4 minute read
Generous community aims to restore schoolhouse
from The Citizen
HUGO — If it takes a village to raise a child, it might take a village to restore a schoolhouse as well. Luckily, the people of Hugo are up to the task as they set their sights on transforming the Hopkins Schoolhouse from dilapidated eyesore to treasured community space.
It will be a long road, but Hugo citizens are up for the challenge. Liz Cinqueonce is one of the Hugo residents working to establish a new nonprofit to manage the restoration of the property into what will eventually become the Hopkins Schoolhouse and Heritage Center. The timeline for the restoration is estimated at 6-8 years, hopefully pairing the 2028 centennial celebration of the building with its grand opening.
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Christ is Risen!!
Love recalled being first appointed to council straight from his position as chair of the Planning and Zoning Commission. But Taylor was appointed directly from the community and was not serving on an advisory board. Taylor comes to council as a voice from the community, Love said.
Taylor is well qualified, though she hasn’t held any city board seats, Koski said. Not being on a board could be an asset, because it shows residents they can have the opportunity to serve on council without having to be on a board. “She has a fresh view and gives council fresh set of eyes,” he said.

Council members also said they appreciated the different perspective a woman would bring to city governance.
A Centerville resident for the past five years, Taylor is a veterinarian and business owner.

• The City Council has drafted a letter of support requesting $1.5 million in federal funding for the extension of the Hardwood Creek Trail. The project, which is estimated to cost $2 million, would connect the one-mile gap in the trail that currently exists due to the railway.
“This is a big deal for us,” Council Member Phil Klein said. “This extension would help us grow the trail system and hopefully provide more access to different areas of the county.”
• The council also drafted a letter of support to Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development for a Comcast broadband grant application. In the 2022 legislative session, the Legislature directed federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to be used for broadband programs, some of which are available for Border-toBorder grants.
Comcast is submitting a grant application for a project that will include four areas of Washington County: Denmark Township, Stillwater Township, Grant and Hugo. This will include providing Comcast service to 190 residents and 21 businesses located in the northeastern section of Hugo that are shown to be underserved. (Underserved is defined as less than 100Mbps download and 20Mbps upload speeds.) Washington County has allocated ARPA funds for 5% of the total project cost.
• Mike Loeffler has been promoted to public works supervisor.
• The Hugo American Legion continues to support the fire department. Most recently, the Legion donated $1,000 to the department to be used for equipment and training.

• Denny Trooien, of Dennis Properties, has been given a bit more time to close on the first phase of the downtown Hugo project. The proposed first phase closing date is July 31, 2023, with the availability to extend with written notice to Dec. 31, 2023. Trooien continues to work on revisions to the plan and marketing.
• A policy is now in place for video cameras, security surveillance and dash cameras. Security cameras have been installed at the new public works building and Peder Pedersen Pavilion at Lions Volunteer Park, and dash cameras are used in some of the fire department vehicles. The policy addresses access to the cameras and data, use of video and retention of video.
• The Public Works Department will purchase a new mower to replace the 2005 Toro mower, which is nearing the end of its useful life. City staff received three quotes and will purchase a Ferris zero turn mover for $15,999 using the MnDOT Cooperative Purchasing Venture contract.
• An agreement is once again in place with Northeast Youth and Family Services (NYFS) to support programs for Hugo families related to counseling, intervention and enrichment. The city will provide approved $16,275 in financial support to NYFS.
• Low bidder Northwest Asphalt Inc. will construct the Birch Tree Ponds street improvement project this summer. The project received seven bids ranging from $1,808,834 to $2,379,132.
The project will include the partial reconstruction of Fountain Avenue (north of Egg Lake Road); 135th Street, 135th Court, 128th Street, Foxhill Avenue, Geneva Avenue, Freeland Avenue, Freeland Court and stub streets. A mill and overlay will also be completed on Fountain Avenue from Egg Lake Road to the southern cul-de-sac.
City Engineer Mark Erichson said the project will begin no earlier than June 12 so it doesn’t interfere with school traffic and be substantially complete by Sept. 1.
• A subcommittee will be formed to continue discussions about the fire department’s future, specifically, whether the department needs a full-time chief or should maintain its current structure. The subcommittee will consist of Mayor Tom Weidt, Council Member Mike Miron and City Administrator Bryan Bear, as well as the fire chief, two assistant chiefs, one firefighter from a leadership position and one firefighter. The committee will report back to the City Council with a recommendation.
• The 17th annual bus tour has been scheduled for Sept. 30.
• The fall (Sept. 9) and spring (May 6) citywide cleanup days have been scheduled for 2023.
Shannon Granholm
In the Feb. 23 edition of the Citizen, the article “Hugo City Council Snippets” on page 11 mistakenly printed outdated information about the city seeking public works seasonal employees for summer 2023. The starting hourly wage is actually $16 per hour, not $13 as reported. Press Publications regrets this error.