We’ve had two years to adapt to living more of our lives out-of-doors. Perhaps it’s time to reexamine our garden’s living spaces. Is there room for expansion? Can a few changes make outdoor living at home more comfortable and inviting?
First Option: Expansion Can you and do you want to expand your outdoor space? Here are several questions to consider. 1. Is there a portion of your property that could be transformed into a patio? (Be sure to check any legal issues—covenants and building codes.) 2. Is this area easy to reach from the house? If the area is remote or just difficult to get to while carrying a laptop or tray of drinks, your lovely, new patio may languish unused. 3. Will you need to include a walkway to the new area? How about privacy? Will you feel comfortable carrying on a phone conversation or just chatting with family in this new area? Perhaps a privacy fence or shrubbery can be installed as part of the construction. Will electricity be available? Almost a must for outdoor living today. These issues can best be resolved by consulting a landscape architect or builder who has lots of experience with outdoor areas. They will advise you about permits, potential problems with light and drainage, and how to meet your family’s requirements for an outdoor living space.
Second option: Revamping Since you’ve already spent quite a bit of time in your existing outdoor area—patio, deck, or garden glade—you have a clear picture of how you and your family enjoy being at home, outdoors. You’re also aware of the drawbacks and annoyances of your current outdoor space layout. As you look, now, with fresh eyes there are four points to consider: Comfort, Durability, Flexibility, and Design. 128
What’s Up? Annapolis | May 2022 | whatsupmag.com