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Community Notices

Streetlights Working?

It’s that time of the year, when the days are shorter, and everyone is walking to school or work in the dark. When a streetlight is out, that dark area seems even darker. Help make Faro a safer community. If you find a streetlight that isn’t working, please call the Town Office so we can make a note and follow-up with Yukon Energy. Although Yukon Energy does their best to keep the streetlights functioning, the Town pays for the streetlights’ operation, whether it works or not. We want to make sure that we are getting value for your tax dollars and Yukon Energy wants to provide quality service to Faro residents.

Town Office

Public hours are Monday to Friday 9:00am to 4:00pm.

All Yukon Energy service poles have are numbered. Please mark down the pole number when reporting streetlights that are not working.

Town Contact Information & Staff Directory:

Chief Administrative Officer Larry Baran 994-2728 ext 4 cao-faro@faroyukon.ca Operations Manger Mark Vainio 994-2728 ext 7 Town Shop: 994-2758 operations@faroyukon.ca GM of Recreation & Culture Denis Bento Rec. Centre: 994-2375 recreation@faroyukon.ca GM of Finance Lenka Kazda 994-2728 ext 3 finance@faroyukon.ca Executive Assistant Jennifer Brooker 994-2728 ext 5 admin-faro@faroyukon.ca Finance Clerk Glenda Power 994-2728 ext 2 finclk@faroyukon.ca

Correspondence to Mayor & Council:

mayor.bowers@faroyukon.ca councillor.nyland@faroyukon.ca councillor.medvid@faroyukon.ca councillor.fetterly@faroyukon.ca If you are an able bodied indi- councillor.mchugh@faroyukon.ca

vidual, please consider joining

the Fire Department and The Source of Official Town Protecting our Community. Information and Notices:

Contact the Town Office or Fire Chief for more information.

www.faro.ca www.facebook.com/TownofFaro

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