The Lowdown

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THE Lowdown Vol. 11 No. 6 June 2023 | $2.00 PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 9 CIRCLE PINES, MN Press Publications 4779 Bloom Avenue White Bear Lake, MN 55110 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED WE DON’T JUST PROMISE QUALITY... certified collision repair, hail damage repair and auto body services WE GUARANTEE IT, FOR LIFE! 24408 Greenway Ave | 651.464.6477 | A FAMILY-OWNED AND OPERATED AUTO BODY SHOP IN FOREST LAKE, MINNESOTA. 751006 773269 See Coupon Inside For Wyoming Location 651-462-2560 • 5471 260th St. COMMUNITY EVENTS | 8 OUT & ABOUT ATHLETES OF THE MONTH | 9 SPORTS FOREST LAKE BUSINESSES | 7 WHAT’S NEW Prost! ‘Cheers to the reopening of the Gasthaus’
New owner Jimmy Martin in the Gasthaus Bavarian Hunter restaurant in Grant holding one of the 12 tap German beers brewed in Europe and shipped overseas to Minnesota. The German restaurant closed in December 2021. Martin bought the restaurant from longtime owner Kim Quade and plans on having the same menu, the same German flare and the same hours. See story on page 3. 13 15 4 3 L I V E M U S I C M A R K E T P L A C E F A M I L Y F R I E N D L Y L E A S H E D D O G S W E L C O M E K I D S A C T I V I T I E S 4 0 T R U C K S B E E R & W I N E T E N T SATURDAY JUNE 17TH 11AM - 8PM $5 PER PERSON 12300 40TH ST N, STILLWATER, MN FROM ACROSS M I N N E S O T A WASHINGTON COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS KIDS UNDER 5 FREE H O S T E D B Y : A portion of the proceeds go to The Stillwater Area High School Trades Scholarship Fund F R E E P A R K I N G 2023 GREATERSTILLWATERCHAMBER.COM/FOODTRUCKEXTRAVAGANZA.COM SCAN FOR MORE INFO! 770518 CONTRIBUTORS You have your own late night talk show, who do you invite as your first guest? The Lowdown Vol. 11 No. 6 COPYRIGHT © 2023 PRESS PUBLICATIONS Material may not be reproduced in whole or part in any form whatsoever. News 651-407-1229 | Advertising 651-407-1200 | Circulation 651407-1234 | Classified 651-407-1250 | Production 651-407-1239 DISCLAIMER: Paid advertisements appear in Press Publications’ publications, including print and other digital formats. Press Publications does not endorse or evaluate the advertised product, service, or company, nor any of the claims made by the advertisement. Advertising does not influence editorial decisions or content. Press Publications reserves the right to refuse, reject, or cancel any ad for any reason at any time without liability. SHANNON GRANHOLM Managing Editor Ed Sheeran PAUL DOLS Photojournalist/Website Editor Buzz Aldrin Publisher Carter Johnson Marketing Director Randy Roberts Advertising Gloria Olson Managing Editor Shannon Granholm Editor Noelle Olson Production Designer Laurie Ericson Photojournalist Paul Dols LAURIE ERICSON Production Designer Stephen King NOELLE OLSON Editor | Blake Shelton
GLORIA OLSON Advertising Carol Burnett
About the cover

Gasthaus Bavarian Hunter restaurant gets new owner, keeps German tradition

Jimmy Martin is honored to become the new Eigentümer of the Gasthaus Bavarian Hunter restaurant in Grant.

“While everybody else was kind of taking a look at it I thought it has to be the right person and I didn’t want it to get screwed up so I figured I ought to jump in,” Martin, of Lake Elmo said. “I intend for it to operate the same as it always has been. It’s important that it remains the same for the community.”

Martin said the recipes that were on the Gasthaus menu for 50 years will be back, including wurstprobern — a sausage sampler of sliced bratwurst and knackwurst pieces served with sauerkraut and pickles, kartoffelsalat — warm vinegar and bacon potato salad, and rostbraten — slow roasted short-ribs smothered in beef gravy.

When customers walk into the Gasthaus they’ll find the same beer stein collection, cuckoo clocks, deer-antler chandeliers and staff in lederhosen.

Kim and Jim Larsen, of West St. Paul are longtime patrons of the Gasthaus.

“We had our Volkswagen Christmas party at the Gasthaus for 20 years where we had some beer and a nice German meal in the meeting room downstairs,” Jim said. “Sixty people usually attended the party and the last two years we had to go somewhere else.”

“We are ecstatic that it’s open and staying the same,” Kim added.

Customers Mark and Ann Skoog, of Stillwater, are also excited about the reopening.

“We would bike here a lot and stop in to have a beer or something to eat,” Ann said. “A lot of other people stop here while biking the Browns Creek Trail. It’s just beautiful here with all the pine trees.”

Brian Reier was a bartender at the Gasthaus for over a year until it closed. He said he was happy when Martin bought the restaurant and is looking forward to tending the bar again.

“Every Thursday my dad and sister would come in and we would sit at the same table,” Reier said. “I missed the camaraderie of the place. You know everybody that’s in here and it’s such a great atmosphere.”

According to a press release from the restaurant, Gasthaus was founded by Bavarian native Karl Schoene and his wife Elizabeth in 1966. Their German-born son Carl Jr. grew up in the business and became heavily involved in its operations after his mother’s passing in 1971. Carl Jr. later took over the business in 1986 upon marrying his wife Kim (Wlaschin). After the passing of Karl in 1998 and Carl Jr. in 2003, Kim continued the Gasthaus’ traditions and festivities, including Waldfest, Oktoberfest, and Christkindlmarket. She later remarried Dan Quade in 2005 and the two operated the Gasthaus until their decision to retire in 2021 closed its doors.

“From the schnitzels and potato salad recipes brought from the old country by Elizabeth to the beer and wine once imported from Bavaria by Karl,” Martin said in a press release from Gasthaus. “I intend for the Gasthaus to operate the same as it always has been. The traditional Bavarian hospitality, authentic cuisine and old-world customs that Minnesotans and Wisconsinites have come to cherish and love has been preserved all these years by Kim and Dan. It’s an honor to be chosen by them as the next steward of these traditions.”

The Gasthaus Bavarian Hunter is located at 8390 Lofton Ave. in Grant. Hours are 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Wednesday through Sunday.

For more information go to or call 651-439-7128

Jimmy Martin, the new owner of the Gausthaus Bavarian Hunter restaurant serves up brats and sauerkraut. PHOTOS BY PAUL DOLS | PRESS
The biggest beer stein at the Gasthaus is displayed in a lighted glass case just inside the entrance, is 4 feet tall and holds 8 gallons. The inscription on the rim: “Wer diesen Humpen leeren kann, ist fuer Wahr ein ganzer Mann.” (He who can empty this beer stein is truly a real man.) Ann and Mark Skoog of Stillwater at the soft opening of the Gasthaus Bavarian Hunter restaurant in Grant. NOELLE OLSON | PRESS PUBLICATIONS (From left) Greg Watson and Brent Krause on the patio at the Gausthaus. They said their hearts are full and they are happy to be back at their home away from home. New owner Jimmy Martin pours a German beer at the Gasthaus.

Leadership in the Valley graduates this years class

The Leadership in the Valley (LITV) 2022-23 class of cohort participants has graduated from the program. This is the fourth class and 24 participants went through the nine month program. The cohort met in different locations around the community each month exploring an important topic covered by knowledgeable speakers and panels, tours, group activities, demonstrations and class discussions. Topics addressed included community and the arts, government, agriculture and environment, education, diversity, public safety-law, economic development/business, health and wellness, and leadership development.

“My experience in the 2022-2023 Leadership in the Valley Cohort has been nothing short of amazing,” said Stillwater Police Chief Brian Mueller. “Each month was better than the next as we were presented with compelling and relevant information about the great things our community has to offer. The most important takeaway has been the relationships we have built during our time together. This will be mandatory participation for my leadership team moving forward.”

The graduates are now members of the Leadership in the Valley Alumni Alliance and join over 60 past participants of the program who gather throughout the year to network. Applications are currently open for the fifth year of Leadership in the Valley. The deadline to apply for the Class of 2023-24 is July 21. Leadership in the Valley is a program of the Greater Stillwater Chamber of Commerce Foundation. To learn more go to

Greater Stillwater Area Chamber of Commerce

Chris Tetrault and Krista Koehler.


• Tom Ballis — City of Stillwater, fire

• Amy Berge — Stillwater Area Public Schools

• Derek Brandt — DiaSorin Inc.

• Julie Grecian — The Partnership Plan for Stillwater Area Public Schools

• Kelly Gutierrez — St. Croix Preparatory Academy

• James Hanke — Market & Johnson

• Brooke Hesse — Kjos, St. Croix Soccer Club, Inc.

• Andrea Jorgenson — Stillwater Area

Community Foundation

• Krista Koehler — Stillwater Modern Dentistry

• Joe Kohlmann — City of Stillwater

• Anita Kroma — Kraus Anderson

• Adriane Lepage — Valley Vision

• Kelli Matzek — Washington County

• Jen McCormick — Discover Stillwater

• Brian  Mueller — City of Stillwater, Police Department

• Amanda Myrick — Royal Credit Union

• Melena Nelson — FamilyMeans

• Jennifer Pinski — City of Oak Park Heights

• Rachel Presslein — Community Thread

• Mandee Puente — Agent M Insurance

• Jennifer Sayers — Greater Stillwater Chamber of Commerce

• Aliya Taube — Inver Grove Toyota

• Chris Tetrault — Hometown Hero Outdoors

• Michael Wilhelmi — Xcel Energy

Recreational opportunities abound at state parks, trails, recreation areas this summer

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is highlighting recreational opportunities at state parks, trails and recreation areas throughout Minnesota.

The DNR’s summer activities guide ( summerguide) is a great place to start planning a state parks and trails adventure. The guide lists warm weather activities for people of all ages and interests.

“Many people know about common activities at state parks and trails like hiking and camping, but we offer so much more,” said Ann Pierce, the DNR’s Parks and Trails Division director. “We encourage people to explore the DNR website to learn about all the activities available within the state parks and trails system.”

Nature walks and campfire talks

State parks offer events and programs led by interpretive naturalists. Participants can learn about wildlife, plants, night skies, park history, outdoor skills and more. There’s no cost to attend naturalist events, but some require reservations. Check the online events calendar at for a full list of programming.

Plan a picnic

There are 60 locations within the state parks and trails system with picnic shelters, and even more with picnic areas. The DNR’s guide on how to picnic like a pro ( provides picnic location suggestions and can help visitors learn what to pack, find games to play and get campfire cooking recipes.

Walk, pedal and roll on state trails

Minnesota offers more than 1,300 miles of state trails. Many state trails are paved, making them a great option for bikers, in-line skaters, and people using wheelchairs or strollers. State trails do not require a vehicle permit. Find trail maps on the DNR’s state trails webpage at

Borrow equipment to try a new activity

Most state parks and recreation areas offer free loaner equipment so visitors can try a new activity before purchasing their own gear. Fishing kits, birding kits, kids’ discovery kits and GPS units are available on a first come, first served basis at select park offices. Find where equipment is available to borrow on the DNR’s loaner equipment webpage at

Enjoy the water

Minnesota is known for water recreation, and paddling is a popular activity. To learn about state water trails for a paddling trip, visit the DNR’s at More than 30 state parks offer rentals, including canoes, kayaks and stand-up paddleboards. Life jackets are included with rentals. In addition, state parks are home to hundreds of lakes and many swimming beaches perfect for a day of play or relaxation. Use the park finder tool at mndnr. gov/parkfinder to find state parks with swimming beaches and rentals.

Check visitor alerts before leaving home

State park and recreation area pages on the DNR website post visitor alerts to communicate important information related to safety, closures, construction projects and other helpful details. Find visitor alerts at

For more information about any of these recreation opportunities, visit or contact the DNR Information Center at or 888-646-6367 (8 a.m.-8 p.m. Monday through Friday, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday).

Minnesota Department of Natural Resources

LEADERSHIP IN THE VALLEY (KRISTINA LYNN PHOTOGRAPHY & DESIGN (From left front row) Jen McCormick, Rachel Presslein, Mandee Puente, Kelli Matzek and Julie Grecian. (From left second row) Aliya Taube, Andrea Jorgenson, Amanda Myrick, Adriane Lepage and Melena Nelson. (From left third row) Brian Mueller, Michael Wilhelmi, Amy Berge, Anita Kroma, Jennifer Sayers and Jennifer Pinski. (From left back row) Derek Brandt, Brooke Hesse – Kjos, James Hanke, Kelly Gutierrez, Joe Kohlmann and Tom Ballis. Not pictured are
5471 260th St., Wyoming Mon - Fri 8am - 6pm • QUALITY • WARRANTY • CONVENIENCE • WORK DONE RIGHT • SAME DAY SERVICE • NO SURPRISES • 100% CUSTOMER SATISFACTION BENEFITS Randy Notto | OWNER LENFERAUTO.COM | (651) 462-2650 OIL CHANGE SPECIAL $10 OFF STANDARD OIL CHANGE $20 OFF PREMIUM SYNTHETIC OIL CHANGE Includes seasonal check up. Up to 5qts motor oil. Most cars and light trucks. Valid only with coupon. Cannot be combined with other offers Expires: 6/30/23 SUMMER SPECIAL $17 OFF REPAIRS over $100 $47 OFF REPAIRS over $500 Most cars and light trucks. Valid only with coupon. Cannot be combined with other offers Expires: 6/30/23 773268

Road wary

A failed escape from jail

solved a few more clues and before we knew it, the hour was up. It was pretty embarrassing. We found out there was another hidden room we had to find. I tend to overthink things and that was true that day. I think people who play a lot of video games would be better at this than we were.

I read online that escape rooms are immersive experiences that encourage teamwork, solving puzzles and finding clues to complete an objective. They are educational, cognitive and provide a gaming experience like no other. This is true and now that I’ve had this experience, I can’t wait to see what the next escape room I will try to get out of next.

What’s in a name?


Noelle Olson

There’s something about the sound of steel prison bars slamming behind you and trapping you inside. The moment I heard it, I had a jolt of panic. It started to get warm in that cell wearing that oversized orange jumpsuit. In the cell was a stained toilet, a tiny sink and a dirty mattress. Not to mention there were cockroaches on the floor and in the sink. It looked like there was vomit in the toilet or maybe it was something else. I heard a lot of commotion outside of the cell of people yelling but I couldn’t see anyone. I was locked in this cell with my friend because we were wrongly accused of stealing Brett Favre’s Super Bowl jersey and burying it under the U.S. Bank Stadium. While awaiting our trial, Packer fans were riled up and calling for our heads! We had to get out and escape this cold and docile place.

I should mention that we were not “really” in jail, we were in an escape room. I had heard about escape rooms before and thought they would be fun. I love playing games and this seemed to be something like a murder mystery dinner party. My friend and I decided to do something neither of us have ever done. We booked a date and thought it would be a piece of cake. Well, it wasn’t.

We had only one hour to break into the warden’s office and delete our “criminal file” and then we would be free. We were allowed six hints throughout the hour and frankly, it just wasn’t enough. It took us almost 15 minutes to get out of the jail cell! I ditched my orange jumpsuit because I started sweating and felt adrenaline rush through my body. We had to break into the police lockers to get into the wardens office. The clues were very well done.

When we finally got into the warden’s office, we

• Limited to 350 words.

• Submissions must include a full name, address and daytime phone number for verification.

• Letter writers must live, work or have another connection to Press Publications coverage area.

• Letter writers are limited to six letters per year and at least four weeks must lapse between publication. Exceptions may be made for rebuttal letters.

I recently received an email from the Social Security Administration with the most popular baby names in Minnesota for 2022. The top five boys’ names in Minnesota were: Oliver, Henry, Theodore, Liam and Jack. The top five girls’ names were: Charlotte, Olivia, Emma, Evelyn and Nora. I’ve never seen my name on the list. Noelle is not a common name. In fact, I get called Nicole all the time by people – including people who’ve known me for a long time. I’ve also been called Noel, which to me is a boy’s name. I’ve known a few Noels in my life but only one Noelle. I asked my parents once why they named me Noelle and my mom said she had a good friend in high school named Noelle. I find that pretty funny since my mom never talks about her and I’ve never met her or seen a picture of her. A lot of people also ask me if I was born on Christmas. I always reply with the same answer — “I was born on Easter.”

Noelle Olsonis the editor of the Lowdown and can be reached by emailing or calling 651-407-1229.

THE LOWDOWN | letter guidelines

• Due to space limitations, letters that don’t address local issues are not guaranteed publication.

• Repeat letters by the same writer about the same subject matter will not be published.

• Submissions containing libelous or derogatory statements will not be published.

• Submissions containing facts not previously published in The Lowdown must be accompanied by

Angle of View

Paul Dols

By fully engaging all of the senses, riding a motorcycle can be an immersive and truly enjoyable way to get around. Feeling like you’re part of the landscape instead of just observing it through a window is a unique sensation. While rolling over hills and valleys, aromas are vivid and changes in temperature are immediately felt as you push through the air, which at times feels almost like water. It’s probably the closest you can get to the experience of flying while still staying on the ground. My years of motorcycling experience started with the influence of my older brother and his group of friends while I was still a teenager. They all had motorcycles and I became fascinated with this rumbling, whirring and extremely fast mode of transportation. I can’t quite explain it because it’s somewhat irrational, but starting with the first bike I acquired (a Kawasaki 650 SR), the experience and continued attraction to motorcycles became part of my life. Whether it’s Harleys, Hondas, Moto Guzzis, BMWs or Ninjas, I believe I’ve got a fundamental understanding of what draws people to motorcycling.

After putting thousands of miles on a series of motorcycles over the years, I’m definitely not racking up the high numbers, sometimes up to 10,000 miles a season, of years past. There are a variety of factors at play, but I have to admit that the dramatic increase in distracted driving incidents has played a major role in taking some of the enjoyment out of motorcycling. Erratic driving behavior that used to be isolated to a period of time after the bars closed on weekends, now seems to have extended into all hours of the day. It got to the point after witnessing strange driving behavior that I’d make a game out of guessing if the they were either drinking or on the phone.

While there are things within and beyond our control and no absolute guarantees in life, there are ways to manage some of the most common contributing factors to accidents. Because one of the most frequently reported accidents is when a car makes a left turn in front of an oncoming motorcycle, I’m extremely wary at (and personally loathe) uncontrolled intersections and never fully assume that an automobile driver can see me. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 70% of motorcycle accidents occur at intersections. While motorcycle riders aren’t always blameless in a collision, the majority of these incidents are caused by negligent motor vehicle operators. Alcohol consumption and riding beyond experience level are also two of the most frequent contributing factors to accidents. Nationally 27% of motorcycle fatalities involve alcohol and 34% involve speeding.

Statistics show that education and motorcycle training courses help increase the odds of riding safely. Locally, motorcycle training courses, ranging from beginner to advanced, are offered at Century College starting in late May. For more information go to transportationmotorcycle-training/

To any automobile driver reading this, please be aware of your surroundings, minimize distractions and concentrate on the important task of driving safely. To any motorcyclists out there, I extend sincere wishes for a safe and enjoyable motorcycle riding season — hopefully leveraging a combination of education, experience and perhaps even the extra boost of a bike blessing.

Paul Dols is photojournalist/website editor for Press Publications. He can be reached at 651-407-1238

factual verification.

• All letters are subject to editing.

• Deadline is 5 p.m., Wednesday of the week prior to publication.

• To submit a letter, e-mail it to lowdownnews@, fax it to 651-429-1242 or mail or deliver it to Press Publications, 4779 Bloom Ave., White Bear Lake, MN 55110.


A military love story remembered in letters

Imagine looking through your parent’s attic and finding a stack of love letters your dad wrote to your mom when he was serving in the U.S. Navy.

That’s what Greg and Suzanne’s Tardiff’s daughter Megan discovered, and she decided to put all of the letters into a book called, “Letters from the Saratoga.”

Greg wrote the letters to Suzanne when he was a parachute rigger on the USS Saratoga aircraft carrier.

“The letters are from the nine months he was on the ship,” Suzanne said. “I just liked the fact that there was so much to learn about the war in the letters. The thing that really got me was that he was on this huge aircraft carrier for nine months and yet he found something to write every day.”

One of Suzanne’s favorite excerpts from the book: “That’s all the new news I have. The ship’s schedule is still the same. The war is still the same. Everything is still the same. Sure will be glad when things start being different. I love you, Greg.”

Greg grew up in White Bear Lake and Suzanne lived in Highland Park when they first met in the winter of 1970.

“A friend of mine from work had convinced me to attend a blind date of sorts — it was really a skating/broomball party with lots of people attending, and Greg was to be one of them,” Suzanne said. “At the time, my friend’s husband was driving a school bus for work and I needed a ride. So, I was picked up for our first date on a school bus standing on a snowy corner with a broom in my hand. When Greg walked in, he had his arm around another girl and I said to my friend, ‘What kind of a date is this? He has a girlfriend!’ It was his sister.”

Suzanne said the night turned out “quite well.” The couple had a couple more dates afterward while Greg was still home in Minnesota.

“Greg even took me to his family Christmas dinner at his grandfather’s house, where I met his family,” Suzanne said. “We were able to spend New Year’s Eve together before he left to fly back to NAS (Naval Station) Corpus Christi.”

They continued a long distance relationship by talking on the telephone three times a week for six months while he was on base.

“He was planning to come home in July for a wedding, so he invited me to fly down to the base he was stationed at to spend time together before driving back to Minnesota together,” Suzanne said. “We had a good time there at South Padre Island as well as horseback riding on the King Ranch, where he kept a horse. A week after the wedding, he left home for Texas.”

Greg was then transferred to the Naval Station in Mayport, Florida, and

the USS Saratoga.

“He was very lonely there, and during one of our late night chats, he asked me if I would consider moving to Florida,” Suzanne said. “Confused by the question, I replied, ‘What are you asking me?’ Greg responded that he was asking me to marry him. I said yes, and the next three months I rushed to set up a wedding mostly by myself.”

Before Thanksgiving, Greg called her and lamented that he was lonely and would be bored because he had four days off for the holiday.

“I offered to buy him a ticket to fly home,” Suzanne said. “He accepted and Greg met my entire family for the first time. Additionally, we were able to get a marriage license and get him fitted for his tuxedo instead of me having to figure that out by proxy.”

Greg returned home for Christmas and the couple got married on Wednesday, Dec. 29. After the wedding, the couple moved to an apartment in Mayport, Florida.

They were aware that the ship was being deployed to the Mediterranean in July and he would have to go at that time. They were looking forward to spending six months together, but the

Waiting Child

Darian,14, is talkative, outgoing, helpful and funny. He enjoys cooking, playing video games, dodgeball, fishing, dirt biking, and four-wheeling. Darian would like to live in a rural community with a “country style” atmosphere. He loves animals and has a dog that he is hoping to take with him to his adoptive home. Darian would do best in a home where he is the only child. Following adoption, Darian would need to maintain contact with his siblings and birthparents.

Navy had other plans.

“We lived there for three months, and on the first of April Greg was notified of an emergency call back to the ship and it was to depart immediately, although at the time we did not know where the ship was going,” Suzanne said. “The next day, the headline on the front page of the local newspaper read, ‘Saratoga Called To Vietnam!’ and that is how I found out where he was headed. By Monday he was gone.”

Rather than be stuck in Florida by herself for eight months, Suzanne called her father and asked him to come get her and help her move back to Minnesota.

“He came down with my little brother and sister and we went to Disney World using the tickets Greg and I bought for ourselves before packing up and going north,” Suzanne said.

Greg ended his service on Dec. 20, 1972. They moved back to Minnesota and got an apartment in St. Paul. They bought their first house in St. Paul, their second house in White Bear Lake and then their third home in Hugo, where they lived for 18 years.

The couple raised three children — daughters Megan and Ashley and son


Stillwater Sunrise Rotary celebrates foreign exchange students

After a two-year hiatus due to Covid, local Rotary Clubs — Stillwater Sunrise, Noon and Lake Elmo — hosted two foreign exchange students, Leyre Alonso Ramos from Spain and Kiryu Aoyama from Japan for the 2022-2023 school year. Maria Ferraro Trevis from Curitiba, Brazil will be the 2023-2024 Rotary exchange student. Exchange students typically rotate among three families during the year. That means families will host a student for about three months. The main responsibility is to create a welcoming family environment, provide room and board and exercise the same parental support and encouragement parents would give their own children.

Chris. They have four grandchildren.

Greg worked at the post office in White Bear Lake and continued his service in the Navy Reserves for 20 years.

“Greg was a person that always wanted to move,” she laughed. “We had a really nice place in Hugo, and then we bought 80 acres with a beautiful house and outbuildings in Boynton, Oklahoma. It was in the middle of nowhere and we didn’t know a soul. Greg had his horses and he was crazy about horses.”

While in Oklahoma, the family would celebrate Easter, Christmas and Thanksgiving in one weekend and called it “Chrisgiving.”

“We moved back to Minnesota because Greg told our children that when they got married and had a family, we would move back because they were not real happy about us moving,” Suzanne said. “We moved to White Bear Township in 2016.”

Two years later Greg started having symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. “I ended up having to put him in a home because he was just combative, and I just couldn’t handle it,” Suzanne said.

In December 2021 Greg passed away five days before the couple’s 50th wedding anniversary. “We had a big party planned, and it was three days before Christmas.”

Greg got to read some of the letters before he died and even though he had Alzheimer’s, Suzanne said she believed he understood.

“When my daughter found the letters in the attic, I had never looked at them since he sent them to me all those years ago,” Suzanne said. “She brought them to the room where Greg was dying and we read them out loud. A lot of other people were there and everybody was so amazed.”

Submitted by Foster Adopt Minnesota, a state organization whose vision is to have zero kids waiting for permanent loving families, and mission to find and strengthen Minnesota adoptive, foster care and kinship families. To learn more, go to
(From left) Wendy Hecht, SSR past president, Leyre Alonso Ramos, Kiryu Aoyama, Rick Heidick, 2023-2024 president and Kris Bowditch, SSR youth exchange officer PHOTOS CONTRIBUTED (Top left) Suzanne and Greg Tardiff on their wedding day. (Top right) Cover of the book “Letters from the Saratoga.” (Middle) Two of Greg’s letters he wrote to his wife Suzanne while stationed on the USS Sartoga aircraft carrier. PHOTOS CONTRIBUTED (Top right) Greg Tardiff in his Navy uniform and (bottom) when he worked at the Post Office.


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GOLD & ASH SALON What: Hair salon  Where: 143 Lake St. N. #2, Forest Lake  Contact: (651) 464-2141  Website: N/A 1 eXp PINNACLE & GOERSS HOME TEAM What: Real Estate Experts  Where: 168 Lake St. S. #B, Forest Lake  Contact: (651) 538-1981  Website: www.goerssteam. com 2 COLLINS & ESTREM LAW, P.A What: Attorney  Where: 20 Lake St. N., Suite 202, Forest Lake  Contact: (651) 464-7400  3 TIMELESS ELEMENTS MED SPA & LASER What: Med Spa  Where: 608 Lake St. S., Forest Lake  Contact: (651) 464-6444  Website: 4 HOSPICE OF THE MIDWEST What: End of life total care  Where: 20 Lake St. N., Suite 201, Forest Lake  Contact: (651) 344-1040  Website: hospiceofthemidwest. com 5 PLUGZ ELECTRIC What: Electrician  Where: 69 Lake St. N. #18, Forest Lake  Contact: (612) 295-1595  Website: plugzelectric. com 6 Do you know of a new business in the area? Tell us! Email us at 8 8 61 Forest Lake BIRKHOLZ AUTO What: Auto repair service  Where: 24144 Greenway Rd., Forest Lake Contact: (612) 328-3951  Website: birkholzauto. com 7 61


When: 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Sunday, June 4

Where: Forest Lake Masonic Lodge. 119 8th Ave. SE

Details: Two choices for pork sandwiches support Dragon Divas, an organization for breast cancer survivors.



When: 6-7:15 p.m. Monday, June 5

Where: Lowell Park Gazebo, Stillwater

Details: Spend an hour outside collecting litter with other community members. Bring gloves and a garbage bag or bucket. All ages.

Midsommar Dagen

When: 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday, June 24

Where: Gammelgarden Museum, 20880 Olinda Trail N., Scandia

Details: Outdoor Swedish festival includes Swedish music, group folk dancing, children’s activities, arts and crafts fair, and the raising of the Majstång.



When: 8 a.m.-8 p.m. daily, June 1-7

Where: Browns Creek State Trailhead, 575 Main St. N., Stillwater

Details: Stop by for a ¼ stroll with signs marking a variety of plants and flowers. Contact: plant-event


When: Friday, June 2 and Saturday, June 3

Where: Throughout Bayport

Details: Grab a map at city hall, the Holiday gas station, or Bayport Library and search for treasures.

Contact: bayportcommunityactionleague. com


When: 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday, June 3

Where: Forest Lake Transit Center, 19987 Fitzgerald Trail N.

Details: Recycle and dispose of electronics and household hazardous waste. Confidential document shredding.

Contact: 651-430-6702 or co.washington.


When: 7:15-9 a.m. Saturday, June 3

Where: Belwin Conservancy, 1553 Stagecoach Trail S., Afton

Details: Hike from pond to pond and see birds, amphibians, and plants. Approx. 2 miles on trails.


Contact: trash


When: 6-8 p.m. Wednesday, June 7

Where: Bayport Library

Details: Kick-off summer reading with ice cream at this community event for all ages.

Contact: bayportcommunityactionleague. com


When: 6-9 p.m. Thursday, June 8

Where: Taylor’s Falls Scenic Boat Tours

Details: Fundraiser for the Scandia Heritage Alliance highlights the Mondale’s love of the area with a program hosted by friend and colleague Peter Gove. Dinner buffet ad open bar. Contact: 651-233-0267 or scandiaheritage.


When: 4-8 p.m. Friday, June 9

Where: The Loft at Studio J, 214 Main St. S., Stillwater Details: Market features local artisans, handmade goods, dessert vendors, full bar and kids activities. Contact: 651-342-0176 or




When: 9-10:30 a.m. Saturday, June 10

Where: Pine Point Regional Park trailhead


Yetzer Home Store

Yetzer is a third-generation family-owned and operated full-service home furnishing and flooring retail store. They have been serving the Minneapolis metro area since 1941, providing quality brand-name products to transform your house into your dream home. Yetzer

Home Store is a trusted source for lighting, furniture, dining tables, bedding, wall art, window treatments, countertops,


When: 4-9 p.m. Wednesday, June 14 & 28

Where: Lowell Park, downtown


Details: Admire vintage and hot rod cars, food vendors, live music, free familyfriendly festivities.



When: Dawn to dusk, Thursday, June 15

Where: Oxbow Trails, 2638 St. Croix Trail, Afton

Details: Explore the 1.25 miles of Belwin’s newest trail system. Staff available to answer questions from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.



When: 3-6 p.m. Thursday, June 15

Where: Hardwood Creek Library, 19955 Forest Rd. N., Forest Lake

Details: Make a small metal sculpture from molten metal with help from professionals. Sculpture can be taken home right away. Registration not required.



When: 4-7 p.m. Saturday, June 17

Where: Hay Lake School, 14020 195th St. N., Marine on St. Croix

Details: Annual fundraising event for the Washington County Historical Society. Tickets available day or event. Contact:


When: 7-8p.m. Wednesday, June 21

Where: Washington County Heritage Center, 1862 S. Greeley St., Stillwater

Details: Assortment of short films featuring famous clowns of the silent era. Free.



When: 7 a.m. Saturday, June 24

Where: Lakeside Park, Bayport

Details: 10 mile, 10K and 5K race through Bayport and the St. Croix Valley.




backsplashes, décor accessories, area rugs, flooring, and more. They offer FREE inhome design consultation services, complete delivery, installation, removal, and training. There specialists will help you find the exact home products you desire and can customize according to specific needs and budget. Stop in and see there beautiful showroom and helpful staff at 279 12th St SW, Forest Lake.

Details: Learn to identify the birds that call the St. Croix Valley home and contribute to citizen science data collection by completing bird count surveys with the guide. Free with parks permit. Contact:


When: 6-8 p.m. Saturday, June 10

Where: Lake Elmo Park Reserve fishing pier, 1515 Keats Ave.

Details: Learn how to set up a rod, put bait on the hook, cast like a pro, and take fish off the hook. Also, learn about different kinds of fish and different ways to catch them. Equipment provided. Free park entry and fishing license not required. Contact:

When: 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday, June 24 and Sunday, June 25

Where: Washington County Fairgrounds, 12300 40th St. N., Lake Elmo

Details: Free outdoor market with 200+ vendors, food trucks, farmer’s market.

Contact: 715-557-1785 or rsgdevelopment. com


When: 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Saturday, June 24; 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday, June 25

Where: Town Square Park, 3418 St Croix Trail S, Afton

Artistry Aesthetics

Artistry Aesthetics specialize in cosmetics injectables, laser treatments, cosmetics tattooing, and advanced skincare treatments such as RF microneedling, PRF, VIPeels, geneo facials and morpheus8, full body and skin remodeling. Every client is uniquely assessed and given a treatment plan tailored to their individual needs. Satisfaction and Safety is their number one! Artistry Aesthetics believe in going above and beyond to assure you the safest and most comfortable experience

possible. Call Artistry Aesthetics to learn more at 763-772-4468.

Relationships. Resources.


When: 9 a.m.-noon Sunday, June 11

Where: Blacksmith Lounge, 17205 Forest Blvd. N., Hugo

Details: All makes and models welcome; same day registration. Proceeds benefit Guide Dogs of America.


When: 3:30-6:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 14

Where: StyleXchange 1931 Curve Crest Blvd., Stillwater

Details: Tours, food truck, fashion show, and great deals on clothing for all members of the family. Free reusable bags for first 100 purchases. All proceeds benefit Valley Outreach. Contact:

Three member benefits offered by the FLA Chamber of Commerce that contribute to local business RECOVERY.

Details: Community festival with vendors and artisans selling art and vintage/ repurposed items, business expo, live music, food, beer and wine pavilion, kids activities.



When: 1-2:30 p.m. Saturday, June 24

Where: Hardwood Creek Library, 19955 Forest Rd. N., Forest Lake

Details: Create short comics using collage, drawing, painting and more with a teaching artist. Registration required.



When: 7 p.m. Friday, June 30

Where: The Loft at Studio J, 214 Main St., Stillwater

Details: Play with adoptable puppies and watch a Drag show. Ticket pricing online.


Chamber Spotlight Forest Lake Area
651-464-3200 |



*Athletes chosen by press staff

Will Degonda Liberty Quast

Stillwater Track & Field

Will Degonda was one of the top scorers for the Stillwater track team as the Ponies captured the Section 4AAA true team title on May 9. Degonda, a senior, placed first in the 800 run with a time of 1:58.72, and second in the 1600 with a time of 4:23.41. At last year’s state meet, he placed sixth in the 800 with 1:56.42, earning a place on the medal podium. Last fall, Degonda helped the cross country team place seventh in the state, running fifth in the section meet and 40th at state.

Stillwater Track & Field

Liberty Quast, Stillwater sophomore sprint-

was a big factor in the Ponies capturing the Section 4AA true team championship May 9. Quast won the 200 dash in 26.43 and placed second in both the 100 with 12.74 and triple jump with 35-4. Four days earlier, at the Edina Invitationals, she was second in the 100 and 200, third in the triple, and helped the 4x100 team win. Quad was also one of the standouts on Stillwater’s gymnastics team that placed fourth in the state.

Avery Mueller Malachi McKinnon

Forest Lake Softball Forest Lake Boys Hockey-Tennis

Avery Muellner is a standout veteran on the Forest Lake softball team, even though she is still just a freshman. Through May 14, Mueller had a 7-1 pitching record and 1.03 ERA for the Rangers (14-3) with 73 strikeouts against just 11 walks in 48 innings — and was hitting .541 (20for-37) with 13 RBI’s. On last year’s state champion team, she was 9-3 (one state win) with a 1.30 ERA and 100 strikeouts in 75 innings. She had a 4-0 mark in seventh-grade on a state runner-up team, with wins in the section finals (a shutout) and at state.

Malachi McKinnon, Forest Lake sophomore hockey and tennis player, was taken by the Fargo Force with the 30th pick in the United States Hockey League draft on May 3. McKinnon had a huge freshman season with the Rangers in 2021-22, logging 34 goals and 18 assists. This winter, he had eight goals and 10 assists in 18 games when he left for the East Coast to join the Long Island 16U AAA team — and helped the Gulls capture the Tier I national tournament. In tennis, McKinnon was a state qualifier in singles last as a section runner-up. This year, heading into the playoffs,

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he’s 8-7 at 1-singles and 3-0 at 1-doubles.
In the summer of 1905, photographer John Runk captured an image of a family out rowing on the St. Croix River just north of Stillwater, more than 60 years before the river was granted federal protection. Because of the legislative efforts of Senator Mondale, who worked with his counterpart from the other side of the St. Croix in Wisconsin, Sen. Gaylord Nelson, to pass the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, The St. Croix National Scenic Riverway, currently offers over 200 miles of clean water that glides and rushes through a forested landscape.
10 THE LOWDOWN JUNE 2023 COUPONS | JUNE 2023 HUGO • CENTERVILLE • FOREST LAKE | 651-407-1200 | PRESSPUBS.COM Hugo Feed Mill & Hardware 5582 146th St. N. | Hugo 651-429-3361 1 lb. FREE 10% OFF $2.00 OFF Like us Hw y 61 CtyHwy8 146th St N. Now is a great time to take care of your lawn. Take advantage of our great o ers! Call or visit our website for details • Bedding Plants • Hanging Baskets • Vegetables • Organics • Largest Selection of peppers & tomatoes in the metro area • 400+ Varieties iit b it f dt il Call or visit our website for details GREENHOUSE OPEN FREE PEPPER PL ANT! EE PL A Chosen by Steve with any $5 purchase HUGO FEED MILL 5582 146TH ST N. • HUGO • 651-429-3361 While supplies last. 1 coupon per customer Expires 6/30/15 FERTILOME ROOT STIMULATOR 1 lb, REG $9.50 $6 6 99 WITH COUPON HUGO FEED MILL 5582 146TH ST N. • HUGO • 651-429-3361 1 coupon per customer Expires 5/31/15 T YOUR ANTS OFF TO A GREAT ART! YOUR LOCAL OME Now is a great time to take care of your lawn & visit our greenhou se Call or visit our website for details With 500+ varieties of Peppers & Tomatoes, we have the Biggest & Best selection in the Metro Area! Bedding Plants • Hanging Baskets • Vegetables • Organics Now is a great time to take care of your lawn & visit our greenhouse.
Feed Mill & Hardware 5582 146th St. N. | Hugo 651-429-3361 Like us “Family Owned Since 1923” 771953 $795 WITH COUPON 1 coupon per customer. Expires 6/30/23 WE ARE YOUR LOCAL FERTILOME DEALER FERTILOME ROOT STIMULATOR 1 Qt, REG. $12.95 GET YOUR PLANTS OFF TO A GREAT START! FREE PEPPER PLANT! Chosen by Steve with any $5 purchase HUGO FEED MILL 5582 146TH ST. N. • HUGO • 651-429-3361 HUGO FEED MILL 5582 146TH ST. N. • HUGO • 651-429-3361 While supplies last. 1 coupon per customer. Expires 6/30/23 Not valid with any other offers. Only valid at Carbone’s Pizzeria in Centerville. 1861 Main St., Centerville • 651-653-7755 Expires 6/30/23. 1861 Main St., Centerville • 651-653-7755 1861 Main St., Centerville • 651-653-7755 FAMILY MEAL DEAL - Large 2-Item Pizza - 4-Piece Cheese Bread - 2-Liter of Coke Not valid with any other offers. Only valid at Carbone’s Pizzeria in Centerville. 1861 Main St., Centerville • 651-653-7755 Expires 6/30/23. $2 OFF ANY LARGE PIZZA $2599 DELIVERY & TAKE OUT 771956 Dilly Delight Pickle Pizza DELIVERY & TAKE OUT Frozen Pizzas Available! Gift Cards Available for all occasions! 651-653-7755 • @carbonespizzacenterville 1861 Main St., Centerville (651) 464-2600 • Special Events BINGO Wednesday - 6 PM Sunday - 2 PM Meat Raffles Wednesday, Friday, & Saturday Saturday Mega Meat Raffle 225 FOREST LAKE 355 W Broadway Ave, Forest Lake, MN 55025 Daily 9 am – 1 am *Events are subject to change. Please visit our website for upto-date event information. SPECIALS ARE NOW Monday $7.00 6oz burger & Fries (comes with lettuce, tomato, & raw onions) Tuesday Deep fried tacos $3.00 for 1 or 3 for $8.00 or taco salad for $11.00 Wednesday $8.00
$14.00 BBQ ribs after 5 (1/2 rack , veggie,
potato) Sunday Chef’s choice HOURS: Live DJ Thursday through Saturday 770809 Lic. # G-00131 Rush Hour Monday-Friday 10 am-Noon Bargains in the Morning Drink Specials Spring Special! (SAVE ON VINYL PLANK & MORE) $150 OFF Any Purchase of $1,000 or more on in-stock items* Valid Through 6/30/23 * MUST PRESENT COUPON 6585 Hwy 8 Forest Lake, Mn. 55025 651.462.5698 We Will Beat ANY Competitor Estimate! 6585 Hwy 8 Forest Lake, MN. 651.462.5698 773859 Sigstad Flooring Sigstad Flooring 2022 of the Press The Citizen 7% OFF YOUR ENTIRE ORDER & 1 FREE 21/2” Perennial with Purchase of $20 or more 3781 Labore Rd., Vadnais Heights 651-248-9696 • Tomatoes - many varieties • Hanging baskets • Geraniums • Rieger begonias • Disease resistant impatiens • Many bedding plants • Cole crops • Herbs • Perennials • Peppers -many varieties including world’s hottest • Sun/shade coleus • And so much more! M-F 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Sun. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Not valid with any other offer. Expires 6/22/2023 Buy Direct from the Grower & Save. Urban’s FARM & GREENHOUSES 771562 Curbside order and pickup available. Call for more information. ***while supplies last OPEN APRIL 28TH LD Lowdown THE 651-407-1200 The power to help change a commnity is in your hands. Your support allows the paper to inform more local residents in a single week than any other medium.
Goulash with Garlic Bread
Thursday $9.00 Chicken stir fry Friday $14.00 Fish fry after 5 ( 3 pieces of fish,Fries,veggie, and a roll) Saturday
JUNE 2023 THE LOWDOWN 11 Forest Lake Transit Center 19987 Fitzgerald Tr. N. Forest Lake, MN 55025 Location Bring unwanted household hazardous materials and electronics to the collection day event. Accepted materials include: automotive, household, yard & garden, and home improvement. More info: | 651-275-7475 Collection Day Forest Lake Saturday, June 3 · 8 am – 2 pm All items listed will be accepted from residents of Washington, Anoka, Carver, Chisago, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey,and Scott counties only. Provide your zip code to the attendant. No driver’s license is required. Headwaters Service Center Headwaters Pkwy ForestRdN 61 YMCA FitzgeraldTrlN Enter from Headwaters Pkwy and Forest Rd. N. 774726 NOW ENROLLING starting June 9th, 2023 Serving the Forest Lake School District Before & After, non School age care. APPLE ACADEMY IS OPENING A NEW SCHOOL AGE PROGRAM! 5350 E Viking Blvd. | Wyoming, MN 651-502-8782 773450 We are dedicated to providing exceptional quality education for your child. Apple Academy Learning Plus LEARNING PLUS Phone: 651-771-2654 Limit 2 coupons per year. Expires 6/30/23 Call now for all of your landscaping needs FREE ESTIMATES Insured • 28 Years in the Business Residential • Townhomes • Commercial Services: • Landscaping • Retaining walls/ patios • Drainage Specialist • Tree removal, Tree Trimming & Stump grinding • Irrigation, repairs & installations • Shrub & Tree Care • Planting • Consulting & Design • Hauling & Disposal JON’S A-1 MAINTENANCE, INC. Phone: 651-771-2654 Email: Website: Credit Cards Accepted Let’s Cut a Deal Tree Removal Tree Pruning Stump Grinding Shrub Removal Professional Shrub Pruning and Maintenance 5% OFF Discount! Phone: 651-771-2654 Limit 2 coupons per year. Expires 6/30/23 5% Discount on the following services and delivery 773846 2023 Summer Camp Directory Use QR Code for more details on individual camps Since 1950 Keep dancing the Larkin way 1400 East Highway 36, Maplewood | 651-770-0764 765466 ScanQRCode ForAllClasses Summer Dance June 12th - 22nd Fall Classes Start Sept 5th Enroll Now For Summer or to Finish Up The School year Strong! BEFOREENROLLMAY 20 SAVE $50 SUMMER MATH PROGRAM! June - August We make math make sense to kids! White Bear Lake • 4715 Highway 61 N • 651-888-2541 CAMP June 26 – August 18, 2023 ARTS DANCE • MUSIC • THEATER • VISUAL ARTS SUMMER 715.961.1003 Hudson, WI CENTER FOR THE ARTS Lakeshore Players Theatre Summer Theatre Camps June 12-August 11 Grades K-12 651-478-7427 www lakeshoreplayers org L e a r n P l a y C r e a t e L e a r n P l a y C r e a t e Secure your spot and save today at Camp Lakeshore Players Camp Invention WB Center for the Arts The Phipps Larkin Dance Studio Mathnasium Price & Length Morning/Afternoon: 3-5 Days See for details $176-440 4 days, half & full days See for details See June - August Ages Grades K - 12 5 to 11 Years 2 to 12 years 3 to 18 years 2 to 18 years Grades 1 - 12 Dance, Music, Art & Theatre Academics & Day Camp Art & Theatre Day Camp, Nature, Dance, Music, Art, & Theatre Dance Academics Activities 768529

New guidance to combat spread of canine influenza virus released

The Minnesota Board of Animal Health is releasing new canine influenza guidance for dog owners, dog care facilities and veterinarians as it continues to track more confirmed and suspected cases of the contagious canine influenza.

Four more cases of canine influenza have been confirmed outside of the original outbreak the board announced. There are also strong indicators of community spread

of canine influenza in the Twin Cities. Additionally, the board has been inundated with calls from veterinarians on suspected cases of canine influenza when testing is either denied or results are inconclusive.

The Board recommends the following precautions until the outbreak subsides:

• Avoid direct dog-to-dog contact with dogs outside of your household or dogs known to have been boarded, attended

dog day-care, or visited a dog park in the last seven days.

• If your dog is sick, keep them at home, away from other animals, and call your veterinarian.

• Consider avoiding dog parks and other locations with uncontrolled dog-to-dog contact.

• Keep your distance (six feet) at places where dogs congregate like dog parks and while on walks with your dog.

• Canine influenza can also spread via

We’re Forest Lake’s original grooming shop, operating since 1989. Your pets are like family to us. We remain 100% committed to your pet from start to finish. It’s all we do and we make your pet look and feel its best! Always have and always will! Be sure to check out our photos of happy clients on Instagram/Facebook @petstylesgrooming Contact

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contaminated surfaces, including skin and clothing. If your dog is sick or you have contact with dogs outside of your household, wash your hands and change clothes before interacting with other animals.

If you suspect your dog may have canine influenza, call your veterinarian.

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Around the Lakes

will dish up fare at

The popular Food Truck Extravaganza is coming back this summer with old favorites and new treats to please the palate.

“We have 40 food trucks coming with different varieties of food and offerings,” said Stacie Jensen, Greater Stillwater Chamber of Commerce communications director. “This year we’ve got Fire Cream. They’re a newer one they wrapped their ice cream in a cake and they deep fry it.”

The extravaganza, one of the largest food truck events in the Midwest, will be held at the Washington County Fairgrounds in Lake Elmo from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday, June 17.

Other returning favorites are Tot Boss, Candyland, Inc. and Big Guys BBQ Roadhouse.

“Gray Duck Concessions is one that’s kind of been an upand-comer the last few years and they’ve got gluten-free options,” Jensen said. “We’ve got everything from barbecue potato blossoms to pretzels, oriental type food and fun varieties of sweet treats.”

The Food Truck Extravaganza will also have kids’ activities, a marketplace of local products and services, live music and entertainment, a beer and wine tent featuring local breweries and wineries.

According to Jensen, the

plan for the kids’ area is bag boards, big bubbles, a bounce house, face painting, Henna tattoos and a giant Jenga game. Magic Norm will be providing walk-around magic for guests and children from noon to 3 p.m.

“The Royal Credit Union and Croix View are sponsoring the kids’ area,” Jensen said.

“They’ll have booths set up and they usually have a lot of fun little games and little goodies and things that they give to the kids.”

Live music and entertainment typically feature some local talent, and

Jensen said there is a variety of music for everyone to enjoy.

Jensen said the marketplace will feature vendors from local chamber members and businesses. She noted that the presenting sponsor of the extravaganza is Pearle Vision which is opening in Oaks Park Heights in June.

“Axdahl’s Garden Farm & Greenhouse will be there and they’ve got their local locally grown products like popcorn that they’re going to be selling,” Jensen said.

“Minnesota Awesome is also going to be there and they’re going to have some fun T-shirts

and things. And All Things

Sheared at Eagle Eye Farm will have alpaca products.”

The extravaganza is petfriendly and parking is free. There is a per-person entry fee (children under age 5 are free) and guests are welcome to bring lawn chairs.

“People can bring their pets and we usually have water dishes around and we want them on leashes,” Jensen said. “People bring lawn chairs and find a spot to sit and enjoy the day. They can take a little break from eating and then get up and get some more.”

Jensen said last year’s Food

Truck Extravaganza drew in approximately 10,000 people and the chamber is expecting the same this year.

“The extravaganza has kind of become known as the mini state fair in Stillwater,” Jensen said. “It’s really starting to feel like that because of all the different food and activities and things that go on. So it’s kind of a prequel to the state fair.”

For more information and updates for the Food Truck Extravaganza, go to greaterstillwaterchamber. com/foodtruckextravaganza. com or to the Greater Stillwater Chamber Facebook page.

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extravaganza THIS YEAR’S ENTERTAINMENT LINE UP • 11 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Tim Sigler • 12:15 to 12:45 p.m. Break • 12:45 to 3:30 p.m. SPF 30 Band • 3:30 to 3:45 p.m. Break • 3:45 to 5:30 p.m. Monique Smaz • 5:30 to 5:45 p.m. Break • 5:45 to 7:15 p.m. Vinnie Rose
40 food trucks
PHOTOS BY PICTURES OVER STILLWATER The Greater Stillwater Chamber of Commerce expects 10,000 people at this year’s Food Truck Extravaganza Saturday, June 17, at the Washington County Fairgrounds in Lake Elmo.

to reserve a table

Register your classic or vintage boat in the 16th Annual White Bear Lake Boat Show fo r a chance to win a trophy or other prizes

Registration is free. The show is on land Ju ne 24 at the White Bear Lake sh opping center Register at pr or call 651-407-1200


OPPORTUNITY, all real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Ho using Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preferen ce limitation or discriminat ion based on race co lo r, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or nationa l origin, or an intention, to make any such preferen ce, limitation or discriminat ion.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 livin g with parents or legal cu stod ians; pregnant women and peop le securing custody of children under 18.

Imag ine cruising the St Croix River this spring in a 25.5' Bayliner Cruiser. The Saratoga will make memories! Grill steaks or impossible burgers, the sky is the limit!

Boat has Refrigerator Sink Grill, 2 batter ies, Marine radio, hardtop, full canvas,new power 26 0hp, 5.7 MerCruiser $6500. Located at Wolf's Marina in Stillwater Must se ll due to ski accident 612-599-1729

• Employment • Employment • Employment • Employment • Press Publications suggests that you be aware of advertisers requesting payment for shipping merchandise. Confirm and verify all contact resources prior to sending any money. Take caution when responding to text messages that are not local numbers. DEADLINE FOR • CLASSIFIED LI NE ADS MO NDAY 9:00AM • DISPLAY ADS FRIDAY NOON 651 -407 -1250 (Earlier deadlines for Holidays) THURSDAY 4 PM THURSDAY 4 PM Weber Spir it E-210 Gas Grill w/cover. $550 New in 2022, sell for $300. Call 7 63402-4543 20 Notices 24 Boat/Mot or Maintena nce 60 Boats & Accessories 104 Hauling/Moving 110 Rototilling 160 Hire Me 358 Firewood 369 Want to Buy 451 Rentals/ Commercial We Buy Vinyl Records Lps, 45s , St ereo Equip We make house calls by appointment. Wh ite Bear Lake Records 4775 Banning Ave, WBL m 651-224- 4947 Garden tilling, cheap Paul 651-270-1926 LM or Text 1984 Weeres Pontoon 20 ' w/Mercury 25hp, & 1999 Triton Tr ailer, $1600, 612-741-59 22 CASH FOR BEER & LIQUOR SIGNS: Neon s, Light Up Metal, Mirrors, Wood, New, Old. The more the better. Call or Text Don at 65 1-334-9118 Do you like helping solve problems? Can you make quick decisions? Have you considered a position he lp ing move freight/ load s for our business community? Call Ma rk at Re dline Logistics 651-481-0060 Fireplace Cord $150 Ca mp Fire Cord $200 Full Cord $450 Ca ll 651-214-0718 Do you have any Nautical themed items to sell? Join the Nautical Market at the WBL Boat Show on June 24th, 2023. Call 651-407-1200
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Franconia to host summer solstice festival

Franconia Sculpture Park will host the Midsummer: A Summer Solstice Festival from 5 to 9 p.m. on Saturday, June 17, followed by a night sky viewing of the new moon with the Minnesota Astronomical Society at 10 p.m. This event is free and open to the public.

Drawing on the popularity of Franconia’s 2021 Summer Solstice Performance Festival which was positively reviewed in MIT’s Performance Art Journal, Midsummer: a Summer Solstice Festival continues the Swedish tradition of celebrating the longest day of the year. Curated by Franconia’s outgoing Executive Director Ginger Shulick Porcella, Midsummer is a celebration of light and love, the festival will include performances throughout the late afternoon and evening by ten local performance artists, followed by a sunset observation and an intention-setting bonfire. Franconia is thrilled to capstone the event with a special late-night viewing of the new moon on the darkest night of the summer, courtesy of the Minnesota Astronomical Society who will be providing telescopes for visitors. Other traditional Midsummer activities for visitors include creating flower crowns with Franconia’s native flowers, creating solstice suncatchers, and creating a collaborative solstice altar. Center City Swine Circus food truck will be on site during the festival. A full program and event schedule is available at

Franconia Sculptture Park

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Northland Landscape & Construction Inc. Offers a wide range of residential and commercial services. Interior & Exterior projects! Decks / Additions • Pavers • Boulder/Retaining Walls • General Landscaping Water Features/Outdoor Fire Pits • Remodels • Pole Barns • Bobcat Work Also: Siding, roofing, concrete, fencing, sitting swings/benches, sheds, trellises, planter boxes, gardens 651-746-4582 • License#BC638094 Northland Landscape & Construction is a family-owned company that takes pride in what it does Bob and Stephanie Kreft are not only dedicated to their company but also to their clients’ needs and expectations and strive to “go above and beyond” when it comes to a renovation of any sort Check out their website for their Project Gallery and Testimonials! 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cation of efficient engineering management principles and standards for the economic design, construction, maintenance, and operation of public works facilities.

In addition, Sandberg was re-elected as the North-Central Region Vice President of NACE at its recent annual meeting held via videoconference. Sandberg’s term will run through April 2024.



Sandberg honored by national county engineers’ association

Wayne Sandberg, Washington County Public Works director, was recognized by the National Association of County Engineers (NACE) as NACE’s Urban County Engineer of the Year.

This award recognizes Sandberg’s exceptional appli-

“I am honored and humbled by this opportunity to serve the nation’s county road professionals,” said Sandberg. “County infrastructure is the basis for a successful American economy. From getting goods to market to ensuring a safe and efficient ride to and from work for our residents, county-owned transportation infrastructure will lead the way towards economic prosperity for decades to come.”

Sandberg began his tenure with Washington County in 1999, and has been county engineer since 2011. Additionally, he has served on the board of directors of the Minnesota County Engineers Association from 2017-2018 and as its president in 2019. He also serves as treasurer of the Minnesota Transportation Alliance.

NACE is a nonprofit, nonpartisan professional association in its 67th year, representing more than 3,000 county road officials and related professionals in the United States and Canada. In the United states, local roads account for about 75% of highways and roads, or 2.93 million miles. Counties manage 1.74 million miles of those roads. Counties also own 231,000 bridges and operate one-third of the nation’s transit systems.

County will put ‘mumble strips’ in Manning Avenue to increase safety

Washington County will install “mumble strips” along Manning Avenue from County State Aid Highway 12 to 240th Street in the cities of Stillwater, Grant, and Scandia, and Stillwater and May townships after the County Board approved a $137,498 contract with Century Fence to install them.

There is a history of serious and fatal crashes along this stretch of Manning Avenue, or County Highway 15, with several involving head-on collisions. To combat these safety concerns, the county developed a plan to install rumble strips at the center line along this corridor. In 2020, Washington County applied for a Highway Safety Improvement Program grant administered by the Minnesota Department of Transportation and was awarded funds to complete the project.

The project will put a wave pattern that is milled into the centerline of the roadway that, when crossed, notifies drivers that they are crossing the centerline. There is a break in the strips at side streets.

The majority of the cost of the project will be paid for with the safety improvement grant; the remainder will be paid for with County Program Aid.

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Sandberg, Washington County Public Works director, was recognized by the National Association of County Engineers as Urban County Engineer of the Year. Sandberg, center, is with commissioners, from left, Karla Bigham, District 4, Gary Kriesel, District 3, Fran Miron, District 1, Michelle Clasen, District 5, and Stan Karwoski, District 2.

here are 150 different types of headaches, with the most common being tension, migraine, and cluster headaches. More than 36 million people experience migraine headaches in America, which is 12 percent of the entire population. According to the World Health Organization, one in seven people suffer from migraines worldwide. Migraines affect men, women, as well as children, and an estimated 10 percent of American children suffer from them.

Healthy habits and simple remedies sometimes stop migraines before they start. Medicine is a proven way to both treat and prevent migraines. But medicine is only part of the story. It’s also important to take good care of yourself and understand how to cope with migraine pain when it strikes. The same lifestyle choices that promote overall good health can reduce the number of migraines you have and lessen the migraine pain. Here are just a few tips that may help lessen headaches / migraines:

• Find a calm environment.

• Turn off the lights. Light and sound can make migraine pain worse. Relax in a dark, quiet room. Sleep if you can.

• Try temperature therapy. Apply hot or cold compresses to your head or neck. Ice packs have a numbing effect, which may dull the pain. Hot packs and heating pads can relax tense muscles. Warm showers or baths may have a similar effect.

• Unwind at the end of the day to sleep well. Lessen distractions; use a fan to muffle distracting noises. Establish regular sleep hours, but don’t try so hard to sleep as it can make you more awake. Read or do another quiet activity until you become drowsy.

• Sip a caffeinated drink. In small amounts, caffeine alone can relieve migraine pain in the early stages. Caffeine also may enhance the pain-reducing effects of acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) and aspirin. Be careful, however. Drinking too much caffeine too often can lead to withdrawal headaches later. And having caffeine too late in the day may interfere with sleep, which can affect migraines.

Eat wisely, and don’t skip meals. Be consistent; eat at about the same time every day. Fasting can

increase the risk of migraines. Keep a food journal and avoid foods that trigger migraines. Keeping track of the foods you eat and when you have migraines can help you find potential food triggers. These foods may include aged cheese, chocolate, caffeine and alcohol.

• Exercise regularly, and maintain a healthy weight. During physical activity, your body releases certain chemicals that block pain signals to your brain. These chemicals also help reduce anxiety and depression — two conditions that can make migraines worse.

• Simplify your life, and manage your time wisely.

• Manage stress, and enjoy yourself. Find time to do something you enjoy for at least 15 minutes every day, i.e. playing a game, having coffee with a friend or pursuing a hobby.

• Relax. Deep breathing from your diaphragm can help you relax. Focus on inhaling and exhaling slowly and deeply for at least 10

minutes every day. It may help to relax your muscles, one group at a time. When you’re done, sit quietly for a minute or two.

Living with migraines is a daily challenge. But making healthy lifestyle choices can help. Ask your friends and loved ones for support. If you’re feeling anxious or depressed, consider joining a support group or seeking counseling. Believe in your ability to take control of the pain.

This information was found on www.nationaltoday. com and

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Landscaping, Irrigation and

Warneke receives the Meritorious Service Award

Washington County Sheriff’s Office Lt. John Warneke was presented with the Meritorious Service Award by Sheriff Dan Starry. Warneke has served in the sheriff’s office for more than 30 years working as a correctional officer, correctional sergeant and assistant jail administrator. According to Starry, Warneke has had a long and distinguished career, and has been an example of true professionalism. As a recipient of the Meritorious Service Award, Warneke distinguished himself through extraordinary service to the community and the Sheriff’s Office.

County Board approves CDA’s annual plan

The Community Development Agency (CDA) administers the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) programs. Each year, the county prepares an annual action plan detailing its intended use of the CDBG and HOME funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The funded activities must address the priorities identified in the 2020-2024 plan. The highest priorities are:

• Affordable housing, both rental and homeownership, either new construction or rehabilitation.

• Emergency and transitional shelters.

• Homelessness assistance.

• Housing and services for special needs populations. The CDBG/HOME 2023 program year runs from July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2024. The CDA solicited HOME applications for the 2023 Program Year in January. CDA staff and the CDBG Citizen Advisory Committee reviewed the six applications received and the funding allocations. The 2023 Annual Action Plan contains those programs and projects that are eligible for funding and meet the funding priorities of the Consolidated Plan.

The projects funded by CDGB funding are:

• Habitat for Humanity scattered site programs, for $95,000, to provide one affordable unit.

• Two Rivers Land Trust scattered site programs, for $183,457 for the acquisition and rehabilitation of three affordable units.

• Accessible space at Hillcrest in Stillwater, using $29,671 for parking lot replacement to serve 24 units.

• Home Improvement Loan Program, to provide $245,000 to rehabilitate 10 units.

• –Washington County housing crisis funding for $127,061 for homelessness prevention that reached 540 persons.

Projects funded by the HOME program was used for MWF Developers of Red Rock II for $253,939 for the creation of 51 affordable rental units. Additional funds were set aside for Community Housing Development Organizations, and for administration of the programs.

McNamara Contracting will do signal, ADA improvements on county roadways

McNamara Contracting will do upgrades to county roadways in Oakdale and Lake Elmo. The intersection improvements will be done on County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 13 and Fourth Street North/Hudson Boulevard within the city of Lake Elmo and the city of Oakdale. Improvements include flashing yellow arrow installation, pedestrian/ADA upgrades, and storm water improvements. The work will be at the intersection that is approximately a quarter-mile north of Interstate 94 on the border of Lake Elmo and Oakdale. The city of Oakdale recently completed improvements on Fourth Street North. Funding for the project will come from state aid and proceeds from the wheelage tax.

County Board accepts donations to county for first quarter 2023

The Washington County Board of Commissioners accepted donations made to the county during the first quarter of 2023. Cash gifts to the library totaled $2,339.51. Many of the donations were made in honor of Judy Bull, a former member of the county’s library board. Other donations were made in honor of Mike Gallatin. In addition, the library receives donations through donation boxes at the library branches. The county’s parks received $226 for the Historic Courthouse restoration and park and trail enhancements. The sheriff’s office received a $250 donation for community engagement. The People’s Congregational Church in Bayport provided $550 in gift cards from local service stations to community services. Total first quarter donations were $3,365.51. County will contract for summer engineering services

The Washington County Board of Commissioners has approved contracts with two firms to assist with road construction projects that the county will undertake this summer. The county will oversee 13 projects valued at more than $20 million. Due to the construction workload, additional personnel, resources and expertise will be needed to administer the projects.

Two of the contracts are with WSB & Associates. The first contract, for $754,830, is for project administration and inspection services to support road and bridge construction, and the second contract is for $150,000 for project surveying and staking. The crews also stake right of way, easements and proposed utility alignments for the projects on specific road and trail projects. The third contract, for $150,000, is with Alliant Engineering Inc. for environmental inspection services for the projects.

The contracts will be paid from state aid funds, local contributions and levy proceeds.

In addition to the contract work, county employees will administer seven projects, inspect eight projects and survey six projects.

County approves trail easements for Hugo roadway project

The Washington County Board of Commissioners, sitting as the Regional Railroad Authority, has agreed to easements along the Hardwood Creek Regional Trail in Hugo to allow for improvements to 159th Street on the east side of Highway 61. The Hardwood Creek trail is built on former Burlington Northern Railroad Company railroad right of way in Hugo and Forest Lake. As former railroad right of way, the trail is overseen by the Regional Railroad Authority, and any needed crossings have to be managed within the regional rail management plan.

The city of Hugo, together with the Minnesota Department of Transportation, is in the process of making improvements to the intersection at 159th

Street and Highway 61 in Hugo. The improvements require the reconfiguration of the intersection to allow for the construction and operation of a roundabout to address the offset of the 159th Street extension on the east side of Highway 61. This will affect easements on the former railroad right of way, which is located on the west side.

The roundabout design will require the reconfiguration of the intersection and crossing over the regional rail property, requiring both permanent and temporary easements for the project. The proposed plans have been reviewed, taking into account the safety and mobility of the operation of the Hardwood Creek Regional Trail within the railway corridor. County receives additional funds to support those in need of homes

Washington County will receive an additional $1.165 million in one-time funding that will be used to help those who are homeless or are at risk of becoming homeless. These funds will primarily be used for direct assistance to prevent homelessness and include payments for past-due rent of up to three months, first months’ rent and damage deposit, utility assistance and some moving costs.

The county board accepted the funds from the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency for the Family Homelessness Prevention and Assistance Program; these additional funds are expected to be available June 1. Washington County has applied for and received the program funding since 2007 and has contracted with community providers to use the funds to stabilize families and individuals in their existing homes, shorten the amount of time that people spend in emergency shelter, and assist people with securing transitional or permanent affordable housing. Now, the additional funds will be added to the program for a total grant award of $1.689 million for the current biennium ending Sept. 30.

Washington County will provide the funds to two providers to be used to prevent homelessness. Solid Ground primarily serves youth and adult families and Community Action Plan of Ramsey and Washington serves youth and adults without children. The county will use funds to support the program administration and to hire a navigator. The goal of this position is to coordinate across the county’s economic support programs and community providers to create a continuum of assistance for households that have been denied one of the county’s emergency assistance programs.

The board also approved a contract with a hotel in the county for a do-not-exceed amount of $450,000 to secure rooms to provide emergency housing to individuals experiencing homelessness in the county. The contract will run through Dec. 31. In the past, the county contracted with two hotels to provide services. The transition to one hotel is expected to streamline the logistics and administration of the program, ensure adequate staffing and increase the efficiency of providing services. County will collect household hazardous waste, electronics in Forest Lake Washington County will conduct a one-day household hazardous waste and electronics collection from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, June 3, in Forest Lake. The collection will be at the Forest Lake Transit Center, 19987 Fitzgerald Trail N.. One-day collections bring the services offered at the Washington County Environmental Center closer to residents, making it more convenient and practical for them to recycle and dispose of their electronics and household hazardous waste. Confidential document shredding will be available at the event.

COUNTY BRIEFS SUBMITTED Warneke is shown with commissioners Stan Karwoski, District 2, Michelle Clasen, District 5, Fran Miron, District 1, Karla Bigham, District 4, and Gary Kriesel, District 3, with Commander Roger Heinen, back row, and Sheriff Dan Starry, right.
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20 THE LOWDOWN JUNE 2023 *Note: Events are subject to change or be cancelled. Please call or visit the websites or Facebook pages for the most up-to-date information. Vineyards & Breweries 61 95 35E 96 694 WBL Stillwater 36 UPCOMING EVENTS DATE EVENT TIME Vineyard/Brewery Rustic Roots Winery Scandia, MN Dancing Dragonfly Vineyards St. Croix Falls, WI Belle Âme Winery River Falls, WI 94 35 8 Big Wood Brewery Saint Croix Vineyards WBL Meadery WBL Two Silo Winery 7 Vines Vineyard Dellwood Grant “A premier destination for all good things” 101 hwy 96 East Dellwood 7 651-478-6300 7 Vines Vineyard 774116 771004 DRINK LIKE A VIKING. DRINK MEAD! MINNESOTA’S FIRST MEAD HALL 1320 COUNTY RD. D. CIRCLE, MAPLEWOOD WHITEBEARMEADERY.COM | 651-352-9552 FIND US ON FACEBOOK & INSTAGRAM •Gluten Free •Barrel Aged •Private Event Space See our website for tasting room hours 774110 774100 W10829 875th Ave - River Falls, WI 612.405.4388 | 774113 During the week and many weekends we offer wine tastings, community events, and light fare catered by local businesses. 7 774119 6428 Manning Ave., Stillwater Since 1992 • 651-430-3310 Open 7 Days a Week 10-6 771005 Follow detour signs near the Manning/Hwy. 36 intersection. “ Come for the view. Stay for the wine TWOSILOWINERY.COM “ 774108 June Music: Every Thursday during Marketfest Big Wood Brewery June: Meading of the Minds Trivia 7 pm White Bear Meadery Every Wednesday in June June: Wine Tasting Tours 4-5 pm Two Silo Winery June 4, 11, 18, 25 June: Pappouli’s Wine Tasting Experience 2-3 pm Two Silo Winery June 13, 20, 27 June 3 10th Anniversary Weekend Open Hours Dancing Dragonfly June 3 Music: Phil Berbig 1-4pm St. Croix Vineyards June 3 Wine & Vine Uncorked Part 2 11am-Noon Rustic Roots June 4 Music: TBD 1-4 pm 7 Vines Vineyard June 4 Mandala Paint & Sip 3-5 pm St. Croix Vineyards June 4 Music: Matt & Laurel 3-6 pm Rustic Roots June 4 Music: Vinnie Rose 1-4 pm Dancing Dragonfly June 6 Trivia with Ryan 6:30-8 pm Rustic Roots June 6 Dungedons & Dragons Learn 7 pm White Bear Meadery June 7 Music: Mike Bustin 2-5 pm 7 Vines Vineyard June 9 Primp Fashion Show 4-9 pm Rustic Roots June 10 Music: Andrew Spreck 1-4 pm St. Croix Vineyards June 10 Wine & Vine Uncorked Part 3 11 am-Noon Rustic Roots June 10 Winnesota Wonder Food Truck 2 pm White Bear Meadery June 11 Music: Tim Cheesebrow 1-4 pm Dancing Dragonfly June 11 Music: Mary Hall 3-6 pm Rustic Roots June 11 Music: Josh Quinn 2p-5 pm 7 Vines Vineyard June 12 Pottery Pop-Up Party 6-8 pm Rustic Roots June 13 Bingo at the Winery 6:30-8 pm Rustic Roots June 13 Pop up Studio-Pain your own 6p-8 pm White Bear Meadery June 14 Music: Gary LaRue 5:30-8:30 pm 7 Vines Vineyard June 15-25 A Midsummer Night’s Dream 7:30-10 pm Rustic Roots June 16 Art in the Vineyard/Floral Hangers 6-8:30 pm Dancing Dragonfly June 17 St. Paul Bouncing Team 2 pm St. Croix Vineyards June 17 DDW Car Show 11am-4 pm Dancing Dragonfly June 18 Father’s Day at the Winery Open Hours Dancing Dragonfly June 18 Music: Billy Johnson 1-4 pm Dancing Dragonfly June 18 Music: Patrick Allen 2-5 pm 7 Vines Vineyard June 18 Music: Kitty & Paul 3-6 pm Rustic Roots June 20 One Shot Dungedons & Dragons 7-10 pm White Bear Meadery June 20 Trivia with Ryan 6:30-8pm Rustic Roots June 21 Music: Paul Berger 5:30-8:30 pm 7 Vines Vineyaqrd June 22 Farmers & Artisans Market 4-7pm Rustic Roots June 24 Yoga & Mead 11am White Bear Meadery June 24 Intuitive Living Summer Expo 11am-5pm Dancing Dragonfly June 25 Toast, Taste and Paddle 9am-2pm St. Croix Vineyards June 25 Music: Tyler Herwig 3-6pm Rustic Roots June 25 Music: O’Green 1-4pm Dancing Dragonfly June 25 Music: Becky Rae 2-5 pm 7 Vines Vineyard June 27 Bingo at the Winery 6:30-8pm Rustic Roots June 28 Comedy Uncorked 8-10pm Rustic Roots 772687 Take Comfort. Drink Well. We invite you to take in our beautiful views of the St. Croix River Valley while you enjoy one of our award-winning wines, wine slushies, hard cider and Uncommon Loon craft beer. Join us for live music every Sunday afternoon from 3 - 6pm 651.433.3311 • 20168 St. Croix Trail N

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