Forest Lake Lowdown

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North around the lake

WYOMING AREA CREATIVE ARTS COMMUNITY SHOW When: Show through Sept. 15 Where: Hallberg Center for the Arts, 5521 E. Viking Blvd., Wyoming Details: Free. Exhibition of group's newest artists, musicians, writers. Contact: wyomingcreativearts. org or 651-238-0245


Where: Goodview Park, Wyoming Details: John Moe of MPR is keynote speaker. Music, concessions, auction, kids' activities. Last year 1,200 participated and $38,000 raised toward suicide prevention. Contact: www.

FOURTH ANNUAL HOOTENANNY When:7 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 22 Where: Schwister farm, 18099 Elmcrest Ave. N. in Forest Lake. Details: Short sets by multiple musicians including Randy Gildersleeve. Cost is $10; bring your own snacks.

'ICE CREAM AND DANCING SHOES' When: 7 to 8:30 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 22 Where: William O-Brien State Park, Highway 95 near Marine Details: Friends of William O'Brien sponsor free ice cream and live roll and roll by the Turn Around band. Contact: 651-433-0500

'A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE' When: Through Sept. 6

Out When: Through Aug. 23 Where: Phipps Center for the Arts, Hudson, Wis. Details: 11th annual dance recital showcasing 49 dancers and work of seven area choreographers. $12 to $24. Contact: 715-386-8409 or

CONCERT: EVA AND VIOLINIST MIRANDI HOSTETTER When: 7:30 p.m. Friday, Aug. 21 Where: Phipps Center for the Arts, Hudson, Wis. Details: $16 to $23. Trio performs traditional and contemporary folk music., Contact: 715.386.8409 or

DRIVE-IN MOVIE & BBQ SOCIAL When: 6:30 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 22 Where: Vali-Hi Drive-in, 1260 Hudson Blvd. N., Hudson Details: $8.50 Lake Elmo Jaycees cook out then watch a movie. Bring dish to pass. Contact: events/1431694403777545/

ANNUAL ‘KIDS MAKE SCULPTURE’ EVENTS When: 1 to 4 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 22 Where: Franconia Sculpture Park, 29836 St. Croix Trail, Franconia Details: $30. Resident artists help youth 4-18 make big sculptures. Contact: or 651-257-6668

‘REMARKABLE REPTILES’ When: 7:15 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 22 Where: Lake Elmo Park Reserve, C.R. 19 and C.R. 10

'STORIES FROM THE DAYS OF 1 TEACHER, 1 ROOM, 8 GRADES' When: 2 to 3 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 23 Where: Hay Lake Schoolhouse, corner of C.R. 3 and Old Marine Trail N. south of Scandia Details: With Susan AppsBodilly, whose dad wrote “One-Room Country Schools: History and Recollections.”

LAST ARTS IN THE PARK/ CORN FEED When: 5 to 9 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 25 (music at 6:30 p.m.) Where: Lakeside Park, Forest Lake Details: City-sponsored summer concert series, craft fair and farmers market. Features Innocent Reggae Band and free corn on the cob.

ARCHERY IN THE PARKS When: 1 to 3 p.m. Aug. 29 and 10 a.m. to noon Aug. 30 Where: William O-Brien State Park, Highway 95 near Marine Details: Certified archery instructors teach those 8 and older. Bows and arrows provided. Contact: 651-433-0500

Where: Mostly downtown Wyoming Details: Live music, kids' activities, stagecoach rides, bingo, pancake breakfast, etc. Contact: 651-462-0575

'KIDS CAN BE ARTISTS TOO' When: Painting Sept. 11-12, judging Sept. 13 at 3 p.m. Where: Wyoming Stagecoach Days Details: Free outdoor workshop by Wyoming Area Creative Arts Community. Kids use potters wheels or paint with acrylics on canvases.on easels. Contact: www.


FIFTH ANNUAL BLUEGRASS AND LEMONADE IN THE SHADE When: 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday, Aug 23; repeats Sept. 27 Where: Gammelgarden Museum, 20880 Olinda Trail, Scandia Details: Free lemonade; listen or play along to bluegrass music. Contact: 651-433-5053

Details: Free with parking permit. By Warner Nature Center. Contact: 651-430-8370 or


Where: St. Croix Festival Theatre, 210 N. Washington St., St. Croix Falls, Wis. Details: $13.50 to $26. Classic drama by Tennessee Williams. Contact: www. or 715-483-3387

PRESENTATION: ONE ROOM SCHOOLS When: 2 to 3 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 23 Where:Hay Lake Schoolhouse, Scandia Details: Free. Susan Apps-Bodilly chronicles life in early country schools based on her dad’s book “One-Room Country Schools.” Tours, games, activities. Contact:

MUSIC IN THE MEADOW When: 3-6 pm Sundays Aug. 23 and 30 Where: Gasthaus Bavarian Hunter, 8390 Lofton Ave. N. Stillwater Details: Enjoy outdoor music at the Gasthaus. Contact; 651-439-7128 or www.



When: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sept. 19 and 20 Where: Downtown Marine. Benefits Marine Public Safety Dept. Contact: marineonstcroix. org or 651-433-3636

Contact: 651-439-2820 or Lumberjacks. Cost is $16. Prizes. Contact:

Contact: st.-croix-valley-triathlon


WALDFEST AT GASTHAUS When: 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday, Sept. 7 (Labor Day) Where: Gasthaus Bavarian Hunter restaurant, 8390 Lofton Ave., Stillwater Details: Artie Schaefer Band plays 1 to 5 p.m. Free admission. Beer garden, brats. Contact:

When: 3 to 5 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 30 Where: Lift Bridge Brewing Co., 1900 Tower Dr. W., Stillwater Details: Watch new show at 4 p.m. about great things to do in Stillwater, featuring the brewery and other amenities.


SEPTEMBER When: 8:30 to 10:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 4 Where: Lake Elmo Park Reserve, C.R. 10 and C.R. 19 Details: Free with parking pass. Meteorologist Mike Lynch of WCCO discusses constellations via large reflecting telescopes.

When: Registration 9:15 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 29 (race takes 1.5 to 3 hours) Where: Autumn Hills Park, Oak Park Heights Details: Ten different team challenges including trivia, service projects, food, etc. For all ages. Biggest fundraiser for St. Croix Valley


advanced dancers from St. Croix Ballet.



When: Sept. 12 Where: Downtown Scandia Details: Meatball running just before 3 p.m. parade

When: 7 pm Fri., Aug. 21 Where: Pioneer Park, Stillwater Details: Dance demonstrations include classical ballet. Features

When: 3 to 4 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 23 Where: McKean School, Boutwells Landing, Norwich Parkway, Oak Park Heights Details: Free.

When: Aug. 25 to 27 Where: Historic Courthouse Aug. 25, Stillwater Public Library Aug. 26 (free) and Trinity Lutheran Church Aug. 27. Details: 10th anniversary of and final date for the Stillwater Music Festival. Contact: Tickets at www.


Ballet Jubilate’s Summer Gala



When: 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sept. 12 Where: Franconia Sculpture Park, 29836 St. Croix Trail, Shafer Details: Live music, food, family art/craft projects, guided tours. Contact:

When: Sept. 11-27 Where: Phipps Center for the Arts, Hudson Details: Tickets $15 to $24. Contact: 715-386-8409 or www.

Drive home the savings.

HUDSON BADLANDS SHEEPDOG TRIALS When: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m Sept. 4-6, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sept. 7 Where: Badlands Sno-Park, 772 Kinney Rd., Hudson, Wis. Details: International sheepherding competition sponsored by Wisconsin Working Sheep Dog Association. $7. Contact:

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ST. CROIX VALLEY TRIATHLON When: 7:30 am Sat., Sept. 5 Where: Lakefront Park, 100 Walnut St, Hudson Details: Olympic and sprint course; swim, bike run. Kids Triathlon at 1, ages 5-12.

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Do you have an event that you would like to see appear in this calendar section? Send the information to



Gene Johnson About the Town

Fun at the museum WHEN THE MINNESOTA State Fair opens Thursday, August 27, the Minnesota Newspaper Museum is ready to receive visitors. The 1930s vintage newspaper office is located on the front side of the 4-H building at the corner of 1416 Cosgrove Street and Wright Avenue, with updated information and demonstrations. The relocation last year required a battery of volunteers working with the fair administration to relocate. Minnesota State Legacy funds have been available to assist the museum foundation board to engage a consultant in further development of the museum mission and message. The newspaper museum got its start in 1984 when Maynard News owner Barney Shelrud sold his newspaper to Kermit Swanson, John Neely and Andy Kahmann. The three owned other newspapers in the area and were presented the problem of what to do with the old equipment when they converted to the offset process. In 1987 Swanson struck a deal with the Minnesota Newspaper Foundation. He would donate his equipment to the Minnesota Newspaper Foundation if it would be used to educate others on how newspapers were produced using the letterpress method. The Newspaper Foundation went to the state fair board who welcomed the idea of an on-site museum. Kathy and I have been a part of this annual exhibit. While newspapers have changed in their production process, their purpose has not changed. The primary purpose of newspapers is to hold government accountable for its actions or inactions, stimulate the economy of the business community through marketing and advertising, and to allow community groups of people to have a voice through letters to the editor. Newspaper publishers and editors have a responsibility to call attention to their readers about what is taking place in their community, whether it has positive or negative implications. Newspapers also challenge readers to debate issues in public through the newspaper to reach decisions that will be of benefit to the entire community. The museum volunteers continue to print a four-page newspaper in the letterpress process all twelve days of the fair. This is a working, living museum typical of the newspaper offices throughout the United States in the 1930s and 40s. The letterpress process dates back to the 1600s and continued until the 1960s when newspapers converted to the offset process. It was typical for weekly newspapers to do commercial printing like auction bills, business cards and tickets on Thursday and Friday of the week. Two commercial presses are in the museum, one hand fed, the other automatic. While you are at the museum you will even see how to make a printer’s hat out of newspapers. As co-publishers, Kathy and I plan to be at the museum on September 1, 3 and 5 and would love for you to stop in. This year our shift is from 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Also in the afternoon and evening of August 29 we will be at the museum hosting the National Newspaper Association President John Edgecombe and first lady, Jo. John is the publisher of the Nebraska Signal in Geneva, Nebr., a paper his family has owned for 120 years, and he also grew up in the letterpress era of newspaper publishing. — Gene Johnson is publisher emeritus of Press Publications.

Shooting range tabled; 8.4 percent tax increase mulled BY LORETTA HARDING Contributing Writer

STILLWATER — The City Council held a public hearing Aug. 18 over whether a shooting range can take over the 19-year-old Simonet Furniture building, then tabled the issue until Sept. 1 to further confer with city staff. The Minnesota Shooting Academy has applied for a special use permit for a gun range at 2159 Curve Crest Blvd., asking for two variances pertaining to size of shooting lanes and parking space. Two people spoke against the range at the meeting. Planning Commission member Anne Siess pointed to noise, lead and parking concerns, liquor vendors within 1,000 feet of the site and the use of guns as weapons. She objected to city officials comparing gun establishments to hair salons, bowling alleys and roller rinks. If Stillwater had a gun ordinance like that of Chanhassen, she said, there wouldn’t even be talk of a local range. CouncilmanDoug Menikheim noted city codes and other items have been moved around to make the project possible. Mayor Ted Kozlowski said city festivals and other businesses have to jump through regulatory hoops, and so should a shooting range. Looking back, the Planning Commission held a public hearing July 8, and in a 5-3 vote allowed the variances. After appeals against that approval, the issue was brought back to council with two changes. The firing range area remains the same size but is reconfigured to 14 instead of 12 lanes, and classroom and other spaces were added — all permissible in the Business Park-Office district. An indoor gun range is allowed in the district because it fits into the recreation use category. A firearms range

is specifically mentioned as being allowable by SUP, according to Community Development Director Bill Turnblad. The business requires a special use permit, however, due to usage, sound level and lead content. DNR gun range rules limit noise to 63 decibels measured at the nearest neighboring building, Turnblad said. He recommended the academy retain a sound engineer to review noise levels. In previous sound studies by the owners, they only heard voices and traffic outside the building, they said. After several people expressed concern about potential airborne and lead pollution problems, range representatives said the interior of the building will be built as a shell within a shell. The shooting lane section will be a freestanding shell that contains all the projectiles (bullets) in treated surfaces or at the end of the range. A sophisticated air system will filter air that leaves the building to be cleaner than when it entered, they said. The owners said they don’t want to cut down trees and tear up the parking area before knowing when business would grow, but vowed to add parking at that time. Business hours are planned from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. seven days a week, with earlier hours if law enforcement personnel need training. State statute says the range can open at 7:30 a.m.

IN OTHER ACTION AUG. 18, THE COUNCIL: • Discussed the city administrator’s recommendations for a 2016 budget of $17.8 million. The property tax levy would be $12.2 million compared with $11.3 million this year, an increase of 8.4 percent. The tax rate is expected to rise from 55.55 percent to 54.92 percent. The median-value $211,100 home is expected to increase 5 percent to $221,700; based on

the levy increase, the owner can tentatively expect an additional $76.03 in property taxes next year. Plans call for adopting a preliminary budget Sept. 15 and certifying the maximum property tax levy to the county by Sept. 30 • Awarded a $577,510 bid to Hardrives Inc. for the 2015 Street Improvement Project and bid alternate to mill and overlay at the North Main Parking Lot. The bid was some $70,000 greater than estimated so the city will cut some $62,000 without compromising the project. • After a public hearing, approved a request by Todd Baumgartner of WB Development LLC for a 15-lot residential plat at the northwest quadrant of Neal Avenue N. and McKusick Road. • Approved a resolution for no parking on Hazel Street from the intersection of the Browns Creek Trail west to 50 feet west of N. First Street. • Continued until Sept. 1 a public hearing on a request by Sterling Black of Fairway Development LLC for a 20lot residential preliminary plat at 1902 Williams St. N. • Learned from Stillwater Fire Chief Stu Glaser the new fire station on Maryknoll Drive N. received its final inspection and pass, with move-in expected to be complete Aug. 29. The building marks the fourth station in the city’s 143-year history; others occupied Commercial Street, Third Street and Fourth Street. The dedication and grand opening is set for Saturday, Oct. 10 in coordination with Fire Prevention Week. • Approved using TIF money for a $30,000 engineering study about burying overhead power lines along Lowell Park from Nelson Street to Laurel Street at a cost of at least $1.5 million. The council next meets Tuesday, Sept. 1 at 7 p.m. at City Hall.

Hayfield ablaze in Grant CARTER JOHNSON Publisher

GRANT — It was something Mahtomedi Fire Chief Terry Fischer had never seen: a burning hayfield. The field belonged to Loren Sederstrom, a hobby farmer in Grant who cuts 30 acres of hay. Spontaneous combustion is blamed for starting a large pile of fresh cut hay last month that Sederstrom said was "beyond repair" due to rain. "I had two guys pile the ruined hay in mounds 6 feet high and 20 feet across for

disposal," Sederstrom said. "That night, the first pile caught on fire and sparks started two more ablaze. It started by itself. I was shocked. This was an experience I've never had before." Sederstrom, who also sits on the City Council, called the fire department, which prepared to put the piles out. "II preferred they let them burn since I was going to get rid of the hay anyway," he recalled, "so I got a burning permit and the next day lit the rest on fire. I just had to remove

the ashes." Fischer said he's heard of barns starting on fire from spontaneous combustion in stored hay bales put up too green and too wet, but never in a field. "It was odd but we let them burn," the chief said. "It saved us, though. We would have been there for hours." As for his hay, Sederstrom said it's been a difficult year for growing the crop. "I don't have to go to the casino," he quipped. "I farm. That's my gambling." — Debra Neutkens

HAVE THE S SCOOP FOR TTHE H LOWDOWN? Please email news stories, briefs, tips, photos, letters and miscellaneous gossip to Michelle at llowdownnews@presspubs. ccom, o or if desperate call her at 651-407-1229.



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© 2015 Material may not be reproduced in whole or part in any form whatsoever. Published Friday by Press Publications, Inc. 4779 Bloom Avenue White Bear Lake, MN 55110 Office Hours: 8 am - 5 pm, Monday - Friday Mailed Subscription Rate: In county & zip code 55092: FREE Out of county: $26 for 6 mo. The Lowdown is direct mailed through the US Postal Service for guaranteed delivery.

The Lowdown is a continuation of the Forest Lake & St. Croix Valley Press.



around the • The Washington County Sheriff's Office has a new mobile app from CloudspaceMobile, available for all mobile devices and tablets on the Apple and Android platforms via the Apple

OUT EAST • Our Community Kitchen serves healthy lunches at Community Thread, 2300 Orleans St. W. in Stillwater, to bring neighbors together Wednesdays beginning Aug. 26 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Volunteers are sought. More info: www. •New fire chief at the Bayport Fire Dept. is former assistant chief Allen Eisinger . • Winner in the Washington County Gardeners’ Bayport in Bloom front entry garden contest (residential category) was a home at 915 Inspiration Parkway N. Winner in the commercial category was senior complex Croixdale, while Bayport City Hall won in the publicnonprofit category. Honorable mention went to homes at 790 2nd Ave. N. and 1137 Pioneer Trail and to Bethlehem Church. • Artists are sought for the juried Spirit of the St. Croix Art Festival Sept. 26 and 27 in Hudson, Wisconsin. Artists in all media except jewelry may apply

at The annual event draws more than 8,000 visitors and 85 to 90 regional artists to Hudson’s Lakefront Park. • Stillwater attractions are being featured on a new travel TV show on Fox Sports North and Fox Sports Wisconsin called “The Minnesota Traveler.” The public is invited to view the re-broadcasted episode, which focuses on fall and winter destinations, at 4 p.m. (with a celebration lasting from 3 to 5 p.m.) on Sunday, Aug. 30 at Lift Bridge Brewery, 1900 Tower Drive W., Stillwater. Beer and

root beer will be on tap. The episode will air again on the following dates: Sept. 2 from 8:30 to 9 a.m.; Sept. 4 TBD; Nov. 29 from 6 a.m. to 7 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. to 8 a.m.; Dec. 2 from 8:30 to 9 a.m. and Dec. 4 TBD. More info:

UP NORTH • The Wyoming Library hosts a presentation called “What is Personality” from 7 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 26. Presenter is Mary Jo Meadow, Ph.D. professor emerita of psychology from MSU-Mankato. Register at 651-462-9001. •The Wyoming Library hosts “Advice for your Device” on how to download library eBooks and eAudiobooks from 7 to 8 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 27. Register at 651-462-9001. •Lakes Trading Co. in Forest Lake hosts a Minnesota DNR Hunter’s Safety class for those 11 and older from Aug. 24-26. Cost is $15. Register at lakestradingco@gmail. com with “DNR hunter’s safety” in the subject line and the participant’s phone and email. •Jim Armstrong performs at the Forest Lake American Legion Senior Dance Friday, Aug. 21 from 1 to 4 p.m. $6 includes lunch. Cash bar. Info: 651-464-2600.

App Store and Google Play. Users may commend an officer, provide tips, view the department's other social media platforms, contact personnel, view cold cases and FAQs. Daily book-in reports and press releases may be added. • The Washington County Veterans Service Office will receive a $17,500 grant from the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs to enhance services to veterans, including reintegration of combat veterans into society, reduction of veteran homelessness and enhancement of office operations. • The Washington County Board of Commissioners recommended to the state Department of Revenue that tax-forfeited land parcels be conveyed to cities that propose a public use for them. Forest Lake requested one parcel for park use, while Stillwater requested a parcel for use as a public road or right-of-way. • The county will administer a special election in Grant Oct. 13 over two questions related to adoption and discharge of the city’s Charter Commission.The county will receive $6,100 in related election costs. • The County Board is applying to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for $70,100 in funding for improving Subsurface Sewage Treatment Systems. • The county will add a parcel of land on the east side of Lake Elmo Park Reserve located at 1446 Lake Elmo Ave. The $253,000 cost will be funded by Land and Water Legacy Program proceeds and the Met Council will be asked to reimburse for 75 percent of that. • The county and the St. Paul Port Authority will implement the Property Assessed Clean Energy Program of Minnesota for energy improvements to eligible non-residential properties. Owners of the Water Street Inn in Stillwater and Cover Park Manor in Oak Park Heights are both interested in solar energy projects. The county may administer assessments to collect repayment on loans of up to 20 years. Approved projects are eligible for 100 percent financing. • The board approved agreements allowing it to participate in waste paint collection programs in managing household hazardous waste. • Hardrives Inc. will build turn lanes on County State Aid Highway 15 in Grant via a $856,290 contract. The project involves Mendel Road North, Manning Trail Court North and 110th Street North. Payment will come from $674,300 of federal aid and $182,291 of state aid. • SEH Inc. will do final design for Phase II of the County State Aid Highway 17 in Lake Elmo’s Old Village area via a $369,000 contract. The 2016 project includes work on 17 and 30th Street involving pavement improvement, utility upgrades, drainage improvements, street lighting, curb and gutter, pedestrian improvements, landscaping and aesthetic improvements. State aid pays for 34 percent of the cost and the city pays for 66 percent. • The Washington County Dept. of Public Health and Environment is offering extra appointments for children who need immunizations before the next school year but have no medical insurance. A $12 administration fee is requested, but not mandatory. Next clinic: 2 to 4 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 26 at the Washington County Government Center, 14949 62nd St. N., Stillwater. Call 651-430-4036 for an appointment. — Press release




school PRESCHOOL CLASSES Warner Nature Center in Marine offers preschool for children 3 to 5 Monday mornings from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. from mid- September through mid-May. Tuition is $700 with a $50 registration fee. Its Acorn Adventures for children 1 to 5 starts Sept. 22 and runs Tuesdays through May 18 from 9:30 to 11 a.m. Cost is $15/class. Register at 651-433-2427 ext. 10

CHINESE VISITORS Lakes International Language Academy recently hosted a weeklong language exchange camp for 22 teenage Chinese students and their chaperone. Field trips included geocaching at William O'Brien State Park, exploring Carlos Avery Wildlife Center, shopping at the Mall of America and attending a Minnesota Twins ballgame.LILA was named a Confucius Institute Classroom last year and continues to enhance ties with educators and classrooms in China. SMITH A GOPHER SAHS grad Sierra Smith is one of nine new players on the Golden Gophers women's hockey team. According to the team website, Smith recorded 24 points (11 goals, 13 assists) in 27 games during her senior year at SAHS. She was team captain, MVP and Hobey Baker Award winner her final year. She plans to study biochemistry and pre-med and minor in Spanish.

New Stillwater superintendent already tackling bonded projects BY MICHELLE MIRON Editor

STILLWATER — New Stillwater Schools Superintendent Denise Pontrelli never saw herself as superintendent when she started her career as a teacher in Mahtomedi. In fact, she never even saw herself as a principal. But opportunities kept coming her way, and she wished to honor the legacy set by her educator parents and grandmother. Last month the Hugo resident became leader of the 18-community, 165-year-old school district, and now she's putting her nose to the grindstone to complete bondedfor projects like the transition of ninthgraders to the set-to-be-renovated high school and the furthering of the Bridge to Excellence program, a pre-set fiveyear plan focusing on individualized learning for students. She also worked through the summer on a restructuring of the district's staff development team to better address support for teachers. In her favor, she said, is that district staffers seem genuinely dedicated to keeping Stillwater Schools "the place to come and learn" in light of all other educational opportunities available these days. "Teachers and educators here care about making more opportunities for all kids," she said. "And Stillwater has that tradition of excellence in athletics, academics and the arts.” Among her goals, she said, are to have a regular presence in the school buildings so staffers feel supported by the administration. She'll continue to focus on promoting multiple learning opportunities, pointing to choices in the way students are integrated, project-based learning options, and schedule flexibility including options that work around training for students gifted in athletics and the arts.

Sounds like all that will require a lot of hours at work? “That's kind of a given in this position,” she confirmed, laughing. “That's why you have to love this Pontrelli job. But I'm working with high-quality, able people from Central Services to teachers to the unions.” Since voters approved a $97.5 million tax-neutral bond in May, the district's been planning $48.03 million in renovations at Stillwater High School, construction of a new elementary school in Woodbury and a variety of other improvements. It will change grade configuration by moving to preK-5 elementary schools, 6-8 middle schools and a 9-12 high school. Bidding for the construction projects is expected this winter, and groundbreaking for the high school addition and new elementary takes place next spring. All construction will wrap up over the summer of 2017, and the grade configuration change will be in place for the start of the 2017-2018 school year. Pontrelli was most recently with Spring Lake Park Public Schools, where she was assistant superintendent and director of educational services for six years. Before that she spent nine years with Mahtomedi Schools, five as assistant superintendent and four as principal. She holds a master's degree from U of M in teacher leadership. She said her own greatest professional strength lies in curriculum and instruction. "I think that's why the board hired me," she noted. On a personal note, last year she

married professional chef John Pontrelli in a ceremony at Stillwater's Historic Courthouse. John previously owned Mac's Dinette in North St. Paul and was founder of the popular History Cruze Car Show series held in North St. Paul on summer Fridays. Together the couple has six children; five are in their 20s and her son Jack, 12, attends White Bear Lake schools. The Pontrellis own a cabin in Wisconsin, and Denise listed some of her favorite hobbies as water skiing, tubing and traveling. She's already visited multiple countries including Morocco, Brazil, Germany, Switzerland, France, Mexico, Spain and several of the Caribbean islands. On her bucket list: checking out Prague and Budapest. Asked about her five-year plan, Pontrelli said she hopes to be working in her present role. That's pushing the boundaries of Minnesota statistics showing the average superintendent stays in his or her position five years. Previous superintendent Corey Lunn moved on last year after three years, after which interim superintendent Tom Nelson stepped in to help out before Pontrelli was hired. She said that average tenure is somewhat understandable, given the challenges of the role. While the school district is typically one of the largest employers in any community, she pointed out its leaders' hands are often tied by decisions made at the state level. "It's difficult when you find (plans) limited and constrained by factors other than yourself," she said. "There's not a lot you can do to raise money for projects … you're competing for resources." Pontrelli invited staffers and parents to call or email with questions and concerns.

Pratt Homes plats cater to middle-aged downsizers BY DEBRA NEUTKENS

HUGO — Phase Four of Len Pratt's Fable Hill development got underway in Hugo last month with homes aimed toward empty nesters 55 and older. The $500,000, one-level patio homes planned for the next chapter come with three-car garages and grounds maintained by an association. They are similar to Pratt's sold-out Creekside Villas in Victor Gardens that averaged $477,600 each. "I've been doing this empty nester stuff a long time," said Pratt, who has been in business with his brother since 1973. "I understand that band of buyers. They're downsizing and getting things conveniently oriented, minimizing steps and making it easier to live. Gravity gets us all." The Vadnais Heights-based builder specializes in premium homes with price points at a half-million dollars and up. "We're not into expediency or less expensive," Pratt said. "We're into detail. Every community needs a range of choices. When you deal north of $500,000, properties must have unique characteristics in a context that has appeal, space and good backdrops. There

Photo by Debra Neutkins Len Pratt stands on the site of Fable Hill's Phase Four. Behind him is Clearwater Creek Park Preserve, which will be accessed by trail from the neighborhood. Trails are important to Pratt's development and he always makes sure the site fits environmentally to its surroundings.

is still a market, as proven here, for people above that price point." Hugo is a natural progression for spillover housing from a fully developed White Bear Lake and Township, Pratt noted.

"You have to have a stomach for looking down the road,” he said. “You have to have a knack for it.” Pratt's great-grandfather was a Swedish immigrant who built homes in northeast Minneapolis. "You can still see his houses," he said. "So it's in our family history back a generation or two. There is something rewarding about a tangible result." Both Pratt and brother Lowell worked their way through the University of Minnesota as carpenters. Len was an English literature major, which might explain his penchant for storytelling. "One thing led to another in the early '70s, and we went into business," he said. The home builder/developer admits he's a workaholic, which happily teams well with wife Ellen Maas, a Washington County judge and part-time musician. They've been married 15 years and reside in Birchwood. Pratt also has three children from a previous marriage; son Ben is a chef and owner of Ingredients restaurant in White Bear Lake. The president of Pratt Homes weathered the recession storm and says the "underwriting

fundamentals of lending have been repaired." He said the market will more fully recover when millennials decide to buy homes. "They rent now,” he explained. “A survey from the National Association of Homebuilders shows they want a sense of job security first. When the biological clock ticks, once family formation starts, they choose to live outside the urban core. They want a yard and they want a good school." Less than 10 percent of the property Pratt acquired for Fable Hill remains unsold — about seven lots of the original 75. All are large lots that are twice the size of what city code requires. "I sensed, and I still do, that people come to Hugo for the space,” he added. Is he optimistic for the future? "I am for the next three years. We have been under building for demand. But the sale of existing homes by empty nesters needs to be more fluid." When the villas are complete, Pratt will move on to a fifth and final phase in Fable Hill with 20 more villas and 14 single family homes. When that project is finished, Pratt can finally write 'the end' to that story. — Debra Neutkens is regional editor at Press Publications.



reports SCAM WARNING The Washington County Sheriff’s Office reports a local phone scam involving a male posing as a deputy, claiming the resident owns money to the IRS. The scammer warns of a warrant arrest if the money is not paid. The fake deputy is using a phone spoofing number that comes up as a Sheriff’s Office Records number, but ask you to call back to an out-of-state number. Victims should call their local police agency.

STILLWATER AREA • A snapping turtle was inside Belle Ballet on Main Street N. Aug. 10 • Fifth-degree domestic assault was reported on Benson and Orleans Aug. 10 • An adult female allegedly stole a $48 box of Zotz candy at Barbara Ann’s on Main Street S. Aug. 10 • On Pioneer Place Aug. 10, police helped trap a raccoon hiding in someone’s vehicle dashboard following a camping trip. • A Stillwater woman and St. Paul woman, both 20, reported a vehicle sideswiping them on the crosswalk outside LOLO restaurant on Main St. S. Aug. 10 • An intoxicated female was reported on someone’s porch

at Fifth Street S. Aug. 11, but she left before police arrived. • Two males climbed a fence to swim in someone’s pool on Greeley Street S. Aug. 11 • A penis was drawn on two vehicles with permanent marker on Broadway Street S. Aug. 11 • On Fifth Street S. Aug. 11, a man reported that 5- and 7-year-old neighbor children spray painted a retaining wall. • A 13-year-old girl allegedly struck a 15-year-old girl near the public restrooms in Lowell Park Aug. 11 • An empty stroller was found in the St. Croix River south of the Stillwater Bridge Aug. 11 • An intoxicated driver was intercepted on Stillwater Boulevard N. Aug. 12 • An out-of-control male was reported at Water Street Inn on Water Street S. Aug. 12 • On Aug. 12 at least seven area vehicles were vandalized with spray paint overnight, all while parked at or near Fifth Street S. or Sixth Street S. in Stillwater. Other vehicles and driveways were spray painted earlier this week. • Assistance was provided at the Super 8 Motel on Frontage Road W. Aug. 12 after a 30-year-old man wouldn’t wake up to check out. He said he was homeless. • An air boat rescue was made on the shore of the St. Croix River in Houlton, Wisconsin

Aug. 12 after a 21-year-old man and 9-year-old girl were ejected from a mechanical tram extending down the lakeshore. They were hospitalized in serious condition. • Two sales of alcohol to a minor were logged at Sweet Taste of Italy on Frontage Road W. Aug. 12 • Juveniles were reported running around saying “Do it” outside a resident’s window on Greeley Street S. Aug. 13. A homemade bong was destroyed. • Several incidents of vandalism via spray-painted and marker-ed vehicles, boats, trailers and homes were reported overnight Aug. 11. The reports came from Stillwater’s South Hill area, including Churchill Street, Sixth Avenue Fifth Street and First Street. • Craigslist fraud was reported on Main Street N. Aug. 13 • A vehicle was spray painted on First Street S. Aug. 13 • A window was damaged at Oasis Cafe on Main Street S. Aug. 13 • A 20-year-old Oak Park Heights man was arrested in regards to a stolen moped on Cottage and Orleans Aug. 13. A woman said she bought the moped via Craigslist two days earlier. • A man hit a squad car with his vehicle at Lucky’s Station on Main Street N. Aug. 13. • An arrest was made after speeding, driving after revocation and lack of insurance on Main Street S. Aug. 14 • Three vehicles had their tires slashed on Harriet Street S. Aug. 14 • A hit and run occurred at

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Highway 36 and Washington Aug. 14; arm and head injuries to a 29-year-old female were reported. • Tires were slashed on vehicles in the parking ramp on Second Street and on Seventh Street S. Aug. 14 • Vandalism was reported at Blue Sky Yoga on Fourth Street S. Aug. 14 • Suspicious males were reported pulling on door handles at Mulberry and Owens Aug. 14 • A taxi driver said passengers stole his backseat cushion at Orleans and Cottage Aug. 15 • Juveniles reportedly knocked down an intoxicated 62-year-old man on Greeley Street N. Aug. 15 • Fifteen to 20 people sighted adient Way a bear near Gadient and Northland Court olice Aug. 15, but police o were unable to locate it. • A 2013 Honda worth $22,854 was reported stolen from a White Bear Lake man on Second Street N. Aug. 15 • Two bikes were $90 were stolen from 62nd Street N. Aug. 15 • A report was made Aug. 15 of a car h driving off with a gas nozzle at Holiday on Market Drive.

• A third-degree DWI arrest was made near Second Street Aug. 15 • A purse was reported stolen at P.D. Pappy’s on Mulberry Street E. Aug. 15 • Gunshot-like noises were reported at Summerfields Green Aug. 16. Police believe someone was throwing objects off the roof of Rutherford Elementary. Three bikes were found. • Fourth-degree DWI was reported on Main Street N. Aug. 16 • Arrests of a 21-year-old Hugo man and a 20-year-old Willernie man were made after third-degree assault to a 24-year-old Shoreview man in the parking lot of P.D. Pappy’s on Mulberry Street E. Aug. 16 • A DWI arrest w was made on Myrtle Street E. E Aug. 16 •$140 was stol stolen from a locked vehicle vehi on Liberty Parkway A Aug. 16 • A wom woman reported a frien friend stealing her laptop lapto on Greeley Street Stre S. Aug. 16 • Burglary B was reported re on Fourth Fo Street N. Aug. A 17 • Several juveniles ran after tampering with an unlocked vehicle on First Street S. Aug. 18. Nothing was taken, but a bike was left. b -From city reports

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| 13

Locals lobbying for climate change policy BY SUZANNE LINDGREN

AFTON — Mary Hooley and Bonnie Power have spent hours, maybe even days, researching the concerns of Minnesota’s legislative representatives. It might not seem the fastest route to reigning in climate change, but they’re not the only ones betting on its effectiveness. Hooley, of Scandia, and Afton resident Power belong to the St. Croix Valley chapter of the international Citizens’ Climate Lobby, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization advocating for national policies that address climate change. Rather than marching in rallies, members focus on educating themselves and others, writing letters, meeting with representatives and attending events to share relevant information. The larger organization’s goal is to have citizen volunteers lobbying every representative or senator in every state. The St. Croix Valley group has met with the staff of congressional representatives

Photo submitted Mary Hooley and Bonnxie Power of the St. Croix Valley chapter of Citizens’ Climate Lobby say the organization helps them feel empowered in the face of climate change.

Betty McCollum and Tom Emmer and senators Al Franken and Amy Klobuchar. Earlier this summer, Power and a

handful of others from the chapter joined 900 in Washington DC at the organization’s national convention. Volunteers

meet with representatives and learned how to empower others to take an active role in decisions that direct their lives. Currently the lobby is advocating for a “carbon fee and dividend” policy, which proposes placing a steadily rising fee on the use of carbon-based fuels and distributing revenue from the fee to households in a monthly dividend. The tax would also be applied to fuels imported from countries that do not charge their own carbon tax. CCL believes that, if adopted, the policy would internalize the social cost of carbon-based fuels, rapidly reduce emissions, stimulate the economy and encourage global participation. The notion is supported by scientists, economists, political leaders, environmentalists, even oil companies. Hooley and Power say participation in the group helps them face the specter of climate change. “It helps me sleep at night,” said Power. — Suzanne Lindgren is editor of the Marine Country Messenger.

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Median-value home would may see $18 county tax bump in 2016 LUXURY PONTOON Premier Pontoons of Wyoming has introduced a new boat model for 2016, a 12-foot-wide, triple engine, luxury cruising Dodici. The boat holds up to 26 passengers and reaches speeds of up to 60 mph. The 24-year-old family-owned company designs, builds and markets 19 models of luxury pontoons under the brands Premier, Palm Beach, Weeres and Leisure, and holds patents on many manufacturing elements.

NEW CHEF Jon Beyreuther is new executive chef at L’Etoile du Nord in Bayport. For the past eight years he's been chef de cuisine at Meritage restaurant in downtown St. Paul. Owners of the Bayport restaurant are Olivier Vrambout and Julia Kaemmer.

CASEY'S EXPANSION Casey’s General Store at 5321 Wyoming Trail in Wyoming will expand , remodel and add another gas pump.

WASHINGTON COUNTY —Last week the County Board discussed a preliminary 2016 budget based on a 3.49 net tax levy increase to $92.8 million. The increase would mean a median-valued $247,400 home (assuming a value jump of just over 1 percent) would see an $18 increase in county property tax levy. Non-levy revenue is expected to reach $94.1 million with operating expenditures at $157.2 million, an increase of 3.46 percent. Capital expenxpen ditures of $26.6 million n are slated, excluding bond-funded -funded projects. The county's generall state aid next year is expected ed to drop $322,600 from 2015. 015. Debt service for capital ital projects is expected to increase by 5 percent. The proposed posed budget covers negotiated ted wage agreements and health care costs; the

county is expected to add 16 employees next year. Other key initiatives in the proposed budget: •Transitioning to electronic files in the public safety agencies •A jail security upgrade •Increased hours at the county’s Environmental Center •Increased business recycling and composting •Changes in child protection programs funded by state grants •Increased Increased road construcconstruc tion and maintenance •Minimum wage increases for seasonal employees •Investment in community library programming and collections •Election services

(including presidential) Other factors involved include: •Pressure to fund statemandated services •Employee compensation and health insurance costs •Debt service funding •Service demands from a growing population •The lingering impact of the recession •Funding and staffing support for needed road improvements •Demand for out-of-home placement of children. According to a press release, the county enters the 2016

budget process in a strong financial position, with balanced budgets and the highest possible credit ratings. Countywide, the estimated market value of property increased by 2.8 percent from 2015, and the county added $304 million in new construction. Further budget meetings and presentation may be viewed at — Compiled from a press release

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| 15


Calling all turkey hunters Craft beer retailers hosting ESPN radio show BY LOUISE ERNEWEIN Contributing Writer

Submitted photo Shane Simpson doesn't generally use blinds. He prefers to wait in plain sight in camouflage, as in this screen grab from a video of a March hunt. BY KRISTINE GOODRICH

WHITE BEAR LAKE — Shane Simpson likens turkey hunting to a game of chess. The White Bear Lake man says bagging a gobbler requires a lot of strategy. It's his favorite animal to hunt because there is a lot of interaction between hunter and bird, he said. He sometimes spends hours luring the same turkey with calls and a decoy, while deciding whether to chance moving closer or to a better vantage point. The chase of the very vocal birds is as rewarding as the kill, he said. Simpson travels the Midwest every spring and fall in search of turkeys. He's also a champion turkey caller and organizes an annual calling contest. And he hosts a website and social media pages where he shares blogs and videos about hunting and calling. His young daughter is also is a medalwinning caller and is aiming to snare her first turkey this spring. His fiancée also is a hunter, although she prefers to chase deer. A hunting question initially posed by his fiancée on a social media site is what sparked their relationship. He's from South Carolina and moved to Minnesota in 2008 to be with her. The move prompted his first calling contest entry and his first videotaping of hunting trips, which prompted him to start a website. He was a frequent hunter back in South Carolina, where there are longer seasons and a five-bird limit. In Minnesota, hunters are limited to one bird per season. After Simpson had claimed his Minnesota bird but wanted to spend more time in the woods, he started following hunting buddies and filming the excursions. He started a website as a way to share his footage with his hunting companions and so they could share it with their friends. Its audience has grown as his videos have become more polished and his website has added more features including a blog, turkey-calling tutorial videos and a calendar of calling contests. The site — — makes a little advertising revenue that helps subsidize Simpson's hunting equipment and travel expenses. In addition to the website, he also shares videos and other hunting resources on a Facebook page ( that has nearly 2,700 likes and a Twitter page ( that has nearly 500 followers.

He now travels to multiple states each season so he can claim more birds. So far this year he's been to Nebraska, Wisconsin, South Dakota and Illinois. He works three 12-hour shifts as a printer at a Little Canada small business, allowing him five days a week for hunting. He films each hunting excursion and, assuming they aren't a bust, posts a 10to 20-minute video recap online. He usually hunts and stays with a family member or friend or two. A shotgun is his weapon of choice. He's tried bow-hunting but said it's nearly impossible to snag a turkey because they see the movement of the bow and flee. “If they see you, it's over,” he said. The birds never go to waste. Last summer he distributed frozen turkeys to neighbors and challenged them to a cooking contest potluck. He hopes to repeat the contest this year if he accumulates enough birds. Simpson was interviewed for a third time last month on the “WCCO Live Outdoors” radio show. A team from the “Minnesota Bound” TV show was scheduled to film a segment with him later. Back in South Carolina he was too chicken, he said, to enter calling contests. He decided to go for it shortly after moving to Minnesota. “I figured, 'No one knows me, so what if I make a fool of myself?’” he said. He took home third place — at the Midwest Sports Show in Minneapolis — and was hooked. Now he competes several times a year in turkey and owl hooting. He's won 17 calling titles, including winning the 2011 and 2015 State Calling Championships. He claimed his first medal this year at the National Wild Turkey Federation Grand National Calling Championships in Nashville — third place in the owl hooting division. He records many of the contests and posts them online; oftentimes he also streams them live. At the next national contest, the turkey federation is partnering with him to make his the official national championships live stream. Simpson also sponsors and judges a turkey calling contest at the Game Fair in Anoka each August. His daughter, Brooke, who is a pupil at Frassati Catholic Academy, is a budding hunter and caller. She won her first junior calling contest at age 3 and shot at her first turkey last year at age 5. — Kristine Goodrich is the editor of the White Bear Press

WHITE BEAR LAKE — To many, it may seem Ryan Widuch and Tom Boland have dream jobs. The men earn their paychecks tasting, talking and selling beer — specifically craft beer, which has somewhat of a cult status in Minnesota right now. "We feel lucky,” said Widuch. “It's not just about our passion or work ethic, it's also about timing. Ten years ago, the market wasn't in a place to support what we are doing." Every Thursday night listeners can catch the 1999 White Bear Lake Area High School grads reviewing locally brewed craft beers on 1500

ESPN's “The Beer Show.” They have a segment in which they invite Minnesota brewers to talk about their creations, introducing the ever-growing number of craft beer drinkers across the state to a wide range of niche brews. Not that the craft beer market is so niche these days. Market growth is a trend the two have witnessed firsthand in their Minneapolis liquor store called Elevated Beer, Wines, Spirits, and next hope to witness in their new store at 2141 Fourth St. in White Bear Lake. Widuch recently quoted figures suggesting the craft beer market in the state has grown to a 10 percent market share in recent years. At their

Minneapolis store, 60 percent of sales are from beer, and half of that from craft beer. The two have been friends since age 12. After high school graduation Widuch moved to Chicago to trade on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange while Boland worked in human resource technology for a local finance company. They reconnected after Widuch returned to Minnesota in 2007 and they discovered a mutual love of craft beer and home brewing. Opening stores seemed like a better idea than competing with fledgling breweries popping up around the state. Check out their latest Beer Show podcast or get more info at

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16 |


Reel talk Don’t Miss!


Stillwater now and then

Worth a Look Forget it


— Phenomenal scenery highlights this thought-provoking, artsy, slowpaced, 124-minute film in which a well-respected, veteran French actress (Juliette Bincohe) escapes to a remote region of the Alps with her assistant (Kristen Stewart) as she struggles to accept and rehearse for a older role on the London stage in a play that made her famous twenty years earlier and now must cope with the actress (Chloë Grace Moretz) who is playing the younger part.


— A dark, gritty, unpredictable, 113-minute film in which a broke, bitter woman (Charlize Theron) is approached by a Killer’s Club member (Nicholas Hoult) who is investigating the horrendous 1985 murder of her mother, a Kansas housewife (Christian Hendricks), and her two young sisters (Natalie Precht and Madison McGuire) of which her brother (Tye Sheridan/Corey Stoll), who was allegedly influenced by his off-the-rails girlfriend (Chloë Grace Moretz), is convicted of the brutal slayings.


— A risqué, well-acted, intermittently uncomfortable, coming-of-age, 102-minute film based on Phoebe Gloeckner’s semi-autobiographical, graphic 2002 novel in which a flirtatious, 15-year-old wannabe cartoonist (Bel Powley), who lives with her divorced, irresponsible, bohemian mother (Kristen Wiig) in San Francisco and rarely sees her father (Christopher Meloni) who lives in New York, seduces her mom’s boyfriend (Alexander Skarsgård) in 1976 and shares her intimate feelings with her tape recorder and best friend (Madeleine Waters).


— After four highly intelligent student scientists (Miles Teller, Michael B. Jordan, Kate Mara, and Jamie Bell) ignore the advice of their concerned lab boss (Reg. E. Cathey) and that of a government-backed sponsor (Tim Blake Nelson) and end up gaining unusual superpowers when three of them return from an alternate universe in this disappointing, runof-the-mill, action-packed, 106-minute, scifi film based on the Marvel comic book, they band together to defeat power-hungry, menacing scientist Dr. Doom (Toby Kebbell) who is bent on destroying Earth.

WENDY SCHADEWALD The preceding films were reviewed by Wendy Schadewald, who has been a Twin Cities film critic since 1986. To see more of her film reviews, log on to

©1986 through 2014 by Wendy Schadewald

2015 photos by Doug Mattson, historical photos courtesy Minnesota Historical Society. Clockwise from top: A 1948 view looking north down Main Street from the downtown Stillwater stairs, compared to 2015; A view of the city from the Historic Courthouse cupola in 1905 (top) compared to 2015; and the Historic Courthouse itself in 1890 (left) compared to 2015.

Former Stillwater resident Doug Mattson (SAHS class of 1980) sent the Lowdown these photos of old-time Stillwater from the Minnesota Historical Society, paired with his own shots taken this year. A photographer since age 10, the local resident of 53 years semi-retired to his wife's hometown of Las Vegas this year. “My camera I use now is nothing fancy, just a Sony pocket point and shoot,” he noted. “I just click away until I have a decent photo. The photo project was a spur of the moment thing — thank goodness for digital photography, otherwise I would have used dozen and dozens of rolls of film just to get the pictures I have. I may shoot more next year as I was only able to get about half of the photos I wanted. “(We) have been feeling nostalgic about the old town, so doing this photo project has helped considerably. Our future plans are to buy an RV and spend the summer months in Minnesota to visit, then head back to Vegas when it starts to get cool. What I miss most about Minnesota most of all are the lakes, trees and thunderstorms.”









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WE WANT YOU! The Fairfield Inn & Suites Vadnais Heights is now hiring for part-time Housekeeping, Breakfast & Night Audit. Apply within at 1125 East County Rd E Vadnais Heights, MN 55110 or call 651-797-3008


Health Care Health Care

Patient Registration/ Scheduler Full Time – 0.9 FTE (72 hours a pay period). Primarily 11:45 a.m. – 9:15 p.m. and every other weekend rotation and holiday rotation included. Located in Pine City Urgency Services. High school diploma or general education degree (GED). Prefer clerical with PC/ internet experience. Private insurance payer knowledge strongly desired. Ability to handle and manage a cash drawer. Requires strong customer service and phone skills, as well as excellent interpersonal skills with exceptional communication and listening skills giving the ability to quickly connect with customers. Skills in using a keyboard, mouse, PC, scanner and printer. Knowledge of medical terminology, spelling and punctuation to type patient information. Apply on line at Or email resume to FirstLight Health System 301 Highway 65 South Mora, MN 55051 320-225-3612 EOE






Custom Cherry Dresser • Top: 691/2" L x 16" W • 6 Adjustable Shelves: 161/2” L x 131/2” 16 13 D • Top “Jut out”: 19" L x 331/2” W • Drawers have Metal Full • Drawers (3): 141/2” W x 61/2” 6 D Extension Slides 271/2” L x 14 • Excellent Condition • Heavy (will need 2 people to move)

0 $37

612-599-1729 150 340 Help Wanted

Part-time schoolage care program aides and lunchroom aides needed for current school year at Lakes International Language Academy. Spanish or Chinese fluency preferred but not required. Apply at or pick up an application at LILA's Main Campus 246 11th Ave S.E. Forest Lake. LILA is an equal opportunity employer and educator.


Health Care Health Care Health Care Health Care

PT Direct Support Professional positions available WBL & Hugo group homes w/ men or women! Exp. preferred. M/H valid DL, clean driving record, proof of ins & pass background check. Call Carrie for info (651) 426-3517. $1000 Retention BONUS offered!

154 Full Time All Around Remodeling is looking for experienced & non-experienced remodelors 651-464-0238


LPN ~ Pine City Urgency Services

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Customer Service Representatives.

Full time and part time schedules available. Office and work-at-home opportunities! To learn more and to apply, visit us online at

Elementary music teaching position available at KMS Elementary School. Current Minnesota Education licensure. Send letter of interest, resume, transcripts, three letters of recommendation and teaching license to mheidelberger@ or PO Box 168, Kerkhoven, MN 56252.

Part Time (0.86 FTE) ~ 70 hours a pay period. 10 hour shifts – hours including days, evenings, weekend and holiday rotation. This position is for the Pine City Urgency Services. Graduation from an accredited school of Practical Nursing. Prefer one year specialty care experience (where applicable), including PC experience within a computerized work environment with ability to keyboard and navigate within an automated medical work environment. Current Licensed Practical Nurse in the State of Minnesota, and BLS certification required.

Clinic LPN Part Time (0.86 FTE) ~ 70 hours a pay period. 10 hour shifts – hours including days, evenings, weekend and holiday rotation. Graduation from an accredited school of Practical Nursing. Prefer one year specialty care experience (where applicable), including PC experience within a computerized work environment with ability to keyboard and navigate within an automated medical work environment. Current Licensed Practical Nurse in the State of Minnesota, and BLS certification required.

Apply on line at Or email resume to

Apply on line at Or email resume to

FirstLight Health System 301 Highway 65 South Mora, MN 55051 320-225-3612 EOE

FirstLight Health System 301 Highway 65 South Mora, MN 55051 320-225-3612 EOE

Patient Registration/ Scheduler Part Time – 0.68 (54 hours a pay period). Primarily 11:45 a.m. – 9:15 p.m. and every other weekend rotation and holiday rotation included. Located in Pine City Urgency Services. High school diploma or general education degree (GED). Prefer clerical with PC/internet experience. Private insurance payer knowledge strongly desired. Ability to handle and manage a cash drawer. Requires strong customer service and phone skills, as well as excellent interpersonal skills with exceptional communication and listening skills giving the ability to quickly connect with customers. Skills in using a keyboard, mouse, PC, scanner and printer. Knowledge of medical terminology, spelling and punctuation to type patient information. Apply on line at Or email resume to FirstLight Health System 301 Highway 65 South Mora, MN 55051 320-225-3612 EOE

Clinic LPN Full Time – 0.9 FTE (72 hours a pay period). Monday – Thursday from 7:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. as a scribe clinic nurse (9 hour days). Graduation from an accredited school of Practical Nursing. Prefer one year specialty care experience (where applicable), including PC experience within a computerized work environment with ability to keyboard and navigate within an automated medical work environment. Current Licensed Practical Nurse in the State of Minnesota, and BLS certification required. Apply on line at Or email resume to FirstLight Health System 301 Highway 65 South Mora, MN 55051 320-225-3612 EOE

| 19

Education Love to grow on Child Development Center is hiring aides. Hours 3:15-6 during school year. Starts mid August. Competitive wages, great work environment. Contact Jodi if interested 763-792-4428 PT teachers needed for our Fall program. Please call Linda 763-786-9410

157 Part Time Housecleaning * Tue-Fridays * Insr'd vehicle req'd The Cleaning Solution 651-653-6398 Janitorial PT M-F 6pm-9pm Maplewood $12/hr 651-288-9861 MacPhail Center for Music has a PT Site Coordinator opening at our White Bear Lake site. 30-35 hrs/wk: WBL (T-TH 3-9 pm), Mpls (M varies & SA 10-6pm) See for details. MEET MARKET White Bear Lake Seeking Counter Server and PartTime Dishwasher. Call 651-407-2607 or stop in to apply.

300 For Sale Pocket Watch 17g Gold Filled $85 Gary 651-503-0019

305 Pets/Supplies Pet Sitting/ Boarding/Walking ADVENTURE DOGS

Birchwood 651-214-1863

Thrifties Black metal frame futon w/mattress pad $100 Olive green rocker recliner $125 651-426-8654 Garage heater best offer 320-492-1700 Long dresser $35 651-439-1847 Portable massage tbl $75 port breast pump $25 651-285-2204 Versa 16' multi fold ladder $50 651-439-6654

355 Furniture Dining Room Set Beautiful oak rectangular table w/tile inserts, 4 oak chairs, two are captains. Very Good Condition $200 Call 651-407-8345 Swivel Rocker Pair dark red print $100/pr $60/ea Good cond. 262-442-4173

358 Firewood Free firewood mostly Cedar 651-430-0011 Free wood Large quantities, some cheap 651-484-3262

362 Miscellaneous Dish Network. Get more for less! Starting $19.99/month (for 12 months), plus bundle & save (Fast Internet for $15 more/month.) Call now 800-297-8706 Donate your car, truck or boat to Heritage for the Blind. Free 3 day vacation, tax deductible, free towing, all paperwork taken care of. 800-439-1735 Our hunters will pay top $$$ to hunt your land. Call for a free Base Camp Leasing info packet & quote. 866-309-1507 www.BaseCamp Sawmills from only $4,397. Make and save money with your own bandmill. Cut lumber any dimension. In stock, ready to ship! Free info/DVD: 800-578-1363 ext. 300n www.norwood

363 Musical Instruments 69 Gibson es120t elec guitar case & sales rec $1100 651-429-6168



| 23

Over heard Construction is Photo submitted underway at the new Forest Lake near the Hardwo YMCA od Creek Librar y.

•Discover Stillwater notes that the city boasts 20 outdoor rooftops or patios at its bars and restaurants.

Kids in the Still Photo submitted water Commun ity Ed Adventur and Spin progra e Club ms took part in a Fun Run with from Mahtomed students i, Roseville, St Paul and White Lake. The even Bear t also included an army crawl, web and balanc spider e beam activities and ended with featuring dancin a party g, games and he althy snacks. Po helped sponsor werUp the event. Photo submitted to at volunteers stopped for a pho Some of the regular Friday Valley Outreach.

Photo submitted in the ht Magical Kids Nig at Arts Magic Norm performed at Park in Forest Lake Aug. 11. Photo submitted est ed in (and noshed at) the For More than 90 golfers participat rna Tou f Gol ual merce 28th Ann Lake Area Chamber of Com ment Aug. 10.

•The Stillwater Ponies football program and alumnus Dennis Weimann put together this highlight reel of the program's 1995 varsity season: watch?v=P0pQlgpJWAw. Some consider the team the greatest in Stillwater football history, since it was undefeated on the way to the state championship. •Sal's restaurant in Withrow offers a free bowl of spaghetti (with paid beverage) to any vet or soldier showing dogs tags on Tuesday nights. •The Oasis Cafe in Stillwater has a new menu with more than 12 new items. •Participants at the Forest Lake Relay For Life Aug. 8 raised more than $100,000 to fight cancer. Donna Mathias raised the most funds of all adults, while top youth team was “Too Inspired to be Tired.” •Lake Elmo is considering the purchase of 3M's 500-acre Tartan Park, though it doesn't have the cash on hand. 3M is also considering private development and hopes to have a buyer in place by late September. •Some residents of West Lakeland Township are fighting a proposal for an $11.5 million expansion of the Lake Elmo Airport via a petition and letter-writing campaign. The expansion is being considered by the Metropolitan Airport Commission. Also opposed: the Township Board, Sen. Karin Housley and Rep. Kathy Lohmer. •The Oak Park Heights Police Department will add body cameras to staff by this fall or earlier. •Former SAHS hockey coach Phil Housley, now assistant coach for the Nashville Predators, threw out the first pitch at the Aug. 12 Minnesota Twins game at Target Field. Watch the footage at Housley will be be inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame in November.

Photo submitted The Wyoming Men's Book Club founded longer than 20 years ago recently met with Brian Lutterman (back row center), Minnesota-based aut hor of the thriller “Downfall” (Conquill Press, 2014).

Photo submitted Aug. 7 tried fe Li r ter's Relay Fo wa ill St at . ts an Particip man foosball game w attraction, a hu ne 's ar ye is th t ou Photo submitted The Lake Elmo Library's summer reading program “Every Hero Has a Story” came to an end with a celebration Aug. 12. Here, volunteers Jean Mattson and Joyce Murray distribute ice cream.

Welcome Dr. Tasso Pappas


Board Certified Dermatologist who recently joined the ADC Team! ABOUT ME: Married with two wonderful children. • Enjoys swimming, time with family, and reading. • Expertise in adult and pediatric general dermatology and almost 20 years of skin surgery including cysts, moles, Mohs surgery and skin cancer reconstruction.






Medical, Cosmetic and Surgery, P.A. Live Better. Look Better G ERIATRIC TO P EDIATRIC D ERMATOLOGY ~ S INCE 1993



•The Gateway Corridor Commission, a group made up of elected officials, and business and community leaders in the East Metro, has made an initial recommendation for a Gold Line bus rapid transit alignment and station locations in Woodbury and Lake Elmo. An official decision is planned for October. Public is requested through Sept. 24, with a public hearing set for 5:30 p.m. Sept. 10 at Woodbury City Hall. The recommended route would follow Fourth Street North/Hudson Boulevard east through Oakdale and Lake Elmo with a station near Keats Avenue and right turn onto Lake Elmo Avenue. It would cross Interstate 94 south into Woodbury and turn left to continue east on Hudson Road with a station near Settler Ridge Parkway. The route would then turn left on Manning Avenue, concluding north of Interstate 94 at a proposed Metro Transit park and ride station. “The Lake Elmo City Council is very interested in focusing economic development along our southern border,” noted Mayor Mike Pearson. “Lake Elmo has worked very hard over the last 18 months and we appreciate the commission has included us in the route.” Provide comments at 651-430-4300 or

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8.21.15 12.21.12







JOHN MOE Host of Wits, weekends on MPR


STAY FOR FAMILY FUN: Live Music Resource Fair Silent Auction

Bounce Houses Face Painting Clowns Food Stands








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