Discover Squamish Summer 2021

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summer 2021 Welcome to the

version of Discover Squamish


The last year hasn’t been easy for any of us, so, more than ever, we are glad you are here. Though I see it from start to finish, I always learn something about Squamish and its people from this magazine’s stories, and this edition is certainly no exception. While editing this year’s Discover Squamish, I — er — discovered a theme I hadn’t expected. Silver linings. It sounds cliche, but sometimes things are repeated because they are true. Independently, each source said a version of: “The pandemic has been hard, but...” The pandemic has been hard,

6 | Discover Squamish Summer 2021

but folks in Squamish focused more on family by making their homes and yards an oasis. The pandemic has been hard, but business has been steady or increased. The pandemic has been hard, but we learned to pivot and reach a broader audience. The pandemic has been hard, but we live in the best place in the world to get outside and have an adventure. The pandemic has been hard, but we opened our restaurant anyway and we are glad we did. The pandemic has been hard, but, dang, Squamish has a great coffee culture.

These folks didn’t just survive, in most cases, they evolved to thrive. For those of us behind the magazine, this was a revelation of sorts, a chance to reflect on our own silver linings that come from surviving a global pandemic. If you are holding our magazine in your hands, you made it through too. We hope you enjoy our stories and the inspiration they offer as much as we enjoyed bringing them to you. Now get out and Discover Squamish, safely, of course.

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