Compassion Matthew 9:36 But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd. The setting for today's discussion takes place with Jesus preaching and teaching the gospel in the various synagogues and as He proclaimed the gospel message He noticed the need for more laborers in God's vineyard. Jesus was moved with compassion that there were so few proclaiming the gospel message. This leaves room for the Devil to come in and confuse the minds and hearths of the people. Every congregation should have a God filled leader who is willing and will stand firm on the Word of God as well as showing compassion for his or her congregation. Just as all congregations need spiritual feeding there are physical needs that must be met as well. Every believer's compassion for spreading the gospel message of Christ should be top priority as all believers have been commissioned by Christ Himself to witness the world over. Care and concern should for our fellowman's needs manifest Christ just as Christ did during His ministry. Whatever the need was Jesus addressed it so that He could speak to the spiritual condition of the person. In the grand scheme of our existence God made provision for all necessities of life is a testament to His compassion for the whole human race as well as all of creation. Show compassion for one another in doing so we imitate Christ. Comments are welcome Author's contact
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