Ambassadors for Christ II Corinthians 5:20 While conversing with many of my sisters and brothers in Christ across this nation and around the world as I do through technology, the central theme of our conversation is God and His impending wrath. The general consensus is that God is tired of mankind's waywardness and wickedness and is displaying His displeasures through nature. We have seen the many destructive forces of nature in diverse places as we have witnessed in the last few years. Case in point, the crippling snow falls in the south when this section of our country rarely get snow, and other parts of the world that was crippled by snow. The many other forms of devastations that were witnessed, such as the flooding Queensland Australia, Brazil, and even certain sections of our country and other parts of the world that is being ravaged by nature, and even earthquakes in this country where they rarely occur. Notice the forms of plagues that have been seen just last year, for example the Bed bugs that ripped this and other nations, the dead birds that seemly fell from the sky and the deluge of frogs closing Egnatia highway in Langadas Greece New York Times May 26, 2010 . What are we to do? In light of the devastation we are to pray for a healing of the land, because through prayer things change. Through modern technology collective and individual prayers are being sent forth. Case in point, just this week in one of my prayer groups the focus was binding the strong man and all evil, demonic and satanic forces regardless of where it resides (paraphrased). Another example of Christ's ambassadors working to bind the strong man and combat evil and immorality is this minister and his group filed a lawsuit to repeal the legality of same sex marriages in DC, but the judge threw the case out. As ambassadors we are to keep working and praying because in this spiritual warfare prayer is our offensive weapon and the remainder of our body armour are our defensive weapons (Ephesians 6:10-18). In this battle when it appears that evil has won remember we are more than conquerors, because Christ won the battle and victory is our. So, join with me as we continue to pray for a healing of this land which results in binding the strong man and all his demonic tactics because the Jesus in each of us is greater than he who is in the world-
Š All rights subsists Willie B White
Satan. In the words of Dorothy Norwood we can sing "Victory is mine, victory today is mine. I told Satan to get thee behind me. Victory is mine."
Š All rights subsists Willie B White