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Mothers Day Around the Globe
…And Bringing Those Traditions Back Home
By Michelle A. Nicholson
Not a single one of us entered this world without a mother, and few of us have survived and thrived without the love, guidance, and support of women who are—or who are like—our mothers. Mother’s Day in the United States began in 1908, but recorded communal celebrations of motherhood date back to the Ancient Greeks. Nowadays, people all around the world set aside time each year to devote to showing gratitude for the sacrifices and contributions our mothers make.
Spending time together to break (metaphorical) bread is another way to pamper and give back to our mothers. In France, the giving of flowers and treats combine into a local tradition of eating a flower-shaped cake on Mother’s Day. In Italy, the traditional cake takes the shape of a heart. In the UK, the preferred cake is a simnel, a special kind of fruitcake featuring two layers of marzipan—one on top and one in the middle. While these cakes may be complicated to make or expensive to order from a bakery, it is easy to whip up or purchase ready-made cupcakes to decorate. Simply fill a plastic sandwich bag with colored icing, snip off the corner, and pipe the floral design of your choice on top of each. Or arrange a collection of cupcakes in two colors (one for the middle and one for the petals), in the shape of a flower, on a table or tray. In some countries, including India, entire meals or all-day feasts are part of Mother’s Day celebrations. In Ethiopia, three days of feasting and celebrating are devoted to mothers each year. Ethiopians may not cook for their mothers during this holiday, but children return home with the daughters bringing veggies and cheese and the sons bringing meat. Their family’s matriarch then makes a delicious hash with these ingredients for the whole family to share. This dish is not only a representation of how each member contributes to the family; it is a demonstration of how it is their mother— her hands and hard work—that unites the family. Mother's Day around the Spending an entire day, much less three days, in celebration may not fit world is as different as the into our lifestyles, but hosting a meal or mothers we celebrate. bringing a potluck to Mom’s house is an inexpensive and intimate alternative to brunch at a local restaurant. However, if dining out is the most reasonable, and FLOWERS convenient, way to honor Mom this year, At Anna Jarvis’s first Mother’s Day celebration, mothers be sure to make your reservations in advance. More people were given a single white carnation to wear, like a eat in restaurants in the United States on Mother’s Day than corsage. Thus, the white carnation was established any other day of the year! as the official flower of Mother’s Day in the United States—a practice that has been picked up by Japan. WORDS OF LOVE AND GRATITUDE Red or pink carnations are displayed at home or at Directly expressing love and gratitude to mothers is the cemeteries to honor mothers who have passed. In main theme of Mother’s Day celebrations and there is Thailand, jasmine is the official flower of Mother’s Day. no better way in doing that than to express it directly in Flowers are a nearly universal element of Mother’s Day words. In Mexico, mothers are treated to a traditional celebrations around the globe. serenade—sometime even to the accompaniment of
Carnations are one of the most affordable flowers and mariachis—as well as breakfast in bed, while Argentinians are often sold at grocery stores, making them a widely gift their mothers with poems. Similarly, in France and accessible and convenient gift. While white, pink, and red the United States, cards have become another hallmark are traditional colors, you can get whatever colors your Mother’s Day gift and are a great option for busy grownmother likes best. For mothers with gardens, you might up children. consider getting her a live gift at a local nursery, such as This year, you might consider making personalized cards Harold’s Plants on Press Street. Any flowering plant will for your mothers. The materials you use are less important be a happy reminder to Mama of your appreciation of how than the content of the message. Take a stab at writing your much she has done to help you grow and bloom. own poem or do a search online for one that resonates with
If you decide to purchase an arrangement, remember your thoughts and feelings about your mother the most. that Mother’s Day is the busiest day for florists in the If poetry isn’t your or your mama’s jam, then write her a United States. Order well ahead of time! You might try simple note sharing some of your most important memories making a floral arrangement of your own. Purchase two or of her. You might even collaborate with your siblings, if you three types of flowers and a filler, such as baby’s breath have any, by putting together a little chapbook or photo or eucalyptus, from a local florist or grocer—or harvest album of stories and meaningful moments. them from your own garden, leaves and all. Mix them up Short on time? Even a phone call can mean a whole lot with some whimsy and wrap them in a cone of decorative to Mom. In fact, Mother’s Day is the busiest day of the year tissue paper or place them in a vase. for phone calls all over the world!