WhereItzAt Magazine - November 2013

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Breakfast & Brunch Buffet









P u b l i s h e r ’s V i b e 6 | Let’s Analyze the Music Pt. 4 8 | Editor’s Desk Health 10 | Anxiety & Depression 12 | Benefits of Ginger News / Politics 22 | Dear Mr. President 24 | Nassau News ... Mangano Prevails M i n d i n g Yo u r B u s i n e s s 16 | Casanova Wholesale Dist 16 | Spring Gardens Cover Stor y 16 | Kerry Washington - Emmy Denied Entertainment 32 | Sizzla “The Messiah” 34 | Gyptian - Cross Colors 38 | I am reggae Music 14 | Bunji Garlin.. “Differentology”








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WhereItzAt Magazine is published monthly by WhereItzAt Media Group Inc. All Rights Reserved. WhereItzAt Magazine is a registered trademark of WhereItzAt Media Group Inc. Reproduction in whole or in part without written consent is prohibited. Views of editorial content do not necessarily reflect the views of WhereItzAt Magazine, WhereItzAt Media Group Inc. or its advertisers. WhereItzAt Media Group Inc. 219-10 S. Conduit Avenue Springfield Gardens, NY 11413 Phone: (917) 749-7613

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was undoubtedly the most powerful and influential figure in the era of Rock

became an international hit when German based disco group Bony M covered

Steady and indeed a pioneer in the evolution and development of Jamaican mu-

it and became more rich and famous because of it in 1978. Remember also that

sic, Alton Ellis. Ellis was born in 1938 in Trench Town, Kingston and displayed

RIVERS OF BABYLON is on the soundtrack of the hit movie The Harder

both musical and athletic skills at an early age, he played the piano and son began

They Come in 1972, the 1999 Nicholas Cage movie – Bringing out the Dead

performing as a dancer. It was in 1959 that he switched to singing where he

and Philip Seymour Hoffman’s 2010 film - Jack goes Boating. Few artists ever

teamed up with Eddy Parkins as Alton and Eddy, which gave us the classic song,

enjoy that level of notoriety and fame.

Muriel. There was no doubt that Alton was destined to be a ballad singer but he

At the wake celebrating Mr. Brevett’s life and work, he was extolled for his

later evolved into the rock steady/lovers rock groove.

warmth, humor and engaging personality by his attorney and friend, Merrick

After his break with Eddy Parkins he teamed up with John Holt (for a short

Dammar Esq., who offered a moving and stirring presentation on the value of

period) who later on joined the Paragons. Ellis then formed a new group called

life and friendship. Jeff Barnes Esq., Radio personality, reminisced on the Green-

The Flames and continued to record with Coxsone Dodd while also recording

wich Farm contribution to Jamaican culture and music. Sister Carol, Lady Ann,

with Dodd’s archrival Duke Reid. Ellis was such a peace loving and humble

As I draw the curtain down on this series, the feeling is bitter-sweet; sweet, be-

Dance Master, Cherry Rock from 12 Tribes and Renford Cogle reminded us of

man that his charisma allowed him to work with both Dodd and Duke Reid

cause of the kind and grateful reviews I have been receiving from my readers,

Tony’s value to the musical community and the brevity of life, while Sammy

simultaneously…maybe the only artist to achieve this feat, as the rivalry between

especially from Mr. Anthony Natto who patiently reminded me that up to part

Dread, Mikey Jarrett, James McNaughton and Renford Cogle took us down

the two producers was so volatile. Ellis epitomized his life with the principle of

three of the series, I had not yet mentioned the god- father of Rock-Steady, the

memory lane with a medley of the Melodian’s hits.

peace and love and stood virtually alone in rejecting the “rude boy” mentality

Clive Williams, CEO/ Publisher

Hon. Alton Nehemiah Ellis, O. D (ALTON ELLIS) and his invaluable contribu-

The turn-out at Tony’s wake represented a cross section of Jamai-

tion to the rich repository of our musical culture. I thank you Mr. Natto for your

can and Jamerican culture. The ceremony was organized by Sharon Boucher,

knowledge, attention to detail and for staying in touch with WHEREITZAT. The

Angela Hurlock and Yvonne Young. I must commend the love and compas-

bitter feeling comes with the passing of a friend and iconic performer whose

sion displayed by officers of the St. Albans Presbyterian Church, the musical

fame didn’t dilute his humility and humanity, but whose love for life transcended

renditions of Charles Powell and Trevor Clarke; the brilliant sermon of Bishop

the ugliness and pettiness that often befriends celebrities. On October 26th, Mr.

Carlos Jesse and the professionalism and thoughtfulness of David Williams Fu-

George Antonio Brevett aka TONY BREVETT, lead singer and dominant voice

neral Service. It is however the strength of a woman that made the celebration of

of the legendary MELODIANS died, but not before bestowing a legacy of me-

Tony Brevett’s life more meaningful, more open, more special to all of us. The

lodic, soul – stirring and sweet music to an appreciative local and international

resilience, faithfulness and love displayed by Cynthia (Cindy) Dawkins, Tony’s

fan base as far, away as Japan as I write this piece fans in Australia are celebrating

fiancé is an example to all of us with respect to how we treat our spouses. Cindy

his musical legacy. Tony’s passing marks the end of an era, a tough statement to

I wish you the world of happiness in your wonderful life.

make in view of my stated belief in succession; however the reality is, there is

WHEREITZAT Magazine encourages its readers and fans of Tony Brevett and

no one to succeed him, after 50 years of unforgettable music, the maestro has

the Melodian’s, to write an appeal to Jamaica’s Consul General the Honorable

joined his first lead singer and musical rival Brent Dowe to make music in an-

Herman Lamont, requesting that Tony Brevett be honored for his outstanding

other place.

service as a musical ambassador for Jamaica. This posthumous award would be

If anyone has the slightest doubt about the contribution of TONY BREVETT

a fitting climax to an outstanding musical career.

and THE MELODIANS to Jamaican popular music and World music, check

The passing of Brent Dowe and Tony Brevett adds to that growing choir of Ska,

out their discography at, themelodians.net/bio. And as we say in Jamaica, “re

Rock Steady and Reggae artists queuing up to join their lead singer who

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of the sixties and the “bad boy” mentality of the seventies, even rejecting their behavior with songs like “Dance Crasher” “Set a Better Example” and “Don’t Trouble People.” Ellis pioneered the lovers’ rock genre as well as the rock steady. It was his lyrics that gave rock steady its name with the song “Get Ready Rock Steady” but it was his love for his wife Pearl, that drove him to the studio to sing songs like, “Breaking up is Hard to Do”, What does it Take to Win Your Love” and “Can I Change My Mind?” In 1970 Ellis was inducted into the hall of fame at the International Reggae and World Music Awards and in 2004 he received the Order of Distinction from the Jamaican government for his musical contributions to the country. In 2012 the Jamaican government announced that the main hall at the new Trench Town multi-purpose building would be named The Alton Ellis Auditorium in his honor, Ellis eventually settled down in the UK where he died at Hammersmith Hospital in October 2008. We celebrate the musical legacy of these pioneers of Jamaican Music, who have used their talents to influence the WORLD.

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Say What...

by: Adika Butler , Editor in Chief

“I don’t have to curse in my verse to put this beat in a hearse/ The magic of word, sound, and power causes illusions to disperse/ I’m a reverent descendant of Black Nobility/ Return of the Djed/ I build for stability/ Decked in Ghanaian gold armor I bomb ya/ A dedicated farmer of Dharma/ Planting seeds of hope at the stroke of a pen/ that blasts shells and casts spells stirring the minds of mortal men/ I’m all alone on my throne of bones in the heart of a digital lion’s den/ Spilling melodic ink blends/ for fine unfettered friends of truth/ My tower of power brings solar showers when raised in the womb, or a booth/ I’m so Eiffel/ Always delightful/ Inseminating minds with pregnant rhymes from the hallowed barrel of my phallic riffle/ Within the blink of a cherry’s eye, you’ve missed 9 menstrual cycles/I ain’t no joke, but I’m a jester/ Bless a nester in the final trimester through birth waters of understanding/ Ain’t no Gap in my Band, my man/ I’m folding “Outstanding” dead faces/ in the comfort of offshore lands/ nestled in exotic spaces and places/ I’m demanding of me and myself/ Your mind’s your only true wealth/ I’m steady molding my vision/ with craft and precision/ staining eternity with the refractions of thoughts filtered through mental prisms.”


he lyrics above are from a random rhyme I wrote as part of a creative exercise. As a writer, all forms of writing appeal to me. It could be an enticing article in WhereItzAt. It could be poetry, prose, or even a verse. All writers utilize the alphabet of their respective languages

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worlds, and universes of thought. Good writing is good architecture, and every writer is an architect who uses the letters of his alphabet as the building blocks for his own reality. Depending on the writer’s level of ability, their reality can become yours.

to tell stories and convey ideas. The word “alphabet,” literally means the first (alpha) house (beta) once you break the word down. The first house is the written word, which is a mansion of meaning. It’s interpretation is determined by the reader who is an occupant of a land lord’s estate. Once a writer, or any practitioner of verbal communication, masters how to build The First House they can construct entire neighborhoods, cities, nations,

Be careful of what you read, my friends. If it doesn’t challenge you, make you think, laugh or chuckle—or arouse any strong emotion within you—then it’s not worth the paper it’s printed on. Some people write to say something. Others write because they have something to say. Gyptain, the reggae Don who is feautured in this issue of WhereItzAt has a lot to say on his latest album. Thankfully, he took some time out of his busy schedule to share some of those thoughts with you, our readership. I think you will really enjoy this article by contributing writer Jasmine Scott. And after you read it, be sure to check out Gyptian’s album. Love, Sex and Reggae form a tantalizing trinity that has rarely sounded better.

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ccording to the National Institutes of Mental Health (NIMH), one in four women will experience severe depression at some point in life. 1 in 4! That’s a very high statistic. The world population stands at around 7,021,836,029 and 49.75% of that number are females. That means a little less than 50% of the World’s population is females. In the U.S. about 15 million people experience depression each year. The majority of them are women. Unfortunately, nearly two-thirds do not get the help they need.

So 1 out of 4 women will experience depression at some point in their lives. Based on an Article in WebMD, depression is a serious and pervasive mood disorder. It causes feelings of sadness, hopelessness, helplessness, and worthlessness. Depression can be mild to moderate with symptoms of apathy, little appetite, difficulty sleeping, low self-esteem, and lowgrade fatigue. Or it can be more severe. I come from a Caribbean/Jamaican culture that has a stigma surrounding mental illness so a lot of people—both men and women—are unable to receive the treatment they so desperately need. They are made fun of, they are disparaged and so they shut up, shut down and suffer in silence because they have no one to talk to. I grew up on a lot of pomp and circumstance and the ingrained teachings that decent, proper people with class should not air their dirty laundry. You shouldn’t bring shame to the family. However, that mentality and belief only serves to keep people more quiet. I recently read a report where it was discovered how many cases of mental illness existed in the people of the Caribbean. And there is many more, but because it is such a taboo subject wrapped up in layers of stigma, the number is not as accurate. While I’m concerned about men and their depression, my main focus for this article is women. I have experienced depression and anxiety and I remember and know firsthand the ridicule I went through from women of all people and it made my heart heavy when I realize how many women go through the same thing

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on a daily basis with no outlet. They either go mad or they commit suicide. Hell to the No!! I can’t stand by and watch that continue to happen. Yes, I hated going through depression, but it is nothing to be ashamed of and that is something I had to cloak myself in when others, especially women, were ridiculing me. Many times women tend to turn to other women who they think would be the perfect people to understand what they are going through. Sadly, it is women who shut those women down. And then when you have men telling women that they are too emotional, guess what happens? The woman feels all alone and shuts down even further and sinks even deeper into depression.

Women need to be empowered. They need to be taught how to take back their own power and climb out of the abyss of anger, anxiety, and depression.

Many of what is happening in their Adult lives stemmed from their childhood. Yes that includes men too. While by Societies “approval” women are allowed to be emotional, men are supposed to be manly, don’t talk about stuff and be able to handle things and not show emotion. You can just imagine the amount of men that are walking around with depression and unhealed wounds. The truth of the matter is we can’t afford to live our lives for the approval of Society or of our culture. A lot of what we were taught in our respective cultures is unhealthy and quite detrimental to our long term health. My healing took off exponentially when I removed myself from many aspects of my culture including the people. I dismantled the limiting, backward, archaic teachings that only served to hold us back from a healthy living. It holds us back from really taking control of our own healing, personal development and growth. While I love my culture and my people, I love them from afar. I have been accused of being Americanized and I use to take umbrage at be ing called American. But I then said if being Americanized meant that I got to live my own

life, be able to seek help when I need it instead of shutting down and hiding in the dark then so be it, I’m Americanized. If opening up about my illnesses in order to help others makes me Americanized then so be it. People’s ignorance keeps women and men suffering unnecessarily. And most of the ignorance is cultural. Your mental health is very important, and equally important, is mental awareness. Mental health issues can be hereditary as well as it can stem from unresolved psychological issues. The important thing is to get people to open up and not be afraid of talking. Let them understand that they are in a safe place and no abused/molested and if they didn’t suffer those atrocities then they grew up around emotionally unavailable parents who ignored their children’s emotional welfare. Then those issues followed those children into their adulthood and because they don’t realize that they have unhealed emotional wounds they bring their wounded self into every relationship and the cycle of abuse starts all over again. People need others who can be a beacon of light, comfort, and compassion for them to show them the way to healing. There is no reason for any woman to sit in silence, shame and depression. A book that has helped me immensely in my healing and a book that I recommend to women, who are experiencing depression, is by Lois P. Frankel, PhD, “Women, Anger & Depression, Strategies for Self-Empowerment”. Personally I have had issues with going to the Therapy, not because it is not invaluable, but because I always find myself giving therapy to the Therapist on my dime. There are a lot of Therapist who haven’t worked thru their issues so when I talk about my life, somehow they take it personal. Go figure. Anyhoo, I would advise any woman who is seeking therapy to shop around. Not everyone is equipped to handle your problems, especially if it is over their heads. You need to con nect with your Therapist on a deep Soul level. You don’t just need the mental head

knowledge, you also need someone who has heart and Soul and is sincerely interested in your healing and not your demise. Someone who will make you feel comfortable, respected and nourished. You should always leave your Therapist feeling empowered not pissed off, angry and feel like you are the stupidest person on the planet. Yes, when a Therapist is threatened by you and they can be, they will make you feel like crap. So don’t be afraid to fire your Therapist. Afterall, this is about your well-being. It is possible to climb out of depression and start thriving in your life. You can go from being in deep depression where you feel disempowered to a wonderfully thriving life where you are fully empowered and you are now standing in and owning your own Power. About The Author: Trudy-Ann helps Women to develop a better and stronger relationship with themselves so that they do not breakdown. With all the things women have on their shoulders, especially those placed on their shoulders by Society, they need a champion who is going to understand them, who has been thru it, someone who can be in their corner objectively and help them to become more Powerful in themselves. www.trudyannewan.com


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In research on tumor-bearing mice, scientists discovered that ginger can kill cancerous cells in two different ways. In the first way, apoptosis, the ginger causes the cancer cells to “commit suicide” by destroying themselves while leaving the surrounding healthy cells untouched. The anti-inflammatory properties of ginger prevent precancerous tumors from creating the perfect breeding ground and climate for growth. In the second way, autophagy, ginger tricks the cancerous cells into eating themselves.


When you were young, ginger ale may have been a

popular choice for quelling your upset stomach on a day home from school. For years, ginger has been used to combat nausea -- but did you know it’s now also being looked at to combat cancer?

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Research is now looking into one of the toughest cancers to fight -- ovarian cancer. Repeated chemotherapy can actually lose its effectiveness over time as the cancer builds a resistance to the repetitive treatment. Because ginger can work two ways, researchers are hoping

that it would help deter resistance from the cancer. In another study of mice, those that were given ginger had distinctly impeded human cancer growth.The bad news is that such promising research has only been conducted on mice. The good news, however, is that it would seem that humans might be able to get the same benefit just by eating products with ginger and ginger root in them, and it doesn’t take much to get to the equivalent levels used in previous studies. Cancer prevention and fighting abilities aren’t the only potential benefits you may get from adding a bit more ginger to your diet. Read on to discover a few other unexpected benefits you might gain from that extra glass of ginger ale.

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The Song Wins NYC’s HOT 97 FM’s Battle of the Beats Last Week, Earns Nomination for 2013 Soul Train Awards and Unleashes New Video for Major Lazer Remix Trinidadian Soca Star will Drop Album on VP Records in 2014

Swhoocais sensation Bunji Garlin, slated to release his new

studio albumDifferentology on VP Records early next year, has already established the title track as the biggest hit of the 2013 Caribbean Carnival season. The single, which has garnered an accumulation of over a million YouTube views since its February 2013 release, continues to make major moves in the United States. Last week, the

Trinidadian vocalist was declared the reigning champion on NYC’sHOT 97 FM’s Battle of The Beats competition.

Determined by fan’s votes, “Differentology” knocked out a new contender each day during this week long face off on hip hop’s premiere radio station.

“Differentology” lands Bunji Garlin a 2013 Soul Train Awards nomination for Best International Performance. The winner will be announced at this year’s prestigious award’s ceremony, which will be held in Las Vegas, NV on November 8th and airs nationwide on December 1st. Other nominees in this category include Machel Montano, Emeli Sande, P-Square and Iyanya. The genre-bending song also caught the attention of DJ supergroup Major Lazer, who immediately jumped on the remix. In addition to the song’s colorful eye-popping music video directed 14 | www.gowhereitzat.com

by Nigel Thompson, a brand new video for this remix has emerged and helped fuel the buzz to a crossover audience. “Differentology” is featured on Soca Gold 2013 (VP) and available now on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/soca-gold-2013/id633775218 Born Ian Anthony Alvarez, Bunji Garlin is a Trinidadian artist and international soccer royalty known for his high-energy stage shows and lyrical confidence and eloquence. He is both a composer and performer of soca and ragga soca. The latter is a blend of soca with dancehall music that he made his own during the start of his career in the late ‘90s. He has won the “Ragga Soca Monarch” competition in both 2000 and 2001, the Young King title in 2001, the coveted title of International Soca Monarch in 2002 and then reclaimed this title for three more years. Bunji Garlin is currently in the studio working on his new album Differentology and recently wrapped his album photo shoot with iconic photographer Jonathan Mannion (whose credits include Lance Armstrong, Jay Z, Lil Wayne, Drake & Bon Iver). The upcoming release will be his first full-length album on VP Records since 2007’s Global. Courtesy Tiffany Mea (With Love PR) for VP Records

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Minding your business

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henever I travel to Jamaica I look forward with much anticipation, to re-discovering the dishes my mom used to cook. The spicy, aromatic and sweet taste of Jamaican food; ackee and salt fish, brown-stew chicken, oxtail, jerk pork, curried goat, steamed fish, tripe and beans, cow foot and fried sprat are just some of my personal favorites. Each visit, I am sadly disappointed by the fact that, just a few restaurants live up to my expectations. In recent times the food is either too salty, inadequately seasoned or in some cases too sweet because sugar has been added e.g. (I don’t know why) to oxtail and brownstew chicken. Yes, times have changed in rural Jamaica so I’d go in to Kingston where you can still find the best food in the region although most times I’d end up eating Chinese food. So I bring my hurt and disappointment back to New York, bitching and complaining to everybody I meet about the decline in the quality and preparation of the food in the local restaurants. I must admit, I am a spoiled Jamaican; I eat most of my meals at home and like Oliver Samuels when I eat out, “mi only nyam a’ The Door.” However,

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one Friday afternoon the pangs of hunger demanded that I find food and find it fast, so I stopped at a quaint little place relatively close to my office on Springfield Blvd. This is a place I realized I had dropped WhereITZat Magazine numerous times and yet I knew nothing about the food. When I walked in the place was humming with activity, I waited my turn impatiently as “hungry buss mi shut.” Much to my delight and surprise, the service was excellent, the food was authentic, and real Jamaican food. Spicy, aromatic and flavorful so much so, that my wife who is a really good cook, gave them an “A.” I don’t want to presume to tell you where to get your food, but if service is important to you and you are in a hurry and like good, clean and flavorful food, stop at Spring Gardens you will be as surprised and pleased as I was. You can find them at: 135-29 Springfield Blvd., Springfield Garden, Queens NY, and Phone: (718) 341 4480.

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Say WHaT...


ajan bombshell Rihanna, known as one of the world’s most successful pop icons, has graced the cover of GQ UK 25th anniversary issue in a photo-shoot styled and directed by legendary artist/director Damien Hirst. RiRi poses nude (or with a minute bikini bottom) with a boa constrictor wrapped around her neck and body and a bunch of small snakes garlanded around her head in a Medusa impression. Her eyes also look snake-like. They are great poses and photos, but I hate snakes. I don’t know how she did that photo-shoot, that’s one brave girl!! But that’s not all on our RiRi, she has some legal woes going on as well. She has been ordered to pay her ex-accountants at Berdon LLP a fine in the amount $47,050 for blowing off deposition after deposition and wasting the ex-accountant’s time. She is suing them for mishandling her finances during her time with them. The lawyers are fed-up with RiRi not turning up for depositions supposedly because she was too ill, but was later seen romping in Barbados for Crop Over. RiRi, who is on a World Tour, shouldn’t have any trouble coughing up

GreeTinGS Dear reaDerS

Can you believe that we are two months before the end of the year??? i know i can’t. it’s almost Thanksgiving and i bet Christmas lights and decorations have already started coming out; where has the time gone. But a lot has happened this year so it’s easy to accept how the time has flown.

$50G for the fine! I’m just saying.


know I started off with this last month, but peeps, I’m so ex-

cited and proud of this woman I have to write about her again. Tessanne Chin is doing her thing on The Voice and is phenomenal. Her rendition of Jimmy Cliff’s “Many Rivers to Cross” just blew everyone away. I hope you all voted for her and bought the song on iTunes, I know I did!! She’s my Jamaican girl, my Jamaican girl..please everyone show your support and let’s lift up one of our own. So some people are talking about her not singing Jamaican tunes and that she is NOT representing, please leave her alone and let her do what she has to do to get where she needs to go…she even spoke Jamaican the other night!



been brought up on charges of a misdemeanor battery and attempted grand theft in a Los Angeles court to which he has pleaded not

guilty. Apparently the charges stem from a fight with a photogra


iami Heat NBA player Chris Bosh and wife Adri-

enne welcomed a baby girl, named Dylan Skye, on Monday Nov. 4th weighing in at 6lbs 14oz. The cou-

ple has a son together, Jackson, 12 months. His eldest daughter Trinity is from a previous relationship. The

pher, Daniel Ramos, this past July at LAX airport, where Ramos punched



without aggravation. Prosecutors

declined to for-

#BoshFamily.” Bosh is so happy he has shared photos

mal charge West with a felony, but the misdemeanors could each cost him six

baby daughter. That is really special. Congratulations

a $1,000 fine. Kanye did not appear in court but was represented

ecstatic and proud dad took to Twitter to share his ex-

citement “I feel like I’m 10 ft. tall right now! Very hap-

py to welcome another child to the world! #proudfather with Us Weekly and on Instagram of him holding his Chris and Adrienne!

months in jail or

by his attorney, Anthony Blair Berk, who entered his not guilty plea. The case is due back in court on January 23, 2014.

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he smashed a photographer’s camera. He was arrested, charged with felony vandalism, battery and grand theft but subsequently

all three charges were thrown out although he was ordered to complete 50 hours of community service. Golly! For someone

who lives in front of cameras you have to accept the paparazzi as part of your dues, you can’t go around breaking expensive equipment and expect to get away with it. not cool Kanye!


egendary Reggae superstar Freddie McGregor was the re-

cipient of the Pinnacle Award at the 9th Annual Reggae Culture Salute for his accomplishments and contribution to music. Al-

though Freddie did not do a full performance set, he did a sweet

anye West seems to have an issue with the paparazzi. He has


Kanye has had a similar skirmish with paparazzi in the past when

soulful rendition of Let It Be Me duet with the very soulful reggae artists, Etana. The ballad was a perfect harmony of two very

strong soul stirring voices. It was fantastic! The family friendly

event saw an outstanding show of support from the community at

large that filled the Nazareth Hall High School auditorium. The evening had terrific performances from Don Minott, Michibella, Yanks, Uwe Banton from Germany, Widayyah Band, Ras Osagyefo, and Nyahbinghi Drumming.

But the performance that

took the spotlight was from songstress Etana “The Strong One.” She sang for over an hour to an enthusiastic crowd loving every minute of her set.

The Coalition to Preserve Reggae Music

(CPR) also presented Etana with the prestigious Simba Award

which came as a complete surprise and delight to her. On Leaving the building many people were heard voicing disappointment that Freddie McGregor did not perform as they had expected, nonetheless, Etana and the other performers made up for hurt feelings.

So my dears, that’s all for now until next time, walk good. LADY ANN DA COVER




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K FeaTure



By Clive Williams

If Kerry Washington had won an Emmy September 22nd, she would have been the first African – American female actor to win a prime time Emmy Award in the awards history. A lot of hope was pinned on Washington winning. Everyone thought that this was Kerry Washington’s year as she rode on the crest of the smash hit, Scandal. Her body of work is impressive to say the least, recently culminating in the supporting role as Broom Hilde in Quentin Tarrantino’s “Django Unchained,”

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opposite Jamie Fox. I’m sure Homeland has its fans and deservedly so, but Kerry Washington’s resume and pedigree, combined with her amazing looks and talent, should have made her the overwhelming winner in her category. Instead Claire Danes was named the winner. When you ask people in the black community who is Claire Danes, you realize that there are clearly two demographics with two distinct points of view, as to what qualifies one to win an Emmy Award and what is

FeaTure important and meaningful to them. As a point of reference, black actors are not getting the opportunities at strong lead roles in Hollywood. Were I an Emmy juror armed with the knowledge of this inequity and the awareness of the suppression of Black, Latino and Asian talent in Hollywood, I would want to look rationally and objectively at the body of work of the potential winners. But back to Claire Danes, who was recently made more famous, as Carrie Mathison in the Showtime series, “Homeland.” So far she has been awarded three Emmy awards and four Golden Globes, But check this, Claire is a Manhattanite who describes herself as “WASPY as you can get.” She dropped out of Yale University where her paternal grandfather was the Dean of the Art and Architecture school. Want to guess who wrote her letter of recommendation to Yale? It was none other than the famous director, Oliver Stone. With that kind of leverage in Hollywood, Claire Danes is assured safe passage through the shark infested waters that is Hollywood. She too is pedigreed, but it got a little ridiculous when Time Magazine named her as ONE of the 100 most influential people in the world. That’s what Black talent is up against. Entrenched in the American system of opportunity are the elements of succession, patronage and privilege, of which people like Claire Danes are beneficiaries. We can only change that when we understand it well enough to create more of our own institutions, like the NAACP Image Awards and the BET Awards. Understand that when the Academy Awards for film, Emmys for TV, the Toni for stage, the Grammys for music and the Golden Globes were created, we weren’t even an afterthought. The Academy Awards started in 1929 in Hollywood, the Grammys in 1958, the Emmys in1959, the Toni’s in 1947, the Golden Globes in 1944. If you follow the chronology you will understand that when these institutions began, with maybe the exception of the Grammys and Toni’s, blacks only played the role of servants.

her impressive filmography would convince any rational objective person, that this woman should have won The Emmy hands down. But WE didn’t create these institutions, so we have three options; recreate them, (which is institutionally improbable,) overwhelm them with talent, which we have been doing forever ( but it proves physically and mentally debilitating), or create and build our own, taking pride in showing our own images. Becoming an Emmy judge/juror is not as difficult as it may seem if you have five years in television which may include, producing, directing, writing, acquisitions, acting, casting distribution and editing apply to: awardsdept@ iemmys.tv. Kerry Washington sums it up best: “I don’t think I’m even close to fulfilling my potential and I think also that unlike a pianist or a flutist, an actor has an instrument that is constantly changing.” In snubbing Kerry Washington they rob only themselves of the ability to expand their limited emotional intelligence, consigning themselves to sameness and mediocrity. What happened at the Emmy’s is a SCANDAL.

So against this background, when someone like Kerry Washington emerges it shocks the system into regression, the Hollywood system is insecure and threatened especially when brilliance is portrayed by a bright confident black woman. Much of that confidence in Kerry Washington comes from her Jamaican born mother and a father born in South Carolina. Both had the smarts to get their daughter in the prestigious Spence School in Manhattan from which she graduated in 1994 and went on to George Washington University from there she graduated in 1998 Phi Beta Kappa in Anthropology and Sociology. Because of her strong support of Barack Obama’s candidacy for president she was dubbed a political activist. She also spends time volunteering at Adopt a Program and Green America. Her recent meteoric rise to fame, is surprisingly on the small screen in the series everybody is talking about, Scandal. Just a casual look at www. gowhereitzat.com | 21


Open Letter # 53 to President Obama – Immigration Reform Now! the Democratic immigration bill that provides a pathway to citizenship for the nation’s some 11 plus million undocumented immigrants, and Lakhan, are the key I believe, especially since Denham has reportedly been asked by Boehner to gauge the interest of House Republicans on taking up the contentious issue. Denham is now circulating a letter to fellow GOP House members asking for signatures in support of an immigration overhaul and is initially targeting a group of 40-45 Republicans who he believes could sign on. “The speaker basically said, ‘Show me how much support there is to bring this up,’” Denham said Thursday. “So we’re circulating the letter to show him how many members are pushing hard to get immigration to the floor.” ing home?” Lima asked him in a video posted to YouTube by Change Nation, a branch of the CenLost in all the brouhaha over the Affordable ter for Community Change, which also housHealth Care Act roll-out was Speaker John es the Fair Immigration Reform Movement. Boehner’s nail in the coffin comment on immigration reform this past week. And yes, But that of course did little to thaw the hard we know the White House is insisting im- heart of the speaker, whose future grandmigration reform should still be a priority children will be half immigrant. Instead, but it looks like it will not happen in 2013. at a post-breakfast news conference at the For the reality is if two teens who have lost Capitol, Boehner told reporters, “We’ve their dad to deportation cannot sway the made it clear that we’re going to move on hard mind of Boehner, I don’t know who will. a common-sense step-by-step approach in terms of how we deal with immigration.” The speaker this past week said his chamber would never consider a sweeping immigraMaybe it’s time to back up and revisit the idea of tion bill passed by the Senate in June and calling Boehner’s son-in-law, Dominic Lakhan, wouldn’t commit to voting on House imand asking him to speak up for immigrants and migration proposals by the end of the year. immigration reform. Between Lakhan and Rep. Jeff Denham, R-Calif. the issue we feel is dead This even after brave teen activists Carfor now could be resurrected sooner than later. men Lima, 13, and Jennifer Martinez, 16, crashed Boehner’s breakfast at Pete’s Diner But the reality is that you and the White in D.C. and explained how they have not House need not appear like you are telling seen their father since they were deported. Boehner and his cronies what to do on the issue. Let the people closest to him do that. “So how would you feel if you had to tell your kids at the age of ten that you were never com Denham, the first Republican to co-sponsor

Dear Mr. President,

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Now activists must continue the push since the Latino vote will be needed by Republicans if they have any shot at winning any national election or even some of their mid-terms. The sooner Denham sells that the better. Mr. President, it’s time to make those two calls – to Lakhan and Denham. Let them speak for you or else it’s time to find an executive way to solve the issue, even if temporarily for many immigrants, while showing the Republicans who is President! Respectfully, Felicia Persaud

CEO Hard Beat Communication Inc.,

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Ed Mangano Prevails in Nassau County

By Clive Williams In June of this year WhereITZat interviewed County Executive Ed Mangano and published that interview under the headlines “The Man for the People and the Times.” Little did we know just how prophetic that headline would turn out to be. The recent

election results in Nassau County gave County Executive Ed Mangano a resounding mandate to govern for another 4 years. In 2009 Ed Mangano barely won with a 386 vote majority. In 2013 he blew away his opponent, Tom Souzzi with a 59% to 41% victory. It is evident that the voters of Nassau County believed in Mangano’s plans to maintain smaller government, cut taxes, create more jobs and develop a better climate for small business development. What is interesting is that, at a time when the Republican Party is demonstrating obstinacy and recalcitrance nationwide, a republican can win so handily in a dominantly run Democratic State like New York. There are some lessons to be learned from this; first of all, republicans nationally need to take a good look at this man Ed Mangano and learn why he has prevailed. In a county where democrat voters outnumber republican voters by more than 40 thousand, Ed Mangano

has governed quietly and effectively and made deals across party lines, all without angering and alienating democratic voters. In fact it is very evident from his overwhelming win, that his policies have garnered him a number of democratic voters. Mangano’s victory should be a wake-up call to New York democrats, whose arrogance and complacency is hurting the party and its brand. That arrogance was so evidenced in Tom Souzzi’s behavior and campaign that the voters roundly rejected him. More politicians like Ed Mangano are needed particularly in the state to wake up the bummbling, corrupt and inept leadership of too many politicians in the Democratic Party. We hope that County Executive Ed Mangano will continue to rise above party politics for the good people of Nassau County and leave for himself the legacy as “The Man for the People and the Times.”

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Wayne Marshall DaMian Marley reTurnS WiTH


amaican reggae artist Wayne Marshall will release hisTru Colors EP on November 26, 2013 to give fans a taste of his highly anticipated album carrying the same name. His Tru Colors album will drop January 21, 2014 and is Marshall’s first full-length release in over 10 years, following his debut Marshall Law (VP Records). Both upcoming releases will be available on the Marleyowned label Ghetto Youths International and distributed through Thirty Tigers / Sony Red. Produced by Damian Marley, the 5-song EP showcases Marshall’s range as singer, deejay (rapper) and songwriter and is the perfect mixture of his latest hits and new material. The EP’s two never-before-heard tracks, “Go Harder” and “Stupid Money,” feature an array of star-studded collaborations. Harmonized by Marshall’s unforgettable hook, Ace Hood, Baby Cham and Waka Flocka deliver hard-hitting verses on “Go Harder,” the remix of Marshall’s 2012 hit “Go Hard.” The original song’s video garnered over 3.3 million views on World Star Hip Hop alone, so it only seemed fitting to give this hip-hop flavored club anthem a fresh twist. Then fellow dancehall artist 26 | www.gowhereitzat.com

Assassin, who recently landed a guest verse on Kanye West’s Yeezus album, complements Marshall’s clever lyrics on the brand new single “Stupid Money,” which was serviced to radio in late October.


Okay player’s Large Up claims “Stupid Money” is “catchy” and “wouldn’t be too surprised to hear the song infiltrating commercial radio,” while Boomshots says “rarely has filthy luchre inspired such eloquent expressions of enthusiasm." In addition to these brand new singles, Marshall’s most recent hit “I Know” nabbed a spot on the Tru Colors EP. The single is currently receiving rotation on Jamaican airwaves and its Jay-Will directed video is also spreading across the blogsphere. VIBEpremiered the visual and raved that Marshall “rocks the party” on this “turnt-up bashment.” Ebony also selected the video on their weekly music round up and loves his “braggadocious lyrics about being the ish.” Tru Colors closes with two bonus tracks from Wayne’s hit-filled repertoire, including “To The Bank” and “Good Ole Wife” off the popular Matrimony riddim. Both songs are available exclusively on the EP and will not be on the upcoming album.

PIC: Wayne Marshall

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Sizzla announces coming of “The Messiah”

Sizzla, one of reggae’s most prolific artists, releases his brand new video for “Good Love” off his 70th album The Messiah, released in May 2013 on Kalonji Music/VP Records.


ince his emergence in 1995, the enigmatic vocalist has undeniably put his stamp on the genre regardless of the current style or trend. Even musical icons like Jay Z have taken notice. On Jay Z’s latest album Magna Carta Holy Grail, the rap mogul samples Sizzla’s timeless classic “Solid As A Rock” on his new song “Crown.” Before Jay Z, hip hop artists used the same Sizzla tune to proclaim their throne status, including 50 Cent on “You Will Never Take My Crown” and Ja Rule on “The Crown.” It is evident that Sizzla remains the reigning king of roots on his latest effort The Messiah, which peaked at #1 on the South Florida Reggae Chart and New York Reggae Chart. He showcases his musical depth, passion and precision in partnership with Bread Back productions.

change worldwide on this 15-track collection. His social commentary on songs like “Chant Dem Down,” “No Wicked Man” and “Psalms 121” reveal his daring bravado and righteous lyrics, while the melodic anthem “Good Love” unveils his softer side. In addition to music, Sizzla, who was recently named the President of the Ancient Nyabinghi Council, has been organizing, mobilizing, and working to promote Rastafari, unity, upliftment and positivity in Jamaican communities and worldwide.

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Mostly written and executive produced by Sizzla himself, Kalonji’s full scope of talents are displayed on The Messiah. With a fresh perspective in 2013, the man on a musical mission inspires positive 32 | www.gowhereitzat.com

Through his Sizzla Youth Foundation, he has a number of programs and projects that aim to develop youth training and leadership skills. He is building a library, community center and a Sizzla Youth Foundation Museum in his native August Town, a community within Kingston, Jamaica.

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O ne thing’s for sure – Gyptian never disappoints! The album “Sex, Love, and Reggae” is the christening of his career thus far; the intro alone makes him the most progressive Reggae artist of sound dead or alive.

as well to hear the Soca influence on the album which featured Kes the Band and Bunji Garlin, quite the way to sever opposition between the two genres of music and cause an embrace.

I didn’t ask whether Gyptian sees color, besides it being irrelevant in topic I didn’t need to. His perspecIndeed a bold statement, but truth has been tive solely on music says he’s a person who embraces known to hurt a few feelings. The lifespan of a all things, that it isn’t even a matter of being neutral or music artist depends upon itself, if the artist is unbiased, but loving and open minded. Sure he’s aware capable of change, then he’s a winner. But it’s the of the man made battle between the two genres, but as artist that wills itself for change who has the abilhe said “politics is in music.” He understands the unity ity to take advantage of logic – “move with the he can cause by simply featuring Soca artists on his tide” and always, always remain in love with its album, and he governs his actions very well. first love that creates permanency, hence legendary status. Without further a due, Gyptian… Each of his albums are a progression to the next, and the most recent “Sex, Love, and Reggae” makes you What’s more attractive than the album itself is wonder what else he could possibly create. The intro Gyptian’s peace. Any question asked during the sounds like something Kanye West would produce, interview that seemed close to boasting, selfthat only epitomizes next level for Gyptian, especially centered, or indicated him having any fear was as a Reggae artist. Without trying but merely due to quickly subjected to a look, tossed and replaced passion and a desire to widen his audience he’s exwith his relevancy. More so than humble, he’s panding the range of Reggae music and deadening all a content guy with an easy go with the flow disposition. He doesn’t seem too concerned with all inhibitions. the hype of futuristic plans. Being in the moment In its “intended” order, lets get sex out the way. Its seems more appealing to him. been said you call yourself “The Sexiest Symbol of Reggae” … true? This same attitude relates to his entire perspective. I didn’t call myself it, they branded me. It’s almost like I just go with the flow. They see what they see sexy, so I just be me and to them it’s sexy.

R&B Singer/songwriter Tank entitled his third studio album “Sex, Love, & Pain.” Was their any drawn interest as to why you named your album “Sex, Love, & Reggae?” Not really. I named it “Sex, Love, & Reggae” because one, we all come from sexual intercourse; two, what’s better than love? And three, Reggae music is feel good music.

The word “hit” has become a linear equation with your success off the “hit” single “Hold Yuh” ft. Nicki Minaj. Do you write songs with the intention of making a hit record, or does it simply happen naturally?

When asked, “In comparison to the “Hold Yuh” album do you think or expect this album will receive the same accolades or exceed?” He responded “Not even a thought.” He’d politely dismissed a thought of negativity that bred low esteem which revealed his positive thinking and optimistic cheer toward experience. The album is completely varied in sound and topic of course. Some of the features include songstress’ like Estelle and Melanie Fiona. It was a pleasant surprise 34 | www.gowhereitzat.com

I’m just a person that loves music. I’ve never yet been in a studio and said I’m gonna make a hit, more like do music, good music, so people can love it and relate to it. Most would assume your musical interest comes solely from Reggae music. From you, what are some genres of music that you listen to and draw inspiration from? ‘Course Reggae music is where I draw a lot of my inspiration from, it was the main music I listened to growin’ up as a yout, but I like all music – house, electronica, r&b…

An artist… what is it? An artist is like an angel, its true purpose to make people feel good. It’s all about people smiling and being happy. I can comfortably say you’re the “Angel of Music” in Reggae (laughs) with your most appealing feature being your voice. Would you say it’s sent from above? Laughing… naturally.

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T H E B . I . G A WA R D S (BUSINESS INNOVATORS AND GAME -CHANGERS) “Promoting Entrepreneurship and Small Business development.” The premier event for the recognition and celebration of business leadership and achievement in the community. The B.I.G. Awards is looking for you; have you built a business you are proud of? Then tell us your story and you could become a recipient of the next B.I.G Award, on Saturday June 21st, 2014 at 8:00 pm the Adria Hotel, 221-17 Northern Blvd. Bayside, Queens “THINK BIG ACHIEVE BIG AND REALIZE BIG REWARDS” Go to the B.I.G Awards link at

Save the date

Go to the B.I.G. Awards link at www.gowhereitzat.com for more info contact Clive Williams at (917) 749-7613.

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enTerTainMenT I Am Reggae Music, I Am K Vibes

By Reid Taylor There is no such thing as an overnight sensation. But when all at once your music is popping up on everyone’s playlist, it’s easy to forget the years of hard work that got you there. For Karen “K Vibes the Brick Rose” Morrison now is the right time. She has releases with significant producers, starting way back with Sir Tommys and Digital English, and coming present day with Computer Paul and King Jammys. Right now she is getting heavy airplay with two singles released in this last month: “Can You Love Someone”, for Computer Paul, and “Reggae Music (I Am)” for King Jammys; add to the mix this past summer’s, “Pull Up” for I Love Sound, and it’s a K Vibes vibration, and it’s ALRIGHT! K Vibes started out in Brooklyn, where her family settled upon migrating from Jamaica and recorded first for her family member Sir Tommy, whose sound was an early Jamaican set rocking the BK. Sir Tommys studio was an intoxicating lure to K Vibes with all the activity and artists. One day she came armed with a poem, suggested lyrics for someone to voice. She laughs, recalling how Sir Tommy tricked her into her first singing, saying, “How’s it go… hum it… hum it LOUDER,” and finally, “Stop singing like you’re hungry!”

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That spark lit the fire-- “I had song writing fever, and I forced myself to go out and perform at least once a month,” K Vibes says, despite battling stage fright. It took a trip to Jamaica in 2007, where she was so popular with Jamaican audiences, for her to fully relax and become comfortable on-stage. So many fans saying to her, “I love your vibes”, gave birth to her stage name. Karen Morrison, meet K Vibes. Later she added Brick Rose to signify that she was a strong woman to be reckoned with. Through her friend, the singer Dona V, K Vibes was introduced to Clement Dodd, the scion of Jamaica’s premier record label, Studio One. “Sir Coxson” was so impressed he let her pick riddims to voice a whole album. Two acclaimed singles were released, “Frenemies” and, “Bye, Bye Rebel”. Unfortunately, Dodds death in 2004 prevented the LPs release. Jeff Sarge, host of WFMU’s Reggae Schoolroom, says, “Mr. Dodd had big plans for her.” Undaunted, K Vibes kept on recording and performing, always conscious of choosing the best producers to record with, picking the strongest riddims to sing on, and earning respect with her confidence and perfectionism. The legendary Anthony “Downbeat The Ruler” Rookwood was an early K Vibes fan; “I saw a vibes in her, saw a whole heap of talent from day one,” and admired how, “straight up” she was. K Vibes cut her very first dub plate for Downbeat, and they continue to have a very strong link. K Vibes loves to cite Sanchez, “My singer”, as her first real inspiration. She says her biggest influences are Dennis Brown, as a singer, and Beres Hammond, as a song-writer. Odd that a woman only names male influences? Not at all – “I wanted to sing like the singers I loved to listen to, like Dennis Brown.” So, in 2001 it was coming full circle for K Vibes to sing the track “Time” on Dennis Brown’s “Cheater” riddim for Clive Chin. Likewise, she jumped at the chance to pay homage to Beres by writing “Can You Love Someone” on his beloved “Double Trouble” riddim. “I love telling stories, so I tried to channel Beres, but from a

woman’s point of view,” she says. K Vibes is proud of her versatility, “I put no limits on myself or my material. I can be whatever the music calls for; everything from DJ, to SingJay, to Singer. I try to bring a different flavor, an authenticity because you can’t fool the massive.” She is especially happy with “Reggae Music (I Am)”. “It was a fun song to write. It came easily as I was just playing with words. To me it brings back memories; people are always talking about when dance was nice, and those vibes. Everyone loves reggae and I include everyone in it. It is all for one. It is exciting for me because everyone seems so excited by it. I can never finish it. General Trees featured me on Sturgav in Jamaica and they call for three forward!” In 2012 K Vibes The Brick Rose toured Belgium and France with Downbeat The Ruler performing in front of crowds as large as 20,000. She also linked with Owen Flynn of Chain Gang Records and started recording for her first LP, “Rose Among Thorns” to be released spring of 2014. With all the buzz that “Can You Love Someone” and “Reggae Music (I Am)” are generating, and the LP’s imminent release, it’s easy to imagine that K Vibes is poised on the verge of a breakthrough. No matter what happens, she says, “this is what I’ll be doing. Music is my life - it chose me. Singing is my passion.” It’s real satisfaction you hear in K Vibes voice when she speaks of Michael Palmer saying to her, “I used to come and hear you sing and you couldn’t sing, but you can sing now,” because it shows how much the rose has grown and is ready to bloom - some roses actually DO bloom overnight. For more information visit: www.kvibes.com

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