Christmas "I" I-is for Immanuel which means God with us (Isaiah 7:14; 8:8; Matthew 1:23). Both scriptures support each other as Isaiah prophesied of the virgin birth and Matthew 1:23 record the prophecy as being fulfilled. The importance of Jesus’ virgin birth was for the Redeemer to qualify as the Savior and provide salvation to all He must be without sin, and the only way for Him to be sinless was to be conceived by the Holy Spirit thus He would be human and divine. This means God was His Father. The name Immanuel takes on a newer and deeper meaning with Christ's birth because He is the begotten Son of God. Christ being the begotten Son of God incorporates John 3:16 as it depicts the heart of God and the assurances of our salvation. Isaiah 8:8 looks forward to a time in the future when all God's people who remain faithful to Him had no reason to fear because He through His Son Immanuel would be there watching over God's people. This includes past, present and future generations. This authenticates the meaning of Christ's name Immanuel-God with us as God the Holy Spirit is present in all believers. It is noteworthy to say that the virgin birth of Christ our Savior cannot be overemphasized and its importance in God's plan of salvation. Christ-Immanuel our Savor is born. Comments are welcome Author's contact: