What Is The Value Of A College Education Essay

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The Value Of College

College is costly, there is no doubt about it. According to PBS.org, Americans owe more than $1.4 trillion in student loans. That's more than what Americans owe on credit cards and car loans. (Is college worth the cost?–PBS.org). These numbers continue to rise as college tuition has increased by 400% over the past 30 years.(" Is college worth the cost?"). UCLA reported an analysis stating that 75% of college applicants get into their first–choice college, but less than 57% can afford to attend.(UCLA.com) These expenses leave many questioning, "Is college worth the cost?"

Daniel Indiviglio, a blogger for Atlantic stated that, "Plowing money into education...students incur incredible debt before they get their first paycheck"(David Indiviglio–The Atlantic.com) This can be true, leading to many to believe that college isn't worth the cost. However, though expensive, a college education is a value that is worth the price and there are 3 reasons why. To start, one reason college is valuable is because people with a college education make more money. The U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics released a study stating that workers with a degree earned $464 more weekly than workers with only a high school diploma.(BLS.Gov) College graduates have better jobs, and the jobs they have usually offer them plenty more money. According to VistaCollege.edu., "the average salary for high school graduates is $21,569, while the earnings of those with a

College Essay : The Value Of College
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"The value of college education is not the learning of many facts but the training of the mind to think" Albert Einstein. College education or what is known as higher education, help us think critically by analyzing and observing information. A college education will teach us how to think critically which this requires, problem–solving skills, decision making and thinking in an intellectual way. People will automatically be able to think critically and intellectually when they attend college thus, they can understand different concepts in life therefore, they can build up more skills that are highly significant and valuable in the workplace. In the article, The value of a college degree" by Emily Hanford talks about and show how a college degree is extremely valuable, not only from an economic perspective but, from social standpoints. She also explains how several companies in the United States require a higher education as part of their job requirements. Emily,s article, emphasize how college degree is a valuable weapon that could be used to achieve success in life. It is true that college does not teach us everything that we need to know about our career but, through college education, you will experience new culture and careers, meet new friends, therefore, this will built into our life.

Generally speaking, college education is extremely valuable and worthwhile. College graduates earn more salary on average than high school graduates, which make them financially stabled.

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What Is The Value Of College Education Essay

I will discuss what the value of a college education means to me. A higher education will give me many physical benefits such as economic stability, a better quality of life for my family, more career choices, better job security, set a good example for my children at the same time, a college education will also give me many intangible benefits such as boosting my self–confidence, helping me to learn specialized knowledge, thinking critically, bringing me in contact with different people, learning better communication skill and being part of a team. It is something that will serve me well throughout my career and life. So, what is the value of college education to me? After I sat down and took some time to carefully consider what a college...show more content...

Because the question is College Worth it? is too general, each person has they own perception and that makes it harder to accomplish a unified answer. On the other hand, numbers of colleges seekers nowadays are more likely to greater than before. However, the answer to the question is complicated because it requires a strong balance between the cost of being in college and the benefits after graduating. Although the worth of college has been discussed over and over in the past years, Michael Potts works in philosophy at Methodist College as an associate professor in Fayetteville NC, has a perspective that high cost can be a struggling point in causing lower academic standards. Michael Potts stated that student's ideas about paying in college so they are supposed to get high grades made quality education drop down. Not only education standard will be lowered because some students believes that paying to college means that they will get high grades, also the lower education standards are, the weaker universities prestige, rank, and status will be, which will affect some students in their self–esteem. While Potts belief toward student paying for college affect education standers, Lilly, a professional writer and editor in his own business, also says that yes, the college cost a lot of money it will be beneficial for them economically. According to Bruce Lilly, he emphasizes that educations cost is

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The Value Of A College Education

The success of a college education has held a vast amount of worth upon several. For the ones who push themselves past their limits in order to stay on course and graduate, in return becomes worthwhile. The value and product of a successful college education, increases the amount of growth and flexibility within a career. Having this type ofeducation shows potential employers that one is more than qualified, studied and capable to make decisions using critical thinking under each and every circumstance. Acquiring a degree is the initial setup for the success of self–empowerment to continue with the confidence of a college graduate. Surpassing the requirements and examinations, having a degree in hand can only produce a heavier worth upon the effort, time, and sacrifice exerted into one's work.

A lifetime of opportunities provided from a college education, allows for open doors, and the chance for promotion within one's workplace.

Openings for promotions are the first steps to developing and exhibiting the confidence learned from a college education. While in school one learns to become flexible and adapt to the situation ahead. Therefore, employers look to use every asset acquired, giving more importance in the job market. In other words,...show more content...

Furthermore as a college graduate, the overwhelming sense of pride weighs heavily upon the career setting to come. As per any employer, time management skills are crucial for when it comes to selecting a new employee based off of their college education. The control someone has over their day to day activities are often well planned out and structured. The knowledge of being to handle one's own finances is something exceedingly preached about during schooling. These disciplines learned and practice from a college education will have a life time effect on chosen career path and

Value Of A Successful College Education Essay
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The value of a college education is much needed to be successful in this harsh world. A college education will benefit your life economically and personally. Many people don't see the value of a college education because all they see are the many numbers on the tuition cost, but the minimum wage you'll have after you graduate will definitely make that up. Let's begin to talk about the economic benefits. The first reason to have a college education is because it will benefit you economically. In the opinionative article "Actually, College Is Very Much Worth It" by Andrew J. Rotterdam it states, "According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2010, the median weekly earnings for someone with some college but no degree

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For the past eight or nine years, the United States has continually sent troops overseas to the Middle East, but why? The government has said that it is to fight terrorism or to bring democracy to the Middle Eastern nations. There happens to be a barrier that stands in the way of both those goals and that would be Islamic Fundamentalism. Islamic Fundamentalism is the term used to describe the religious ideologies of advocating a return to the "fundamentals" of Islam. Through this return to the Islamic fundamentals, the rights of women have been violated while acts of terrorism and suicides increase. Also, there has been an increase in resistance to the United States occupation. With this increase of resistance the death toll of United...show more content...

The reason for such an effective resistance against the occupation is credited to mainly to suicide bombing. These bombings claim countless lives and make it difficult for the United States troops to forefend the American idea of freedom. This belief of protecting freedom happens to also be the driving force and motivation behind Osama Bin Laden and his supporters. Another factor that Bin Laden leads this fight happens to be the fact that countries with a democracy often create terrorism movements (Zakariya). What is misunderstood about the entire suicide terrorism idea is the fact that "... It is a demand–driven phenomenon" (Pape). It is not as if they will stop bombing if they run out of people. They will continue to bomb until the foreign powers occupying the Middle East recognize their point view and withdrawal all troops from the area. According to iCasualties.org some 4397 troops have died in Iraq since 2002 with 904 or 20.6% of those deaths coming in 2007. Lest the American people want to continue to slaughter their own boys, it might be high time to put someone into power who is willing to remove the troops.


The second main cause of the war in Iraq is known as Islamic Fundamentalism. The leaders of the Islamic Fundamentalism movement believe that the for some time now the countries in the Middle East have been moving away from the main ideals of the Islamic religion. To respond to this, these leaders

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Is the skyrocketing price of college the reason why people today do not attend college or is it the fact that the lack of confidence of succeeding keep them away? College is there for people to gain a mindset to achieve a goal that leads to the future of success in a career. Without out a goal made, you will end up running in a repeating path as they go through life. A goal in mind is required to achieve a successful life. For my career choice as a Registered Nurse I know that I will need to make the most of my experience in order to ensure success in life. Some people may feel that a college education is necessary for a job, but while others suggests that colleges help create a more educated person. In the article "What's the Purpose Get

The Value Of A College Education
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Descartes' Meditations

Descartes' meditations are created in pursuit of certainty, or true knowledge. He cannot assume that what he has learned is necessarily true, because he is unsure of the accuracy of its initial source. In order to purge himself of all information that is possibly wrong, he subjects his knowledge to methodic doubt. This results in a (theoretical) doubt of everything he knows. Anything, he reasons, that can sustain such serious doubt must be unquestionable truth, and knowledge can then be built from that base. Eventually, Descartes doubts everything. But by doubting, he must exist, hence his "Cogito ergo sum". It is from this thought that Descartes is able to determine God exists and create his first...show more content...

He reasons that, through these principals, his idea of God cannot have come from himself, as he is an imperfect being. He does not have the capability of thinking of an infinite substance or a perfect substance, such as God, because he has lesser reality than these ideas and cannot be the cause of them. The only way these ideas could exist is if they were created by something of equal (greater being impossible, as infinite perfection cannot have a superior) reality. Because God is the only infinite Descartes can recognize at this state, it must be God that planted the idea in his mind. Descartes' first argument for the existence of God can be summarized as follows:

1)I have an idea of a perfect being

2)There are two forms existence– contingent and necessary

3)Necessary existence has greater reality than contingent

4)A perfect being must have necessary existence

5)A perfect being must exist, if it has necessary existence

6)Therefore, God exists (Notes) This allows Descartes to begin to gain true knowledge, because his perfect being exists and would not allow him to be deceived all the time because perfection does not allow for that behavior. In the Fifth Mediation, Descartes purports his ontological argument for the existence of God. It is simpler than his first and based on God's essence. For anything else that exists, the essence of that thing only implies it's existence. For God, however, essence

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The Value of A College Education Finances, degree requirements, and life fulfillment are three key factors in a common subject: the matter of a college education. With 6,900 institutions and 20.2 million students nationwide, college plays a big role in today's society ("Background of the Issue"). And there is a greater disparity between college graduates and high school graduates now more than ever in past generations. With these things in mind, college is worth it considering its relationship with economics, careers, and overall benefits. A major factor in deciding to receive further education is money. Some startling facts: there was $1.2 trillion of total debt from students in 2016 (Schoen), a 16 percent rise in the cost of an average student loan from 2008 to 2013, and a 42 percent increase in tuition at public schools from 2000 to 2010 ("Background of the Issue"). With all this in mind, many high school graduates worry about the financial strain college may put on their young adult life. Although finances are a concern, the cost of college is worth it in the long run. A study deriving from the journal "Science" proves that a person loses roughly $500,000 in their life by opting out of a further education ("Is College Worth It?"). Much of this disparity is due to salary. Citizens with just a high school diploma earn only 62 percent of the income of a college degree holder ("The Rising Cost of Not Going to College"). Not only are those without degrees paid less than those Get

College Essay : The Value Of A College Education
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Value Of College Education

The Value Of A College Education

The cost of attending college has skyrocketed over the past 30 years, while the earnings upon graduation has not increased as much. The rising cost of college tuitions with the rapidly rising cost of living in the United States has led many people question whether a college degree is actually worth the cost. While it is one of the most important factor in the growth of a country, it is also the key to the individual's success, competitive edge in the workforce and financial security. Acquiring a college degree might be the biggest expense of a person's lifetime but it should be looked upon as an investment in the long run that pays off and contributes to a higher standard of living.

The main advantage of pursuing college education is higher income but the rewards include more than just higher pay. Acquiringhigher education increases the chances of climbing the socioeconomic ladder which not only improves one's life but also refines the life of family members. Education in higher socioeconomic families is typically stressed as much more important. The benefits also pass on to next generation; the children of college graduates are more likely to have finer quality of life, better grades and test scores. They are generally smarter because of well educated parents and have much easier time getting into good reputable schools.

Attending college serves a person to develop mentally and mature intellectually, students master work related skills,

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I live in an impoverished town, with a 40% increase this year in opioid deaths, where the education system pumps under–educated teens onto the streets they came from, with no chance of a job. Many parents and adults do not care, know, or understand the value of a college education. This is my reality. Just as it does not define who I am or what I want to be, neither do my SAT scores. We neither have nor can afford private SAT or ACT tutors. No one tells us to start preparing forcollege, even as seniors. My SAT training was me, myself, and I studying between jobs and after homework, whenever and wherever I could find a quiet place. Consequently, I have SAT scores that do not reflect all I know. There is no word for how frustrating this is, least of all unfair....show more content...

I was out of place, a quiet girl whose clothing was obviously not fashionable, lucky if she had a bag lunch, and no reason to be confident. I was picked on relentlessly by others who recognized an easy target. My chaotic home life was never conducive to good grades, or school for that matter. No one I knew was a role model and no one volunteered to step up to be one. With no social life and a toxic home life, my grades plummeted before they had a chance to climb.

As the freshman year concluded, I saw the writing on the wall. I started making the seismic shift that put me on my path to success to become a top college graduate. Summer residents helped me gain confidence in who I was and take control of my life. While others still bully me every day it no longer phases me, they became mere hot air whistlers in the wind of the halls.

I found places to go, things to do, and made an effort to speak with people who would value knowing me; it turned out there were a lot of them. I realized I am strong and resilient, and nothing is going to stop me from obtaining my goal of living a successful, interesting, effective life of my own

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A College Education Mean To Me Essay

What Is The Value Of College Education

Is college really worth it? This is a question many students ask when they start to end their years at high school. Lately it has become fashionable to question whether it really "worth it" to go to college. As more jobs start to acquire college degrees, more people aren't getting the job they might have wanted. Education is the single most important factor for the growth of our country. The value of acollege education is important because when it comes to jobs, you can get a higher salary and you have a better chance of getting a job. College is worth it is because you will get a higher salary. "According to the Bureau to the Labor Statistics, in 2010, the median weekly earning for someone with someone college but no degree were $712, compared to $1038 for a college...show more content...

"...in 2012 there were 6.9 million student loan borrowers aged 50 and over who collectively owed $155 billion with individual average balances between $19,521 and $23,820." (College Education – ProCon.org). People who do go to college do end up in dept which lead them to drop out. Even though dept comes with college, student graduates make more money. "In 2016, the average income for people 25 years old and older with a high school diploma was $35,615, while the income for those with a bachelor's degree was $65,482, and $92,525 for those with advanced degrees." (College Education – ProCon.org). Now, because they make more money they have a higher chance of paying off all their dept. In conclusion, College is worth it because you have a higher salary and because you have an higher employment rate, because of these advantages that college students get by getting a higher education, they get more advantages in the workplace. I want you to go to college because you do, in fact, get more advantages in the workplace such as a higher salary and a higher chance of getting a

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The Value of a College Education What will one do after high school? Get a job? Make money? Have a family? Well although finishing high school with a diploma and gives you a job and money, a college degree will give all of these things and more. If He/she is looking for a certain job that you can do they might not exempt you. With acollege degree though it gives you a higher chance of him/her getting the job or a better job and make more money than the average worker. one could earn more money, get a better job and much, much more. Here are just some things that you should think about going to college To begin with, college can help one by getting a better job. Compared to someone that has ahigh school degree, he/she will have a better chance of getting the job they are looking for or what they want. Some people say that a high school degree is ok to have, and yes, it is According to our former president of the united states Barack Obama made a quote to the students. " you're going to need a good education for every single one of those careers. You can't drop out of school because if you drop out of school then you drop out of your job."

You need some type of education for a job for say a doctor, accountant, computer worker and even engineers. The employment rate is also less than one that goes to a university or college. In the article " New school year, old story" the author talked about whybachelor's degree will help in making more money in a better job. "If Get more content

What Is The Value Of A College Education Essay


What is Confucianism? Confucianism was the single most important thing in Chinese life. It affected everything in China; education, government, and attitudes toward behavior in public and private life. Confucianism is not a religion, but it is more a philosophy and a guide to morality and good government. The Laozian and Mohist critiques of the Confucianism are both in an accurate fashion. Most significant value from Lazi is The Tao Te Jing. "It is true that, while Confucianism emphasizes social order and an active life, Taoism concentrates on individual life and tranquility, thus suggesting that Taoism plays a secondary role" (pp. 136 SB) In the writings of The Tao Te Jing, Lazi answers how is Confucianism should be,...show more content...

169 SB) Tao is the essence of everything that is right, and complications exist only because people choose to complicate their own lives. Desire, ambition, fame, and selfishness are seen as hindrances to a harmonious life. It is only when a person rids himself of all desires can tao being achieved. By shunning every earthly distraction, the Taoist is able to concentrate on life itself. The longer the person's life, the more saintly the person is presumed to have become. Eventually the hope is to become immortal, to achieve tao, to have reached the deeper life. This is the after life for a Taoist, to be in harmony with the universe, to have achieved tao (pp. 173 SB). In ancient China, up to the beginning of the Han dynasty, the greatest schools were not only Confucianism, but also Mohism. The whole Confucian ethical system is based on the concept of humanity, whereasMozi based his on the concept of righteousness. "To the Confucianist, heaven does not directly exert its will but leaves the moral law to operate by itself. To Mo Tzu, however, the will of heaven determines all. Mo Tzu strongly condemns ceremonies, music, elaborate funerals, and the belief in fate (Ming, destiny), all of which were promoted by Confucius and his followers. For Confucius, moral life is desirable for its own sake, whereas for Mo Tzu it desirables because of the Benefits it brings. (PP. 221 SB) Mozi does emphasize

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The Value of Education

Learning and knowledge are highly prized in all societies, especially here in Ireland, where there is a strong tradition of respect for education. The choices that individuals make when leaving school, in particular whether to pursue higher education or not, are likely to have a long lasting effect on their lifestyle. The main purposes for aUniversity education involve: social, national and educational purposes and for the individual personal purposes and moral development. These topics will be addressed in the following paragraphs.

The two main institutions predominantly concerned with education are Universities and Schools. It may be argued that the main purpose of Universities is to advance the...show more content...

The advantage of widespread education is the cultivation of international skills and attitudes, contributing to the values of university education.

This intermingling of cultures and social differences causes a change in the attitudes and outlooks of society. The levelling up of living standards in our economy has created a greater sense of human dignity and freedom replacing an earlier and traditional view of inferiority. Opportunities for education, leading to promotion at work are richer and more varied. Universal education has enhanced individuals' view of the world and has created an awareness of the stream of events in other parts of the world. Which up to 1900 was prerogative of perhaps one fifth of the population. (K.G. Collier, 1959:33)

Not only does this diversity benefit social purposes but it also has certain national purposes. National reforms in higher education were a result of Europe's ability to collect information from these diverse Universities, and adapt to beneficial procedures. (Robbins report: 41) Consequently this encouraged efficiency throughout the education system, due to high levels of mobility between different European countries, and high standards were therefore demanded. These mutual exchanges of solutions to higher education problems benefit Europe as a community and benefit our Universities both

The Value of Education Essay
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College provides education and education builds human development, so going to college is an important step of our lives that brings us to better lives in order to get great job opportunities. A large number of people believe college is stairs to success. However, some people believe college is a place that you waste a lot of money for a paper of education degree. For me, I believe the value of college is more than just earning an education degree because it offers individual opportunities to build up personal growth and gain career experiences. College helps students to explore their interests so that they learn specific parts of job experiences. Because college offers a variety of academic programs and courses that achieve student goals,

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Rational Choice Theory Essay

There are three main points that are reinforced in rational choice theory (Cornish and Clarke, 1986). First, it may work better or worse for different types of crime, yet it is thought that there are rational choices in every type of crime even impulsive and pathologic crimes. Second, the theory should be applied on a crime–specific basis. Hence, burglaries can't be grouped together in among residential and commercial categories. Rather, they must be broken into smaller facets such as public housing burglaries or wealthy residential neighborhoods. Finally, a distinction is made between criminal involvement and criminal events. Criminal involvement describes how individuals get involved in crime and further continue or abstain from...show more content...

The later occurs when a specific offender is deterred from crime through sanctions. Thus, the benefits and drawbacks of crime have sway with both deterrence and rational choice theories, but rational choice doesn't make headway for a population as a whole or limit the individual to those previously punished.

The strengths of the rational choice theory are also seen when comparing it to the routine activity theory, which proposes that three elements are needed for crime: motivated offenders, suitable targets, and the absence of capable guardians (Cohen and Felson, 1979). Hence, environmental conditions must be right for crime to occur. This relates to one similarity of the rational choice theory, which is the account for situational variables such as the likelihood of punishment (Cornish and Clarke, 1986). In contrast, routine activity theory doesn't look at why the individual commits crime (Cohen and Felson, 1979). Instead, this propensity is assumed, while the rational choice theory looks specifically at the reasons individuals commit offenses.

The broken windows theory reduces the cause of crime to the amount of disorder in a community (Wilson and Kelling, 1982). Basically, if there are broken windows in buildings it can result in allowing more vandalism, which leads more riff–raff on the streets. This creates a fear for citizens to go out in the neighborhood, which limits the visibility of proactive

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When starting a new career in computer industry there are two paths: college and occupational certificates. College is a lot of time and money to dedicate for most people, especially those with low–income or those who had poor grades in high school. Certificate programs are ultimately faster and cheaper; but lack the well–rounded education college provides. This leaves certificate holders with little choice but to seek out more training if they wish to advance in their careers. Research shows the demands of college is well worth the sacrifice, because college graduates earn higher salaries and see long–term career advancement. This makes it clear that the easy road, although tempting, is not the best investment.

When starting a career in I.T....show more content...

The studies show: in the debate of "how valuable is a college degree?" there is more to the definition of "value" than how much money it costs. The article shows that "going to college may have benefits that cannot be computed in terms of income" ("Introduction to How Valuable Is a College Degree: At Issue," 2016) There is a certain sense of pride and deep accomplishment when graduation is obtained. This is something that can only be attained by a college education. The shorter and less demanding certificate programs simply can't evoke these feelings in

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A respectable college education gives people the advantage to lead themselves in any direction they want to proceed in life. College is a time that students can truly become individuals. They have the opportunity to become more independent and to take on new responsibilities. The bonuses of a college education include more self–confidence, greater economic stability and security, and it makes you a major contributor to the greatest nation on earth.

Higher education is good for many things in today's world. College experiences help people to truly find themselves through personal growth. Higher education will expose you to people, ideas, and topics that you would never encounter in high school. Each year of college assists in...show more content...

It provides millions of opportunities to become educated. In many other countries, education is prohibited, especially to women. It is important to take advantage of these prospects that our country has given us and make the most of our educational experience, and eventually make the most of our careers. The United States provides us with scholarships, financial aid, and community colleges to get around the high cost of education. These benefits are given to us so that more and more educated Americans can contribute to our society.

In the near future, I expect to gain many important aspects from my college education. The first and most important thing I hope to gain from this experience is independence. In my opinion, having a successful career of your own is one of the best things you can accomplish. The best matter to never have to worry about, is depending on other people. You never know what will happen to you in the future. You always want something to fall back on something and a college diploma is the perfect answer. The last component that I hope to gain from college is a great life experience that I will never forget. This is only my first semester as a freshman, but I can already predict that college is going to give me all of these gifts.

In Alice Walker's Everyday Use, Walker seems to view a college education as a good thing in certain situations. If you go to college, you will experience new things, become a better person, but still

The Benefits of a College Education Essay
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Value Of A College Education According to Lundberg (2003), "adult students are one of the most rapidly growing segments of today's college student population, making up approximately 40% of all college students" (665). Having a college education is an important tool that contributes to several aspects of a person's life. The areas that are impacted the most would be the professional and personal areas. It is important to learn the value of a college education in order to take advantage of what you learn and how to productively apply it in your personal and professional life. Having a college education is something that can always be looked at as a positive achievement that feels good and looks good on a resume. Earning a college degree...show more content...

The educational experience helps in this development by presenting students with many challenges, choices, and obstacles along the way. A college degree is a huge accomplishment and most companies know that intense work and dedication was put into earning that degree. Employers also know that college graduates are taught to express their thoughts clearly in speech and in writing and to make informed decisions. That is why most college graduates are viewed as professionals upon entering an organization. Personal Aspects The value of a college education also shows in the personal aspects of an individual's life. Some very important values are developed while attending college. Some of these values include maturity, individuality, work ethics, time–management skills, and a sense of personal accomplishment. Having these values instilled will help to mold the type of person you will be in your professional life and in your personal life with friends, family, and most importantly, with yourself. Importance      I believe that a college education helps to develop maturity. Although this can really depend on the individual and at what point in their life they are attending college. I realize that I will need to work hard and prioritize in college in order to gain the most out of my time and the money invested. I have been in the business world for some time now and have realized that in order to move ahead

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value of a college education Essay example

In recent years, the rising costs of college education made many high school graduates question whether getting a degree is worth the price. However, there are several reasons why going to college is still a beneficial investment. A college education has value; it makes you more well–rounded, it increases your chance of success, and it makes you more prepared for adult life. Acollege education is a four–year bachelor's degree received by living on a college campus. While there are other ways to complete a degree, this traditional experience is most valuable to the consumer. The value a student receives from this type of education is skills to improve their life. College is valuable because it makes you more well–rounded. Every college...show more content...

Data from the U.S Department of Labor shows that college graduates have lower rates of unemployment. The rate of unemployment with a bachelor's degree is 2.7%, while the rate of those with a high school education is 5.2% (Employment Projections, Bureau of Labor Statistics). This depicts that those who earn a college education have a better chance at getting a job. Their data also shows that those with a college education have higher salaries. The median weekly earning for those with a college degree is $1,156 and the median weekly earnings for those with a high school education is $692. That's a $464 a week difference and $24,128 a year difference (Employment Projections, Bureau of Labor Statistics). Not only are college graduates getting jobs and making more money, but they are also healthier and happier. Professor Phillip Trostel, reports college graduates are four times less likely than high school graduates to smoke and are more likely to exercise, wear a seat belt, be a healthy weight, and go to the doctor's (Want to be Happy and Healthier, Merisotis, Jamie). A college education is valuable because it makes you more prepared for adult life. Many students go to college and are living on their own for the first time. This comes with new responsibilities and obligations. These include; doing your own laundry, making healthy food choices, exercising, and cleaning up after yourself. All of these necessities come on top of school work. As a college student myself, I

Value Of College Education
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Value of an Education

In today's society education is really important. Education has evolved a lot over time and has shaped American society. Back in the day, education was not as important because many jobs did not have educational requirements. In those days you could have a high school diploma and get a good job. Today, if you only have ahigh school diploma the types of jobs that you can get include fast food restaurants or maybe construction work. Getting your college degree is very essential to your economic success and your ability to get a good job that pays well. Prior to entering college in the fall, I felt that college would be very challenging for me because of what my friends that were already attending college told...show more content... Another difference in high school and college is the relationship that you develop with your teachers. In high school, in most cases, the highest number of students that you might have in a class is in the high 20's. Because of this, the teacher is able to get to know all the students in his or her class and develop personal relationships with them. In college you might have a class with up to 300 people in the class and the professor could go the entire semester without knowing you unless you go out of your way to introduce yourself to them. These relationships are really important in high school and in college, especially if you want to make sure that you get a passing grade. Let's say you have worked really hard to get an "A" in a class, you have a good relationship with your teacher and he or she knows you are working really hard in the class. The teacher could bump your 88 or 89 up to a 90 if they know that you are working really hard, but if they do not know you then they would most likely just leave the grade as is. I think that another reason that many students have a hard time transferring from high school to college is the amount of time that you must put in studying. You really have to study a lot more in college. When you're told prior to college that you need to study 1 to 2 hours a day, it is a true statement. Get

An Essay On The Value Of An Education
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College Education is very important today. There is a lot of perspectives on what values for a student and their college education. Having a college education can get you somewhere in your career path. Some students go to get a higher education to get into the right path and get better for their future career. There is one value that can influence acollege career and that would be the students attitude. The one perspective that will make someone think twice about a student is their attitude. "Attitude greatly influence behavior, it follows that the values and expectations that students hold regarding higher education will greatly impact how they approach their educational experiences" (Desiderato et al.). This means that once a student goes to a college, it all depends how serious they want to focus on their classes. Students having an attitude really can affect how they do in school. Some students could care less about having a college education at all. Students having an attitude towards everything really could make things worse. College is for those who want to get a better career and job. The students should maintain a great relationship with the faculty and administrators. The students must focus on their priorities and keep up their work. "by retrieving each statement, it appears that this sample of students tend to take the views that students should take an active role in their education and adjustment to college programs are positive" (Desiderato et al). They

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The Value Of College Education

Summary of "What's the value of a college education? It depends" In the "What's the value of a college education? It depends" article published in CNBC on Friday, 19 Jun 2015, Jennifer Barrett argues that the cost of attending collage increases more than the past while the value of being graduate decreases. He adds that the graduate student can has a work that make them earn a lot many and it depends in many factors. Barrett, is a speaker on the topics of personal finance, digital media, and women and leadership. She has done many radio interview and she appears on the TV show. She gain an award–winning journalist and digital strategist, Barrett supports her/his thesis by states that when the student does not completing their degree on time,

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Summary Of What's The Value Of College Education

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