2 minute read
Parks & Nature
ballfield, skating rink, tennis courts, picnic shelter and soccer field.
Deer Meadow Park: 2625 Parkview Drive; Facilities include a paved trail, a picnic shelter, a playground and open space
Eagle Park: 5485 Township Drive; Playground, picnic equipment, shelter, skating rink and tennis court
Four Seasons Park: 5287 Hugo Road; Playground, tennis courts, picnic shelter and ballfield.
Fox Meadow Park: 4230 White Bear Parkway; Playground, picnic shelter and open field.
Garden Creek Park: 5383 Portland Ave; Playground equipment, ice skating rink and picnic area.
Garley Park: 5560 Peterson Road; Small ballfield.
Gilder Park: 2626 Suzanne Circle; Playground equipment, sledding hill and basketball court.
Longville Park: 5300 Portland Ave; Baseball field, tennis courts, picnic shelter and area, trails and benches.
Mead Park: 5130 Dillon St; Playground, baseball field, skating rink, picnic shelter and horseshoe pit.
Manor Park: 2569 Stacker Blvd; Playground equipment.
Meadowlands Park: 4600 Stoddart Circle; Playground, passive trails and benches.
Moon Lake Park: 4701 Greenhaven Dr; Trails.
Otter Park: 5868 Otterview Trail. Playground and sledding hill.
Polar Lakes Park: 1280 Hammond Road; Two baseball fields, two multi-use fields, lighted soccer fields, playground, picnic shelters and amphitheater/ stage.
Red Pine Park: 5860 Red Pine Blvd; Playground, ice skating, basketball court and sledding hills.
Rutherford Park: 2673 Lake Ave; Benches.
Sandterra Park: 5891 Pintail Ln; Trails.
Walhof Park: 5335 Reed Place; Playground.
Willernie Willernie Park: Corner of Stillwater Road and Dartmoor Road; Basketball and playground.
Wyoming Ashton Park: Galen Drive, 261st Street and Flint Trail; Playground equipment and picnic tables.
Banta Park: Fondant Avenue south of 250th Street; Playground, ballfield, pavilion, picnic and grill
Blue Spruce Park: End of 262nd Street.; Playground equipment, picnic table and basketball court
Centennial Park: Two blocks from City Hall at Fenwick Avenue and 270th Street; Picnic area, grill and shade trees.
Comfort Park: 25495 Iris Ave; Walking trail, bridges, play area, picnic table and Disc Golf
Comfort Lakes Access: 260th Street; Boat access and parking.
Fireside Park: 251st Street and Elk Trail; Playground, Groomed winter trail
Goodview Park: Goodview Ave south of 262nd Street; Picnic shelter with grills, playground, trails, soccer fields, tennis courts and State of the art Skateboard Park
Hawk Meadows Trail: Near 255th Street and Grenada Avenue; Hiking trails and groomed winter trails
Lions Park: End of 263rd Street; Pavilion, Picnic and grills, ballfield, basketball hoop, playground and groomed winter trail
Swenson Park: Playground, ice rink with warming house, tennis courts, ballfields with bleachers. 26929 Flintwood Avenue
Sunrise Trail: Paved bike trail runs between I-35 and Highway 61 from Forest Lake to North Branch. 18.5 Miles
Tolzmann Park: 274th Street and Finland Avenue; Softball field, pavilion, sand volleyball, playground equipment, paved trail.
Town Hall Park: 7665 Wyoming Trail; Softball field, playground, picnic tables, bleachers.
Verges Memorial Park: 258th Street and Goodwin Road; Playground, basketball court, sand volleyball.
Apples, Apples, Apples!
Apples for everybody. Apples in pies, apples in doughnuts, rollovers, muffins and bread. Apples in the freshest cider you’ve ever tasted. Apples for every taste and purpose.
C’mon out . . . we know there’s an apple to make you smile. PLUS... Strawberries and pumpkins in season.

Whats Happening at Pine Tree Apple Orchard
Entertainment And Demonstrations
Pine Tree Apple Tennis Classic
August 3-6, www.ptatc.com
Taste of White Bear Lake
Community fund raiser presented by White Bear Lake Rotary, Sept. 9, 2-5pm
Corn Maze
Late September
Music for the whole family
Sept. 30 & Oct. 1
Pick your own Pumpkin Patch
Early October
Run and Walk for the Apples
9am, Oct 21
Pride of the Prairie – Bill Cagely
Music of all ages for all ages
To be announced
Strawberry Season
Pick Your Own & Ready Picked and Strawberry Bakery, Mid-June through Early July; Hours vary with Harvest Apple Season
Mid-August through February, Weekends in March; Seasonal Hours
Thanksgiving Day & Christmas Eve
Reserve your pies and gifts. Open until 12pm Visit our website for more information and for schedule changes or find us on facebook!