The Chatterbox - May 30, 2020 - CXIV.11

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The student news publication of Walnut Hills High School Sat., May 30, 2020 Volume CXIV, Issue 11


Artwork by Delaney Owens

Job No.: 009503

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School Name: Walnut Hills High School

ID CC 2019 Windows TCID:PP



Letters from the Editors


Wally Reveal My name is Wally Hill. I am a SENIOR among you, watching listening and taking in everything at WHHS. I have been anonymous throughout the year and the time has come to reveal my identity. I will forever be Wally Hill. I am pretty sure that this experience will never leave me. It was an honor to dupe my friends and the students at WHHS. But at last, my time has come. I could not think of a better way ending my journalistic career at WHHS any other way than with my final Wally Hill. I began off as a sports writer and I would have never imagined that I would end up in the opinions section. But here I was, writing about topics that interested me. So here it goes: My name is Alonna Johnson and I am the class of 2020’s Wally Hill. It’s a sad goodbye, waving to not only my role as an editor, a writer and a staff member, but also the Chatterbox. I spend most of my time in the J-Lab and now I have to find another place of sanctuary. I hope next year’s Wally Hill is as great as I am, but I warn them, “Treat Wally with respect. You don’t know what type of trouble he can get you in.” Salutations for the final time, Alonna and Wally over and out.


Hi Walnut, We’ve reached the end of our school year. It’s a bit different than normal, as I’m sure you’ve noticed. We aren’t taking our final


Dear readers, As I sit writing this, rain is pouring outside my window. The drops hit the sidewalk and gather in pools reflecting the early night sky. I watch, letting an uneasy peace wash over me. The rain seems appropriate, like the earth is mourning our current situation. We are staring down the end of the school year in the midst of a global pandemic. And although this

steps in the yellow halls, or dodging senior pranks or even dumping the contents of our lockers into bins. However, as many students are waking up six or more hours later than normal, student journalists on The Chatterbox are rising early (well, at least before noon) to attend editor meetings over GoogleMeet. We are still just as committed to providing news to the WHHS community from the comfort of our beds as we were over two months ago from the J-Lab. Student journalism is even more important now, as we all attempt to stay connected and informed, while also staying safe. The Chatterbox is dedicated to bring readers online news during this uncertain time, but we also know how important our final SENIOR issue is. Our print issues stay in our archives forever, holding names of thousands of students attending universities across the nation and world. We want the class of 2020 to also be apart of this tradition, which is why we’ve been working for weeks to pull together a print issue to commemorate one more year at Walnut Hills.

The past few years on The Chatterbox staff have been both informative and wild. I’ve learned so much not only from our incredible adviser, Mrs. Gerwe-Perkins (or GP, because we are always in a rush), but also from former students and the future leaders of the publication. Truthfully, I am ecstatic to leave high school, it’s been a long six years and I haven’t even grown an inch since walking in for the first time in 2014. However, I am so grateful for cbox staffers and supporters for helping create a friendly and welcoming environment for the past few years, and I am going to miss that. Before I leave to go get McDonalds drive-thru before my drive-up graduation, I want to thank everyone reading. You energize and encourage students to keep writing; without your support and interest we would not have The Chatterbox or the history and tradition it holds.

ending is not ideal, we are adapting. Without social obligations or copious amounts of homework to occupy my time, I have had the opportunity to reflect upon my time at WHHS and as a part of The Chatterbox. WHHS is a wonderfully academic place. Its yellow walls seem to hold up this cathedral of intellect, each pupil within supporting the pursuit of knowledge. But WHHS is also a tight-knit community, guided by heart with an infinite number of stories to tell. In August, The Chatterbox set the goals of making our big school feel smaller, highlighting new perspectives, and expanding the use of our website, <>. This year, Chatterboxers have spent countless hours reporting in our community, and just as many back in the J-Lab perfecting their story packages. The Chatterbox’s reporting has covered everything from racial disparities in Advanced Placement classes to the impact of COVID-19 on WHHS’ theatre productions. And, to date, we have published just shy of 200 pieces of content on

our website, achieving our goal of increasing our connection with the WHHS community online, especially when we are not physically gathered at WHHS. Although the school year is over, The Chatterbox’s work is not. As student journalists, we are truth-seekers and storytellers, utilizing the free press to build an informed community. We have expanded this mission through online coverage and plan to continue that in the coming years. Right now, the future is uncertain, but the Chatterbox remains strong. I know that the rain will clear and the skies will open up again, leaving the world coated in a fresh glow. Although I am sad to leave the wonderful family I have been welcomed into in room 2306, I know that next year, the publication will be in the hands of great leaders who will continue to produce incredible student journalism. So, thank you WHHS, for the opportunities and stories. With love, Your online editor, Isabel Nissley

SENIOR class of 2020 – we made history, whether we wanted to or not. Stay safe, Caroline Horvath

Job No.: 009503 School Name: Walnut Hills High School

ID CC 2019 Windows TCID:PP

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Retirees“Walnut” Be Forgotten Isabel Nissley ‘20


Alonna Johnson ‘20 Roger Perdrix sits in his chair in the main hall every day, watching every person that comes through the front doors, and after 18 years of serving WHHS, he has decided to retire. Before Perdrix’s time in security, he was a health and drivers ed teacher at Western Hills High School. Though it seems that Perdrix has spent most of his life in education buildings, he spent a portion of his earlier years on football fields. Perdrix played offense for the University of Cincinnati’s Bearcats in 1960 while getting a degree in educa-



Having served in the role since 2013, WHHS Lead Secretary Joan Kuethe is accustomed to the sounds and sights of life at WHHS. However, on Dec. 20, she walked into her office and prepared for her final day. After her 30-year-long secretarial career, Kuethe retired from WHHS. Her career began in 1989. With a love of kids and a desire to have the summers off of work, Kuethe

was drawn to the profession. Kuethe also had children of her own, providing experience working with school-aged kids. “I’m a mother first,” Kuethe said. Working at schools around Cincinnati, it wasn’t until 2013 that Kuethe began at WHHS. When Kuethe arrived, she served as the secretary for former principal Jeff Brokamp until 2017, when he retired. For the past three years, Kuethe has been Principal John Chamber’s secretary.

Over her time at WHHS, Keuthe’s wooden desk has become covered in trinkets given to her by friends, family and former student helpers. A framed picture sat next to stacks of paper and a sky blue sign that read: “I believe kindness changes everything.” Keuthe embodied this philosophy in her work, greeting everybody that she encountered with a smile. This smile allowed her to build connections with many of the students and staff of WHHS.

tion. He was drafted by the Ottawa Redblacks, a Canadian professional football team, in 1964. During this time, Perdrix also taught as a university student here at WHHS in 1965. When given the opportunity to be a part of security at WHHS after retiring from Western Hills, Perdrix agreed to the chance and became a part of WHHS culture. Many students know Perdrix as the man who stops them in the hall for a note, but he does this in an attempt to know everyone’s name. He says that meeting and getting to know the students that walk in the halls was the reason that he stayed for almost 20 years.

“I enjoy the fact that I have that interaction with kids and teachers and people in general. It’s just a nice way to make a living. Sit on my butt and help students and help people, you can’t get a better type of job,” Perdrix said. After spending over 40 years in high schools across the greater Cincinnati area, Perdrix is deciding to finally relax. “I’ll probably stay home with my beautiful wife, enjoy my grandkids, and then, my wife and I might take a couple trips. Just like that, basically just relax and try and stay healthy,” Perdrix said. After all these years, he is grateful for the time he actually spent here. “It was probably my favorite

thing in all the things I’ve done. My 18 years of Walnut. I was just very lucky and fortunate that that job opened up and I got it. And it was a great experience and I’m going to miss it,” Perdrix said.

Alonzo Montgomery ‘23 If you have ever had a project introduced to you then you’ve probably met Sallie Barringer. Barringer was WHHS’ Head Librarian; she introduced projects in the library classroom, assisted students with their Works Cited page, helped them find the proper books to use to fill out a working bibliography and much more. With the conclusion of this school year, Barringer is retiring. Barringer has been working with CPS since 1993. She came to WHHS

in 1998. “Just in time for the last class of the 20th century,” Barringer said. Barringer has been working in education as a librarian for 35 years, and has many fond memories of her time at WHHS. Barringer says that some of her favorite memories are working on Latin and WWII projects because she found those things to be interesting. She will also miss getting to learn new things. Barringer plans to enjoy her retirement. “My husband retired a few years ago and we want to be able

to spend more time together doing things and traveling- once we don’t have to worry so much about COVID-19, that is!” Barringer said. Barringer has advice for the students of WHHS. “Stay organized and stay interested in what you are learning. You never know when it will be important to you in the future,” Barringer said. “I am sad to not be able to say a real goodbye to everyone, but I want everyone to know that I will miss you all!” Barringer said.

“When you choose a career, choose one that you love doing, not because it pays a lot of money. I know many who did the latter and they regret it.”William Schure

“A new adventure begins today! Take every opportunity to explore the world, try new things, and find yourself in the years ahead. Be true to yourself and joy and fulfillment will follow!”Kelsey June

“Read carefully, take your time, and TRUST YOUR BRAIN!!”- Tara Ligon


SENIOR Advice to

Remember Job No.: 009503

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School Name: Walnut Hills High School

ID CC 2019 Windows TCID:PP


Joker becomes the first R-rated movie to reach $1 billion Sonia Sotomayor and Debbie Harry came to Walnut on their book tours Baby Shark becomes a national sensation Kobe Bryant passed away


12 11 10 9 8 7 GRADE


Gun violence walkouts after Parkland DAMN- Kendrick Lamar Get Out becomes one of the biggest horror films of all time Vine shuts down Tesla sales increase 280% Black Panther California Wildfires



Harambe’s unfortunate death Same sex marriage is legal Caitlyn Jenner comes out as transgender Adele releases “25” album Taylor Swift goes on a 1989 tour Amy Schumer becomes popular Hamilton sensation

Metal detectors come to Walnut Avengers Endgame Game of Thrones ends Walnut Hills JETS is placed 2nd at the Technology Student Association’s Tests of Engineering Aptitude, Mathematics, and Science National Engineering Competition Walnut Hills High School placed 2nd in the nation at the Vocabulary Bowl

Principal Jeff Brokamp retires Moonlight wins Best Picture Lebron wins title with Cavs President Trump is elected Airpods are sold Muhammad Ali, Prince, and Carrie Fisher will now rest in peace Pokémon Go takes the world by storm



Walnut Hills becomes the #1 public school in Ohio The Affordable Care Act goes into effect Michael Brown is shot and killed by a white police officer Ice Bucket Challenge becomes the trend everyone takes part in

Joker courtesy of pxfuel. Metal detectors Isabel Nissley/Chatterbox. Walkout Sydney Rhone/Chatterbox. Pokemon Go courtesy of peakpx. Hamilton Owen Cummings/Chatterbox. Affordable Care Act courtesy of Pete Souza/White House Archives.

Job No.: 009503 School Name: Walnut Hills High School

ID CC 2019 Windows TCID:PP

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YEAR IN REVIEW 2019-20 Earth Jam was held in the fall.

President Donald Trump was impeached on December 18th, 2019 on charges of abuse of power and obstruction To help cope of Congress. Trump was with the craziness of COVID-19, John acquitted by the Krasinski created Senate on February the series Some Good 5th, 2020. News. With over 2 million subscribers, Krasinski hosted both a virtual prom and virtual graduation for the class of 2020.


Parasite is the first nonEnglish language Best Picture

On October 18th, 2019, astronauts Christina Koch and Jessica Meir made history by completing the first-ever all-women spacewalk with an all-women team.

Urinetown was nominated for 31 Cappie Brexit Awards, a school The grade matrix happened, record. changed

the United Kingdom left the European Union on Jan. 31 2020.

from using letter grades to using percentages to calculate final grades.

Disney+ was launched on November 12th, 2019.

The U.S. killed General Qassem Soleimani in an airstrike. Iran retaliated by launching a ballistic missile strike aimed at two US airbases There were no casualties. World War III trended on Twitter.

Earth Jam Abigail Soares/Chatterbox. Grade matrix Abigail Jay/Chatterbox. Urinetown courtesy of Mikki Schaffner. Brexit courtesy of Tumisu/Pixabay. Nasa walk courtesy of Nasa/Wikimedia. Parasite courtesy of Kinocine/Wikimedia. Biden courtesy of Gage Skidmore/ Flickr. Disney+ courtesy of Walt Disney Company/Wikimedia. Impeachment courtesy of House Floorcast/Wikimedia.

Job No.: 009503

Beloved history teacher Elizabeth Orsmby passed away.

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27 people announced presidential campaigns to be the 2020 democratic presidential candidate. By April 8th, 2020 everyone had dropped out except Joe Biden.


School Name: Walnut Hills High School

ID CC 2019 Windows TCID:PP

S E N I O R BowlingCOLLEGE Green State MAP University


Alexis Dicks Megan Klein Rian Oglesby Megan Klein Gabrielle Phillips Nausiyah Jetter-Allen

Case Western Reserve University Peter Schlueter

Cincinnati State Ashley Veldhaus Mariam Niangane

Denison University Talia Raider-Roth Mary Catherine Henning Esme Wright

Kenyon State University Hemmi Song

Mount Saint Joseph University Jonah Human

Miami University Kate Graeter Elizabeth Ferre Emma Luce Aaron Tossey Eliana Stevens Kennedy Nadermann Chloe Christian Chloe Burwinkel Charles Schenk Samuel Hilbert Eric Schmidt Ryan Schrenk Griffin Behnfeldt Elizabeth Ferre Riann Yates-Miller Elizabeth Stanton Anjali Duke de Lanerolle She’miah Irvin

Lauren Lintz Kaki Evans Elijah Dage

Maya Oerther Allie Keller William Fitton

Abdullah AbuDakhan Paul Jr. Costandi Micah Kimble Maleekah Davis Olivia Hollis Mitchell Hedges Lundyn Lane Nathan Long Nathan Rudnick Ohio Dominician Isaac Ludke Abigail Schwartz Ohio University Zarria Ruff Channiah Whipple Megan Franke Taylor Epperson University Daquan Daniels Serign Thiam William Heidelberg Zoie Florian Anwar Dixon Samuel Smallwood Madeline Downie Tohonne Konare Aaliyah Walker Jackson Spieser Ohio State University Grace DeZarn Lou Walro Joaquin Vigo-Alejandro Colin Stewart Max Simon Joe Schnizer Timmy Rigney Hannah Brubacher Greta Tebbe Noah Stafford Julia Vincent Christina Douglas Maddi Raisch Jett Coleman Benjamin Holm-Bertelsen John Early Kelly Deal Daisha Hogan Morgan Cook Olivia Tombragel Peter Niemeyer Evan Saxton Everett Schulze Ben Hermes Julian Smith John Lundstedt Kathyrn Cholak Anson Battoclette Brianna Hoover James Scott James Magee Mesgana Mekibib Isabel Nissley Muskaan Kaur Navia Palmer Gregory Sharp John Blevins Sabina Hordinski Mason Snyder Luke Faherty Eva Schomaeker Kezia Copeland Sarah Shirey Gerald Beerck Isaac Kim Miles Cooper Lillian Busse Theodora O’Callaghan Heather Cochran Bailey Brant Luke Heikenfeld Zakiya Humphries Taylor Hauser Clayton Bickle Max Stojanovic Hannah Huang Jamison Sedgwick Ella Calhoun Ryan Gambrel Grace Pepiton Omavi McClinton Nick Deck Jaiden Smith Nicolas Chaves-Galeano Brady Tagge Hayden Ernst William Igoe Naima Miller Cepada Morgan Holden Kelley Keililah Larkin Gavin Albright McKenzie Scudder Tre Harris Collin Trissel Chloe Jackson Kristen Cathey Leah Dillon University of Kendal Cooke Nicholas Eschenlohr Kara Flaspohler Nan Yebuah Katie Sutkamp Dayton Terts Verhaak Tiffin University Tae’auna Felton Rikki Joiner Jaylee Sowders Jakob Vilinsky Finn Biales Tyrese Banks-Dorn Amiri Diop-West Jackson Ward Zakary Upson Elliot Clarke Maya Oerther Julia Lindenschmidt University of Akron Haseeb Ahmad Aiden Horstmeier Sterling Stark Mercy John Morgan Lockett Heidi Krimmer Savanna Hsu Anna Carli Emme Gerth University of Bryisha Lanthan Andrea Scheper Luke McSherry University of Toledo Cincinnati Alex Krietemeyer Heather Cochran Emily Mehnert Jenna Barkman Domunique Cody Tre Harris London Martin Olivia Garr Walsh University Alivia Harris Brooke Hart Grayce Thierauf Calvin Bigham Stuart Smith Sierra Windsor Nathan Remotigue Jacob Wendel Neil Ott Isabella Keegan Keshawn Thomas Wittenburg Muhammad Muhammad Samantha Stenger Corrine Capannari Thanh Ha Julia Grace-Dunn University Sid Patel Alonna Johnson Shadez Brandon Destyni Hummons Ana Ortega-Carreon Ravi Newman Ally Standley Tahj Lee Carson Corley Caroline Dillard Seth Brunner Brianna Reynolds Anthony Annis Audrey Warren Jackson Masur Wright State Alayna Jeffries Amaya Boyd Jenna Kiely Shabrya Smith University Luis Hernandez Angelica Warner Jayare Cotrell Lucy Berlage Ariana Ellis Alaja Huff McKenna Warvel David Osterbrock Vincenzo Montelisciani Xavier University Rosa Tsurov Logan White Emerson Lecrone Maya Sivakumaran Emmett Kaufman Milo Ginn Helen Pickering Samuel Spicer Gabrielle Flynn-Tombragel Lydia Graves Tobias Knueven Amanda Carden Jaila Hamilton Noah Bigger Sarah Haile Ava Martin Grace Elliot Fatimatou Diallo Rachel Davies

Duke University Anna Fan

University of Vermont Emma Walters


Mississippi State University Beau Schureck

University of Mount Olive

North Carolina A&T State University

University of North Carolina

Shaw University

Warren Wilson College

Sean Kellly Darks Selaya Young Anijah Triggs

Alabama A&M University

Dominic Hagerty

Nyree Bonner Alyse Pennington Darian Burgin

Charles Steward

Ella Schultian

Brigham Young University Alice Lundgren

Tuskegee University Noah Hackworth Nevaeh Ward

The University of Alabama Caroline Horvath Sophie Parshall

Louisiana State University Bianca Gilmore

Yale University Yocheved Ocho

Loyola University

University of Minnesota Clare Brennan

University of Auburn

University of Kansas

Maggie Byars

Mama Njie

Piper Johnson

Data came from results of the Chatterbox’s “SENIOR College Map Survey” and WHHS’ “Final Plans Survey” on June 3, 2020. SENIORS not included did not provide any information to WHHS. Job No.: 009503 School Name: Walnut Hills High School

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Columbia College Chicago

The University Of Colorado

University of South Carolina

Katie Noble

Concordia University Chicago

Megan Adam Jack Samuels

University of Colorado Boulder

Madeline Edie

Lake Forest College Adam White

Loyola University Chicago

University of Delaware

Albany State University

Georgia Institute of Technology

George Washington University

Maxwell Olberding Elliot Hull

Drew Hart Kyra Krumins Suvan Adhikari

Georgia Goering

Andrew Goering Anna Barlow Molly Munn Jonah Hanrahan

University of Virginia

Purdue University

Radford University

Reeya Dighe Nicole Curley

Colin Howard

Howard University

Northeastern University Alan Zhang

Simmons University Maia Lanier

University of Washington

University of Evansille Spenser Shuey

University of Indianapolis

Avery Grayton

University of Notre Dame

Drew Brown

Spencer Shroyer

University of Miami

Bridget Fuller Evan Peters

Mara Doyle

University of Wisconsin

Drexel University Grove City College Gabriella Chatman

Katrazyna Novak-Zawadzki

Augustus Kindel

University of Pittsburg Alderson Broaddus Erin O’Donnell University Colin Riggins

Clara Dearden Maaz Usmani Aaron Sequeira

Rhyan Taylor

Berea University LeVar Pharris

Bowdoin University

Northern Ketucky University

Gavin Kursman

Jasmine Hollifield Danielle Hines MacKenzie Waggoner Jasmine Frost DeJah Pickett Ava Zimmer

University of Maine Iris LeCates

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Lydia Hall

West Virginia University

Stanford University

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Juelle Walker Ariana Craddolph

Sam Frank

Piper Sauerbrunn Sally Dull

Tennessee State Vanderbilt University University Camyrn Smith

Universirty of Pennslyvnia

Occidental College

Lipscomb University

University of Rhodes College Tennessee

Penn State University

Bettina Ernst

Alan Jay Victor Li Maisy Nelson Matthew Proietti

Allyson Graves

Nicholas Zannis

Loyola Marymount University

Cornell University Sophie Davis School Grace Fulton of Biomedical Nawame Kitil Education The Julliard School Shiv Malhotra Christina Nam University of New Your Buffalo Patience Huddleston University

Edgar Byars

Anabel Villanueva

Isabella Paz

MaKaria Harris Sarah Little Madison Lockett Amyah Stephens

Alma Russel Moeshae Britt

Jonah Hanrahan Khadija Coulibaly

Lawrence University

Julia Mitchell

Clark University Harvard University Indiana University

Milwaukee School of Engineering

University of Chicago

Gabrielle Chiong

Savannah College of Art and Design

Avery Vota Matthew Eggers

American University

Texas A&M University

Rowan Chatterjee

University of Michigan

Northwestern University Leandra Hawkins

Mohit Pinninti

Katherine Workum

Cassidy Tennyson Emma Martyniuk Edward Abernathy Jr.

Nadaya Ellerhorst

MacKienzee Rasheed


Michigan State University

Caleb Price

Matthew Menendez-Aponte

Joan Acio-Alele Dhruv Rungta Adam Smyth


Kamryn Keehan Amanda Jones William Reynolds-Uti

University of Louisville Jakeem Wilmont

University of Kentucky

Frances Vainrib Aleksandra Julia Cyranek

Molly Adam

INTERNATIONAL Canada Ellen Smith Owen Howard China Robert Zavon United Kingdom Peter Featherston EMPLOYMENT Jenna Adams Jordyn Wooten Kelsey Wade Julian Coley

GAP YEAR Ryan Schrenk Tamir Gray Abigail Neurohr Cole Cummins Jabari Taylor MILITARY Jerien Stallings Jordan Sharp


School Name: Walnut Hills High School

ID CC 2019 Windows TCID:PP




Name: Caroline Horvath

Name: Isabel Nissley

Name: Alonna Johnson

Years on Chatterbox: 4 years

Years on Chatterbox: 4 years

Years on Chatterbox: 2 years

Position: Editor-in-Chief

Position: Deputy Editor-inChief

Position: Managing Editor of Student Life

Favorite Memory: Winning the quiz bowl in DC

Favorite Memory: Chloe and I wearing pajamas to late work night

Favorite Memory: Walking around the Indianapolis mall with Hannah and Augusta Freshman year Plans after WHHS: The University of Alabama to study communications and economics

Plans after WHHS: Ohio University to study journalism

Plans after WHHS: The University of Cincinnati to study journalism

Name: Mesgana Mekibib

Name: Drew Hart

Name: Shiv Malhotra

Years on Chatterbox: 1 year

Years on Chatterbox: 1 year

Years on Chatterbox: 4 years

Position: News and Features Writer

Position: Sports Section Editor

Position: News and Features Section Editor

Favorite Memory: My success that came from my article “The unseen barriers in AP classes�

Favorite Memory: Making my football video

Favorite Memory: Late work nights with Trent

Plans after WHHS: Savannah College of Art and Design to study film and TV

Plans after WHHS: Sophie Davis/CUNY School of Medicine to study biomedical sciences

Plans after WHHS: The University of Cincinnati to study psychology and creative writing

Job No.: 009503 School Name: Walnut Hills High School

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Name: Gavin Kursman

Name: Nadya Ellerhorst

Name: Matthew Proietti

Years on Chatterbox: 3 years

Years on Chatterbox: 1 year

Years on Chatterbox: 1 year

Position: Opinions Section Editor

Position: Fine Arts Section Editor

Position: News and Features Writer

Favorite Memory: The wave of feedback from students and faculty on the opinions page addressing academic competitiveness, as I believe it to be my greatest contribution

Favorite Memory: Giving Isabel and Abby “Oxford Comma� knuckle tattoos with a Sharpie

Favorite Memory: Pizza Tuesdays

Plans after WHHS: The University of Delaware to study international relations and Russian

Plans after WHHS: Bowdoin College to study government and legal studies

Plans after WHHS: New York University to study film and television

Name: Drew Brown

Name: MacKienzee Rasheed

Name: Elizabeth Ramos

Years on Chatterbox: 2 years

Years on Chatterbox: 1 year

Years on Chatterbox: 2 years

Position: Opinions Writer

Position: Sports Writer

Favorite Memory: Pizza Tuesdays, Bloons TD 5 tournaments, and Chess with Conrad

Favorite Memory: While in DC with other members going on the moonlight tour

Position: Style and Culture Writer

Plans after WHHS: The University of Washington

Plans after WHHS: Albany State University to play softball and study nursing

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School Name: Walnut Hills High School

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Top 10 Throwbacks 1. Twitches 2. Cowbelles 3. The Princess Protection Program 4. Sixteen Candles 5. Mrs. Doubtfire 6. E.T 7. Legally Blonde 8. Camp Rock 9. Mean Girls 10. Good Will Hunting

The Binging Station

The Sel Sub

What Line are you? The Positivity Line The Binging Line The Foodie Line The Care Line The Online Line

The Foodie Line Best DIY snacks

1. Snail Mix: A delicious non-healthy snack mix for the laziest of us all 2. Dalgona Whipped coffee: What started as a Tik Tok trend became a quarantine staple...but only if you don’t mind a little wrist-work. 3. Mug Cakes: With the right ingredients and perfect microwave timing, you can make the most irresistible, moist, and Cake Boss worthy cake in a coffee-sized cup 4. Rice Krispy Treats: A classic snack that’s both sticky, yet very very delicious

Job No.: 009503 School Name: Walnut Hills High School

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“Activism and organizing is, when done correctly, based on building

Screentimes Station

relationships and building a community. We’re so used to doing that in-person because it’s the most effective way to build that community. [But] now, because of quarantine, we’re all having to learn new ways of building that community without seeing each other face to face.”

Yousuf Munir, ‘21

Activism Station

lf-Isolation bway Map

Some Good News Station

Self-Care Station What Have You Been Doing to Take Care of Yourself? “I’ve been working on my running a lot during quarantine, up to ten miles a day sometimes.” -Mario Studaway ‘22 “I like to go for long drives and just get lost and explore. Yesterday I drove all the way down to Dayton on a whim” -Anthony Annis ‘20 “During this quarantine I have been reorganizing my room, going on walks and spending time with my pets to stay sane. I also have been practicing my art skills and painting.” -Simone Sears ‘22 “My friends and I started playing Roblox together as a way to sort of hang out. It’s actually really fun!” -Laurel Prince ‘22

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School Name: Walnut Hills High School

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Who’s Who?

Emerson Lecrone

Spenser Shuey

Jonah Hanrahan

Alyse Pennington

Match the child to their SENIOR picture.

Camryn Smith

Vincenzo Montelisciani

Gabrielle Phillips

Audrey Warren

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Rachel Davies

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