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World Wellness Weekend is a non-profit planetary event that promotes the five pillars of Wellness: sleep & creativity, nutrition & immunity, movement & vitality, mindfulness & serenity, and sense of purpose & solidarity
Each year, before the September Equinox, the event takes place with the aim to showcase the expertise and passion of wellness and fitness professionals while encouraging the local community to be more active, more often, with friends and family.
Launched in 2017, World Wellness Weekend is a non-profit event aligned with the United Nations SDG3 (Good Health & Well-being For All). With the belief that Social Prescribing is truly a catalyst to promote prevention and healthy lifestyle choices, the celebration connects communities across the world through a range of wellness initiatives.
In September 2020, the event was celebrated by 1,123 venues in 543 cities in 109 countries, from Argentina to Zambia. As of today, 1,380 venues are listed on the Wellness Map and appear united in 131 countries (943 cities).
On the fifth World Wellness Weekend (18-19 September 2021), thousands of wellness, sports, tourism and hospitality professionals will open their doors to the public, in order to organise (donate) safe, fun and free 60-minute activities, classes, workshops or talks.
Through these initiatives, millions of people will have access to lifestyle advice - healthy tips in five key areas that we call the ‘5 Pillars of Wellness’: better sleep to increase creativity, better nutrition to strengthen immunity, more movement to enhance vitality, deeper sense of mindfulness to enjoy serenity and a heightened sense of purpose to share more solidarity.
On the same dates, beauty schools in France and Canada will offer complimentary wellness workshops and beauty treatments to local Doctors and Nurses. This ‘Care for Care-Givers’ initiative was launched in February, 2020 at the UNGSII ThinkTank during the World Economic Forum in Davos #WellnessForDoctors #WellnessForNurses
See a world connected by wellness, from sunrise in Fiji until sunrise in Hawaii!
All professionals have to do is sign up on the Wellness Map (available in 16 languages) in order to create their page with upcoming wellness activities, classes, workshops, retreats, and they will appear on the World Wellness Map. They agree to offer on September 18th or 19th, a 60 minutes workshop in person, or a video tutorial to share their passion and healthy tips with their local community and clients.
All the public has to do is visit Wellness Map, click on the Locate me! button or type the name of a city and select the activities that they want to join, which they could then share with friends and family, the ones we call Wellness Buddies.
#WorldWellnessWeekend #WellnessForAll #WellnessByAll

Jean-Guy de Gabriac, Founder of World Wellness Weekend