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The alarming claims of the impending death of print media advertising some years ago were not only greatly exaggerated, but they were also completely wrong.
Print media advertising isn’t just hanging on, either. Now that digital advertising has been around long enough to be evaluated, it’s clear that the advantages of print media are many. But the best use of print advertising isn’t when it’s a substitute for other media. When print is combined with other advertising media, it shows its real strength.
Print Media Advertising Drives Memory
Research has shown that people read more slowly when reading on paper than online. This is a big benefit of print media, because slower reading allows you to gain deeper understanding. Apparently, just holding the paper is a tactile exercise that helps the brain form connections that increase memory. Print provides a more focused way of reading too, because newspapers and magazines are laid out intentionally for readability.
Print Offers Unparalleled Flexibility
Whether you’re looking for a way to reach local food lovers, motorists, gym goers or pet lovers, print gives you ways to easily target your audience. If you need to make changes to a print ad, it’s not the major undertaking it is with other advertising media either e.g., radio ads require re-recording, which involves both time and cost. at your local doorstep magazine With your local doorstep magazine, it just takes a quick phone call or email to your friendly graphic designer to get your advert changed at no cost.
Print Ads Have Staying Power
Unlike internet advertising that readers often must click on to read, and the digital ads can be clicked away in an instant, or social media advertising where Facebook posts come and go, print media advertising stays where it’s put. Print media is tangible and doorstep magazines stay around the house or office on a coffee table, desk for a month or more. Weeks later, when you pick up a magazine to check for something you remember seeing, you’ll still find those adverts. The staying power of print gives print advertisers an aura of strength and solidity. People view print advertisers as more trustworthy than those in digital formats, such as pop-up ads who seem fleeting. Print media advertising looks richer and, somehow, more believable than online ads.
Print Builds Awareness
All types of advertising require repeat placement to be effective. But, while radio and online campaigns show diminished awareness of an advertiser or brand after running four times, awareness continues to grow with the frequency of print ads. Print media advertising increases brand loyalty and purchase decisions far more than online adverts do.
A Place for Every Budget
While national and regional newspapers is out of reach for many advertisers, and radio isn’t always recommended, advertisers at all budget levels can find a good print option. Advertising of any kind is not cheap, but even the local boutique can afford to advertise in the local doorstep magazine, which is a good fit for reaching many of its customers.
Combine Media for Greatest Impact
Look at any print advert, and you’re likely to see a redirect to a website for more information or a special offer. That’s because print is exceptionally good at driving readers to wherever you want them to go. Every advertising medium has its benefits. For maximum impact, your marketing campaign should be an integrated one that makes use of different types of media, each reinforcing versions of your message. With a multimedia approach, you not only reach people who prefer one medium over another; you also increase awareness and, in the long run, increase and maintain brand loyalty. Print media is certainly not dead. Print has staying power. Doorstep magazines like the Whitby Advertiser are important print media used by local companies to deliver advertising messages, offering opportunities for the broadest range of advertisers.
Find out how the Whitby Advertiser can help your business. Just pick up the phone and give us a call on 01947 605500 or drop us an email today.