invites women to embrace a life filled with beauty, minimalism, and earth-friendly choices From fashion and beauty to literature and lifestyle, Lemonberry offers a holistic approach to eco-conscious living
Discovering Lemonberry is like stumbling upon a hidden gem in the vast world of consumerism. It's a place where style meets sustainability, where beauty aligns with values, and where literature enhances eco-consciousness
Lemonberry is undoubtedly one of our favorite newly discovered spots, and it's a testament to the positive change that mindful living can bring to our lives and our planet. So, if you're looking to cultivate an eco-conscious lifestyle, one page at a time, Lemonberry is the place to be
QUESTION: When fall rolls around in Canada, it's all about cozy vibes and comfort. What are your top recommendationsforcreatingtheultimate"hygge"(cozy)atmosphere?
We love our long cardigans/ coatigans in Canada. It’s a great layering piece and perfect for transiting from fall to winter.Theykeepyoucomfycozyallseasonlongandgowitheverythinginyourwardrobe.It’smusthavepiece.
QUESTION: Lisa, your journey with Lemonberry has evolved from a passion for fashion and travel to a strong commitment to eco-consciousness. Can you share a pivotal moment or experience that made you realize the importanceofsustainabilityinthefashionindustry?
In 2013 my dad passed away and that changed my entire philosophy on life I came to the realization that life wasn't onlyaboutworkingtomakemoney Ibecamemoreeco-awareandIsawthedestructionthatfashionwasdoinginthe worldandIwantedtotrytochangethat Lemonberryisnowamoreeco-conscious,non-toxic,sustainable&withan emphasisonCanadianproductsboutique.
QUESTION: You've transitioned Lemonberry toward eco-conscious, non-toxic, and sustainable products. What challengesdidyoufaceduringthistransition,andhowdidyouovercomethem?
Transitioning Lemonberry toward eco-conscious, non-toxic, and sustainable products presented several challenges. Thefashionindustry'sslowpaceofchange,extensiveresearch,andsourcingrequirements,alongwithincreasedcosts for eco-conscious goods, made the transition difficult. However, Lemonberry remains committed to this shift, and as moredemandandsupplydevelop,thecostsareexpectedtodecreaseovertime.
QUESTION:Lemonberry'smissionistoinspirewomentoembraceamindful,minimalistlifestyle.Howdoyoubelieve thisapproachtofashionandlifestylecanpositivelyimpactotherslives?
Lemonberry's mission to inspire women to embrace a mindful, minimalist lifestyle can positively impact lives by promoting conscious consumption and fostering a sense of contentment through simplicity By encouraging individuals to prioritize quality over quantity in their fashion choices and overall lifestyle, it can lead to reduced environmentalimpactandadeeperappreciationfortheessentialsinlife
QUESTION: As a mom of two and a business owner, how do you balance the demands of family life with the responsibilities of entrepreneurship,anddoyouseeanyintersectionsbetweenboth oftheseroles?
Balancing the demands of family life and entrepreneurship is all about effective time management and setting clear boundaries I prioritize my family by dedicating quality time with them and ensuring I take regular breaks for self-care I also find that my roles as a mom and business owner intersect in terms of teaching me valuable skills like multitasking, resilience, and adaptability, which benefitbothmyfamilyandmybusinessinthelongrun.
QUESTION:Fallisatimeforreflectionandchange.Whataresome personalhabitsorroutinesyouengageineitheratworkorhome to set yourself up for success during this season of transformation?
During the fall season, I plan my schedule to balance work, family time, and personal moments for reflection and self-care This approach ensures I can embrace the season ' s transformative energywhilemaintainingahealthywork-lifeequilibrium.
Cute Tuques, our newest beloved Canadian brand renowned for its charming children’s fun hat designs, is thrilledtoannouncetheirlaunch,justin time for the autumn season. These delightful tuques are not just hats; they are a warm embrace of Canadian craftsmanship, creativity, and sustainability.
Designed with Love in Canada, Cute Tuques takes pride in creating hats that arenotonlyadorablebutalsoasymbol of comfort, individuality, and ethical production.Eachtuqueintheircollection is a reflection of their commitment to warmth, uniqueness, and ecoconsciousness.
MadewithLoveinCanada,CuteTuques proudly manufactures every hat on Canadian soil, upholding the tradition of finecraftsmanshipforwhichthecountry isknown.
From their initial sketch to the final stitch, each tuque is crafted with love and care. This commitment to local production not only supports the Canadian economy but also ensures thateverytuqueiscreatedunderfairandethicalworkingconditions.
PremiumMaterialsforUltimateComfort:Craftedfromapremiumblendofacrylicandlycra, CuteTuquesareexceptionallysoftandcomfortable,providingtheperfectshieldagainstthe crisp autumn breeze. These tuques are designed to be gentle on your child‘s skin while keepingthemwarmandsnugthroughouttheseason.
Cute Tuques offers an array of unique styles and colors, allowing children to express their individualityandcreativity.Theseversatiletuquescanberolledup,down,andeventwistedto reveal different faces and looks, adding an element of fun to every outfit. Whether its the OG Alien, Jo the cute pig design or any other charming creation from the Cute Tuques family, yourchildissuretofindatuquethatspeakstotheirpersonality.
EncouragingIndividuality:CuteTuqueswasbornfromthevisionofourlittleones,whoshowed ustheimportanceofembracingndividuality.Thebrand‘smissionistoencouragechildrento beproudofwhotheyareandtocelebratetheiruniqueness.
Discoverthewarmth,comfort, andcharmofCuteTuquesthis seasonandhelpyourchild embracetheirindividuality whilestayingcozyandstylish.
“Webelieveinfamily, individuality,and sustainability”saystheCute Tuquefamily.
“Thankyouforbeingapartof ourmission.Wehopethatyour childfindsatuquethatspeaks tothem.”
CozyBeginnings:TellusthestoryofhowCuteTuquestarted.Wasitasudden burstofinspiration,ordiditevolveovertimelikethechangingseasons?
Over the years we’ve always had the idea of starting a business together. It all cametogetheronaroadtripthroughQuebec’slaurentianmountainsinthefall. Theleaveswerechangingcolors,thetemperaturewasdroppingandtheideaof tuquescameup.Wealwayswantedsomethingdifferentandunique.
Warm Origins: What sparked your passion for crafting cute tuques ? Were thereanyfondchildhoodmemoriesthatinfluencedyourpath?
We drew inspiration from our family, mainly our children and their preferred animals,characters,anddesigns.Thisgaveus20designstochoosefrom.From therewehadourentirefamily,includingcousinsandgrandparentsvoteonthem topickthe6thatmadeourline.
The Art of Knitting: Share a fun fact about CuteTuques. Is there a secret ingredientthatmakesyourtuquesextraspecial?
Two things really set Cute Tuques apart from our competition. 1- Creative designs that have multiple looks and surprises for your kids to discover. 2- And everyCuteTuqueisproudlymadeinCanada.
TuqueTales:Doyouhaveafavoritecustomerstoryorreviewthatwarmsyour hearts?We’dlovetohearit!
Oneourearliesttuquetesters,(ournephew)hadhiscooltuquespointedoutby hisclassmateswhentheywereaskedtodescribehim.
Seasonal Secrets: Without giving away too much, what can we expect from CuteTuqueintheupcomingseasons?
Our Ottawa adventure has taken a delightful turn, and I can't wait to relive every moment of our enchanting experience at The Albion Rooms, by the wondrous chef Rene Rodriguez, a place where the classy embrace of history meets the charming allure of the present in the heart of Canada's capital.
After checking into the cozy and picturesque Novotel, a boutique hotel that oozes warmth with its quaint decor, plush furnishings, and the city’s surrounding, we made our way to The Albion Rooms. Nestled within the hotel's embrace, the restaurant beckoned us with promises of culinary excellence and the quintessential autumnal atmosphere.
As we stepped inside, the ambiance transported us to another time. The warm, golden lighting cascaded softly over exposed brick walls, creating a play of shadows that whispered tales of days long gone by. Rustic wooden accents and plush leather seating beckoned us to settle in and savor th
But what truly set the tone were the beautiful details adorning the walls and rooms, framing the separate rooms like artwork, inviting us to almost step back in time. We couldn't help but marvel at the attention to detail in the staff’s care, and the loving homage the chef seemed to capture.
As we researched our setting, we stumbled upon this collection of historic clippings from "The Daily Ottawa Citizen" ! Take a read at the wondrous article clips on the next page.
Our culinary journey began that evening and spanned our entire stay at the boutique hotel. With an exquisite selection of appetizers that highlighted the chef's creativity and skill, we opted for the divine charcuterie and cheese board. The board was a harmonious blend of flavors and textures that left us yearning for more, and we cozied up by the fire with a game of chess, the ancient pieces echoing the timeless charm of our surroundings.
Our second day in Ottawa began with a visit to The Albion Rooms for lunch. The cozy setting welcomed us like an old friend, and we knew we were in for another treat. The Prix Fixe menu offered an array of choices that celebrated local and seasonal ingredients.
I savored the Soup of the day with its rich, comforting flavors, served alongside a sizzling grilled cheese sandwich that was a study in perfection. The accompanying fresh greens provided a vibrant contrast to the warmth of the soup and the richness of the cheese. Across the table, my companion enjoyed the Simple salad, a delicate composition of fresh greens, citrus vinaigrette, and pumpkin seeds that sang with autumn flavors.
What made this experience even more special was the opportunity to curl up with books and read, surrounded by the restaurant's timeless charm. It felt like we had been transported to a bygone era, where time slowed down, and good company was all that mattered. The ambiance was so inviting that it almost felt like we were guests in a grand, well-appointed library from a different century.
After a wondrous day exploring Ottawa's historical sites and vibrant culture, we couldn't resist the allure of The Albion Rooms for dinner. Our evening was dedicated to a Culinary Adventure in Mixology and dessert. In addition to its culinary prowess, The Albion Rooms boasts an impressive cocktail menu that features innovative concoctions inspired by local ingredients.
The mixologists took pride in their craft, creating unique and delightful libations that perfectly complemented the menu. We enjoyed the Crème Brûlée, a sweet indulgence that crowned our meal with caramelized perfection. But what truly delighted us were the cocktails.
We sampled several cocktails that night, but the standouts were the Market Shrub Sour, a tantalizing blend of bourbon, citrus, seasonal shrub, and simple syrup that danced on our palates, and the Manhattan, a classic rye-based cocktail made with a house vermouth blend, bitters, and a house cherry. These libations were perfect for a cozy autumn evening, filling the air with a delightful aroma that mingled with the night air wafting in from the beautiful terrace.
After a wondrous day exploring Ottawa's historical sites and vibrant culture, we couldn't resist the allure of The Albion Rooms for dinner. Our evening was dedicated to a Culinary Adventure in Mixology and dessert. In addition to its culinary prowess, The Albion Rooms boasts an impressive cocktail menu that features innovative concoctions inspired by local ingredients.
The mixologists took pride in their craft, creating unique and delightful libations that perfectly complemented the menu We enjoyed the Crème Brûlée, a sweet indulgence that crowned our meal with caramelized perfection But what truly delighted us were the cocktails
We sampled several cocktails that night, but the standouts were the Market Shrub Sour, a tantalizing blend of bourbon, citrus, seasonal shrub, and simple syrup that danced on our palates, and the Manhattan, a classic rye-based cocktail made with a house vermouth blend, bitters, and a house cherry These libations were perfect for a cozy autumn evening, filling the air with a delightful aroma that mingled with the night air wafting in from the beautiful terrace
As we reluctantly packed our bags, we couldn't leave without experiencing The Albion Rooms' brunch. It was the perfect conclusion to our stay, a mouthwatering affair that left us wanting more. The brunch menu was a symphony of flavors, and every dish promised to be a culinary masterpiece.
I chose the Avocado toast, a work of art on a plate. Crumbled feta, dill tomatoes, a perfectly poached egg, and an arugula salad mimosa adorned the creamy avocado. Each bite was a harmonious blend of flavors and textures, a celebration of freshness and creativity. My oat milk latte was the ideal companion, its velvety warmth enveloping me on this brisk autumn morning.
Beyond the delectable dishes and craft cocktails, what truly set The Albion Rooms apart was its exceptional service. The staff's knowledge, attentiveness, and passion for their craft made each visit memorable. They guided us through the culinary journey, making us feel at home in this charming historical setting Their dedication to the farm-to-table philosophy and sourcing ingredients locally and sustainably was evident in every dish, showcasing Ottawa's bountiful agricultural offerings
The Albion Rooms in Ottawa is more than just a restaurant; it's an experience that lingers in the heart and memory It seamlessly weaves history, culture, and flavor into a tapestry that leaves a lasting impression Our visit was an autumnal dream, a journey that transcended time and place It's an adventure we'll cherish and eagerly anticipate repeating in the future
In the heart of Ottawa's thriving entertainment scene lies the largest and highest-rated escape room facility in Ottawa that promises thrilling escapades and mind-bending challenges: Room Escape Ottawa. Our weekend getaway to the Canadian capital wouldn't have been complete without a visit to this escape room wonderland. Armed with our wits and an appetite for adventure, we plunged into two captivating scenarios - "Outbreak" and "Warlocked" - at Room Escape Ottawa.
Room Escape Ottawa is renowned for its immersive and intricately designed escape room experiences. Nestled in an unassuming building, it's a place where participants are transported to otherworldly settings, tasked with solving puzzles and riddles to find their way out. The adrenaline-pumping adventure is not just a test of one's intellect but also a challenge to teamwork and communication
Our first adventure, "Outbreak," plunged us headfirst into a world overrun by the undead. As survivors searching for a cure in a long-abandoned laboratory, the odds were stacked against us. In a race against time, we had a mere hour to transfer crucial data before our lifeline would be severed. The immersive setting in "Outbreak" was nothing short of extraordinary. Dimly lit corridors, eerie sounds, and strategically placed clues made it feel like we were truly trapped in a post-apocalyptic laboratory.The clock was ticking, and the puzzles were relentless, requiring us to think on our feet and pool our collective brainpower.
The sense of urgency was palpable as we pieced together the mysteries, decoded cryptic messages, and solved puzzles. The satisfaction of each victory fueled our determination to conquer the room, and the feeling of camaraderie among our team was unparalleled. As the seconds ticked away, we finally managed to escape towards the final door, however got pulled back into the zombie apocalypse - NOOOOO!!!! . "Outbreak" had tested our wits, teamwork, and nerves, leaving us exhilarated and hungry for more
Our second challenge, "Warlocked," transported us to a world of magic and mysticism. We assumed the roles of apprentices to the celebrated wizard, Melvar the Mystic, who had accidentally trapped himself in another dimension It was up to us to follow the trail of magic and reverse the spell before it was too late.
The enchanting atmosphere of "Warlocked" immediately captivated our senses. The room was adorned with mystical artifacts, and the air was charged with an aura of sorcery. As we delved deeper into the storyline, we encountered an array of magical puzzles and challenges that tested our logical reasoning and problem-solving skills One particularly memorable moment involved deciphering a series of ancient runes to unlock a hidden compartment, revealing a crucial clue that brought us closer to breaking the spell. The room's ambiance, combined with the ingenious puzzles, created an immersive experience that truly made us feel like apprentices on a quest for salvation. The moment of triumph arrived as we successfully unraveled the final mystery, releasing Melvar from his mystical prison "Warlocked" had immersed us in a world of wonder and enchantment, leaving us with a sense of accomplishment and awe.
Our visit to Room Escape Ottawa was nothing short of a rollercoaster of emotions and a testament to the power of teamwork and creativity. "Outbreak" and "Warlocked" had transported us to worlds beyond our imagination, challenging us to think, adapt, and conquer For anyone seeking an adrenaline-pumping, mind-bending adventure, Room Escape Ottawa is the ultimate destination where reality meets fantasy, and the thrill of the escape is an unforgettable experience.
When you step into Le Moulin de Provence in Ottawa's Byward Market, your senses are immediately awakened by the divine aroma that envelops you. The enchanting bakery and café, with its cozy charm and delectable offerings, is a true haven for lovers of French cuisine. From freshly baked goods to savory pastries, this iconic establishment has been a meeting place, bakery, pastry shop, café bistro, and more, all wrapped into one delightful package. In this article, we explore the magic of Le Moulin de Provence, an Ottawa landmark that has been enchanting locals and visitors alike for over two decades.
Le Moulin de Provence embraces the philosophy of community The open dining area and expansive patio provide the perfect setting for all to gather. Whether you're attending a business meeting, enjoying a leisurely lunch, or simply warming your hands over a bowl of steaming soup, this welcoming establishment invites you to partake in its friendly atmosphere. It's not just a place to dine; it's a place to connect
Situated in the heart of Ottawa's historic Byward Market, Le Moulin de Provence has been a fixture of the local culinary scene for more than 20 years. Every year, millions of people from around the world flock to this beloved bakery and café to savor its French-inspired delights. The Byward Market's rich history and vibrant atmosphere provide the perfect backdrop for this culinary gem.
Le Moulin de Provence is renowned for its fresh baked goods, sandwiches, and soups, prepared daily with a dedication to excellence. Here, you can indulge in simply delicious artisan French and Italian food that will transport your taste buds to the streets of Provence. The baked goods, in particular, are a sensory delight, as they not only taste exquisite but also smell divine.
One of the most intriguing stories associated with Le Moulin de Provence is its connection to former President Barack Obama.
On February 19th, 2009, President Obama made a historic visit to Ottawa and couldn't resist the temptation of this charming bakery. His visit left a lasting legacy in the form of the iconic "Obama Cookies."
These delectable shortbread cookies, shaped like the Canadian Maple Leaf and adorned with "Canada" written in icing, became a symbol of the strong US-Canada relations. President Obama's heartfelt exclamation, "I love this Country!" warmed the hearts of Canadians and marked a new era in diplomacy between the two nations. Since that momentous day, Le Moulin de Provence has been crafting these cookies from their special recipe, and they have become a must-try souvenir for tourists from around the world
Le Moulin de Provence in Ottawa's Byward Market is not just a bakery and café; it's a place where the love for French food is celebrated and shared Its warm ambiance, divine aromas, and delicious offerings make it an irresistible destination for food enthusiasts, locals, and tourists alike With over two decades of culinary excellence and a connection to history through the "Obama Cookies," Le Moulin de Provence remains a cherished landmark in Canada's capital city, Ottawa.
The dream for every entrepreneur is to ultimately get a return for the time and financial investment they have put in to their business - ie: valuation. In many cases, including DJ’ing this may require one to consider ways to expand offerings and become more than just a service. I was faced with this fork in the road at the onset of COVID when “expanding” also offered another new twist for DJ’s.
So there we all were with our masks in early 2020....clubs closed, and everyone sitting at home. So what happened? Well, people spent time on the internet and thus the concepts of live streaming and growing followers on social platforms for DJ’s as an alternative means of income were born. Platforms eventually evolved for tips to be left and other forms of monetization such as advertising etc.
Some DJ’s made out quite well with this. The urge to follow the crowd was tempting however, I had already established my production company and had begin building an equipment roster which really created a fork in the road for me.
SO....do I invest my time in streaming and social media or do I continue down the path of expanding the company’s production capabilities?
Ultimately I pursued the production route because of two very important reasons:
with streaming and social media, from a business perspective, the start up costs were small which means a lot of people could enter the market and thus it would be very very crowded space to get mindshare. Secondly, it had a relatively small percentage chance of paying off big - not everyone was going to be the one in a million lottery winner and rocket to fame. But more importantly, once you built that following and you wanted to get out of the business what could you sell off for? In most cases nothing. Now we could debate the loopholes where people sold followers and accounts etc. but keep in mind this plan is based solely on the platforms terms of service which can change without notice - a risk most sound investors wouldn’t be willing to take.
Hence my decision to go in the opposite direction than most people and grow the production side of the house. The up front investments needed to purchase the equipment would mean there would be far less people opting for this route during the pandemic. Once the pandemic was over, the result was not only an increase in overall revenue from the expanded offerings, but a company with assets that can be sold for a return if deciding to exit the market tomorrow. While I did not substantially increase my followers going down this path, I increased the number that matters most to the business which was the bottom line and thus the reality in today’s social media driven world “followers don’t always equal dollars.”
Lesson learned: when growing or developing your business and making decisions as an entrepreneur, never take your eyes off valuation. Yes there are going to be tempting “quick wins” along the way but generally speaking there is no such thing as fast money....it takes time, a lot of work, and that tenacious entrepreneurial spirit to build a business with a solid value.
Happy Fall everyone! Summer is now over and it’s time to dust off the jackets, watch the leaves change color and start looking for that perfect pumpkin!
Speaking of pumpkins, this is the time of year, when I like to stop off at Starbucks at the airport, either in Montreal or Toronto and order a Tall Pumpkin Spice Latte, as I make my way to my gate in preparation for a flight!
As an airline pilot, a typical workday for me can either start early in the morning for a daytime trip, or late in the evening for a redeye. They call them redeyes for a reason! Report time is the time we must show up for flight duty and is typically an hour prior to our scheduled departure time. Once we arrive at our aircraft, it’s time to get to work!
One of the first things we do when we get to the aircraft is brief the flight attendants. We inform them of our planned flying time enroute, expected conditions in flight and any other pertinent information they may need. For the pilots, our duties are divided into pilot flying and pilot monitoring. The pilot who will be flying will do their respective internal cockpit checks and begin entering the flight planned routing into what’s called a flight management computer, or FMC
While the pilot flying is doing their internal cockpit preparations, the pilot monitoring will conduct an external preflight inspection of the aircraft, or as we call it, a walkaround. When we do a walkaround, there are various things we check, such as the condition of the fuselage, probes, antennas, control surfaces and landing gear. During the winter, we pay particular attention to areas where ice, frost or snow may accumulate, such as on the upper and lower surfaces of the wings.
Once the other pilot has returned from doing the external walkaround, the two will then work together for the final stages of preflight preparation. An air traffic control departure clearance must be obtained, the routing entered the FMC must be crosschecked by the other pilot and the pilot flying will conduct his/her departure briefing. In addition, weight & balance calculations must ensure that the aircraft has been properly loaded and the center of gravity falls within the aircraft’s limitations. Overall, there’s lots to do during preflight preparations!
As the winter season approaches, our attention turns to cold weather operations. This means dealing with de-icing and at times, less than perfect runway surface conditions. Winter operations come with their share of challenges and for this reason most airlines require pilots to undergo recurrent training on cold weather ope season.
Putting everything all together, flying is the fun part once we’re up and on our way to our destination! Safety is always our number one priority when it comes to our passengers!
Fall jackets, leggings under skirts, scarfs and contemplating between getting hot or iced coffee, Toronto autumn is finally knocking on the door As the excitement of the Blue Jays
While sleeping in and avoiding socializing is highontheagenda,there’smoretoitthanthat – I promise, I’m not that boring! There are so many places and activities to do this fall that evenIamreadytoleavemybed.
Itistimetoshiftourfocusfrom outdoor patios to some fun indoor cafes, scenic picnics and watching the leaves gracefullyfalltotheground.In myopinion,Torontotakesona breathtaking aesthetic during this season. So, before you dive into planning your Halloween costumes, here are some exciting places to visit andthingstotrythisfall.
Torontonians know Distillery District for the Christman season, but what they don’t realize is that it is as beautiful in the fall as well. What makes it so special duringthisseason,istherefallmarket.Itisthemarket’s second year returning back and will be running for threeweekends,startingfrom8October.So,it’stimeto grab your best fall outfit and make a trip to Distillery District
This historic site will be full of pumpkins, festivals, entertainment, food and so much more The local marketwillalsobeofferingfreshproduceandyoucan alsobuyalotoffalldécor.Thebestmartisthatthereis no admission cost for the market, so you can go in for freeandgetlostofvibesofautumn.
You know what I like the best about fall and why it is my favorite season? It is because I get to see nature at its finest. The changing colour of leaves, watching them fall, breathing in the change of weather and walking on dry leaves and listening to them crack It all sounds so calming and you could experience that aswell Torontoassomanyfamousaswellashidden spots where you can take in the complete autumn feelandwatchagreatviewwithgoldenleaves
Some of those places are Algonquin park, High Park, Mono Cliff and Rattlesnake point. But what you don’t want to miss this fall is to take a stroll through the beltline trail that leads to Evergreen Brick Works that looksabsolutelymesmerizingatthispointoftheyear.
Fallistheperfecttimetohostfestivalsandhaveadrinkwith your friends and just sit and relax. If that is your jam then I havetheperfectthingforyou.TorontobringsyoutheFallN’ Leaves festival fourth year in a row where you will see some local vendors using woodfire oven and BBQ pits and serving youfoodwithsomedeliciouswine.Thefoodwillbeallfall themed and they will also have pumpkin bowling and mini pumpkinpatch.Don’tforgettocheckouttheirgianthaybale sofaaswellaspictureperfectspotstoshoweveryone.
Are you the kind of person who loved climbing mountains, camping, bonfire and walking for hours? Then I have the perfect idea for you this fall. Toronto is home to a number of gorgeous hiking spots like Spencer Gorge Wilderness area, Rouge Valley Conservation Centre, Blue Mountain Cascade Trail and more. Gather your group and equip yourself for a sweaty climb while enjoying and getting lost in the views on your way. Click pictures for your Instagram and enjoy the full essence of the autumn season while makingalotofmemories.
With fall comes the anticipation of winters, but not the cols weather and wind outside, especially in Toronto where wind isourbestfriend.Inthesesituations,allyouwanttodoissit at home and under the blanket. But you cannot stay in all day, every day. That is why Toronto has so many cozy cafes which are so aesthetically pleasing and cozy that you could sit there all day, drink coffee, do work and maybe sleep a little too. Exploring cafés is something that everyone in Torontoenjoysnomatterwhatweatherorseasonwearein. Out of ample of options some cafes that you should definitely check out in Café 23, found coffee, Pasaj (my personal favourite), Café Paminar, Page one and so many more that I can make a whole list. So, don’t just sit at home and get distracted my Netflix and wear your sweaters and go to these cafes and who knows, you might get lucky and havethebesttimeifyourday.
Communicationisnotjustaboutwords;it'salsoaboutwhatremainsunspoken.Bodylanguageplaysacrucial roleinconveyingourthoughts,emotions,andintentions.Understandingthenuancesofbodylanguagecan greatlyenhanceyourinteractionsinvariousaspectsoflife,frompersonalrelationshipstoprofessional endeavors.Inthisarticle,wewilldelveinto15essentialbodylanguagesignsthatarevitalfornavigating relationships,workplaces,firstdates,andfriendships.
Sustained eye contact can signify intimacy and connection
Maintaining appropriate eye contact displays confidenceandattentiveness.
Engaging eye contact can convey interest and attraction.
Consistent eye contact suggests trust and engagement.
A genuine smile communicates warmth and happiness.
Smiles can break the ice and create a positive atmosphere
A smile puts both parties at ease and fosters a friendlyenvironment
Smiling signifies approachability and a friendly disposition.
Subtlycopyingyourpartner'sgesturesorposture indicatesrapport
Mirroring colleagues' body language can strengthenteamwork.
Mirroring fosters a sense of familiarity and comfort.
Relationships: Open body language conveys trustandvulnerability.
Workplace: It suggests cooperation and a willingnesstocollaborate.
First Dates: An open posture demonstrates opennesstogettingtoknowsomeone
Friendships: Openness encourages open communicationandbonding.
Relationships: Leaning toward someone signifiesinterestandengagement
Workplace: Leaning in during conversations showsactivelistening.
FirstDates:Itcommunicateseagernessand curiosity.
Friendships: Leaning in displays attentivenessandsupport
Relationships:Appropriate physical touch can deepenintimacy.
Workplace: Handshakes or pats on the back
First Dates: Light touches can express attractionandcomfort.
Friendships: Hugs or high-fives strengthen bonds.
Relationships: Crossed arms can signal defensivenessordiscomfort.
Workplace:Itmaybeperceivedasabarrier tocommunication
First Dates: Crossed arms can indicate nervousnessoraclosed-offattitude.
Friendships: It might suggest reluctance or disagreement.
Astheholidayseasonapproaches, there'snobetterwaytoembracethe warmthandjoyofthisfestivetime thanbyindulgingincozy,nonalcoholicholidaydrinks.Whether you 'regatheredwithlovedonesor simplylookingtounwindbythe fireplacewithagoodbook,these delightfulbeverageswillelevateyour spiritsandkeepyoutoasty throughouttheholidays.Fromclassic favoritestouniquecreations,we've compiledalistof15comforting holidaydrinksthatareeasytomake andfilledwiththeflavorsofthe season.
*Heatoverlow-mediumheatfor10-15minutes, stirringoccasionally.
*Removethespicesandorangepeelbefore serving
*Whippedcreamandcrushedpeppermint candiesforgarnish(optional)
*Inasaucepan,whisktogethercocoapowder, sugar,andalittlemilkuntilsmooth.
*Addtherestofthemilkandheatovermedium, stirringconstantly.
*Oncehot,removefromheat,stirinpeppermint extract,andservewithoptionalgarnishes.
SpicedAppleCider PeppermintHotChocolateIngredients:
*Boilwaterandsteeptheteabagalong withthespicesfor5minutes.
*Addmilkandsweetenerandsimmer untilhot.
*Orangeslicesand cranberriesforgarnish
*Mixcranberryandorange juiceinapitcher.
*Addsparklingwaterandstir gently.
*Serveovericeandgarnish withorangeslicesand cranberries
*Whippedcreamand carameldrizzlefortopping
*Heatapplejuiceand caramelsauceina saucepanuntilsteaming.
*Topwithwhippedcream andadrizzleofcaramel.
*Whippedcreamandcinnamonforgarnish (optional)
*Inasaucepan,heatthemilk,white chocolatechips,pumpkinpuree,andpumpkin spiceovermediumheatuntilthechocolate chipsaremeltedandthemixtureishot.
*Pourintomugsandtopwithwhippedcream andasprinkleofcinnamonifdesired.
Theseadditionaldrinkswillsurely addevenmorevarietyand warmthtoyourholidaybeverage menu.Enjoytheholidayseason withthesecomfortingand deliciouschoices!
Thisholidayseason,treatyourselfandyourloved onestothewarmthandcomfortofthese15nonalcoholicholidaydrinks.Whetheryou'resippingon spicedapplecider,indulginginpepperminthot chocolate,orsavoringachailatte,theserecipesare suretomakeyourholidaysevenmorespecial.So, gatheraroundthefireplace,wrapyourselfinacozy blanket,andenjoythefestiveflavorsthatmakethis timeofyeartrulymagical.
Cheers to a delightful and cozy holiday season!
TRACEY earned her “Bee” badge from the play on abbreviation from her middle initial and her buzzing around the world. Tracey is an academic, activist, and marketer. She’s already the counsel to her friends so we figured she might help youtoo.DEAR“BEE”isourmodern-dayshuffleofDearAbbie…orDearA”bee.”
QUESTION1:TODEGREEORNOT,THATISTHEQUESTION.Itseemsasthoughyou don’tneedschoolanymoretobesuccessful….Whatdoyouthink?
Learning is timeless and priceless but education comes in many forms. Traditional schooling is never a mistake but don’t limit yourself to learning just in the classroom.
Start by thinking of what market you want to tap into and understand the frustrations or gaps you can identify. Chances are, if you feel under-severed by a market then there’s space for you to play there!
San Sebastián - A beautiful paradise in the Basque region of Spain, San Sebastian is famous for its gourmet eats Whether you want a Micheline restaurant or pintxos (bar snacks) to die for, you can enjoy at any price point.
Paris The city of love. The city of butter. The city of food The birth of our culinary guru Julia Childs. Need I say more?
Copenhagen Scandis do it better. From farm to table, this city runs on fun innovations. Even though Noma has shut its doors, it was just the first in a long line of culinary innovation. Plus the people are so nice.
Rome Famously, the city was not built in a day, but all roads lead to Rome for one reason: The food
Montreal A Canadian treasure. The rumor is Anthony Bourdain coined this city the best food in North America. It’s no surprise with more chefs per capita than almost any other place in the world
In 2023 social media is a huge tool to get the wor advertisement for your brand Honestly, if I look into a business without a social presence, I immediately wonder if they’re legitimate. Not only do I think it’s an added value, but it could really be a game changer.
QUESTION5:I’mfeelingleftoutandstrugglingtofitinwithmyco-workers. Doyouhaveanadvice?
First, try to initiate conversations and show genuine interest in getting to know your co-workers. Ask them about their interests, hobbies, or weekend plans. By showing curiosity and actively listening, you can create opportunities for connection.
Additionally, consider joining any workplace activities or committees that align with your interests. This can help you meet new colleagues outside of your immediate team and establish connections based on shared interests.
Building rapport takes time, so be patient and persistent. It's also important to maintain a positive attitude and be open to new experiences and conversations Remember that everyone has different personalities and communication styles, so try to find common ground and be respectful of diversity within your workplace.
It's not uncommon for long-term relationships to go through phases where the spark and excitement may fade.
First, open up a conversation with your partner and express your feelings honestly and lovingly. This open dialogue can help you both understand each other's needs and work together to bring back the spark.
Consider trying new activities or experiences together. This could involve exploring a new hobby, taking a class, or planning a surprise date night. Injecting novelty into your routine can help create shared memories and reignite the sense of adventure.
Don't underestimate the power of small gestures. Express affection, appreciation, and gratitude regularly Surprise your partner with thoughtful gestures, such as love notes or small gifts.
Intimacy is an essential aspect of any romantic relationship. Communicate openly about your desires and find ways to spice up your physical connection.
Remember that relationships require effort and commitment from both partners It's important to prioritize spending quality time together and actively nurturing your connection. Keep the lines of communication open, be patient with each other, and embrace the journey of rediscovering and reigniting the passion in your relationship.
Wishing you a renewed sense of love and excitement in your relationship!"
Weallhaveourownuniquesetofmotivationsanditisimportantto understandwhatmakeseachpersontick–especiallywhenspeaking financially.Todaywehaveanexclusiveblogthatfocusesonhoroscopes forentrepreneurshipandmotivationthis2023!
As autumn leaves tumble and the year comes to a close, Aries, you ' re feeling a powerful urge to wrap up unfinished business It's time to channel your energy into tying up loose ends and setting the stage for a fresh start in the new year Embrace the cozy vibes of fall to recharge your spirit and get organized. Reflect on your goals and make a game plan for a spectacular year ahead
Taurus, fall's crisp air and vibrant colors inspire your senses It's a time to savor life's simple pleasures, like pumpkin spice lattes and long walks in the woods Use this season to cultivate gratitude and cherish the relationships that matter most Connect deeply with loved ones as you prepare for a heartwarming holiday season. Your steadfast nature will shine as you build lasting memories
For Gemini, fall brings a sense of mystery and transformation Embrace the changing scenery and allow your curiosity to lead the way Dive into a new hobby or study a subject that intrigues you. As the year draws to a close, you'll find yourself shedding old layers and emerging with a fresh perspective Your adaptable nature is your greatest asset during this transformative season
Cancer, the fall season taps into your nurturing instincts You're drawn to create a cozy and harmonious home environment, perfect for holiday gatherings. It's a time to focus on family and self-care, letting go of any emotional baggage from the year As the days grow shorter, use this period to recharge your emotional well-being, ready to embrace the joy and love that the year-end celebrations bring
As the leaves change, Leo, you ' re embracing your creative side with open arms The fall season ignites your passion for artistic endeavors and selfexpression Dive into projects that light your inner fire and share your talents with the world. This is your time to shine, leaving a lasting impression on those around you as the year draws to a close.
Virgo, fall's arrival aligns perfectly with your need for order and routine Use this time to declutter your life, both physically and mentally Organize your tasks, streamline your goals, and prioritize your well-being By the end of the year, you'll feel a deep sense of accomplishment and be well-prepared to take on new challenges in the year ahead.
Libra, you thrive in the social atmosphere of fall The season of gatherings and festivities suits your love for connection and balance Strengthen your bonds with friends and loved ones, and take time to nurture yourself as well As the year concludes, your ability to find harmony in relationships will leave you feeling content and fulfilled.
Fall's mysterious and transformative energy resonates deeply with Scorpio. You're diving into the depths of your own psyche, seeking self-discovery and personal growth Embrace this season as an opportunity for introspection and healing By the end of the year, you'll emerge from your cocoon stronger and more resilient than ever, ready to face the future with renewed intensity
Sagittarius, as the year winds down, your adventurous spirit is calling Embrace the beauty of fall by exploring new horizons, whether through travel, learning, or taking on exciting challenges. Expand your horizons and seek out fresh experiences to carry with you into the new year. This is a time to ignite your wanderlust and inspire your soul
Capricorn, fall encourages you to ground yourself in your ambitions and goals. Use this season to make steady progress toward your long-term aspirations. As the year-end approaches, your hard work and determination will pay off, bringing you closer to your dreams Embrace the season ' s disciplined energy and set a strong foundation for the future
Aquarius, fall inspires your innovative thinking and humanitarian spirit. It's a time to connect with likeminded individuals who share your vision for positive change Collaborate on projects that make a difference in the world and prepare for a meaningful year ahead Your ability to see the bigger picture will guide you toward inspiring and impactful endeavors
Pisces, the dreamy and introspective nature of fall resonates with your soul Embrace the season to dive deep into your creative and spiritual pursuits. Seek solace in nature and let your intuition guide you. By yearend, you'll have uncovered profound insights and a sense of inner peace. Use this time to heal, reflect, and prepare for the emotional and spiritual growth that awaits in the coming year.