1 minute read
Blue Heron Days August 17th -20th
from The Citizen
Presented by the Lino Lakes American Legion Post 566
Front row seating for Royal Parade Starts at 11AM
Live Music • Meat Raffle @ 2PM
$2 Tickets for chances at Big Packs of Meat!

Burgers, Brats & Hot Dogs (Chips included)
FRIDAY Pig Roast 5PM
Family PicnicBurgers, Brats & Hot Dogs (Chips included)
DJ/Karaoke Outside starting at 6PM
Live music: Tailspin Band Outside from 2-6PM
DJ/Karaoke 7-11PM
Inflatables and kids games by ALA
Free activities by Boy Scouts of America

SUN-MON Pulltabs
+ E-Bingo!
Karaoke 1st Friday of the month 7PM
Sunday 3-4PM
(Must be present by 3PM and present to win. Drawing is at 4PM)
Meat Raffle
Thursdays 5PM
Saturdays 2PM
See Bartender for information
Join us for Burger Night!
$6 burger baskets 1/3# hand packed FRESH, never Frozen, burger

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