9 minute read
What's On
WHITBY TENNIS CLUB The Summer tennis has been amazing. We have welcomed several new members and a lot of tennis has been played with great atmosphere on the courts. We will soon be losing the evening light but hope to continue with Sunday mornings after September. SATURDAY & SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 24-25 Fish ‘n’ Ships Festival. A festival celebrating Whitby’s fishing ,seafood and maritime heritage. Events taking place at various venues across Whitby. SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 24 Staintondale Country Market at the Village Hall 10.30am-2.30pm. Delicious homemade food served throughout the day. Tombola and lots of stalls. All welcome. Enquiries to secretary.svhc@gmail.com THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 29 Whitby & District Ladies Luncheon Club’s Autumn/ Winter luncheons commence again at the Saxonville Hotel. Arrive 12pm for 12.30pm lunch. 3 courses plus Coffee/tea for £25. Speaker: Deborah Dibbs (Great North Air Ambulance). New members are very welcome - we are a very friendly group of ladies who enjoy having a good gossip and an excellent lunch. Membership fee just £15 a year helps to pay for our speakers. We meet on the last Thursday of the month, January to April and September to December. If you would like to join us for lunch on 29th September, please contact Hilda Gregson on 01947 821591 or e-mail: hildagregson@aol.co.uk no later than 22nd September. SATURDAY OCTOBER 1 A concert in All Saints Church, Hawsker at 7.30 pm. Come and sing along with the U3A band and then listen to the saxophone group “Sweet harmony”. Donations in aid of Church funds. WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 5 Whitby Sight Loss Group. A new group for people with sight loss & carers in the Whitby area. Relaxed, social meeting at Church House, Flowergate. 10:00am – 12noon. Contact Tom 07871 388425. THURSDAY OCTOBER 6 Cinema at the Coliseum Centre. ‘Elvis’ (Cert 12a – running time 2hr 39m). Matinee 2pm, evening:7pm. Tickets: £5 in advance - available from reception or on the door. Café & Bar open. For further info Tel 01947 825000 or email info@whitbycoliseum.com SATURDAY OCTOBER 8 The Endeavour Group Show at Fylingdales Village Hall - a competition between the 4 local WIs of Hawsker, Hinderwell, Fylingdales and Whitby. Categories: Handicrafts, Photography, Produce, Flower Arranging and the big co-operative entry ‘Halloween’. Public and members are allowed in to view the exhibits from 2pm. Results, presentation of trophies & raffle 3.00pm to 3.30pm. Admission £2 inc. refreshments. Any questions please call Lynn on 07770 697884 or email WhitbyWI2014@gmail.com. MONDAY OCTOBER 10 Yorkshire Countrywomen’s Association, Sleights Branch meet at Church House, Sleights at 2pm, our speaker for the afternoon will be Chris Powell talking about ‘Cone Exchange Recycling’. Also book exchange and refreshment. Guest and new members warmly welcomed, for further details contact 01947 811827 Hinderwell WI meet in St Hilda’s Old School at 7.00pm. It is the AGM to be followed by a Faith Supper and a Bring and Buy stall. For further details please ring 840343. Whitby Dairy Discussion Group. Just a quick reminder that we kick off again at Sneaton Castle, Whitby YO21 3QN with Dave Arnott and Rebecca Thompson from the National Parks. 7.45pm start. Subs are £30 for the year. Members & guests welcome - please contact the Secretary via email/text to confirm attendance at meetings. Event contact: Joyce Stangoe, Secretary, WDDG. Mob: 07868 956919. Email: joyce.stangoe@ gmail.com. Looking forward to seeing you. TUESDAY OCTOBER 11 Whitby Disability Action Group. Fortnightly book stall at the Whitby Co-op 10:00am to 1:00pm in aid of Whitby DAG. Book donations always welcome. Contact Tom 07871 388425 Aislaby YCA are meeting in Aislaby Village Hall at 2pm. Sandra Turner will be talking about the Whitby Street Angels. Non-members welcome, admission £2. For details call Pam on Whitby 810628. Whitby Civic Society: David Tindale presents a film by his father, John Tindale ‘Lost Tales of Whitby’ together with a selection of local photographs at The Coliseum 2pm-4pm (please note winter timing). Entrance £1 members, £3 guests. Correct change appreciated. Refreshments available.
TUESDAY OCTOBER 11 A Domino Drive in aid of Christ Church Ugthorpe will be held at The White Hart Mickleby commencing 8.00pm. All welcome. WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 12 Tea Dance at the Royal Hotel, West Cliff, Whitby. 2.00pm-4.30pm. Raffle. Everybody Welcome. £3 to include tea, coffee & biscuits. Proceeds to Whitby Lifeboats. SUNDAY OCTOBER 16 Balmoral Acoustic Blues Club at Saltburn Conservative Club presents Fram McGillivray & Mike Burke. Tickets £10 from 07960 935263. Doors open 7.30pm. TUESDAY OCTOBER 18 Whitby Antiques & Fine Arts Society now meets at St John’s Ambulance Hall, Back St Hilda’s Tce. Meeting starts 7.30pm. Speaker to be arranged. Meetings monthly on the third Tuesday of each month at this new venue for the foreseeable future. Looking forward to seeing our members again and new members/ visitors always welcome. More details from 01947 821860 or 228108. SATURDAY OCTOBER 22 The Grand Draw of St Hilda’s Church 200 Club will take place in St Hilda’s Old School. Running from 10.00 to 11.30am, refreshments will be available as well as a cake stall and a raffle. The Draw for the £1000.00 prize will be made around 11.15am with further draws for the two £50.00 prizes. All welcome. SATURDAY & SUNDAY OCTOBER 22-23 Dippy Craft & Gift Fair at Whitby Leisure Centre from 10.00am to 4.30pm each day. Free entry. Over 40 Stalls. MONDAY OCTOBER 24 Whitby Flower Club will be meeting in Sleights Village Hall, at 2pm. Jean McClure will be demonstrating “An Autumn Gathering”. Non-Members welcome, admission £5. For details about the club contact Margaret on Whitby 603297. TUESDAY OCTOBER 25 Whitby Disability Action Group. Fortnightly book stall at the Whitby Co-op 10:00am to 1:00pm in aid of Whitby DAG. Book donations always welcome. Contact Tom 07871 388425. WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 26

Whitby WI meet 7pm Northern Lights Suite, Spa Pavilion, West Cliff. ‘Staying Healthy this Winter – How to Boost Immunity Naturally’- Andrea Wood. British Sign Language. Raffle: Healthy Food. Everyone welcome. Visitors £3.00. For further info, please email WhitbyWI2014@gmail.com. THURSDAY OCTOBER 27 Free for lunch on Thursday 27th October? If so, do come along and join the Whitby & District Ladies Luncheon Club for a 3-course lunch plus tea/coffee at the Saxonville Hotel., 12noon for 12.30pm. The cost is £25. We who meet 8 times a year, January to April and September to December. The speaker will be Barry Foster giving a talk “A Life in Crime”. Our annual membership fee is £15 a year (January - December). You are welcome to come along as a visitor to the October luncheon where you will receive a warm and friendly welcome. To find out more and to book, please contact Hilda Gregson on 01947 821591. Booking should be made no later than Thursday 20th October. FRIDAY OCTOBER 28
‘A Night at The Music Hall’ at The Robinson Institute, Glaisdale YO21 2PN from 7.30pm to 9.30pm. Come along for a good sing, tombola, cake stall and lots of fun. Exit collection in aid of RETINA UK.
FRIDAY - SUNDAY OCTOBER 28-30 Whitby Goth Weekend. A weekend where thousands of Goths and alternatives of all ages and walks of life gather for an amazing weekend of fantastic live music and shopping here in the town! A weekend not to be forgotten!! Don’t miss the world-famous Bizarre Bazaar Alternative Market at Whitby Leisure Centre featuring many independent traders, crafters, artists and more for your most eccentric Gothique needs! More information online at http://www.whitbygothweekend.co.uk and also @whitbygothweekend on Facebook. SATURDAY OCTOBER 29 Saltburn Blues Club presents The Hiding Magpies at New Marske Institute plus support. TS11 8EG. Tickets £12 from The Spar Saltburn, Ents24.com and 07960 935263. Doors open 7.30pm.
SATURDAY & SUNDAY OCTOBER 29-30 Craft Fair at Goathland Village Hall 10.00am to 4.00 pm. New crafters welcome for our successful and longestablished Craft Fairs. Contact Elsie on 01947 896333 or e-mail elsie.goathland@gmail.com.

Whitby Library Events
SEPT 26-3RD OCTOBER IS BIG GREEN WEEK We have displays during the week and the brilliant Yorkshire Rotters coming in again with activities based around ‘love food, hate waste’ LIBRARIES WEEK OCTOBER 3RD-9TH This year’s theme is ‘Never stop learning’ During the week, we will have information and activities around learning new skills, and on Thursday 6th October we have a Hobby Fayre 12:30-4pm come and see what’s on offer in the library and also in the community to learn a new craft, skill or sport. **If you run a local hobby group and would like to have a stand to encourage new members please get in touch either email whitby.library@ northyorks.gov.uk or telephone 01609534350 GET ONLINE WEEK 17TH-23RD OCTOBER we will have specialist IT buddy sessions throughout the week: ‘Beginners guides sessions’ covering tablets, phones, emails and lots of information on how to use our online services including e-books, audio books, and our online newspapers and magazines. FRIDAY 21ST OCTOBER MUSICPORT FUN MUSIC WORKSHOP FOR UNDER 5’S 10-12pm OCTOBER HALF TERM PUMPKIN CARVING COMPETITION open to all ages: Bring your finished carved pumpkin to the library on Thursday 27th October and we will judge the competition at 10am Saturday 29th before a special Halloween craft morning 10am-12pm fancy dress encouraged! (Pumpkins need to be collected before 1pm on Saturday, any left will be disposed of) BABYRHYME - term time Monday 9:45am – 10:15 am STORY TOTS Mondays term time 10:30 – 11:15 IT BUDDIES available by appointment Monday, Tuesday Fridays. FAMILY HISTORIAN available by appointment Tuesdays 2-5pm

A chance to win
£10 Co-op Gift Card

donated by your local Whitby Co-op store
Complete the crossword then rearrange the marked letters to form the answer to the following clue:
Keeping resentful feelings towards the town's dock (7)

To enter the prize draw please post or email the mystery hidden word(s), with your name, address & telephone to:
Whitby Advertiser, PO Box 120, Whitby, YO21 3ED
Email: crosswords@whitbyadvertiser.co.uk (Please note, we only accept one entry per household).
Won by: Isabel Bywater of Whitby
6 Israeli intelligence agency (6) 7 Wishy-washy person (4) 8 Apparatchiks (11)
10 Cushion (3)
11 Arrest (3)
13 Bashful (3)
14 A k a M I 6 (1,1,1)
17 E.g. La Gioconda (3,8) 18 Once more (4)
19 Begrudged (6)
1 Communities (11)
2 Doorkeeper (5)
3 Hold water (3,2)
4 A D-Day beach (5) 5 Carrying nothing (5-6) 9 Blackguard (3) 12 Through (3)
14 Emits in quantity (5) 15 Edges (5) 16 Heater (5)
This month's deadline for entries - 14/10/22