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Copyright Š 2012 by Breakthrough Providence All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reduced, reproduced in any form, by electronic or mechanical means, without permission in writing from the editors of A Midsummer Harvest, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Printed in the United States of America By: createspace.com
ISBN-13: 978-1478387398 ISBN-10: 1478387394
!"#$%&'(()*"+,*-)&." Editor: Rebecca A. Greenberg Assistant Editor: Thom Finley
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Dulari Tahbildar Meg Hughes Dioni Cruz
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-*+.'/01+2'*& Welcome to A Midsummer Harvest: selected essays written by rising seventh grade students at Breakthrough Providence’s Summerbridge Program. These essays link the students’ lives with Shakespearean characters created 500 years ago in A Midsummer Night’s Dream; the essays represent the culmination of a summer’s work deconstructing the challenging grammar, rich vocabulary, and complex sentence structure in the play—all of which enabled the students to grasp its meaning and mysticism. We hope that this booklet of essays will serve the students not only as a marker of their efforts in the program but also as a source of inspiration for their future academic endeavors. —Rebecca A. Greenberg
5&62/,077%.&829:+;,&<.%"7&=,,">& Emily Rojas Shakespeare’s stories have inspired us for 5 centuries, and that won’t stop today. Helena is a girl who tries to be friendly to a boy named Demetrius because she’s in love with him. But Demetrius doesn’t like Helena, but likes her friend Hermia. Helena tries to be more kind and patient so she could see if Demetrius will really love her or not. Helena’s kindness and patience relates to my own life because I try to be kind and patient to people so they could be my friends. Therefore, Helena and I are alike because we’re kind and patient. Helena and I are both kind to people by trying not to be lonely, by having friends, and by having thoughts for people. I try not to be excluded from other people while in page 51 of our book, Helena tries to stay with her lover, Demetrius, even though he said he’d cause Helena harm if she follows him. I try to have a certain amount of friends while Helena tries to be friends with Demetrius so that he could be in love with her. Finally, we have sensitive thoughts for other people. I have feelings for my friends and family by asking them if they’re okay while Helena mostly has feelings for Demetrius because on page 49, Helena says she’s “sick” when she doesn’t look at Demetrius. In conclusion, Helena and I are both friendly because we try to have friends, try not to be excluded, and we have sensitive feelings for other people. Another thing that Helena and I have in common is that we have the same personality. I try to be patient by waiting for things while Helena waits patiently for Demetrius on page 47 to say that he loves her or not. I wait patiently !
until it’s my turn at the right time to do something while Helena waits at the right time on page 59 to see if Demetrius will love her. Finally, sometimes I’m impatient, but let it go while Helena is impatient with Demetrius, but lets it go (Act 2, scene 1). In conclusion, Helena and I both have the same personality because we wait for things, we wait to do things correctly, and we relax when we’re impatient. In conclusion, Helena and I are similar because we are both kind and have the same patient personality. The character traits that Helena embodies in A Midsummer Night’s Dream help her try to get Demetrius to fall in love with her. For me, being kind and having a personality helps me have friends and not be lonely all the time. !
@%,%7#$"*1%,&A%+B%%*&C01D&"*/&-& Samuel Adetona -- A hunch is creativity trying to tell you something and out of limitations comes creativity to think outside the box. For there to be any limits, you must be devoted to push yourself past them. )!Samuel Adetona! ! ! When you need a fairy to play a dirty little prank, Puck, also known as Robin Goodfellow, is your man, or spirit of the woods to be exact. The way his mind works is similar to my own. The creativity of his mind ties in with the tricks he plays smoothly and because he’s so devoted he will completely carry out what he has in mind. Puck and I are alike because we are both creative and devoted. We are creative because we give a pinch of mischief into the pot of reality. Puck came up with the idea of having a little fun with this magic flower and mess with the hearts and heads of the Athenians. Whoever didn’t love a person would be manipulated into falling in love with them when the first thing they saw was that certain person. And whoever was caught in the flower’s power could maybe even fall in love with a beast. Puck has the same gift as me. I come up with new ways to spice up situations to make [them] fun for everyone even if they might be uncalled for. For example in an SB cheer I scream as loud as I possibly can so everyone can join in and it wouldn’t be weird. In conclusion, Puck and I are creative because we change the predictable and make it suspenseful. In the same way Puck and I creative we are also devoted to what we truly desire. Puck was so confident that he’d find Cupid’s flower of love he even states in Act !
2 scene 1 page 47 (lines 181-182), “ I’ll put a girdle bout the earth in forty minutes.” Just like Puck, I’m devoted 100% in what I want: I try to be the best I can be and achieve excellent grades to assure my destiny in becoming successful in the future. Puck and I are both devoted to whatever we need because we push ourselves close to beyond our limits so that there is no doubt that we will get what we want most. If Puck and I were anymore alike we could be twins because we are both creative and devoted to what we love. Puck is always willing to go to the extremes in everything he does because he’s so dedicated to his work, like when he found the flower and thought creatively in order to change the hearts of the Athenian lovers. As a unique student in the 21st century, I use my gift of creativity to bond with others and make them feel good or better about themselves, and my devotion to help myself to become someone great in life and help others by being a strong leader. Although I am still strengthening these traits I know that it will all be worth it in the end for both myself and my community. ! !
!:%&F.2++%*&F'.$/&'(&G:"D%,H%".%& Christina Kuy Here is the door to Shakespeare’s written world; enter at your own risk. In this essay I will be introducing you to Hermia, the love interest of both Demetrius and Lysander. She is impulsive for running away from home without thinking about the consequences. She is also selfish for not caring about others’ feelings. Hermia and I are different because she is impulsive and selfish. Hermia and I are different because she is impulsive: she runs away from home without thinking twice about it, she picks a fight with other people, and she disregards others’ feelings. First, on page 19 (lines 180-181) she deliberately disobeys her father by agreeing to run away with Lysander. Instead of running away from home I would have talked it through with my parents then run away if they still didn’t understand. Second, she picks a fight with Helena without thinking about how much she would get hurt. On page 103 (lines 312-313) she says that she can reach into [and hurt] Helena’s eyes. I try to stay out of drama and out of fights. Finally, she doesn’t think twice about others’ feelings. I tend to put other peoples’ feelings before mine. When people ask me to baby-sit when I already have plans made I will baby-sit. Hermia and I are different because she is impulsive; she runs away from home, she picks a fight with Helena, and she doesn’t think about others. Another reason why we are different is because [Hermia] is selfish; she runs away from her father without thinking about how he would feel, and she doesn’t put Lysander’s happiness before hers. On page 19, (lines 172182) she swears to Lysander about running away. She doesn’t care about how her dad would feel. I would never !
hurt any of my family members like that. On page 103 (lines 304-313) she is very angry with Helena because she seems to think that she stole Lysander away from her. If she really cared about Lysander and Helena she would only care about their happiness. It bothers me when I may be being selfish so I try and fix it straight away. Whenever my siblings want something of mine, at first I don’t want to give it to them then I realize I’m being selfish so then I give it to them. Hermia and I are different because she is selfish; she runs away from her father, and she doesn’t care about Lysander’s happiness. In conclusion, Hermia and I are different because she is impulsive and selfish. Hermia proves these claims because she runs away without thinking it through, and doesn’t care about Lysander’s happiness. As for me, a 12 year old in the 21st century struggling to keep everyone happy, I try my best to make the right choices and to think about others.
6%&2*&+:%&I4JJ,K& Ariel Troncoso Although Shakespeare was writing in the 1500s, some of his characters are still relevant today. Hermia is kind because [she is true to people and fair to her peers] and clever [because she ran away sneakily and had good comebacks]. Hermia and I are alike because we [are] both kind and clever. Hermia and I are both kind because we are true to people, fair to peers, and also friendly. First, on line 81, page 13, Hermia said, “so will I grow, so live, so die, my lord.” She’ll never give up on challenges or real life problems. The second, on how Hermia and I are both fair to people is [that] on line 47, Theseus said to Hermia “be advised, fair maid.” Therefore, we treat people with respect and they give us respect no matter how hard it is to pay attention. The last of how Hermia and I are both the same is we are friendly as Hermia said to Helena, “Godspeed, fair Helena.” Furthermore, that is the same way I am to my friends, family, and at school. My character Hermia in the book A Midsummer Night’s Dream and I are the same of our kindness. To sum up, I am kind like Hermia because we stand up for what we believe in, treat people with respect and kindness and try to have as many [friends] as possible. Hermia and I are both clever because Hermia ran away and I got away quietly and we are both skillful with out words. First, Hermia ran away with Lysander to the woods on page 21 (Act 1 line 207), “He no more shall see my face. Lysander and myself will fly this place,” just like when I get away with eating candy by taking [it] and sneaking away. Second, Hermia and I are clever with our words because she thought more and had good comebacks in the fight with Helena on page 103: (act 3, line 296) “O me! You !
juggler, you cankerblossom, you thief of love! What, have you come by night and stol’n my love’s heart from him?” which is similar to when I debate about an important [subject] in a group. In conclusion, Hermia and I are both alike because we are both stealthy and also use clever words in a fight. In conclusion, Hermia and I are similar because we are both kind and clever. Hermia ran away with Lysander and had good comebacks in a fight with Helena. Today in 2012, I, Ariel, use my kindness and cleverness to sneakily get what I want with no one noticing and to have good comebacks in a debate about important subjects.
=,,">& Jamy Castillo Although Shakespeare is hard to read, some of his characters’ traits are still here today. Titania and I are alike because we can be angry because of dishonesty, and peoples’ attitude around us. Titania can also be sad because of what Oberon does to her. Titania and I are alike because we can be angry and sad. Titania and I are alike because we can be angry on pp. 41 line 84-89: “These are the forgeries of jealousy, and never since the middle summer’s spring, met we on hill, in dale, forest, or mead, But paved fountain or rushy brook, or in the Beached margent of the sea, To dance our ringlets to the whistling wind.” She gets mad at Oberon for cheating on her. When I get mad people bother me and that’s how I get mad and also dishonesty and [peoples’] attitude around us. In conclusion Titania and I can be angry sometimes someone does something to you. And also of dishonesty with friends or someone else (…). Titania and I are alike because we can be sad sometimes. I can be sad about something that happened to me. Or people don’t talk to you anymore. Titania was sad about Oberon cheating on her with someone else like in line 76 pp. 39 “to Theseus must be wedded, and you come to give their bed joy and prosperity.” This is what it means…that Oberon came to see Hippolyta but not Titania. It makes Titania feel very bad. In conclusion, Titania and I can be sad because people can be mean to us, or because of dishonesty. Titania is angry and sad because Oberon cheated on her with someone else. As a student in the 21st century, I get !
angry/sad because people bother me or theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re mean to me.!! !
& N#%.'*&"*/&-& Brandon Torres Although Shakespeare’s plays were written in the 1500s, the characters relate to us today. Oberon and I are different because Oberon is mean and I am nice. Furthermore, Oberon is selfish and I am generous. That is how Oberon and I are different. Oberon and I are different because Oberon is mean and I am nice (…). (Act 1. Sc. 1 #65) Oberon said, “Tarry, rash wanton. Am not I thy lord?” What Oberon said was mean because “rash wanton” means foolish rebel and he yelled that to Titania. However, I am nice because I help my friends with their homework. Another time was [when] (Act 2. Sc. 1 # 185) Oberon said, “I’ll watch Titania when she is asleep and drop the liquor of it in her eyes.” So, that was mean because he is going to make his wife in love with someone else with a love flower. Even though Oberon is mean, I am nice because I hold the door for my mom when she comes from outside. In conclusion, Oberon and I are different because Oberon is a cruel person and I am a wonderful person. Next, Oberon and I are different because I am generous and Oberon is selfish. First, (Act. 2 Sc. 1 # 185) Oberon said, “And drop the liquor of it in her eyes, the next thing that she waking, looks upon an animal.” On the other hand, I am generous (…); I help my mom when she has groceries. Another way Oberon is selfish is, (act 2. Sc.1 3 189) he said, “Shall pursue it with the soul of love.” Another way I am generous is, I helped my dad fix his car. In conclusion, Oberon and I are different because I am generous and Oberon is selfish. In “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” Oberon liked to play with peoples’ feelings. However, in 2012, I am nice because !
I help people when they need help. In summary, Oberon and I are different because I am nice and Oberon is mean. !
G:"D%,H%".%&<2((%.,&(.'7&!'/">& Adedamola Abujade Although Shakespeare was writing in the 1500s some of his characters are still relevant. Lysander, a noble who loves Hermia, [is unlike] me because he’s unkind to others while I can feel guilty and be nice. He also doesn’t because he is very responsible. Whereas Lysander and I are different because he is unkind and responsible and I’m kind and irresponsible. Lysander and I are unlike since he is unkind to others except Hermia. He dedicates his pleas to Hermia and gets mad at everyone who gets in the way. When he planned to run away with Hermia, he decided where they are going to live so they can be safe (Act 1 sc1 # 640-170). Then when Egeus wanted Hermia to marry Demetrius he said to Demetrius “you have her father’s love…let me have Hermia while you marry him” (Act 1 sc. 1 #95-96). Therefore I’m kind since I’ll do pretty much anything you tell me. My sister said to get her soda. I said, ‘get up and do it yourself, you lazy bum.’ She said ‘fine, then.’ I felt all guilty and did it anyway. In conclusion, Lysander is mean to others while I easily feel guilty. Lysander and I are unlike because he is responsible while I’m not. He had it thought out to a place where they can’t find them. Unlike what other people would have done. He said to Hermia, “and to that place sharp of Athenian law cannot pursue us” (Act 1. Sc. 1 # 18-170). I’m not responsible because I would forget what you would tell me. Once my mom asked me to get the stapler then my dad asked me to get his shoes [;] I forgot what I was doing and remember[ed] a few minutes later. I would also get distracted when something caught my eye (a fly flying around the classroom). In conclusion, Lysander and I aren’t alike, but very different since he knows how to plan !
something while I would get distracted and forget everything you[â&#x20AC;&#x2122;d] just tell me. In conclusion, Lysander and I are different because Lysander is responsible and unkind. Lysander hated it when Egeus and Demetrius stood [in the way of] Hermia so he got angry, and knew his way around people. Here in Providence, Rhode Island, I would just get distracted and forget.!
O*+2+$%/&PI& Rudy Reyes Even though Puck was made a long time ago he is still like me. Puck and I strategic because we plan out games, brainstorm, and are very stealthy. Also we are mischievous because we play around, mock others, and are funny. Puck and I are both similarly strategic because we plan out games, brainstorm, and are very stealthy. First we both plan out games. One time I was playing basketball and I planned out all of the positions. Puck plans out how to get the flower (Page #47 line 181). I plan out on how to make things like a puzzle or making a drawing, like if Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m brainstorming. Puck has a very smart and stealthy strategy to wait [until] Titania falls to sleep to put the liquor in her without anyone even noticing (Page # 59 line 85). In conclusion Puck and I are similarly strategic because we plan out things, brainstorm, and are very stealthy. Another reason why Puck and I are alike is that we are mischievous because we play around, mock others, and are funny. First I say something about someone but, like playing around and making fun of someone, once I was talking to my friend and I was saying something mean but joking around and they took it the wrong way. Puck is mischievous because he goes around and finds Bottom, and he turns him into a donkey with which Titania falls in love (pages 75-77). Puck and I are mischievous [:] we make the situation very fun and funny but it gets us into trouble. To sum it all up, Puck and I are both mischievous because we play around, mock others, and are funny. In conclusion Puck and I are similar because we are both strategic and mischievous. Puck is strategic and !
mischievous by doing things without ever being compromised. Likewise, I use my strategic ways to play games.
@0/%&Q&C'$2+%R&<2((%.%*1%,&A%+B%%*&S%.72"&"*/&6>,%$(& Jodiana Lombardi Five hundred years have gone by since William Shakespeare created characters that have some pretty distinct differences from us in modern times. Hermia, a noble (or richer citizen) in the story A Midsummer’s Night Dream talks back to her elders, demonstrating disrespect. I, however, don’t talk back to my elders or disrespect anybody. Hermia and I do not resemble each other due to our different views of behavior and respect. To begin, Hermia and I are different because of our views of behavior and respect. In A Midsummer’s Night Dream by William Shakespeare, Hermia is described as disobedient continuously during act 1 sc.1 (pages 9-23). This is because of her betrayal to her father for seeing her lover, Lysander. In act 1 scene 1 of A Midsummer’s Night Dream, Hermia continuously talks back to her superiors throughout lines 55-84. On line 58, Hermia answered her “King Theseus” in a disrespectful manner. While telling her Demetrius was a better choice for marriage, Hermia said “ I would my father looked but with my eyes.” Then on page 21 (line 219) Hermia further increased her amount of disrespect by running away with Lysander (who her father hated) in fear of living as a nun or execution. On line 219, Hermia explains to Helena her and Lysander’s plans for their escape into the woods. “There my Lysander and myself shall meet, And thence from Athens turn away our eyes.” In conclusion, throughout the text in A Midsummer’s Night Dream, Hermia is portrayed as disobedient and un-loyal. On the other hand, my views of behavior and respect are unlike Hermia’s. One trait that separates Hermia and me is that I tend to not talkback to my parents or superiors. !
There are many things I hate, but I don’t talk back when I’m told to do them. For example I hate having the job of removing trash bags and bringing them to a container outside. It is disgusting! The bags are always covered in all sorts of germs and parasites. But every time I am asked to do it, I take that disease-covered bag outside without a single word of complaint. Although I think, “I hate everybody that’s making me take the trash out” or, “this is the most unappealing thing I’ve ever done,” I never say it out loud because it’s still my responsibility. I also don’t run away when the odds are turned against me, which Hermia did. When a situation occurs that completely derails me from my current thought, I immediately take action. Whether it’s defending myself from others, rebuilding a low grade, or releasing stress I completely demolish the situation without a second guess. Hermia, in any of those situations would run. In final analysis, I have my own point of view on behavior and respect that is unlike Hermia’s. In conclusion, Hermia and I are different because of our different views of behavior and respect. Hermia is extremely disrespectful and does not behave in the right sense towards her elders and superiors throughout A Midsummer’s Night Dream. I, on the other hand, am an extremely respectful and well-behaved citizen at every moment in the day.
!:%,%0,&"*/&-& Gian Karlos Jusino Although Theseus died hundreds of years ago, his traits are still embodied today by many people. Theseus enforced th[is] when he told Hermia what she needed to do and I know the rules and what is right in the school. He also didn’t quit when Hippolyta was to marry and I don’t quit when I’m in school and Summerbridge. Theseus and I are alike because we enforce the law and don’t quit. Theseus and I are alike because we both enforce the law where we currently are. On page 9, Theseus enters a room with noble and known friend Egeus, Hermia, daughter of Egeus, Lysander, lover of Hermia, and Demetrius, approved groom for Hermia. Egeus tells Theseus his problem and Theseus steps in and tells her what she must do. When there is a conflict among my peers, I also say what is right and what they should do. An example would be when we argue [about] which book to read: I suggest that they split into nice and orderly groups that can compare and contrast ideas. On page 7, Theseus tells Hippolyta of their wedding day. He could have let her be but he followed Athenian law and marry her in a diplomatic way. In conclusion, Theseus and I are alike because we do the right thing, the right way. Furthermore, the character Theseus and I are alike because we are not quitters. On page 9-15, Theseus didn’t quit when he helped Egeus. He didn’t have to step in. I don’t quit until I am confident [with] the answer I got. Another example would be when the class does a rebus; I observe the problem in different ways and write down multiple answers that I choose form. Also on page 7, Theseus welcomed the idea to marry Hippolyta when he !
didn’t need to marry her for a truce. I also try to welcome ideas that I don’t have to do but that would be appreciated by others. Lastly, the duke of Athens and I are alike because we don’t quit or cower. In conclusion, Theseus and I are alike because we are both [law-] enforcers and we persevere through our obstacles and fears. Theseus used those 2 traits to help his friends. 500 years later, I conduct these traits by practicing each day till I’m confident and by ending disputes very quickly.
S'B&<%7%+.20,&"*/&-&5.%&G272$".& Gage Dasilva Shakespeare wrote during the 1500’s and his characters in A Midsummer Night’s dream ….are related to the people today. Demetrius in the book A Midsummer Night’s Dream is a noble that will do anything for a loved one and will respect his elders much like me. Furthermore, Demetrius is paranoid and that is embodied in [h]is emotions, and mixed love. This relates to how I’m paranoid because my emotions are mixed in things that make me sad, mad, or upset. Therefore Demetrius and I are similar to each other because we are both paranoid and honorable. Demetrius and I are very similar because both of us [are] paranoid but for different reasons. First off we’re both paranoid because we don’t know who we really like. I like 2 girls but I’m paranoid about who I like the most and who likes me. Demetrius is paranoid because he likes 2 girls who are Helena and Hermia also but only one really likes him and the other doesn’t, as shown on page 93. We’re both paranoid because we are always worried that something bad will happen to a loved one and if something does happen we will do anything for a love one [;] that is mostly expressed on page 133 when he is talking to the lord Theseus. Finally, Demetrius is paranoid that Hermia will never love him and I’m paranoid that the world will end. Demetrius’s paranoia about Hermia is mostly showing and expressed in the middle of the book when Demetrius starts loving Helena in his speech when he is talking to his lord Theseus on page 133 lines 167-183. In conclusion Demetrius and I are very similar because we are both very paranoid. Finally, Demetrius and I are both honorable to our love ones and the people who are superior to us. Demetrius is !
honorable to Hermia because Demetrius loves her so much that when he heard that she ran away he went and searched the whole entire woods [;] on page 133 he says “My lord, fair Helen told me of their stealth, of this purpose hither to this wood, and I in fury followed them”. If I loved someone so much like he loves Hermia I would do the same thing. Another reason how we are both honorable is that both of us respect the ones superior to us. I’m honorable to my parents and Demetrius is honorable to his elders but mostly to Egeus, Hermia’s dad. Since Egeus is superior, Demetrius will listen to him. Demetrius weds Hermia because he loves her but and also because Egeus wants him to, as he says on page 13. Last but not least Demetrius becomes honorable to Helena when he finally realizes that he truly loves Helena instead of Hermia. On page 13 line 99 and 100, Egeus says “And she is mine, and all my right of her I do estate unto Demetrius”. In conclusion, Demetrius and I are both honorable to not only our loved ones but to the ones who are superior to both of us. In conclusion, Demetrius and I are both similar because we are both paranoid and honorable. Demetrius is paranoid because he likes two girls but only one only likes him. Also he is honorable because he respects the ones who are more superior to him and also to his elders including Egeus and Theseus. And I’m paranoid that that the world will end. Finally I’m honorable because I respect the ones who are more superior and to my elders same as Demetrius.
O*+2+$%/&PL& Cisco Batista Although Shakespeare was writing in the 1500's, (16th century) some of his characters have some traits with people from the 21st century (2000s). Bottom the weaver, who likes to be bossy [,] relates to me because we are bossy. Furthermore, Bottom's curiosity relates to my inquisitiveness. Bottom and I are alike because we are both bossy and curious. Bottom and I are bossy because we both talk back to our superiors by wanting to reach our goals. First, (act1- sc.2line 68) Bottom says ' let me play Thisbe too.' Once I told my sister to get me a soda because it was dinnertime and I was eating. Another reason Bottom is bossy (act1- sec.2line 49) because he says 'let me play the lion too.' In fifth grade, we were having a candy party and I told my teacher I wanted Hershey’s and he got it just for me. Lastly, in (act1- sec.2- line 89-93) Bottom tells Quince what color string beard to wear. Once my mom told me she was making pork chops and I told her that I wanted chicken. In conclusion, Bottom and I are alike because we both talk back to our superiors by wanting to reach our goals. Bottom and I are curious because we both ask multiple questions to our superiors. First, Bottom asked (act4- sec.1line5) “Where’s Peaseblossom?”. In Summerbridge, I don't hesitate to ask questions when I need help in class (every day, at least 10 times each class). Also, Bottom is curious because (act1- sec.3- line 86-87) Bottom asked ' What beard were I best to play in?' When I get nervous, I start to ask ALOT of questions because I don't know what to do. Lastly, Bottom is curious because (act3- sec.1- line 190) [he] asked 'What is your name, fine gentleman?' In fourth !
period, (real school) my teacher told me that in that 1 hour class, I asked around 30-40 questions that day. In conclusion, Bottom and I are both curious because we both ask multiple questions to our superiors. In conclusion, Bottom and I are both curious and bossy. Five hundred years ago, Bottom used these traits to get different roles (â&#x20AC;Ś) in Theseus and Hippolyta's wedding play. Today, (2012) I, Cisco, use these traits in different ways, such as asking questions to my superiors, and talking back to my superiors by trying to reach my goals
G+2+1:%/&=*9$2,:&=,,">& Ahmad Smith Although Shakespeare wrote “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” 500 years ago, some of his characters are still relevant today. Bottom and I are bossy because we demand and order people around to get what we want. On page 29 lines 76-80 Bottom says, “I grant you friends if you should fright the ladies out of their wits, they would have no more discretion but to hang us. But I’ll aggravate my voice so that I’ll roar you as gentle as a sucking dove, I will roar you an’ twere any nightingale.” In addition, I am bossy because when I was 12, I pulled my hamstring[;] I was so angry I thought my sports career was over. I got really angry and I yelled at everybody to get me something when I could’ve got it myself. On the other hand we are both ambitious because we still believe in ourselves when nobody else does. On page 25, lines 23-25, Bottom says, “That will ask of tears in the true performing of it. I’ll condole in some measure to the rest. Yet my chief humor is for a tyrant. I could play Ercles rarely or a part to tear a cat in, to make all split”b. Bottom here shows how he is capable of playing two roles. I am similarly ambitious because when I was 11, I wanted to be an NBA Basketball Player but people said I couldn’t because [I] sucked at ball. So I went to my local court and kept practicing. Now, people acknowledge me because I’m good at ball. In conclusion, Bottom and I are similar because we are both bossy and ambitious [:] we order people around to !
get what we want and we are ambitious because we still believe [in] ourselves…when nobody else does.!
Meet the Authors!
Back row, from left to right: Rebecca Greenberg (English teacher), Meg Hughes (Math teacher), Thom Finley (English Teacher), Samuel Adetona, Dioni Cruz (Math teacher), Rudy Reyes Next row, from left to right: Gian Karlos Jusino, Emily Rojas, Adedamola Abujade, Cisco Batista, Christina Kuy, Jodiana Lombardi First row, from left to right: Brandon Torres, Ahmad Smith, Jamy Castillo Front pair: Ariel Troncoso, Gage Dasilva