What's Up? Annapolis: June 2021

Page 116


6 StatementMaking Elements of Kitchen Design By Lisa J. Gotto

Our home’s kitchen, simply put, is everything these days. Savvy homeowners are going the extra mile to ensure these spaces meet their specific needs and expectations, and be designed to exacting standards of efficiency and beauty. Let’s explore six essential strategies at the heart of statement-making, purposeful kitchen design.


Creative Space Making No matter how much room we provide in our kitchen floorplans these days, there are always times when we wish we just had a little more space, or wish the space could “do more.” This may be one of the reasons that kitchen islands have gotten larger and are seen as the multi-functional miracle worker of the kitchen. While you may sacrifice space initially for its footprint, what you can pack into an island—storage, sink, dishwasher, shelving, and seating—has helped earn it a valuable place in the kitchen, nonetheless. Another stylish way that storage is here to stay in the kitchen is clever and sassy banquette seating with built-in storage. With functional upholstery options, a variety of materials, and tabletop options, there are so many smart ways this element can work in the kitchen. Getting creative and not depending on cabinet storage so much can actually lead to opportunities to show off your sense of style. More and more, we see dishes coming out of the cabinets and placed where they can be easily accessed and displayed. While this in-wall option may not work for every family or kitchen, it certainly stands as a stunning reminder of your good sense and great taste!


Mixing Tones


Frugal Use of Restaurant Design

While you wouldn’t necessarily want the harder, more austere aspects of a restaurant kitchen in your home, prudent uses of industrial elements cannot only be functional, they

Inviting. This is certainly what we wish all our kitchens to be. Conducive

can convey a sense of sophistication in your

to culinary creativity as well as gathering and supporting the way we live

style choice when appropriately modified. For

day-to-day, the kitchen that can do all these things and look great doing

example, applying an industrial application

it, sets the standard. One great way to accomplish the visual aspect

to the ever-popular kitchen island concept

of this standard is using a tonal mix. Adding new tones can be tricky,

provides flexibility, abundant storage, and in

however, so experts advise following the “Two-C” rule: complement and

this case, true panache. Adding a sumptuous

contrast. So, for every new tone introduced, it should either complement

marble countertop, dare we say, is like add-

or contrast what is already going on in the space. It’s also a good idea

ing butter to bread. Other restaurant-style

not to exceed three distinct tones within one space. From the look of

applications such as open and floating

things in this room, the paleness of all the tones complement each other,

shelving, warming stations, profession-

while the mixing of the grey, the washed aqua, and a subtle sage green

al-grade ranges, and elongated food prep

provide an almost subliminal contrast. When in doubt, find a pro who can

counters are appearing in many current-day

help you find a balance of how to use each tone and where to use it.

kitchen plans—not only making statements, but making life easier for the home chef.


What’s Up? Annapolis | June 2021 | whatsupmag.com

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