2 minute read
App Happy
By Dylan Roche
What if the secret to adopting a healthier lifestyle were right there in the palm of your hand? Well, it is—sort of. Thanks to a surge in popularity of diet- and fitness-related apps, a smartphone might be the layman’s greatest tool in managing what they eat, finding the right workout, holding themselves accountable, and staying dedicated. Because let’s face it: Trainers and dieticians are expensive and good accountability partners are hard to come by. Apps should never take the place of an expert professional—some people really do need the guidance of a trainer or dietician—but if you’re just looking for a better way to track your progress and stay focused on your goal, one of these popular apps could help.
Remember, even though these apps are convenient, none of them should take the place of professional advice. Talk to your doctor before you start any diet or exercise routine, and if you need extra guidance, consult a trainer or dietitian who can give you some one-on-one counseling.
Here are six of the more popular apps to gain momentum recently and are projected to remain popular throughout 2020
ESQUARED–GYMS & STUDIOS: Using the same application program interface (API) as Uber, Esquared Fitness helps you find nearby gyms that don’t require a membership to book one of their on-demand exercise classes. Because there are no commitments or fees to download and register with the app, you don’t have to worry about any extra expense.
If you’re on vacation, visiting family, taking a business trip, or moving to a new area, Esquared Fitness is an easy way to find classes for all kinds of workouts—aerobics, yoga, dance, kickboxing, strength training, cycling, and so forth.
Just specify the type of class you’re searching for, then select the class to reserve your spot and show up at the right time. You can even pay for your class through the app. It’s an easy, adventurous way to stick with your workout routine when you’re out of town.
MY FITNESS PAL: This is the go-to app most people use for weight loss, and with good reason! It’s an easy way to keep track of the food you eat and the physical activity you do. The app’s food database has about 300 million items you can search through to enter what you’ve eaten that day, plus you can enter what exercises you have done and for how long.
The app helps compare your calories in versus calories out so you can meet your daily targets. But it’s not just about calories—you can track your nutrients also to make sure you’re getting enough protein, for example, or enough iron.
And if motivation is a big struggle, you can use My Fitness Pal’s discussion forums to learn from others, swap tips, and get encouragement.
COUCH TO 5K: You’ve always wanted to be a runner, but you just don’t know where to start. The popular Couch to 5K app has helped thousands of people in the beginning stages start a workout routine by setting manageable goals, guiding them through what they should do each day, and gradually increasing their intensity and distance until they get to where they want to be.