13 minute read
What's On
What’s On listings are free for local charities and community organisations and ideally should not exceed 20 words. For all other event organisers, a small charge of £20 applies.
CAPTAIN COOK MEMORIAL MUSEUM, GRAPE LANE Open Daily 9:45 - 17:00. Last admission half an hour before closing. Admission fees apply - see www. cookmuseumwhiby.co.uk. Annual exhibition: Sea Peoples: Navigating the Pacific. Blue water sailing in the vast Pacific Ocean demands accurate navigation. Done poorly, it could be catastrophic, as many vanished ships and wrecks testify. This exhibition explores Pacific sailing with both Polynesians and Europeans. WHITBY MUSEUM & PANNETT ART GALLERY Opening times: 10.00am – 4.30pm Tues – Sun. Closed Mon. Last admission 4.00pm. Museum admission: £7.00 adults, £5.00 students ticket lasts for a full year. Whitby residents (proof needed) & under 18s Free. Current exhibitions: ‘Scoresby’s Arctic’. Celebrating 200 years since the publication of William Scoresby Junior’s ‘Account of the Arctic Regions’, the exhibition gives a glimpse of Scoresby’s Arctic and of his groundbreaking scientific discoveries and is decorated by the textile artworks of Caroline Hack. ‘Whitby Weddings’ in the Costume Gallery which includes the touchscreen ‘Wall of Weddings’ showing all wedding featured in the Whitby Gazette from 1950 to 1999. Art Gallery admission – free to all. The museum’s tea room is open 10am-3.30pm Tuesday-Sunday. WHITBY COLISEUM Victoria Place, Whitby. YO21 1EZ. Tel: 01947 825000. Cinema, theatre, events. Café. Internet Café. Community Offices, theatre and meeting rooms available for hire. For more information, check out the Coliseum’s Facebook page or website: www.whitbycoliseum. co.uk or email info@whitbycoliseum.com. EVERY DAY Whitby Whalers u3a. Day time activities throughout the week for those no longer in full time work: arts, languages, lectures, exercise, history, social groups and much more. Variety of venues. www.u3asites.org.uk/ whitby EVERY MONDAY Tai chi for beginners Hawsker Village Hall 7pm. First lesson free then £4 pounds thereafter. Contact John 07434 833540 Free Music Sessions at Whitby Rifle Club YO21 3EW (committee room). Doors open at 7pm. 7.15pm -8.15pm – Slow Tunes - free tune book with notation, chord charts, Bb and Bass clef notation available (or email till703@gmail.com for a digital version). 8.15pm to 9.30pm – Session Tunes and Songs. Come and join in or come just to have a drink at the bar and to listen. EVERY TUESDAY Whitby Jets Basketball Training Term time only at Whitby Leisure Centre. All ballers welcome. Timings: 7–11-year-olds 16:30-17:30 and 12–18-year-olds 17:30- 18:45. See Whitby Jets Facebook page for details or email whitbyjetsbasketball@gmail.com. EVERY WEDNESDAY EVENING Indoor Target Archery at Whitby Pavilion 7.00 to 9.00pm. Archery GB members welcome. https:// whitbyarchers.co.uk/Home.html EVERY THURSDAY Whitby Badminton Club at Fyling Hall School, Robin Hood’s Bay, Thurs 7.30-9.30pm. Four courts, new players very welcome. Free “taster” night. Full details from Walter 01947 602938 or Carole 01947 600746. EVERY THURSDAY (AND OCCASIONALLY WED & SUN) Marske & Loftus Badminton Club at Loftus Cricket & Athletic Club, 7pm till late. Looking for new members. First night is free, contact Paul on 07702 756669. EVERY FRIDAY Sleights Art Group. Art / Painting sessions at Sleights Village Hall. Informal & friendly. Professional assistance from local artist, Dave Jeffery. Fridays 2pm-4pm. Contact Jan 07837 023904 or jw@maybeckantiques. co.uk. Latin and sequence social dancing. Sleights Village Hall every Friday evening 8.15pm to 10.30pm for ballroom, Basic for beginners 7.30pm. Tel: 07971 606360 EVERY SATURDAY Whitby Walking Group. Starting from various locations. Approx. 10 miles. Visitors welcome. E-mail: rogercrowther@talktalk.net Phone: 01723 267019.

EVERY WEEKEND Whitby Rifle Club. Sports and Social Club. Function rooms available for all occasions. Regular live entertainment Saturdays, Quiz every Sunday. SATURDAY & SUNDAY OCTOBER 22-23 Dippy Craft & Gift Fair at Whitby Leisure Centre from 10.00am to 4.30pm each day. Free entry. Over 40 Stalls. WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 26 Whitby WI meet 7pm Northern Lights Suite, Spa Pavilion, West Cliff. ‘Staying Healthy this Winter – How to Boost Immunity Naturally’- Andrea Wood. British Sign Language. Raffle: Healthy Food. Everyone welcome. Visitors £3.00. For further info, please email WhitbyWI2014@gmail.com. Collective Knowledge at the Coliseum Centre, Whitby Rich Lynas, Deputy Officer at Staithes Coastguard Rescue Team, National Coastguard Casualty Care Instructor and Rich is also a paramedic for the Yorkshire Ambulance Service. Rich will be giving a first aid demonstration which will mainly be covering CPR/ basic life support and the use of an AED (defibrillator). Doors open 6pm for a 6.30pm start. THURSDAY OCTOBER 27 Free for lunch on Thursday 27th October? If so, do come along and join the Whitby & District Ladies Luncheon Club for a 3-course lunch plus tea/coffee at the Saxonville Hotel., 12noon for 12.30pm. The cost is £25. We who meet 8 times a year, January to April and September to December. The speaker will be Barry Foster giving a talk “A Life in Crime”. Our annual membership fee is £15 a year (January - December). You are welcome to come along as a visitor to the October luncheon where you will receive a warm and friendly welcome. To find out more and to book, please contact Hilda Gregson on 01947 821591. Booking should be made no later than Thursday 20th October. Bingo at the Coliseum, Victoria Place, Whitby. Doors open: 1.30pm. Eyes down 2.00pm. £6 per book plus flyer. All welcome. FRIDAY OCTOBER 28 ‘A Night at The Music Hall’ at The Robinson Institute, Glaisdale YO21 2PN from 7.30pm to 9.30pm. Come along for a good sing, tombola, cake stall and lots of fun. Exit collection in aid of RETINA UK. Whitby Disability Action Group. Book stall at Church House, Flowergate 10:00am to 2:00pm in aid of Whitby DAG. Book donations always welcome. Contact Tom 07871 388425. FRIDAY - SUNDAY OCTOBER 28-30 Whitby Goth Weekend. Includes the Bizarre Bazaar Alternative Market at Whitby Leisure Centre. More information online at http://www.whitbygothweekend. co.uk and also @whitbygothweekend on Facebook. SATURDAY OCTOBER 29 Saltburn Blues Club presents The Hiding Magpies at New Marske Institute plus support. TS11 8EG. Tickets £12 from The Spar Saltburn, Ents24.com and 07960 935263. Doors open 7.30pm. SATURDAY & SUNDAY OCTOBER 29-30 Craft Fair at Goathland Village Hall 10.00am to 4.00 pm. New crafters welcome for our successful and longestablished Craft Fairs. Contact Elsie on 01947 896333 or e-mail elsie.goathland@gmail.com. TUESDAY NOVEMBER 1 Aislaby Y.C.A. meet in Aislaby Village Hall at 2pm (Please note change of date). Brenda Proctor will be showing us Avon gifts and delights for Christmas. Nonmembers welcome, admission £2. For details call Pam on 810628. THURSDAY NOVEMBER 3 ‘The Walled Garden Whitby’. A community initiative to renovate a neglected walled garden in Whitby. A presentation at the Coliseum Victoria Place, Whitby – find out about the work so far and meet the gardeners. Starts 2.00pm. Free entry. Refreshments available. FRIDAY NOVEMBER 4 Recruitment Fair for the Care Sector at the Coliseum Centre, Whitby, 1pm to 4pm. Organisations and businesses across Whitby are looking for caring individuals to join their dedicated teams. Call in for an informal chat and find out about available roles and opportunities. SUNDAY NOVEMBER 6 Afternoon Fundraising Classical Music Concert in aid of Lance Corporal Ben Hyde Memorial Trust at Saltburn Methodist Church. Starts 3pm. Tickets £5 including refreshments (Under 13s Free). Available from Jackie’s Saverstore, Saltburn or on the door. Balmoral Acoustic Blues Club at Saltburn Conservative Club presents SUNJAY. Doors 7.30pm. Tickets £12 from 07960 935263.
TUESDAY NOVEMBER 8 Whitby Civic Society: An Afternoon with Paul Berriff OBE, Yorkshireman, photographer, film director and decorated lifeboatman at The Coliseum 2pm4pm. A first-hand account of his life behind the camera, including unique images and videos. Entrance £1 members, £3 guests. Correct change appreciated. Refreshments available. THURSDAY NOVEMBER 10 Cinema at the Coliseum Centre. ‘The Phantom of the Opera’ (2021) Matinee 2pm, evening:7pm. Maurice Flintcroft manages to gain entry to the 1976 British Golf Open Championship despite being a complete novice. Tickets: £5 in advance - available from reception or on the door. Café & Bar open. For further info, tel 01947 825000 or email info@whitbycoliseum.com MONDAY NOVEMBER 14 Hinderwell WI meet at 7.00pm in St Hilda’s Old School. The speaker is PCSO Daisy Pennock talking about “Our Security” Competition: an item beginning with the letter N. If you are considering joining the WI you are most welcome to come along and talk to the ladies over a “cuppa and a bite”. Visitors welcome - a charge of £3.50 includes refreshments. For further details please ring 01947 840343. Yorkshire Country Women Sleights Branch meet at 2pm in Church House, Sleights. Our speaker is one of our own members Valerie Muncaster, talking about her time as a foster carer. Also book exchange and refreshments. Guests and new members warmly welcomed. For further details contact 01947 811827. TUESDAY NOVEMBER 15 Whitby Antiques & Fine Arts Society meets at St John’s Ambulance Hall, Back St Hilda’s Tce. Meeting starts 7.30pm. Speaker: Julian Morgan: ‘Fake News – What the Romans Did For Us’. Meetings monthly on the third Tuesday of each month. New members/visitors always welcome. More details from 01947 821860 or 228108. WEDNESDAY - SATURDAY NOVEMBER 16-19 Whitby Area Musical Theatre Company presents Roald Dahl’s ‘Matilda Jr. the Musical’ at Whitby Pavilion Theatre. Performances Weds-Fri at 7pm, Sat 2pm & 7pm. Tickets: £9 (£8 under 14s) plus booking fee available in person at the Pavilion box office (10am3pm), by phone (01947) 824770 or online at www. whitbypavilion.co.uk THURSDAY NOVEMBER 17

Bingo at the Coliseum, Victoria Place, Whitby. Doors open: 1.30pm. Eyes down 2.00pm. £6 per book plus flyer. All welcome. SATURDAY NOVEMBER 19
A Christmas Fayre will be held in Hinderwell Village Hall from 10.00am. Refreshments will be on sale.
Hilarity Bites presents ‘Sam Avery’ at the Coliseum. Doors open 7.30pm for 8.00pm start. Tickets £10 in advance from the Coliseum or the Hilarity Bites website; £12 on the door. For further details visit https://hilaritybites.co.uk SATURDAY & SUNDAY NOVEMBER 19-20 Craft Fair at Goathland Village Hall 10.00am to 3.30 pm. New crafters welcome for our successful and longestablished Craft Fairs. Contact Elsie on 01947 896333 or e-mail elsie.goathland@gmail.com. WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 23
Whitby WI meet 7pm Northern Lights Suite, Spa Pavilion, West Cliff. The theme is Christmas Crafts. British Sign Language. Raffle: Christmas. Everyone welcome. Visitors £3.00. For further info, please email WhitbyWI2014@gmail.com. ‘Another Winter’s Tale’ at Glaisdale’s Robinson Institute. Starts 7.30pm. A ghostly new play with live music. Two travelling entertainers tell wintry stories during a snowstorm. But who, or what, is following behind them? Visit https://www.dogwoodproductions. co.uk/anotherwinterstale for more information.
Whitby & District Ladies Luncheon Club meet at the Saxonville Hotel, 12 for 12.30pm. The cost (3 courses plus tea/coffee) is £25. Paul Blackwell’s talk is titled ‘Life & Times & Paintings’. If you would like further information and to come along and join us for lunch please contact Hilda Gregson on 01947 821591 no later than Thursday the 17th November to make a booking. Cinema at the Coliseum Centre. ‘The Duke’ (2020) Matinee 2pm, evening:7pm. A taxi driver steals a painting from the National Gallery in London. Tickets: £5 in advance - available from reception or on the door. Café & Bar open. For further info, tel 01947 825000 or email info@whitbycoliseum.com

‘Another Winter’s Tale’ at the Flowergate Hall Community Arts Centre, Whitby. Starts 7.30pm. A ghostly new play with live music. Two travelling entertainers tell wintry stories during a snowstorm. But who, or what, is following behind them? Visit https:// www.dogwoodproductions.co.uk/anotherwinterstale for more information.
SATURDAY NOVEMBER 26 Staintondale Country Market at the Village Hall 10.30am-2.30pm. Delicious homemade food served throughout the day. Tombola and lots of stalls. All welcome. Enquiries to secretary.svhc@gmail.com Christmas Jumble Sale at Hawsker Village Hall 11.00am to 3.00pm. Christmas stock, clothes, bric-abrac, baked good. Refreshments. Tombola. In aid of Whitby Wildlife Sanctuary. Saltburn Blues Club presents BAD DAY supported by Reece Hillis at New Marske Institute TS11 8EG. Doors 7.30pm. Tickets £15 from The Spar Saltburn, Ents24. com and 07960 935263. SATURDAY & SUNDAY NOVEMBER 26-27 Whitby Pavilion Northern Lights Suite. Dippy Craft & Gift Fair. 9.30-4.30 each day. Free entry. Over 40 Stalls.
Whitby Library Events
HALF TERM PUMPKIN CARVING COMPETITION Thursday 27th – Sat 29th October. HALLOWEEN CRAFTS Saturday 29th October 10:30 am - 12:30 pm £1 pre book your place today. REGULAR EVENTS FOR NOVEMBER LEGO CLUBS Tuesdays 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm Saturdays 10:30 am - 12:30 pm BABY RHYME TIMES Mondays term time 9:45 am – 10:15 am STORY TOTS Mondays term time 10:30 am – 11:15 am IT BUDDIES Available by appointment Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays. FAMILY HISTORIAN Available by appointment Tuesdays 2 pm - 5 pm Follow us on Facebook for the latest Library news

Registered charity number 1159269
We need your help!
With recent rises in the cost of living we are finding more people need our help.
Food supplies are running low so any donation
of this kind will be greatly appreciated.
We would be grateful for donations of:
Tinned items:
Tomatoes • Potatoes • Ravioli Spaghetti • Macaroni Cheese Fray Bentos pies • Baked Beans Fish • Meat (hot or cold) Fruit • Custard • Rice Pudding
Mash • Rice • Cereal • Pasta Porridge • Instant Noodles Sauces • Sugar • Biscuits
Products In Jars:
Pasta Sauce • Jams & Spreads
Soft Drinks • Squash • Coffee Milk (UHT or dried)
Hygiene & Cleaning Items:
Shower Gel • Deodorant Shampoo • Soap Toothpaste • Toilet Rolls Washing Up Liquid Multi-Surface Spray Washing Powder
Dog / Cat Food
Registered charity number 1159269
Collection points
Co-op (Whitby & Staithes), Poundland, B&M Bargains, Whitby Library, The Dispensary, Spar (Sleights), Coliseum, Egton and Castleton schools and many local churches.
We are frequently in need of people to help in a variety of roles, please contact us if you would like to help.
Contact us
For any further info please contact us on: 07789 765696 or 07810 205014