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Red Dress Run
August 12 | neworleanshash.com/reddressrun
Hosted by the New Orleans Hash House Harriers, New Orleans’ popular Red Dress Run is an annual two-mile charity run that encourages participants of all genders to take part while wearing red dresses or other red attire. The race always takes place on the second Saturday in August and all proceeds raised from the event go towards local charities. The event will begin at around 9 a.m. and the run will kick off from Crescent Park. Beer will be available all throughout the event, and there will also be food and live music by PaperChase.
Dirty Linen Night
August 12 | dirtylinen.org
The 20th annual Dirty Linen Night, which is hosted by the Royal Streets Art District, will run from 6 to 9 p.m. on the 300 to 1100 blocks of Royal Street. Originated as a satirical take on White Linen Night, Dirty Linen Night will have attendees tour through different shops and art galleries in the French Quarter. Some of the event’s participating businesses will include Antieau Gallery New Orleans, Rodrigue, Trixie’s Burlesque Boutique, Dark Matter Oddities & Artisan Collective, Fleur D’ Orleans, and Boutique de Vampyre’s Apothecary. Food, cocktails, and raffle tickets will also be available.