Prayer Nehemiah 1:4; 2:4
or my weekly discussion I felt the need to talk about prayer and the power of prayer. This is due in part to the prayer group (The Association of Christian
Teachers) led by Sister Yvonne Anderson out of Georgia that the Lord led me to. During our prayer sessions our country, schools, teachers, children and leaders in this country and the entire world is lifted up in prayer. I feel God’s blessings moving in that direction. I am a firm believer in the power of prayer because I have many personal testimonies of God answering my prayer. I am very fond of II Chronicles 7:14 because it talks about the promises God made and if His people would humble themselves and pray what He will do. I am a living witness God never fails or failed to keep His promise. Throughout the Bible and the history of the nation of Israel we see the power of prayer. When prayer warriors went into prayer, then God moved with answered prayers. Our scripture text is an example of God moving as the outcome of prayer. Nehemiah was a righteous man and sought the Lord in prayer before undertaking the task of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. The result of Nehemiah’s prayer was God moved with favor on the task given to Nehemiah. God will do the same today for you and I. Jesus prayed so did King David and Solomon. Solomon prayed for wisdom, what happened God answered with much wisdom. What is prayer? Prayer is communicating with God, simply talking to God asking Him for what you want or saying what is on your mind. God knows before hand, but He wants His children to come to Him in honesty and sincerity. God promised to hear and answer your request. It can be concluded that sincere prayers are powerful weapons against Satan and his attacks on all humanity. Pray! Pray! Pray!