God's Relationship to Our Suffering Job 2: 7-8 Continuing our earlier topical discussion on suffering and the righteous; today our objective is to answer two questions which are, what is God's Relationship to our suffering and what victory do we have over suffering? Let's answer the first question by reflecting on the beginning of Job when a meeting was being held in heaven and Satan crashed the party. God gave Satan permission to afflict Job. What this tells us is that God is in control and all situations are under His permissive will (Job 1-2). 1 Corinthians 10:13 also reminds us of God's promise that He will not allow us to be tested beyond what we can bear. Second, God has promised to bring good out of suffering for all who love Him and obey His commands (Romans 8:28). Look at Joseph and how he suffered and was blessed by God for doing so (Genesis 50:20). Hebrews 12:5 reminds us that God will use our pain and suffering for our growth. This is because after we have come through the fiery trials of suffering we have a story to tell. Third, there are scriptures of God promising to walk with us through "the valley of the shadow of death" (Psalm 23:4, Isaiah 43:2). Let's be mindful of His all sufficient grace as it is enough to stand with us and comfort us in the time of troubles. He promised never to leave nor forsake us and He does so through the presence of the Holy Spirit--our Comforter. Fourth and foremost, we have a high priest in Jesus Christ who feels our pain and hears our cry because He "hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows" (Isaiah 53:4). Isaiah 53:5 states that "He was wounded for out transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed." What this means is that there is healing in our suffering, because Christ bore it all. With that being said and knowing that Christ has overcome the world and all that is in it, we then have victory over our suffering. This is the short answer to our second question, but we will look at some reasons why we have victory over our suffering, which are;
Š All rights subsists, February, 2011 Willie White
We must identify the reasons for the suffering and ask this question, where do I fit in the identified reasons, then take necessary steps to correct the situation.
We must remember that God cares for us deeply as shown in what He has done for mankind. We must never allow our suffering to cause us to turn away from God. His spirit is with us and is there to comfort us during these times.
We must turn to God in sincere pray believing that He does answer the prayers of the righteous. While praying to God, we must learn patience and how to wait on Him because His time differs from our time. Whenever He comes He is always on time.
We must remember that God gives His all sufficient grace which is adequate to bear all of our burdens, afflictions until deliverance.
We will find comfort in reading and mediating on God's Word as there comforting scriptures written especially for comfort. Some are Psalm 11, 16, 23, 27, 40 46, 61, 91, 121, 125 and 138.
While reading and studying God's Word ask for divine revelation and discernment as it relates to your particular situation. God through His word will give us a better understanding for the suffering.
Remember Christ warned us that we will suffer if you are a believer in Him (John 16:33). Believers have an assured hope of a future where God will wipe away all tears. There will be no more crying, death, sorrow or pain (Revelation 21:4).
In can be concluded then that God cares for us even in the midst of our suffering and is with us through the Holy Spirit. We have victory because Christ have conquerored all; therefore, we are conquerors. Our next topical discussion will be on divine healing. Comments are welcome. Author's contact: wwhite@goodshepherdwritingandpublishing.com, www.goodshepherdwritingandpublishing.com , Facebook.com and Twitter.com. Š All rights subsists, February, 2011 Willie White
Š All rights subsists, February, 2011 Willie White