6 minute read
1. What is the purpose behind The Good Summit?
The Good Summit (TGS) is all about celebrating COMMON GOOD in the world and creating more of it. We want to know what the best things happening for humanity are, and where they are taking place. We also want to connect people with the stories and learnings of positive social transformation.
2. Why are events like TGS important for stimulating positive actions and achieving sustainable social change?
I myself am a huge believer in gatherings. The social connection and learning that comes through human interaction is GOOD for every part of our lives. Social lives, intellectual lives, spiritual and physical selves! There isn’t an aspect of our lives that cannot be enhanced by being together in positive ways. For us at the THE GOOD SUMMIT, that might mean a dozen people around a table over a meal, or thousands of people together through a webinar. A core value of THE GOOD SUMMIT is that ‘We are Better Together’. Anything we can do to develop togetherness, we will do.
3. What will be discussed and what do you hope to achieve?
Like so many other events, we had to change what THE GOOD SUMMIT was in 2020 because of COVID-19. We moved our event online and actually connected with thousands more people than we would have had, had we just stayed as a one-off physical event. Hence, this year, we have stayed online in order to host three special school seminars and one amazing event in partnership with WHIS. The school seminars will bring issues of Mental health (and online bullying in particular in focus), The learnings from Science with COVID-19, and a political seminar with senior government ministers from both Northern Ireland and Ireland.
Through these seminars, and the partnership with WHIS, we hope that everyone from school pupils through to senior health professionals will be able to join a discussion about how the last 18-24 months in particular have provided things for us to learn as a society.
I would hope that there is intellectual stimulation for those attending, as well as practical skills in coping and taking positive steps in life (particularly in the school seminars). If we can hear stories in the future from schools about projects that were picked up, actions that were taken, or changes that pupils made because something from our seminars inspired a pupil, that would be wonderful. Another core value of THE GOOD SUMMIT is that ‘We can all make a difference’ - encouraging everyone to know their own value and develop practices that bring positive transformation for the world through our events this year is always important to us!
4. Could you name some key speakers who will be joining the event?
Our event on 27th October has an incredible lineup of experts with 4 sessions:
“What has the science taught us?” with with Prof Luke O’Neill, Immunologist TCD; Assistant Prof Ann Nolan, Global Health TCD; Dr Alan Smith, Deputy CMO Dep of Health.
“Good Health + Well Being” with Prof Clíona Ní Cheallaigh, Infectious Diseases and Internal Medicine TCD; James Sanderson, CEO NASP, NHS Director of Personalised Care; Gareth Presch, Founder WHIS and Assistant Prof Orlagh Hegarty UCD.
“Digital Health” with Dr Bogdan Chiva Giurca, Global Social Prescribing Alliance Clinical Champion; James Fennell MBE CEO The KEY; Roland Schatz CEO UNGSII (BMZ, Digital Africa); Elaine Daly, partner and head of life sciences at Grant Thornton
“Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in Global Health” with Deirdre Carbery, Chair World Health Innovation Summit Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Group, Dr Catherine Day, chairwoman of the Citizens’ Assembly on Gender Equality, chaired by Prof Ivana Bacik TD Law School.
This lineup is incredible and will encourage some deep learning, and hopefully positive action as a result of the conversations. For me, the joy in THE GOOD SUMMIT events are the connections that take place in the name of positive social transformation... If we inspire reflection and actions on some of the most pressing issues of our day, then together we can walk toward creating the world we want to see.

1. How did you get involved with The Good Summit?
A couple of years ago, I was asked to speak at The Good Summit on the issue of new medicines for diseases and it was a joy to do. The gathering was so positive - so I spoke last year also, and am taking part again this year.
2. What will you be discussing at this year’s event and why?
I will be discussing how science has made a huge difference to the fight against COVID-19. We’ve seen remarkable progress in the development of vaccines and medicines, through the efforts of many thousands of scientists. I will also be discussing what might happen in the coming months.
3. Why is this subject important to you?
I am an immunologist and my lab is working on COVID-19. I also have a passion for communicating science to the general public, and this has never been more important, given the level of anxiety and worry out there over COVID-19. While I have had a regular slot on Irish radio and have published books developing science for everyone, it has been my experience that at this point in time, everyone is listening to what science has to teach us all. The academics at this point in time have a real responsibility to educate and assist the general public in all the prevalent issues.
4. What do you hope attendees will learn from your panel?
They will hopefully learn a bit about how science was deployed and how it has been our greatest ally in this fight.
5. Is there anything that you’re looking forward to the most?
Engaging with the audience – it’s great to get their opinions and views on this most important issue for our time. That, and of course hanging out with Jools again - we always have a lot of fun connecting through all things Good Summit!

1. How did you connect with Jools and get involved with The Good Summit?
In 2018, I met Jools through a mutual friend, David Crowley, and he explained the mission and vision behind the Good Summit. We instantly found common purpose and it’s been a pleasure to help and support.
2. Why are events like The Good Summit important?
These events are so important as we get to meet new people and share our ideas. We basically stimulate and co-create solutions that bring about positive change for the benefit of our communities.
3. What outcomes do you hope to achieve from this year’s event?
I hope this year we can bring impact investment opportunities to Dublin, Ireland. Over the last few years, I’ve met with the HSE and discussed the opportunities to help and support the health services while improving people’s health and wellbeing. It’s a huge opportunity for Ireland. We’ll be bringing colleagues who can help support the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals in Ireland. It would be fantastic to see the projects shared (One Stop Solution Platform, SCR500, Global Social Prescribing Alliance, etc) at the event become projects in Ireland.
4. Is there anything that you’re looking forward to the most?
I’m really looking forward to meeting Jools and his team again. Over the last few years, the event has gone from strength to strength and we’re looking forward to supporting its growth and working with colleagues in Ireland to implement the global goals.