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E-Contents A snap
COMING UP IN NOVEMBER 2020 Excellence in Nursing Winners! Year of the Woman: Barriers to Contemporary Change Conowingo Dam Part III Cheers to Maryland Craft Beer
Best of 2021 Voting
whatsupmag.com/ best-of-voting Let your voice be heard and vote for your favorite health and wellness providers, veterinarians, restaurants, beauty salons, gyms, realtors, home contractors, retailers, and professional services. The voting deadline is November 30th. Voting results will be published in our 2021 issues.
contents October + In Every Issue
4 E-Contents A snapshot of what’s online promotions and exclusive content
6 Editor’s Letter James shares his thoughts
7 Out on the Towne Previews of special autumn activities to enjoy this month By Megan Kotelchuck
14 Towne Salute Meet Bobbie Burnett, founder of The Caring Collection, Inc. By Lisa A. Lewis
16 Towne Spotlight Local business and community news By James Houck
19 Towne Athlete Meet Lana Hamilton of Arundel High School By Tom Worgo

e - contents +

20 Towne Interview We talk with former USNA football star Malcolm Perry about his transition to the NFL By Tom Worgo
80 Where’s Wilma? Find the What’s Up? Media mascot and win
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