5 minute read

His Third, First Christmas

Elsie Jordan made the Yukon her home in 2014. She has a passion for storytelling with a focus on family (mis)adventures featuring a unique Yukon feel to them.

The holidays through a toddler’s lens

For many of us, that first Christmas as a parent is something very special. So special, in fact, that it is difficult to describe just how many emotions you go through as the holiday season progresses. And if you’re anything like me, you just can’t wait to provide a plethora of festive experiences for your little one: that first photo with Santa, opening up gifts on Christmas under the tree, holiday movies and a yummy turkey dinner … all of the things that make the holidays so near and dear to our hearts are just waiting to be enjoyed.

My Little Buddy was six months old for his first Christmas, and I worked hard to accomplish my list of holiday objectives for him. We got the Santa picture (it was 2020 at the time, so Santa remained a safe distance away) and we opened the mountain of presents our family sent up for Christmas morning. It was great, but despite the joy that I felt with each of these activities, I did find that he was a little too young to fully grasp what was going on in those moments.

This year, it’s quite different. I am the mother of a rambunctious toddler going into his third festive season with a growing awareness of what holidays are and what fun experiences they include for him. I know it’s not his first Christmas, but in some ways it is. It’s the first Christmas where he is able to play an active participant in all of the holly-jolly buildup.

And that has been so much fun!

I knew becoming a parent would change how I looked at the holidays, but as each Christmas tradition is taken in by my toddler, for the first time I find myself blown away by how much I have been taking for granted. Small things, like putting up a wreath (which has been dubbed the “Christmas Donut” in my household) or walking through the decorations aisle in the Dollar Store provide moments of sheer excitement for a two-year-old who has never seen any of this before. And as he is

having all of these new experiences for the first time, I’m finding that I, too, am seeing my favourite holiday through a brand-new lens—a toddler’s lens.

For example, did you know that one of the most important parts of the holiday season is Christmas lights?

I mean … yes, I’ve always thought Christmas lights were beautiful, and I enjoy taking a stroll to see the beauty that they present. But for Little Buddy, these colourful orbs are the epitome of absolute perfection. Nothing about the Christmas season can top them. He’s described them as funny, amazing and oh, so cool! That’s very high praise coming from my toddler. These small decorations bring him such utter

joy that it’s impossible not to fangirl right alongside him. And when he asks to go and say “Hello” to them, it’s nearly impossible for one’s heart not to melt.

Speaking of fangirling, I had been having doubts as to whether Buddy was going to view Santa as a friend, when they met this season, or if it would be a total disaster. After all, last year he cried hysterically when his teacher (bless him) dressed up for photos with the kids at daycare. It was an experience that even tainted presents for a time, with him, as I think he associated wrapped gifts with that particular “Santa experience.”

Lucky for us, this year my kiddo’s level of understanding of who Santa is has allowed him enough

confidence to go up and say “Hi” to the big man in red. There was no fear when we went in for pictures—no shyness—and my husband and I beamed with pride as our little guy marched right up to Santa, sat on his knee and posed for the camera.

Yes, Santa is definitely a friend in the eyes of my darling little two-year-old. That’ll never change, I’m sure.

Another thing I don’t see changing anytime soon is just how awesome Christmas baking is for a toddler!

In fact, I now have my own official “cookie tester” to help me out in the kitchen, as he has begun to realize that Christmastime results in many a treat being passed his direction. Whether it’s the candy canes being handed out in stores or the kids bringing in desserts for their friends at school—delicious goodies are everywhere right now. And home is no exception. I find myself smiling as I watch him proudly wear his little apron while he climbs up on the stool next to me to help mix in the ingredients. We usually have to clean more flour off of the counter then we’ve gotten into the bowl, but I delight in knowing that we are making some truly memorable holiday moments—traditions, even—as I know he will certainly join my husband in decorating the gingerbread men with not-so-appropriate designs. Yes, Christmas through the eyes of my toddler is a heck of a lot of fun. I’ve never experienced the holidays as the mother of a two-year-old, before, so I guess in a way it’s a first for me as well. A first that I am relishing every second of. I know we are in for some more festive adventures in the coming days, and I look forward to all of the lessons they will entail.

And so, to all of you out there, from my little family to yours, I wish you all a very happy holiday season that is filled with love, fun and an endless amount of Christmas lights. n

p Clockwise: Decorating the tree; A little elf in the house; Christmas baking

PHOTOS: Elsie Jordan


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