FEB 2014
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Offers Expire May, 31st 2014
Publisher’s Vibe 6 Celebrating the Black Family Editor’s Desk 8 Pay Yourself Business 10 Flatbush Caton Market Immigration News 12 Immigration Advisory Politics 14 Mayor appoints first Haitian American Sports News 16 Jamaica Bobsled Team Black Culture/History 18 Black History 19 What do these black men have in common? 22 Dr. King and Egypt 27 The Human side of Dr. King Culture/Politics 28 Prison Nation Black Culture 29 Ruination of Young Black Women Black Culture/History 8 21 Questions Cont’d p16 21 Answers 26 Big Break for Singers 27 Riley’s New album 32 Say What?
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Clive Williams, CEO/ Publisher _________________________ In his book “Climbing Jacob’s Ladder”, Dr. Andrew Billingsley Professor and Chairman of The Department of Family and Community Development at the University of Maryland, shed incredible new light on the evolution of the black family. His post slavery and modern record of the Black family’s progress has destroyed many of the myths and misinformation about one of the most disadvantaged ethnic groups in history. In his analysis, Dr. Billingsley draws the conclusion that, “A comprehensive review of research on African-American families during the 1980’s shows that relatively little attention has been paid to marriage or married couple families in the [black] population.” In my words, “scant respect is given to traditional black families who are married.” At about the same time that Dr. Billingsley’s book was being published, the US Department of Health and Human Services was undertaking their own research on successful families, which they presented in the form of a report. I am sure you and I will agree that successful families can be found among every ethnic group in America. However, the emphasis obviously has to be on the degree of success relative to the size and influence of each ethnic group. Since my concern is with the Black family, I am forced to reiterate the concern that Dr. Billingsley has, which is the lack of attention and emphasis to the evolving Black family, as opposed to 6 |
the emphasis placed on the single parent family. Any visitor from our inter-galactic neighborhood, would conclude after reading our national newspapers, watching television or listening to the radio, that most, if not all Black folks are products of single family households. This psycho-social manipulation is an institutionalized tool used by successive policymakers to continue the stigmatization of an entire community. This continuing emphasis on single parent households has created a negative social trend by (1) placing the children of these households in an underdog category and (2) placing guilt on the single parent for what is perceived as a mis-adventure, all done in the name of morality. If on the contrary, the general news media were emphasizing the growing success of married or committed couples, one could hope for some balance, but nowhere in main stream scholarship and research will you find encouraging reports on the growing number of successful Black families. I have made many observations in my journey as a writer and student of social history and one of the most disturbing is that very few people are interested in the value of history and its impact on Black lives. The Jewish community is exceptional in this regard; they have learned well, “that one who forgets his history is doomed to repeat it.” So, the Jews have dedicated all their resources, social and economic capital including their institutions to the education, upliftment and unification of their people. They are maybe the only ethnic group whose overwhelming success is disproportionate to their census numbers. In that sense the Jewish community is a successful and exemplary outlier in their family development and stability, BUT, so is the Black family. Consider if you will the emergence of the Black family in America; from the most de-humanizing experience known to man, where children were torn violently from their parents and families were separated by thousands of miles with no hope of being re-united. This brutal and inhuman exercise was repeated with righteous passion for over four hundred years. Contemplate this analogy, imagine that I gave you a jigsaw puzzle with all the pieces taken entirely from a different set
of puzzles, matching the pieces would be impossible; because of the disparate pieces, what will emerge is a patchwork of misfits, shapeless, formless and non- functional. For far too many years this was the state of the Black family during and after slavery; misfits shapeless, formless and nonfunctional, in today’s pop psychology, we were “Dysfunctional.” The recreation and re-emergence of the Black family after our holocaust, as an organized educated and successful ethnic group in America, authenticates our success as an outlier. We are exceptional, we are resilient and we are resourceful, all attributes that stoke the fears of the Black man’s enemies. Here’s why; despite the stigmatization of the single family household, these households have produced many of our successful men and women in society, including our current president Mr. Barack Obama. Despite the refusal of main stream American media to publicize the growth and success of Black married or committed families they continue to rise. If you put your thinking cap on you will quickly realize that, the main stream media distorts, manipulates and presents information in the negative, Negativie sensationalism sells. We’ve been so hypnotized and narcotized by the media that we repeat the negatives to ourselves and about ourselves. Once we stop that behavior long enough and observe the dedication, discipline and determination of our Jewish brothers, we will ensure that we are not doomed to repeat our history. Let’s dedicate ourselves to study the lives and works of Marcus Mosiah Garvey, W.E.B.Dubois, Dr. Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Theresa. And for those who find reading somewhat challenging, I recommend that during the month of February you watch the following movies, Django Unchained, The Butler, Twelve years a Slave and Long Walk to Freedom. Of course the characters and some incidents are fictionalized, but the moral of these stories will expand your perception and education. Stay Black and proud, but never loud!
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Pay Yourself
Editor’s Desk on what is needed (and perhaps a few luxuries; can I live?). This may include capital that enables you to generate even more currency. “Buying” and “Power” are mutually exclusive terms that are falsely made to appear synonymous by people who are out to deceive you.
the man in the mirror. You are the woman in the mirror. However you are also your parents, your children, your friends, and anyone who looks like you offering goods and services that truly resonate with who you are.
Clever economic opportunists who want Black people to think that they actually wield power in buying things coined the term “Black Buying Power.” You never hear about “White Buying Power,” or “Yellow Buying Power.” As a collective, the aforementioned groups understand that true economic power comes from obtaining currency and then conserving it. When you decide to share it, you should do so primarily within your own community because the peoIt’s more than plausible that the study’s fram- ple in your community are an extension of you. ers stand to benefit financially from this perception of Blacks. Unfortunately, Black Amer- Therefore when you give your money to peoica’s refusal to practice economic collectivism ple who look AND THINK like you then makes a lot of Black entrepreneurs feel like they you’re not actually spending your money. have to go outside of their community to make You’re conserving it. You are merely transmoney. However this should not be the case ferring your money from your left hand into based on the reported financial projections. your right hand, which is the right move.
Once you understand, and act, on the fact that people who look AND THINK like you are literally an extension of you, then you will realize that a sense of self-centeredness is the greatest attitude that you could ever hope to cultivate within yourself. If you are not self-centered then you are an absolute failure. Self-centeredness is balance, and balance is something that we should all strive for.
Very recently I read a Black Enterprise article that reported that African American “Buying Power” is reported to reach $1.1 Trillion by 2015. The findings come from a Nielsen Company study entitled “African American Consumers: Still Vital, Still Growing.” To me, the title of the study gives the impression that the person who framed it is trying to convince non-Black product manufacturers that Black people will give their collective wealth away to any non-Black person who comes along.
The term “Buying Power” is one of the greatest examples of mind control that I can think of in this day and time. I say this because there’s no such thing as “Buying Power.” True Power is not expressed in spending currency, but in desiring it, acquiring it, and then expending it
Is there anyone better for you to invest your hard earned money in than yourself? I honestly can’t think of anyone. The best person for you to invest your money in is yourself. No one’s needs are more important than your own. But who are you, though? You are
Adika Butler Editor-In-Chief
ENTERTAINMENT 21 QUESTIONS THE HISTORY OF BLACK ENTERTAINMENT??? Credited with having popularized gospel music as a modern art form, 1. she first attracted national attention through her association with Martin Luther King Jr. in 1920, “Crazy Blues” established this singer as the first com2. Released mercially successful blues vocalist. disabled stable-hand from Louisville served as inspiration for a 3. What blackface character created by Thomas Dartmouth Rice in the 1820s? pianist’s 1939 appearance with the Benny Goodman Orchestra 4. What marked the beginning of the desegregation of jazz music? a leg injury ended his professional boxing aspirations, this soul 5. After singer formed a music group known as the Famous Flames? prominent as a pianist, this pop singer also portrayed W.C 6. Originally Handy in the film St. Louis Blues. Miller and Aubrey Lyle’s musical Runnin’ Wild, created a sen7. Flournoy sation when it opened in 1924 by introducing what popular dance? Born in Pittsburgh in 1914, he became the first African-American pop 8. idol, often scoring with such hits as “Tenderly,” “I Apologize,” and “No One but You.” Ruth Jones in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, she was later nicknamed “The 9. Born Queen.” British King took banjo lessons from James Bohee, an African10.What American minstrel whose company toured Europe after the Civil War? 1918, she became the first black musician to earn the master’s degree 11.Inin music. 8 |
by Europeans as the embodiment of “le jazz hot,” this Ameri12.Hailed can dancer became a star at the Follies Bergeres in Paris in 1926. played the street singer in the 1964 European film Brecht’s Three 13.He Penny Opera, and sang the hit song, “Mac the Knife.” A scholar of West Indian dance and culture, she also originated the 14. role of Georgia Brown in the 1940 Broadway musical, Cabin in the Sky. In this year, delegates for the NAACP met for the first time with Hol15. lywood executives to discuss pejorative racial roles and the desegregation of studio labor. Among his many film roles is that of Lieutenant Lothar Zogg, an Air 16. Force bombardier in, Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb. Tyson starred in this 1974 television movie, which won nine 17.Cicely Emmys, about the fictional life of a 110-year old woman. narrated Body and Soul: Soul, Part 2, a 1968 CBS-TV documen18.He tary of soul music in America. When he produced the film, Florida Crackers, this pioneer filmmaker 19. included a graphic lynching scene which was the source of great controversy. presented Yours Arms too Short to Box With God on Broadway 20.She in the mid-1970’s Kunta Kinte of the Mandika tribe is abducted into slavery in 21.IntheRoots, 1750’s from what is now this African nation. Excerpted from 1,999 Facts about Blacks 2nd edition by Raymond M. Corbin Ans. pn Page 16
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Making History Together Flatbush Caton Vendors Market ber of Commerce and Industry (CACCI), those lucky enough to rent space within the 900 square footage, are members of an extended family of small business owners and entrepreneurs. The novelty of this indoor market is the diversity of products and services that are provided in a clean, bright and airy setting. The newest addition to the marketplace, a quaint concept in this inner city mainly Caribbean community, is the Tea House. Up and running for less than two weeks when I visited, I received great serMs. Anna is a long-time community activist vice provided by Chef Isra who was happy to and the glue that holds together a veritable showcase her selection of organic and herbal United Nations located at 794 Flatbush Avteas, coffees, delicacies and the light snacks on enue in the heart of Brooklyn at the intersec- offer. The Tea House also provides a spacious tion of Caton and Flatbush Avenues. The mar- dining area to rest weary feet after an afterket is the brainchild of former Councilwoman noon of serious shopping. Una S.T. Clarke, whose drive and determination was instrumental in not only locating A lot of planning goes into ensuring diversity the space but also securing the funding to in the products on offer by the 40 vendors and erect the building which now accommodates duplication is kept at a minimum. It certainly the street vendors who previously plied their felt like a Caribbean market, but this one is wares on this busy thoroughfare. different because there were at least 10 island nations that I counted under that one roof, Currently managed by the Caribbean Cham- from Panama to Ghana with all points in
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between. Vendors are offered business training by volunteers from Medgar Evers College and so far 10 vendors have gone through the program, learning how to manage accounts, inventory and marketing. Selwin, from Barbados who owns the Flagathon store has been a vendor for some time. He was quick to sing the praises of being able to sell his wares in a warm, dry setting - especially comforting as he looked at the piles of snow outside the wrap around glass windows. He loves the experience of working with people from different countries and says his knowledge of world cultures has expanded enormously. This market is unique also for its commitment to community, nowhere else will you find a market that serves as a hub for activities ranging from the recent Martin Luther King Day celebration to recognition of Mothers Day (and Fathers Day) and volunteers in the community who recently met to put together care packages for those in need. The Flatbush Caton Vendors Market is definitely a place to shop, but more importantly it is a place where families support families, both immediate and extended and a place where the spirit of community lives - check them out at By Sheron P.
Immigration Advisory From the desk of Millicent Y. Clarke ESQ Attorney/Immigration Expert If you are an “Alien” in America, i.e. anything less than a United States Citizen, my first advice to you is to make an application for Naturalization just as soon as you are eligible to do so. Citizenship is the “brass ring” that protects always and completely from removal from the United States. If you have any kind of criminal record, I suggest that you get a consultation with an experienced immigration lawyer before filing said application. Remember that if you became a Green-Card holder before your eighteenth birthday, and your parent(s) became US Citizens before that date, that you may already have derived United States citizenship. Understand that US Citizenship, whether, through birth, parents, or naturalization, cannot be taken away from you unless obtained by fraud. That said, if you have any kind of criminal record, you should establish a relationship with an immigration attorney. Do not wait until you are picked up by Immigration Customs & Enforcement (ICE) to find an attorney you can trust. Instead, get a consultation from an immigration attorney as soon as you can. You will note that I said, “Immigration attorney,” i.e. not a consultant, notary, secretary, a paralegal, or “my friend who has the same case as me,” but an experienced immigration attorney who practices immigration law on a daily basis. Because immigration law is national in scope, the attorney can be a member of the Bar of any state, but must be in good standing. If you have any questions as to whether someone is an attorney, you might want to ask for his or her State Bar number, and call the State Bar to verify. Too
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many people fill out forms, thinking that immigration law is nothing more than that, not realizing that there is an expansive mind boggling body of law that guides the practice of immigration. The problem with having someone other than an experienced immigration attorney handle your case, and I can’t stress that enough, is that they often do not realize when your case is not a “run of the mill” one. That can lead to some disastrous consequences. It is because of that fact that I also say it is best to pay for your initial consultation. I charge $150.00 for a consultation. It is money well spent. After being in the private practice of immigration law for the past 15 years, it is my experience that clients go from one free consultation to another and when they get to me, most times still do not fully understand their situation. This is because free consultations usually mean 10 to 15 minutes of the attorney’s time which does not begin to provide time to review facts, documents, and fully explain the law. Additionally, when you consult with an attorney it does not mean you can call the attorney every time you or your friend has a question. To do that, you have to retain the attorney. Once you retain the attorney, be guided by what the attorney tells you. Call periodically to check on the status of your case. And always tell your attorney the truth. Do not be embarrassed. You are paying the attorney to listen and to help you. Finding out about a conviction or your true immigration history for the first time from the government can be a game changer – and not for good. I counsel clients who have a criminal record to always carry their immigration attorney’s business card, in case they are suddenly detained. In such situations, the client’s family avoids the headache of hurriedly finding an immigration attorney. You also need to have a complete copy of your im-
migration file if you have ever had any dealings - fraudulent or otherwise - with the Department of Homeland Security, or the former Immigration & Naturalization Services (INS). You should have all your documents in a secure place where someone who you can rely on and trust can quickly retrieve them when needed. If you do not have a complete file of your immigration history, you can request a copy of your file from the United States Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS). This is known as a request under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). A filing under FOIA will allow you to know what is in your records kept on you by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and/or the U.S. Department of Justice in order to prepare for the relief you seek. Generally, any individual can file a FOIA request, including U.S. citizens or foreign nationals. This means that no matter where you live – Florida, California, England, Jamaica, or China, your immigration file is available to you. The documents mentioned above should also include your birth certificate. A number of countries have rendered “null and void” original handwritten birth certificates. If your country is one of these, you have to obtain an updated birth certificate. You must also have all your certified certificates of disposition of all arrests, and tax returns for as many years back as possible, etc. because these documents will be needed on a moment’s notice, and their immediate availability can help to expedite your attorney’s preparation of Motions for Bond, Motions to Reopen, Motions for Stays, or other legal moves required by your set of facts.
Politics NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio Appoints First Haitian-American Rose Pierre-Louis as Commissioner Mayor Bill de Blasio named two key leaders to his administration recently that will enact an ambitious public health and safety agenda. Mayor de Blasio named Dr. Mary Bassett as Commissioner of the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene and Rose Pierre-Louis as Commissioner of the Mayor’s Office to Combat Domestic Violence. A respected advocate for victims of domestic violence and a pillar of the Haitian-American community, Rose Pierre-Louis has fought for women and families for more than two decades. As Commissioner of the Mayor’s Office to Combat Domestic Violence, she will make city government more responsive in safeguarding victims, and spearhead city efforts to prevent and fully report acts of domestic violence. “I have dedicated my life to fighting for the safety of women and families going through the deepest crises any of us could ever face. What I’ve learned is that each of us has a role to play in preventing violence, reporting it, and helping victims through it. Our mission is to leave no family behind, and put the full weight of city government in the corner of our must vulnerable residents. I’m honored to take on this responsibility,” said incoming Commissioner Rose Pierre-Louis of the Mayor’s Office to Combat Domestic Violence.
About Rose Pierre-Louis:
Rose Pierre-Louis has led a distinguished career advocating for low-income women and the city’s most vulnerable families. Early in her career at Queens Legal Services, she developed workshops aimed at empowering victims of domestic violence to obtain a divorce from their abusers without having
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to wait for an attorney. She went on to hold leadership positions at Network for Women’s Services, Sanctuary for Families, and Harlem Legal Services, where she led the domestic violence unit. Most recently, she served as Deputy Borough President for Manhattan. Pierre-Louis’ record of leadership in advocating for women goes beyond her professional activities. She was appointed to serve on the Matrimonial Commission in 2004, responsible for reviewing all aspects of matrimonial litigation and making recommendations for improving the State’s Family and Supreme Courts procedures governing such litigation. She is the founding member and former Chair of the African American Task Force on Violence against Women and the Women’s Alliance of Harlem, and also a former Vice-Chair of the Board of Directors of the New York Women’s Foundation. She has also served as an adjunct Professor at Fordham University School of Law for six years and is a frequent lecturer on domestic violence and the law. Pierre-Louis is also a recognized leader in the Haitian community, helping found and lead the Haitian Roundtable, a non-profit devoted to raising the profile of Haiti and supporting Haitian-American professionals. In 2010, following the devastating earthquake in Haiti, she was appointed by then-Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton to serve on the five-member delegation representing the United States at the United Nations Haiti Donor Pre-Conference in Martinique, West Indies.
ith global coverage on Jamaica’s two-man bobsled team, Team Jamaica, The Jamaica Olympic Association has now announced it will cover travel costs for a five-member team to get from Wyoming, USA to Sochi, Russia on Feb. 4th.
he news comes as the team qualified for a spot in the 2014 Winter Games T and turned to crowdfunding to raise $80,000 needed to cover their trip, after it was disclosed the JOA was not going to meet those costs. The team has raised over $41,000 so far.
he JOA, however, yesterday said it would help the team of Winston Watts, T Marvin Dixon (crew), Wayne Blackwood (alternate crew), Thomas Samuel (coach) and Nelson Christian Stokes (Chef de Mission) get to Sochi. and transportation will be met by the Organizing ComAccommodation mittee for the Games in Sochi. he team is scheduled to arrive in T Russia on Feb. 4th and the first official event will be the Flag Raising Ceremony in the athletes’ village on February 5th.
he Opening Ceremony of the T Games will be on Friday, February 7th and the competition for the 2
Men Bobsleigh team will take place on February 19 and 20.
ascelles Oneil Brown (L) and L Winston Alexander Watt of the Jamaica-1 team leap into their sled at
the start of heat three of the two-man bobsleigh competition at the Salt Lake 2002 Winter Olympic Games, February 17, 2002 in Park City (Reuters/ Peter Andrews)
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21 ANSWERS 1. Mahalia Jackson 2. Mamie Smith 3. Jim Crow 4. Teddy Wilson 5. James Brown 6. Nat “king” Cole 7. Charleston 8. Billy Eckstine 9. Dinah Washington 10. Edward V11 11. Norah Douglas Holt 12. Josephine Baker
13. Sammy Davis Jr. 14. Katherine Dunham 15. 1942 16. James Earl Jones 17. The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman 18. Ray Charles 19. Bill Foster 20. Vinnette Carroll 21. Gambia
Little Known Black History Facts
Edited By Annette Gordon
umerous jokes or expressions using the word “TIMBUKTU” have been made without knowing what TIMBUKTU is. History has recorded Timbuktu as a great learning center and ideal market. The CITY OF TIMBUKTU, located in Mali, Africa, in the year 1526 was a bustling city which grew out of an oasis. During that time it was a good location where camel caravans from North Africa and ships from the West would meet to trade. As an ideal market and trade center, items such gold, metal working, pottery, cloth manufacture, silk, jewelry,
books, firearms and food items such as smoked fish, rice, fruit, onions, honey, tobacco, spices, tea and coffee were bought and sold. Industries were developed such as the manufacture of boots, slippers, book binding and crafted leather goods. ot only as a center of Islam and the location of the University of Sankore, but it was a city where scholars from around the world would come and study not only the religion of Islam, but physicians performed surgeries such as the removal of cataracts from the eye. It also produced judges, scholars and priests. To this day TIMBUKTU still functions as a market and trading city. TIMBUKTU was no joke and should be remembered as learning center with universities, hospitals and the ideal trade market of West Africa. (Taken from: The Best of The Little Known Black History Facts) by Lady Sala S. Shabazz
cated to preserving the records of Black People. r. Woodson recognized the need for recording the history of Black people in 1915 and devoted his life to bringing the accomplishFather of Black History Month ments of African American to the world’s attention when he started the trend that gathered momentum during the Civil Rights Movement. r. Woodson founded the Association for the study of Afro –Ameriarter G. Woodson - Father of Black History can Life and History and began publishing scholarly material. Month was born on December 19, 1875 Currently, the most familiar publications and best in New Canton, Virginia and is known as the known of Dr. Woodson’s 16 books is the “MISEfather of Black History Month. DUCATION OF THE NEGRO” and the “EDUCAarter G. Woodson whose parents were forTION OF THE NEGRO”. mer slaves went to work in the coal-mine r. Carter G. Woodson founded Black History at the age of 17, and by the age of 18 received Week which is now Black History Month and a diploma. Woodson later went on to become soon it will be every day. Dr. Carter G. Woodson a principal of the school where he graduated. the recorder of Black History and Father of Black He received a Ph.D. in history from Harvard History Month. Taken from: (“The Best of the University and Spingarn Medal in 1926 from Little Known Black History Facts”) by: Lady Sala the NAACP. He was an African American dediS.Shabazz
ne of the Nation’s first public libraries was launched on February 20, 1833 with the founding of the Philadelphia Library Company of Colored Persons. The Founders advanced a tradition of African reading and writing over two thousand years old. When African Nations were conquered during the enslavement process, among the first people killed were scholars and those entrusted with the keys of Knowledge.
he oral historians, known as Griots, who survived were able to decode the ghostly writings on surfaces that the conquerors had not destroyed – Pyramid Walls, Sealed Temples, Caves and Ancient Tablets. These ancient writings revealed that the tradition of African
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libraries dates back to that of Egypt’s King Osymandyas, Circa1240 B.C. and much of what is known as “Greek Philosophy” was derived from the ancient religious system known as the “ Egyptian Mysteries”. The first African American library founded in Philadelphia empowered the African American through knowledge and in the words of an Egyptian inscription – “KNOW THYSELF”. Taken from: (“The Best of Little Known Black History Facts”) By: Lady Sala S. Shabazz
By Clive Williams
O’SHAY JACKSON O’Shay Jackson aka Ice Cube Rapper, Actor, recorder Producer and film Director, at age forty-four has been married to Kimberly for 22 years (which represents half his life) and has produced four children, two of whom O’shay Jnr. and Darryl are Rappers they are featured on his latest album “I Am The West”. The other two children are Kareema and Sharif. He describes his faith simply as Muslim. He emphasizes that he instills in his children a level of self-respect.
HAVE IN COMMON?? There’s no question that in the last two generations, the definition of family is going through an evolutionary phase, as society begins to understand the importance of being more inclusive. The narrow confines are expanded to include gays, lesbians and trans-genders that are forming their own families. This phenomenon is spread across every ethnic group and if we value family we had better begin to adjust to these new realities. Ignoring them, condemning them or wishing them away are not proactive actions, rather, in order to build strong families we must engage in an open minded constructive conversation as how to build families despite personal prejudices or insecurities. In a research paper called, “Identifying Successful Families” that is available from The Office for social Services Policy at the US Department of Health and Human Services, nine characteristics were highlighted that ensures a strong successful family. They are: 1.communication 2.encouragement of individuals 3.expressing appreciation 4.commitment to family 5.religious/spiritual orientation connectedness 7.ability to adapt 8.clear roles and 9.time together. 20 |
Broadus Jr., “Snoop Dogg” Samuel L. Jackson, Earvin “Magic” Johnson Jr., Stanley Kirk Burrell “MC Hammer” and O ’Shay Jackson “Ice Cube,” just to name a few.
You can understand that these high ideals are set against the backdrop of a country whose popular ethos suggests instant gratification, built- in obsolescence, fake it till you make it, keep it moving, whatever! Or, so what; the application of these ideals is incredibly difficult, which makes creating and sustaining strong successful families, that more difficult and that’s for regular girls and guys like you and me. For people in the limelight, public figures and celebrities who are constantly bombarded by the paparazzi, crackpots, stalkers and overzealous fans, the conduct of their lives is doubly difficult. Whereitzat want to share the lives of these endangered species in an effort to prove that despite the odds, Black families have more than enough examples of strong, enduring and successful families. Here are just a few: Denzel Washington, James Todd Smith “LL Cool J,” Calvin Cordozar
CALVIN CORDOZAR BROADUS Calvin Cordozar Broadus, Jr. aka Snoop Dogg the quintessential “Bad Boy” and a perceived misogynist is on the flip side, a committed family man, husband and father. He got married to Shante his high school sweetheart 1997, then at some point filed for divorce but they renewed their vows in 2008. Together they have three sons, Corde born
1994, Cordell 1997 and Cori 1999. Despite his love for Marijuana and his past involvement as a pimp, Snoop’s love of sports has kept him focused enough for him to become a certified football coach and he has been head coach for the John A. Roland High School Football Team which his son Cordell attends. In spite of his many brushes with the law Snoop has managed to keep his marriage intact. JAMES TODD SMITH
James Todd Smith aka LL Cool J, is regarded by both black and white women as a hunk, has been married to Simone Johnson since 1995 a total of nineteen years Considering his sex appeal and fame his
BLACK HISTORY/CULTURE marriage has stood the test of time. LL Cool J, a pioneer in the Hip Hop industry, actor and television star had a troubled childhood, as his mother went from one bad relationship into another, sums up his life this way; “I am happy to be black. I am what I am, I am doing very well in my life and I am thankful to God for that. I am a real person that cares about his art and cares about what he is doing-I have a heart and a soul and want to touch people and give. As a black man, my hope is that I can touch more and more people all over the world of different races and different colors. And I think eventually if I just stay on this path we’ll get there.”
SAMUEL L. JACKSON Who would believe that the tough guy persona portrayed by Samuel L. Jackson belies a warm caring family man? He is one of the few politically active and vocal black actors in Hollywood. Samuel has paid his dues from playing drug addicts and bad guys, to being an action hero. This former civil rights activist has not only achieved success as an actor but in his family life as well, being married to LaTanya Richardson for thirty-four years. He met his wife LaTanya an actress and sports channel producer while he was attending Morehouse College. Together they have a daughter Zoe who was born in 1982. Sometimes dubbed the hardest working man in Hollywood, Samuel L. Jackson finds time to
1991 when Magic got an AIDS diagnosis, Cookie was pregnant with their first child, fortunately, neither wife nor son Earvin were affected by the virus. When Magic went public with this diagnosis ( as a heterosexual male), he helped the world to view the AIDS virus in a new light. Magic and Cookie have three children two boys and one girl and have demonstrated that even against the greatest odds family life can grow even stronger. Today Magic Johnson, retired basketball star, is arguably one of the most successful businessmen in America. The examples we present to you are not
DENZEL HAYES WASHINGTON Since Sydney Poitier no other black male actor has had such a tremendous appeal across racial lines as Denzel Hayes Washington, jnr. Critically acclaimed for his work both on film and stage has added to his resume, film producing and directing. Denzel has established himself
enjoy a successful family life. STANLEY KIRK BURRELL Stanley Kirk Burrell better known as MC Hammer (You Can’t Touch This) enjoyed immense popularity though 80’s and 90’s as rapper/dancer, truly epitomizes the cliché “Money can’t buy love,” because, despite losing his fortune after filing bankruptcy, his wife Stephanie Fuller did not give up on him. They have been married since 1985 almost thirty years. Today MC Hammer attributes his survival to his Christian beliefs. So, even without the fortune he made, he continues to enjoy a happy family life. MC Hammer and
as a living legend His good looks and lady killer smile makes him popular across all age groups. Denzel and his wife Pauletta will tell you that when the lights are turned off it’s their family that matters. Married now for thirty-one years Denzel and Pauletta have survived the rumors of a break up and are enduring. They are the parents of two boys and two girls, so although Hollywood is the rocks on which most of those marriages fall, Denzel and Pauletta have established a successful family life.
wife Stephanie are the proud parents of five children three boys and two girls. EARVIN JOHNSON Earvin Johnson earned the nickname “Magic” at the age of fifteen, when a sports writer saw him playing basketball in a high school game. Johnson’s execution and points tally in that game convinced the sports writer that his performance was pure magic. Even more magical is that his marriage to Earlitha Kelly, otherwise known as “Cookie” has been steadfast for 23 years. In
only in celebration of Black History month, but is also in celebration of the Black family, whose existence influence and sheer endurance somehow continues to escape the attention of main stream media. Take a look around your neighborhood and you will see an abundance of married couples who have had enduring relationships for scores of years. I recall personally speaking to George Gallup, jnr. of The Gallup Poll Organization, in the city of Boston at Harvard University in 1994, in which the focus of my argument had to do with the fact that neither myself or anyone as far as I could ascertain, had ever been polled by the Gallup organization in our community - to
which George Gallup replied and I quote, “we really have not deployed much of our resources in urban centers such as yours Clive, so let me challenge you to begin to do the research in your own neighborhood.” The moral of the story is we had better get busy creating our own institutions, setting own standards, creating our own images and determining what we are worth. As George Fraser so brilliantly articulated in his book by the same name, “Success runs in our Race.” By Clive Williams ITZ- BOLD- FRESH- ENTERTAINING | 21
Dr. Martin Luther King on the Ancient Egyptian Influence on Christianity “The Egyptian mysteries of Isis and Osiris exerted considerable influence upon early Christianity. These two great Egyptian deities, whose worship passed into Europe, were revered not only in Rome but in many other centers where Christian communities were growing up. Osiris and Isis, so the legend runs, were at one and the same time, brother and sister, husband and wife; but Osiris was murdered, his coffined body being thrown into the Nile, and shortly afterwards the widowed and exiled Isis gave birth to a son, Horus. Meanwhile the coffin was washed up on the Syrian coast, and became miraculously lodged in the trunk of a One of the things I find interesting about the above quote is that when Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. calls Ausar (Osiris) a king he capitalizes the letter “K” in the word “King” as one might do if using the word as a proper noun. Perhaps King was making a conscious effort to align himself with the Osirian legacy. Maybe he wasn’t. Either way, the capitalization was deliberate, as it appears in the middle of the sentence, not at the beginning. Both Martin Luther King and Osiris are powerful men who are an inspiration to many people, and both were cut down by individuals who conspired toward their deaths. Now, I’m not saying that Osiris was a historical figure like King is. I’m just saying that both of their stories parallel one another in significant ways. King was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee, but Memphis is named after the ancient Egyptian city. Osiris was murdered in Egypt according to myth. Also, King was assassinated at the Lorraine Motel, which was originally named the “WindsorLorraine Motel.” The word “Windsor” means “Riverbank” in Old English. Wasn’t Osiris’ dead body floating down a riverbank according to the myth? Yes it was. King said so himself in the quote at the beginning of this article. King laid lifeless on the balcony of the motel. I wonder if Set walked around for days with Ausar’s blood on his clothes, though. 22 |
tree. This tree afterwards chanced to be cut down and made into a pillar in the palace at Byblos, and there Isis at length found it. After recovering Osiris’ dismembered body, Isis restored him to life and installed him as King in the nether world; meanwhile Horus, having grown to manhood, reigned on earth, later becoming the third person of this great Egyptian trinity.” – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 1949
dea—there are 12 astrological houses in the zodiac. The sun represents the “sun of man,” or rather, the ego of man, that moves through these 12 vectors of consciousness. Ta-Setian (proto-Kushite) astrology forms the entire basis for the New Testament in the Bible. The four gospels represent the Air, Earth, Fire and Water elements of the zodiac.
Anyway, when you personally identify yourself with a particular deity, you don’t just take on the savory aspects of that deity. You take on the ENTIRE myth associated with them and that myth will play out in your personal life. This is especially true if you have a natural resonance with the frequency of said deity. If you feel compelled to learn all that you can about a particular deity, then it is because you embody the qualities and attributes that a given culture has ascribed to that deity.
Based on King’s final public speech at the Mason Temple, which I recommend you listen to in its entirety, the minister understood astrological symbolism. Most astute Christian ministers do, but many won’t share that knowledge with their congregations. King spoke about traveling through time and visiting ancient civilizations before seeing the redemption of a people from the peak of a
If you recall, Ausar was cut into 14 pieces when he was murdered by the god Set and his 72 fellow conspirators. Ausar’s penis was thrown in the river Hapi (Nile) and consumed by a crab. The other 13 pieces remained in a coffin. In that respect, the number 13 is synonymous with the beloved man of the people who is ritualistically murdered by his haters. Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, Nelson Mandela, and Marcus Garvey all had an “M” at the beginning of either their first, or last names. Of course “M” is the 13th letter of the English alphabet. Not all of the men that I named were assassinated, obviously. Still they all resonated with that 13 energy which is Ausarian in nature. In later centuries the number 13 became messianic with the rise of Christianity (Jesus and his 12 disciples).
mountaintop. King was a Capricorn, therefore his astrological totem was the goat. Goats sit on top of mountains which allow them to see things from a vantage point that others cannot. This gives the goat a higher understanding of its environment.
In Western astrology—which was derived from the land of Ta-Seti by way of Chal-
People often speak of the “Baphomet” goat as a symbol of fear, but that word is actually a French corruption of the title “Abu Fihamet” which was used by medieval Moors of Europe. The title means “Father of Understanding.” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. certainly became that. On the month of his birthday, we salute him.
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For all music lovers, you will be happy to know that there is a Sing - Off in Queens, NY. Karaoke Super Star Search will start Wednesday Feb. 12 @ Café Moments with show time at midnight and on Thursdays Feb. 13 @ Henrica’s Restaurant with show time at 10pm. It will take the form of a weekly competition, a month end semi final and run for three months. It’s intent is to expose exceptional talent and is open to recording artists and anyone that just has a good voice and wants to see how far they can take their talent. Enter and give yourself a shot at stardom! Karaoke is a fun interactive form of entertainment, developed by Japanese musicians in the 1970s, which quickly spread throughout the world and is enjoyed by people of all ages. In our very own Caribbean communities, it has become a staple in many restaurants and bars who stage their own karaoke events weekly utilizing local DJ’s like Mikie String and hosts like Sherry Morgan. Karaoke Super Star Search is a huge effort designed to highlight exceptionally good talent that is evident in many karaoke parties while creating an opportunity to elevate these singers to another level through awarding the winners, prizes that will showcase
On February 4, 2014 world renowned reggae crooner Tarrus Riley will release Love Situation, his fifth full length album. The 17-track collection is produced by Dean Fraser for Cannon, assisted by talents such as Shane C. Brown of Juke Boxx Productions, Mitchum “Khan” Chin and Jordan McClure. The project was mixed by Shane C. Brown & Romel Marshall and was mastered by Grammy award winning engineer Michael Fuller.
It is no secret that Tarrus Riley is one of Jamaica’s, precious gifts to music. Known for making thought provoking music forcing people to open their eyes and think, Tarrus Riley set a lane for himself as he adds his melodious “singy singy” style to his music. With a successful touring career, talent and charisma, which has millions of women singing “She’s Royal”, Tarrus Riley started a movement. A movement that made fans embrace the realization of how great they are and how powerful love is. Coming from a place of healing and soothing music Tarrus Riley is known for his analytical lyrics embracing Rasta’s teachings mixed with his heart felt romantic delivery.
their music. It will serve to help bridge the gap between entertainers and their audience by giving them an opportunity to meet and interact with media and industry people. For regular karaoke maniacs, note that karaoke will start at it’s usual time; Cafe Moments-Wednesdays 9pm and Henrica’s Restaurants-Thursdays 7pm. Anyone wanting to enter the competition however must submit their entries by 10pm nightly. Entrants must be at least 18 years of age. They can choose songs from the regular karaoke catalog or bring their own tracks. If you’re competing with original songs, the lyrics must be clean. Contestants will be judged based on their voice, stage presence and crowd response. The Judge’s decision is final. The person who wins the overall competition will receive amongst other things, a trophy, a website, a professional photo shoot, multiple interviews on 93.5FM, feature in Whereitzat Magazine, one month guaranteed airplay for at least one song and free studio time. Of course there is an entry fee, but it is ridiculously cheap when the prizes are taken into consideration. It should also be noted that part
proceeds from this venture will go towards PSDO, (Portmore Self-help Disability Organization). They work to help improve the lives of persons with disability including children, youths, adults and the elderly; most of who are homebound and are unemployed. You can contact them if you wish to render any assistance. They are a registered charity in Jamaica. This competition will be held annually in conjunction with a music industry workshop to be announced for the summer. All musicians, recording artistes, producers, studio engineers or just the average Joe with a talent is invited to make submissions now. It is “A BIG BREAK”. You can pick up entry forms at Henrica’s Restaurant, located at 138-89 Francis Lewis Blvd in Rosedale, Café Moments at 784 Elmont Road in Elmont, at VP Record Store on Jamaica Ave, select digicel locations in Queens and Brooklyn, select studios and online at and You can also sign up on our facebook page (NYC Karaoke Maniacs) It will be an exciting competition…Sign up today! KARAOKE SUPER STAR SEARCH sponsors include Digicel, NuSpcies, VP Records, Irie Jam Radio, Winners Circle Radio, Whereitzat Magazine, CaribZone, Street Hype Newspaper,TwinThumb Promotion among others.
By Sherry M.
t’s Official Tarrus Riley is Set to Release his 5th Full Length Album “LOVE SITUATION” team. With a unique styled musical composition and the socially charged lyrics, which articulates perseverance despite what the masses may say or do to try discredit you. “Dem a Watch” is a single, which will only tease your musical palette. Love Situation is produced by Dean Fraser for Cannon, Jukeboxx, BSMG Productions and Executive Produced by Zojak World Wide. This compelling album, “Love Situation”, has already set the bar for albums to follow in 2014.
The ever-jovial Tarrus Riley expressed gratitude saying “Special Thanks to the engineers, singers and players of instrument for lending their expertise on this project. Extra Special Salute to the legends of the indigenous Jamaican genre of music called ‘Rock Steady’ also called ‘Lovers Rock’ in other parts of the world.”
“Love Situation” is a true testimony to the resilience and timeless quality of the greatest era of Jamaican music. Great rhythms, engineering, production and When reached for comment, Zojak World of course the stellar vocal work of “Singy Singy” Wide president Aaron Mahlfeldt stated “We are attest to the fact that quality reggae music is alive very pleased to be working with Reggae super- and well in the minds, hearts, and dancing shoes star Tarrus Riley. Working closely with Tarrus’ of today’s music listeners around the globe. The entire team along with Shane C Brown and album will be available January 28th for pre-order Dean Fraser has been one of the best experiand officially released February 4th on iTunes and a ences we have had in the music industry. They variety of online retailers, as well as physical CD’s in are all true professionals on every level and digipak format. To promote the album Tarrus will “Love Situation’s” leading single “Dem a Watch”, set very easy to collaborate with. We thank Tarrus be kicking off a US tour on January 25th. and his production team for partnering with to hit airwaves this week will leave fans embracing another side of Tarrus. The message and tone of this Zojak to release Love Situation, 2014’s Rock Courtesy of Destine Media Steady masterpiece.” single shows the diversity of Tarrus Riley and his 26 |
Black History THE HUMAN SIDE OF DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING It isn’t very often that we take the opportunity to be critical of our heroes, either because we fear a backlash from their admirers or we refuse to apply objectivity; as a society we demonstrate a preference for creating myths rather than speaking truth i.e.,( telling others what we think they want to hear.) That said I believe that our humanity, vulnerabilities, weaknesses and vicissitudes are vital components of our spirituality and not SIN as some would have us believe. Our journey is about growth and development;
life would be purposeless if there is no potential for that development. Dr. King’s was human; it was his actions that made him heroic. Today’s culture trivializes the gravity of heroism, but to call Dr. King a hero makes up for that triviality, not only is he an American hero, he is celebrated as a hero everywhere that injustice, racism and inequality exists. But, as his best friend, associate and fellow freedom fighter, the Rev. Ralph Abernathy reveals in his book, “And the Walls Came Tumbling Down,” that Martin Luther King was very human, especially in his love life. The book which was released in 1989 is the autobiography of the Rev. Ralph Abernathy, whose loyalty and devotion to King was never in question, nor was his revelation spiteful, but refreshingly informative. This is what Abernathy said about King, “Much has been written in recent years about my friend’s weaknesses for women. Had others not dealt with the matter in such details I might have avoided any commen-
tary. Unfortunately, some of these commentators have told only the bare facts without suggesting the reasons why Martin might have indulged in such behavior. They have also left a false impression about the range of his activities. Martin and I were away more often than we were home; and while this was no excuse for extramarital relations, it was a reason. Some men are better able to bear such deprivations than others, though all of us in SCLC headquarters had our weak moments. We all understood and believed in the biblical prohibition against sex outside of marriage, it was just that he had a particularly difficult time with that temptation. In addition to his personal vulnerability, he was also a man who attracted women even when he didn’t intend to and he attracted them in droves. Part of his appeal was his predominant role in the black community and part of it was personal. During the last 10 years of his life, Martin Luther King was the most important black man in America. That fact alone endowed him with an aura of power and greatness that women found very appealing. He was a hero – the greatest hero of his age - and women are always attracted to a hero.” Excerpted from the book (And the Walls Came Tumbling Down.) Rev. Ralph Abernathy. If we are honest about celebrating the legacy of Dr. King, we should celebrate the truth about his humanity, his vulnerability and his weaknesses.
By Clive Williams
THE PRISON NATION: Letters from America's third nation. pt2
INTRODUCTION: By Clive Williams In part 2 of this series we will continue to examine the deep frustration, isolation and tragedy that a prison system, based on retributive justice, metes out to our sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers. This is not to say that justice should be voided and criminals should go unpunished but rather, while we implement the rule of law, it should be meted out with justice and humaneness, Before and during the 1960’s, prison administrators could arbitrarily be as just or unjust as they pleased. Since then the court system has stepped in to ensure that the constitutional rights of those incarcerated are not unjustly violated. In one ruling in 1974 the supreme court in the case of Procunier Martinez 416US. 396.942. Ct.1800, 40L.Ed.2d224, ruled that the California Department of Corrections could not censor the direct personal correspondence of prisoners unless, such censorship was necessary to further important interest of the government in security, order and rehabilitation. The court also held that a procedure must be established to determine that censorship, when appropriate is neither arbitrary nor unduly burdensome. In light of that ruling, the letters that we are able to obtain from prisoners at the Pelican Bay facility, demonstrates a complete disobedience and dis-
regard to established laws by prison authorities. But then again, that’s the point. America has metaphysically transformed itself to a Prison Nation and spawned a third nation of mothers giving birth to children while imprisoned, fathers and sons re-uniting in prison, almost all without hope of living free in America. My hope is that America will see the error of its ways, after all how can we say we are the beacon of the world, how can we act as the world arbiter of disputes, how can we take the high ground and talk about American exceptionalism when we are warehousing 2.3million human beings? These are figures from the International Center for Prison Studies at Kings College in London, (the largest prison population on the planet,) While China with 4 times our population only has 1.6 million people in prisons and there, a high percentage are political prisoners. Yes crime is a scourge in any society, but the criminals are still human. With today’s incredible technological and scientific achievements why can’t we find a better way to deal with the dysfunctions in human behavior? Some more cynical than myself say we are expanding and privatizing the Prison Industrial Complex. Here are more letters presented by that advocate for social justice, Malik A.
it turns out is a reservoir of information and points out that, himself and the other inmates would go to any length to show the world what really goes on in Pelican Bay so that the truth can no longer be denied. He says even though most of the inmates in the SHU have been clean of trouble for years, the administration keeps denying them release from the SHU because they will not de-brief and become informants.
deprived of food or themselves on a hunger strike, the guards will taunt them by eating food in front of them. Then, as soon as that passes the administration would give them physical check-ups more regularly and pass out vitamins, which can change as quickly as it started.
hen Luis ended his letter he told me how W good it felt to receive a piece of mail from another state and that they were now in their 27th
says the California Dept. of Corrections day of protest. His last words were: “Can the soul Lings,uisandtheir Recreations resorts to using their draw- think and not the Man, or the body fed, kept warm educational books and even their and clothed in indefinite solitary confinement-
n August 14th, 2013 inmate Jeffrey Askari interactions one to another are labeled as gang SHU, while the mind is ignored?” O Franklin wrote me a letter complaining that activity. He explains that The Institution Gang the Staff at Pelican Bay prison intentionally withhold letters for weeks and sometimes months. He cited an example of my letter to him dated July 20th 2013 which took almost 30 days to get to him. Jeffrey points out that censorship happens especially when incoming letters seem to contain information and are well written like mine. Jeffrey seemed quite relieved to share with me that if I needed further information he is the man to contact, and despite their refusal to eat the authorities had not started to force feed them as yet. Another inmate Luis Esquival echoed the same sentiments about sending or receiving mail. He reports that Investigator will also use drawings, tattoos and the administration often tears up the inmates out- false information to get inmates back into the going mail on purpose. SHU, which are literally concrete boxes, for as many as ten, twenty, thirty or forty years. Luis uis is a Mexican inmate who comes from L.A calls this the validation process, which is how and has been in solitary confinement in the they are labeled as gang members by the CDCR S.H.U (segregated housing unit) since 1999. He and IGI. The de-humanization is constant. At relates to me how solitary confinement is torture times the administration turns up the AC so psychologically as well as physiologically. Luis as cold it is unbearable and at times when they are
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BY Malik
Black Culture
Pop Culture ruining young Black women W
e’re embarking on the unchartered journey of 2014. Every New Year multitudes of individuals make personal resolutions to improve themselves. I have a vision for black females. I implore all female readers to be patient, receptive, and not prejudge what I’m saying until they’ve finished reading this article. I want to see a renaissance of the current state of some of our black females. Female only indicates gender. I want to see more ladies and women. I’ve seen a generation of females that have lost touch with femininity. “When they reminisce over you my God!” It’s my opinion that the entertainment industry has sabotaged our young black females. I remember when young ladies carried themselves with such grace, daintiness, and femininity. That encouraged and harkened black male chivalry and catering. Young ladies walked and talked with elegance. They conducted themselves with impeccable savoir faire, and exuded finesse. These characteristics were like honey to us young men, it crafted an image that men wanted to protect and was worthy of cherishing. Currently, femininity is on a decline. The lack of both mature parental involvement is responsible for the degradation of our young black girls now. Many parents are not operating in a cohesive manner to convey healthy and proper modeling for our youth. To complicate matters, the entertainment industry has reprogrammed the psyche of our youth. “Theres a stranger in my house” Magazines, movies, talk shows, reality shows, social media (youtube, world star, etc), certain books, videos, and music have reversed engineered the wisdom and lessons of the matriarchs of the black family. True womanhood is becoming an archaic lost science. Much of what these forms of entertainment convey are externally focused, and lack the substance that develops the intrinsic quality of today’s females. It’s difficult to watch more than 5 minutes of reality shows like Love and Hip Hop, House-
wives, and Badgirls Club because I see womanhood mutate to disrespectful barbarianism and shallow, ego driven narcissism. There is a difference between being strong/independent and being bossy, loud and dismissive. This is similar to women saying they like a confident man and not a cocky/arrogant/obnoxious man.
marriages and households. Our daughters are assuming the machismo, bravado, and brute character of men like: Sharkiesha, the girl that got an uppercut on the bus, Jerry Springer, or violent brawls on Love and Hip Hop. This bad behavior fuels female incarceration, because many are participating in acts considered criminal. Thus we are also fostering a generation of the new Jane Crow. A real woman knows how to smoothly mitigate conflicts and disagreements without “showing her ass”. As a man, it is hard to
Rewarding bad behavior Society and the entertainment industry perpetuate the incompatibility between the black man and woman. This is accomplished by rewarding bad behavior. Why are there TV shows that pay black women to be “ratchet”? Why do music videos objectify black women as strippers? Why do record labels encourage and endorse black female artists to basically strip in every video and pay them for raunchy dances and lyrics? Why must black
females pose nude on front covers of King, GQ, Esquire, and Source Magazine to be considered “successful” or “empowered”? Young black girls see the public attention and fanfare these superstars and video vixens receive. They then imitate it, in hopes to garner the same exact attention. The more lewd and provocative their behavior, the higher their pay and fame. This indoctrinates their psyche as the only method and means to get what they want in life. They either have to use s*x or annoy someone into submission via rambunctious, combative, and bellicose behavior. Ultimately, many young girls are either dressing like hookers or resembling street thugs, and that’s not attractive! The results The results are devastating. The Black man and woman are being rendered socially and romantically incompatible. This is crippling Black dating and the institution of marriage. The sanctity of marriage in the black community has been rendered dysfunctional and prone to divorce. We’re carrying hazardous subliminal behaviors that were skillfully implanted in our subconscious into our
even treat a female with chivalry, kindness, and respect when they don’t carry themselves in a manner worthy of chivalry. You can’t act like a man and be angry that I don’t treat you like a woman. When a woman is super-independent (to the extreme), we don’t feel the need to treat, cater, woo, or bend over backwards because we assume you can do everything for yourself. Leave some room and work for us to do, allow us the opportunity to demonstrate our utility. Historically speaking, the only thing we’ve ever really had in America as blacks was that trustful bond between husband, wife, and children. I envision a retreat back to that graceful paradigm to rediscover feminine allure, attraction, etiquette and beauty. Hollywood I’m not letting you dictate who my Queen is! We need our elder matriarchal leaders to reinstall the software into our black females. Ladies you are more than a piece of ass, you are an asset!
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reetings and Happy New Year readers. 2014 came in with the “Polar Vortex” plunging New York and much of the U.S. in sub-zero deep freeze temperatures even causing Niagara Falls to freeze over. I hope we get out of the freezer real soon! Did you accomplish all or most of what you had planned for 2013, and how are your plans and goals for this year working so far? ow I’ve got N to talk about 2013 Sting Inter-
national Clash in Jamaica which was televised on Pay-Per-view and streamed on several websites. Specifically, I’m dealing with the unmitigated display of ignorance from two of Dancehall’s top female artists, Lady Saw and Macka Diamond. First, for those of you who are aware of the purpose of Clash let me clarify; a clash is a showdown between two artists to lyrically outdo or “dun” the other by garnering the most crowd support from the lyrical battle. That been said, let me now give you a little history on the Saw Diamond relationship over the last year or so; it has been a constant barrage of verbal “dis” and name-calling in songs, stage shows and print airing the others dirty laundry. OK, back to Sting. Although much the same was expected from the two in the showdown, it was sad to say that all they did on stage was scream expletives at each other and a “performance” that was disgraceful and lacked imagination or artistry. Facebookers bombarded the social media site with a slew of comments regarding the performance. While many people were appalled by it, there were some who felt that the outrageous behavior is akin to the nature of Sting and it should be expected therefore, if you don’t like it don’t watch it! However, if there’s a winner in this clash, Facebookers felt it was Lady Saw over Macka Diamond, who clearly was out-cussed and gave up with the dubious comment-- “I’ll die trying.” On the whole, Sting does nothing for Dancehall but show its reprehensible side that further adds to its demise. I’m just saying!
n a brighter note, Shaggy and Friends 2014 O Benefit concert was a marvelous start to the 2014 concert year. The spectacular event was held in
Kingston, Jamaica on the Jamaica House Lawns. The star-studded line-up included Shaggy alongside Tarrus Riley, Konshens, Elephant Man, Chronixx, Wayne Marshall, Assassin, Pinchers, Admiral Bailey, Admiral Tibet, Carlene Davis, Mighty Diamonds, Macka Diamond, Christopher Martin, Neyo, Kes, Sean Paul, I-Octane and Tessanne Chin. Cameo appearances were made by Damian “Jr Gong” Marley, Jah Cure, and Matthew Schuler, the youngster from The Voice. The reportedly 10,000 patrons seemed to enjoy each act more than the last, but Tessanne Chin appeared to be who they were all waiting for. She received loud applause and cheers for every song she sang (mostly from The Voice performances), but fans got a real treat when she belted out her hit “Hideaway.” Although there were three acts to follow Tessanne, a huge portion of the crowd left after her performance. This was largely attributed to the fact that the show had so many acts and for a familyfriendly event, it was way too long. Tarrus, Sean Paul and I-Octane closed out the show to somewhat of a dwindling audience at around 3 a.m. It was great
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ENTERTAINMENT that the event was streamed on several websites which contributed to the over 2.6 million viewers online. Although I was sleepy and unwell, I stayed up to watch it online until it finished. Personally, I enjoyed all the performances and congratulate Shaggy for pulling off this outstanding event for the benefit of the Bustamante Children’s Hospital.
BA basketball superstar Dwayne Wade and the N beautiful and stunning actress Gabrielle Union have been much in the news lately with the an-
nouncement that he has fathered a son with groupie, 30 year old Aja Metoyer. It is quite a mix-up, as Metoyer is also a baby-mama of two daughters for Damon Wayans Jr. although Wayans asserts that they have no relationship other than co-parenting of his daughters. The 31 yr old Wade also claims that the baby was conceived while he and Gabrielle had broken up briefly, but TMZ reports that apparently this could not be true as Gabrielle was Instagramming and posting pictures about their relationship during that period. Wade who has been dating Gabrielle since 2009, popped the question just six weeks after his son, Xavier, was born on November 10th 2012 which Union accepted. In a recent interview with Glamour magazine, the 41-yearold star blames herself, saying it was her fault that Wade got tangled up with a professional groupie who bore him a newborn son because her career scheduling did not allow for them to spend much needed time together. She claims she was not available when he wanted to get frisky in the bedroom, and declares she has forgiven Wade for stepping-out! Gabby now plans to be more affectionate and to initiate an open door policy to be available for sex whenever Wade is in the mood. Needless to say, her fans didn’t take her decision to lightly; they let her have it on Twitter for letting D.Wade off so easily as well as being pretty stupid! To each his/her own folks, let’s wait and see how this one plays out! here are a T couple other stories in the
news with this same situation; the man has been dating his girl for quite a few years (or married for a long time) then steps out on her with a groupie which results in her bearing a child. Ludacris and Matthew Knowles comes to mind; both have fathered a child who they don’t even know and are in court for child support. Ludacris’ girlfriend Eudoxie has been with him since 2009, now his fiancée, and she says
she is determined to marry her man. The baby is over a month old but Ludacris has not visited with the child, and maintains he can only afford to pay $1,754.66 in child support although he recently purchased a $4.8 million home! Social media is really having a time with Eudoxie on this one too! Matthew Knowles’ 31 yr marriage to Tina ended when his indiscretion came to light and apparently has no contact with his child either. He too, is in court for child support. Is this the new normal, cheaters getting trapped by conniving groupies or is this what’s trending now-- “five year itch”? If this sounds like the same ole story, what’s up with the “seven year itch”?
ave you heard about all the controversy over the H Virgin Media advertisement where Superstar sprinter, Usain Bolt was depicted as a woman and
other characters? Many Jamaican’s have taken to Facebook and other social media to voice their disapproval. I heard comments recently on a morning radio program on WPIX 93.5 and the callers were really upset at the commercial, although many had not seen it, but only heard about it. Although Bolt was dressed up as a family of five characters, baby, teenager, grandfather, father and mother it was the fact that he was portrayed as a women that stirred the most disapproval. However, in reality, Bolt was not dressed as a women, but his head was superimposed on a female body. I don’t understand why our people are so narrowed minded – there is humor in the advertisement, why take it so seriously and out of context. This shows that Usain also has a sense of humor and there is no need to read anything deeper into the ad than to see it for its humor! I’m just saying!
he late legendary singer Whitney Houston’s T daughter, Bobbi Kristina got married to her “adopted brother” Nick Gordon earlier this month.
Bobbi and Nick had announced their engagement in October 2012, during her short-lived reality series ‘The Houstons: On Our Own’, but their unconventional love was met by widespread disapproval causing them to call off the engagement. In July 2013, it was on again. Asked if she got permission from her grandmother, Cissy Houston, who questioned whether Nick was good enough for Bobbi in an open letter last year, before getting married, the 20-year-old star told gossip website ‘’Yes, I did. She’s very happy.’’ Both Bobbi and Nick claimed Whitney would have been thrilled for them too. Bobbi added: ‘’Oh my God, I could tear up, this is exactly what she wanted. Us together is exactly what she wanted.’’ The couple plan on having a much bigger more lavish ceremony in 2015 to celebrate with their family, including Whitney’s mother Cissy. However, TMZ has since reported that Cissy Houston was never asked for her approval and is really upset by the wedding. Cissy is quoted as saying “What they’re doing is incestuous” although Nick was not legally adopted by Whitney. Guess she won’t be attending the lavish ceremony next year!
until next time dear readers, when I dish some Somore gossips walk good! Lady Ann D.A. Cover
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