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USNA Alumni Association and Foundation
Annapolis, MD 21402
410-295-4000, www.usna.com
The course set by our Alumni Association founders in 1886 rings true today as the Alumni Association serves and supports the naval service, the Naval Academy, and its alumni by furthering the highest standards at the Naval Academy; by seeking out, informing, encouraging and assisting outstanding, qualified young men and women to pursue careers as officers through the Naval Academy; and by initiating and sponsoring activities which perpetuate the history, traditions, memories, and growth of the Naval Academy and bind alumni together in support of the highest ideals of command, citizenship, and government.
The Alumni Association provides programs and services to more than 69,000 members through more than 102 alumni chapters, 80 class organizations, and 80 parent clubs worldwide. Events and activities include reunions, tailgates, and an extensive array of career services. The Alumni Association also produces Shipmate magazine, WaveTops e-newsletter, www. usna.com, and myusna.com to keep members and friends upto-date on alumni and Academy news. In addition, the Alumni Association’s parents program supports the parent clubs and provides tremendous resources and opportunities for Naval Academy parents.
The Naval Academy Foundation works with Academy leadership to identify strategic priorities and to raise, manage, and disburse private funds in support of those priorities. The Foundation has raised millions in support of the Brigade of Midshipmen, the Academy and its programs, and its influence can be seen in projects as varied as the Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium, Center for Cyber Security Studies, Stockdale Center for Ethical Leadership, international programs, faculty recruitment, admissions outreach, athletic excellence, and much more. More than 15,000 alumni, parents, corporations, foundations, and other friends of the Academy make private gifts each year in support of specific programs or the Annual Fund - the most powerful way of supporting the Academy.
The United States Naval Academy Alumni Association and Foundation are two independent, not-for-profit, non-stock Maryland corporations sharing a single president and CEO and operating as a fully integrated organization in support of the Naval Academy and its mission. The organization’s focus and core competencies are engagement and philanthropy in pursuit of complementary and closely aligned missions.