A Soldier For Christ 2 Timothy 2:3 Thou therefore endure hardness as a good soldier for Jesus Christ. In keeping with a rededication to Christ and His message, I was led by the Holy Spirit to take a fresh look at believers being soldiers for Christ by using Paul's message to Timothy where the Apostle Paul was reminding Timothy that he was a soldier in Christ's army and that he was to remain steadfast because he like Paul himself and all others in the ministry will face hardships. Timothy and all ministers of the gospel of Christ of all generations must be willing to suffer trials and tribulations because we are engaged in a spiritual warfare where Satan and his army will try to defeat Christ's army of soldiers. What must Christ's soldiers do? They must be willing to sacrifice self as we stand firm on the truth of God's Word while fearing nothing because Satan is a defeated foe. As a soldier for Christ we are prepared for battle as outlined in Ephesians 6:11-18. Believers, we are more than conquerors as we fight the good fight and endure until the end the Christian race. Believers, this spiritual warfare isn't one for the faint of heart, but instead one where heart-felt devotion to our Lord and Savior takes center stage; one of patience as we sow the seed of God's Word through our witnessing Christ in a lost world. With our sword the Bible in our hand we take the fight to Satan in his strongholds'; God being with us through His Spirit victory is our. As good soldiers spreading the gospel message of Christ and each time one come to Christ is another victory won and another added to God's holy nation of peculiar people (1 Peter 2:9). Soldiers for Christ have a crown of righteousness waiting. We welcome your comments Author's contacts white3285@sbcglobal.net http://willie-writing.blogspot.com www.goodshepherdwritingandpublishing.com
Š All Rights Reserved January 12, 2016 Dr. Willie B. White