The Citizen

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Business&CommunityNews Business Briefs On the cover

Still time to register

Rush Line on agenda

Oneka Ridge Golf Course co-owner Scott Arcand of Hugo is pictured on the front of the July/August edition of Golf Business, the National Golf Course Owners Association magazine. A tag line on the front cover reads: “The Personal Touch; Management of Oneka Ridge keeps business humming by forging strong relationships with customers.” Inside, other members of the Arcand clan are pictured with Scott, who is president and general manager, including cousins Jennifer Trusty and Patty Copeland, and brother Gale Arcand. The six-page spread includes the innovative irrigation system installed at the course that uses stormwater runoff to keep the course green. “Management uses small, constant, low-cost fix-ups to show customers that they’re willing to reinvest in the course,” noted the writer.

The Quad Area Chamber of Commerce is taking registrants for the Business Expo & Art Fair until Aug. 7. The event is noon to 4 p.m. at Lino Park during Blue Heron Days. Information is available at www.

A representative of the Rush Line Corridor project plan will update members of the Hugo Area Business Association Sept. 8 on its pre-project development study. The study is analyzing potential transit improvement between downtown St. Paul and Forest Lake. The noon meeting is at the American Legion Post 620 in Hugo.

Pet nutrition seminar A seminar on dog and cat nutrition is 9 a.m. to noon Saturday, Aug. 8 at the Wildlife Science Center, 5463 W. Broadway Ave., Columbus. A rep from Northland Natural Pet and Steve’s Real Foods will lead the presentation on how raw food can improve the quality of life for canines and felines. Cost is $15 per person.

• Approved the Centennial Fire District Steering Committee’s recommendation to hire Harlan Lundstrom as district fire chief to fill the position vacancy. • Authorized the coordination with Ramsey County on the 2015 mill and overlay project on County Road J. Ramsey County will fund and complete improvements to the west segment of County Road J from Centerville Road to Otter Lake Road, and the city of Lino Lakes will fund and complete improvements to the east segment of County Road J from Sargent Court to Bald Eagle Lake Boulevard. The final completion date for the project is Sept. 30. • Approved the 2015 Advisory Board appointments. Each year, the city council appoints or reappoints citizens to serve on council advisory groups. Liz Kaufenberg was appointed to

Interested in firefighting? the Environmental Board and Chad Wagner was appointed to the Economic Development Advisory Committee.

• Appointed Sarah Cotton as the new finance director for the city following the resignation of Al Rolek. Ms. Cotton has 10 years of professional work experience in finance, including three years as finance director for the city of Isanti. Her starting salary will be $97,800. • Approved an amendment to the connectivity services agreement with Anoka County. In April 2011, the city approved a connectivity services agreement with Anoka County that involves a countywide broadband fiber network that connects 145 police, fire, public works, city halls, libraries, schools, and county buildings. The agreement includes fiber connectivity between Lino Lakes City Hall, Fire Station No. 2 on Lake Drive and the Public Works facility. This amendment renews the agreement until

August 2020. • Approved a change order for the Lino Lakes Fire Station construction project. Revisions to the site plan were necessary as part of the Rice Creek Watershed District (RCWD) and Anoka County Highway Department permit requirements. The changes include moving the eastern half of the internal road to increase the wetland buffer distance along the existing wetland area and provide additional area for snow storage; raising the bottom elevation of all stormwater basins to provide additional separation between basins and groundwater elevation; increasing the amount of riprap and erosion control blanket provided to satisfy RCWD recommendations; and adding one manhole to the pipe conveying stormwater from the fire station roof. The change order will add approximately $43,000 to the project cost. — Emma Theis

Storm damage/From 1 One of the unexpectedly positive outcomes of the storms was the community spirit created in some of the impacted neighborhoods. St. Paul firefighter Mike Koch spent all night helping people struck by the storms. When he finally finished his shift at 7 a.m. July 18, it was to receive a phone call from his wife telling him that most of the trees in the backyard of their property on Barry Lane in White Bear Township had been felled by the 60 mph winds that tore through the area. “I usually sleep after my shift, but I came home and our whole backyard was nothing but issues,” said Koch, who lost eight of his 10 or 11 mature trees. “But you know what? You find out what good neighbors you have; everyone pitched in. We would still be pulling this stuff out if they didn’t help. It was so nice.” Neighbor Steve Renner was one of those to help cut up the fallen trees. He attended the July 20 White Bear Township meeting — despite suffering no personal damage to his property — to plead for assistance for his neighbors in collecting storm debris dragged to the curb, as had happened in another significant storm he experienced in 1998. He said about 50 percent of the homes on his cul-de-sac had been impacted by

Country Video Barn is celebrating its 16th anniversary under owner Brian Wurzer during the month of August. DVDs will be on sale from $4.99 to $6.99. The store is located at 14869 Forest Blvd. in Hugo.

Community Briefs

Lino Lakes Ledger The Lino Lakes City Council took the following actions at its July 27 meeting:

Anniversary sale

the storm. “It was fun on Saturday — all of us neighbors got together and were all using chainsaws,” said Renner, adding that two of his neighbors had been

forced to postpone vacations to tend to storm damage. “We all had chainsaws running — mine was running from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.”

The Hugo Fire Department is holding a firefighter information session 6 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 12. Anyone interested in becoming a Hugo firefighter should attend the three-hour session. The department is now accepting applications for its fall hiring session.

Motorcycle ride for Folsom Foundation The second annual Riding in Memory of Connor Folsom is Sept. 19. Check-in starts at the Hugo American Legion at 10 a.m. Breakfast will be available with proceeds going towards the foundation started by Connor’s sister Christina. The ride begins at noon with stops at Brookside Bar and Grill, P.Y’s Saloon and Grill, Meister’s Bar and Grill/ Blue Heron Grill and Macaluso’s, and ends at the White Bear Bar with a pig roast. Cost is $20 and includes a T-shirt. Proceeds from the motorcycle ride go to a scholarship in Connor’s name. Christina said the foundation is about $2,500 from its scholarship goal of $15,000. This year, along with T-shirts and sweatshirts, they have temporary lip tattoos and rubber wristbands that say “my story doesn’t end here,” which she found through Project Semicolon. People knew her brother by the lip tattoo on his neck, she said, and kidded him about it. The money will go to a White Bear Lake High School student interested in pursuing a career in mental health. Connor Folsom, a Hugo man who suffered from depression, died July 17, 2014 at the age of 21. For more info, visit

Deer school: private land management No matter how small a plot of land, owners can begin to manage local deer populations without breaking the bank. Learn some easy and highly effective methods for managing deer herds and increasing the quality of hunting property. Also get the basics of deer biology, ecology, food plot dynamics, hunting strategy and issues specific to your property. Held from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Tuesday Aug. 11 and 18 at Centennial High School. For more information or to register visit isd12. org/community-education or call 763-792-6100.

Community backpack drive Help Centennial students in grades K-12 get off to a good start in the fall. The 20th annual backpack drive, sponsored by Our Savior’s Lutheran Church and supported by local businesses and organizations, helps hundreds of needy students head back to class with the right tools to learn. Adopt a backpack with supplies for a specific Centennial student through the streamlines Adopt-a-Backpack program; donate cash or gift cards from Target, Wal-Mart, Office Max or Menards; drop off new school supplies at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church or Centennial Community Education; or volunteer to help on August 22, 23, 24 or 26 to count, sort, set up, pack, distribute, deliver and last-minute shop. Sign up at or call 651-747-6147 for more information.

Miss Lino Lakes Coronation New Lino Lakes Ambassadors will be crowned at 4:30 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 16 at North Springs Church in Lino Lakes. The ambassador program would like to thank the city of Lino Lakes for its support of the program and the float.

Bird hike


Response is ongoing to problems caused by fallen trees and power outages.

PublicNotices CITY OF HUGO


HUGO HISTORICAL COMMISSION VACANCY The City of Hugo is seeking a volunteer to serve on the Historical Commission. Meetings are held the third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at City Hall. Contact Hugo City Hall for an application at 651-762-6300 or visit our website at Application deadline is Friday, August 21, 2015 at 4:30 p.m. Published one time in The Citizen on August 6, 2015.

PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING The Hugo Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on Thursday, August 27, 2015, at 7:00 pm at Hugo City Hall to consider the request of Rick Mark of National Recycling Inc., located at 15717 Forest Boulevard N, for a conditional use permit (CUP) amendment and zoning text amendment for a recycling center. The CUP amendment is for proposed revisions to conditions and the site plan related to the existing CUP that allows the recycling center use on the property. The zoning text amendment is for proposed revisions to the language in the performance standards for recycling centers. The property is generally located south of 159th Street North and east of Forest Boulevard North (TH 61) and legally described as part of the NE ¼ of Section 17, T41N, R21W. (full legal description available at Hugo City Hall). Anyone wishing to comment can be heard at this time. Rachel Juba, Planner Published one time in The Citizen on August 6, 2015.

CITY OF HUGO HUGO PLANNING COMMISSION VACANCY The City of Hugo is seeking a member of the community to volunteer to serve on the Planning Commission. Meetings are held the second and fourth Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. at City Hall. Contact Hugo City Hall for an application at 651-762-6300 or visit our website at Application deadline is Friday August 21, 2015, at 4:30 p.m. Published one time in The Citizen on August 6, 2015.

A guided morning bird hike is planned 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. Aug. 8 at Pine Point Park, part of a rotating schedule of bird hikes throughout Washington County parks. Learn to identify birds that call the St. Croix Valley home. Bring binoculars. Program is free with parks vehicle permit, $5/day or $25/ annual. For more info, call 651-430-8370 or email parks@

League of Women Voters picnic The public is invited to attend the League of Women Voters/White Bear Lake Area Annual Picnic on Thursday, Aug. 20 beginning at 5:30 p.m., held at the Waverly Gardens Picnic Pavilion, 5919 Centerville Road, North Oaks. The cost is a $6 donation. Members will discuss programs and events for the upcoming year. For questions and directions, please call Joan at 651-493-0686.

Highway 61 turn lanes The Washington County Board of Commissioners approved an agreement with the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) July 28 to provide left turn lanes at Highway 61 and County Road 50/202nd Street in Forest Lake. The exclusive left-turn lanes will remove left-turning vehicles from through traffic and provide a safe place to wait and yield to oncoming traffic. The county and MnDOT will work together on the project.

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