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MS Health Department
As you contact colleges, use this guide to identify the office that matches your needs.
Registrar’s Office
This office is where you go to get information about your college courses and submit or retrieve your transcripts.
Financial Aid Office
Seek out this office if you have questions or concerns about your FAFSA, loans, and other financial aid.
Bursar’s Office
It’s at this office where you make a payment toward your tuition balance.
Online portal
You will have a college-specific online account. Use the portal to accept or decline your financial aid awards.
The summer before college
Make sure you meet housing deadlines and pay deposits if required.
Orientation typically occurs during the summer months. During orientation, you will register for classes, meet with current students, have opportunities to discuss your potential major with an advisor, and tie up any loose ends before school begins. Make sure you pick the earliest orientation time so that you will have the most course options.
Get to know your college advisor who will help guide you through your course selection. Every student must fulfill general education requirements before graduating with a degree. As a freshman, if you have not declared a major, taking your general education classes will give you the opportunity to explore different fields of study.
Once you are signed up for classes, you can get a list of books for each class. Your on-campus bookstore is your simplest and fastest route for finding the books you need, but it also can be the most expensive. Some schools allow you to rent books. Buy and sell books wisely.
These programs give students a chance to live on campus during the summer, allowing them to get familiar with campus, their classes, and staff before the chaos of fall semester begins. Be sure to ask your admission counselor about summer bridge programs at their college.