North Oaks News

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City briefs Pleasant Lake Beach opens June 6 The Pleasant Lake Beach swimming area will be open Saturday, June 6 through Sunday, Aug. 23.

Recycling Committee answers your questions North Oaks’ Recycling Committee has published “The Recycling Bin,” a recurring column answering your questions about how recycling is handled in the city. Read the article on Page 11 and contact the committee via the comment form on the City’s webpage to submit your questions.

What is a watershed? The Natural Resource Commission answers this question as well as how we can care for our watersheds in this month’s article (see below right and page 3).

Start the North Oaks News If your neighbors aren’t receiving the North Oaks News, ask them to call the circulation department at Press Publications, 651-4071234, to start and stop the paper. Newspapers cannot be forwarded, so delivery is stopped if they are returned to the publisher. Don’t forget that each edition is available online if you are away from home at www.

June Meetings • Agendas available online •

CITY OF NORTH OAKS 100 Village Center Drive Suite 230 651-792-7750

City Council meeting: Joint meeting with NOHOA, 5:30 p.m. Thursday, June 11 7 p.m. Thursday, June 11

Natural Resource Commission meeting: 7 p.m. Thursday, June 18

Planning Commission meeting: 7 p.m. Thursday, June 25

NORTH OAKS HOME OWNERS’ ASSOCIATION (NOHOA) 100 Village Center Drive Suite 240 651-792-7765

NOHOA Board meeting: 7 p.m. Thursday, June 4

Architectural Supervisory Committee meetings: Meet in the NOHOA office 7 p.m. Mondays, June 1 and 14 All other meetings held in the Community Meeting Room 100 Village Center Drive, Suite 150



JUNE 2015



NORTH OAKS NEWS 4779 Bloom Avenue White Bear Lake, MN 55110


North Oaks NUMBER 7

Community Fair – It’s here! Submitted by the NOHA After months of planning, the North Oaks Community Fair is upon us and it promises new and exciting activities for all! The day starts at 8:30 a.m. Saturday, May 30 with the 10K trail run around Pleasant Lake. Registration begins at 8 a.m. at the West Rec Area. The parade begins at 11 a.m. at the intersection of Raven Road and West Pleasant Lake Road and proceeds down West Pleasant Lake Road to the West Recreation Area. Lineup begins at 10:30 a.m. New this year — a float contest! Adults—drive your classic cars in the parade. Kids—decorate your bikes or yourselves and walk/ride in the parade! ReMax will have its hot air balloon basket in the parade. Not to be left out are our Sheriff ’s Department and Fire Department and their vehicles! This year’s carnival has games and inflatables for all, but that’s not all. There will also be face painting and, of course, the dog show, which begins at 11:30 a.m. New this

— Submitted Photo

Children sprint across the grassy field during 2014’s Kids’ Races at the Community Fair. year—a human zorb ball, pony rides and a photo booth! There will also be a children’s art show in the new West Rec Center! Come and see the new building and enjoy the art! We will have music! The Waverly Garden Singers and Forever Rock will entertain you while you enjoy all that the Fair has to offer. No carnival is complete

without food, and we have many great choices! The NOHOA Board members will grill up hamburgers and hot dogs. Edina Realty will again sponsor tacos in a bag. Eibensteiner Realty Group (ReMax Results) will sponsor ice cream treats. Otis Concessions will have corn dogs, chicken bites, fresh French fries, cheese curds, pickle on a stick, mini-donuts,

snocones, cotton candy and other great carnival fare. You won’t want to miss this wonderful family-friendly event! So come and visit your neighbors, have some lunch, let the children run and play, and enjoy all the activities the North Oaks Community Fair has to offer! See you at the Fair!

See Schedule – Page 8

Severson named to Senior Watershed 101 Sports Hall of Fame

Submitted by the North Oaks Natural Resource Commission

Dale Severson is among this year’s class of inductees to the Minnesota Senior Sports Association’s Senior Sports Hall of Fame. The awards banquet was held May 16. Severson is a 10-time international senior masters ski jumping champion. He also earned a silver medal in Nordic Combined (ski jumping and cross-country skiing) in international competition. Severson has guided blind skiers for 27 years in the Ski for Light race. He and his partner won the gold in that race in 2014. In warmer weather, Severson has been an avid senior softball player. His senior softball team was the national runner-up for ages 80 and over. The MSSA is a 501c(3) nonprofit association created to encourage and support participation in amateur sports activity by men and women age 50 and older. The inductees include persons who have excelled in sports, persons whose actions have created opportunities for seniors to participate in active sports activities, and persons whose participation has been an inspiration for others.

— Submitted Photo

A watershed is all the land area that drains to a specific water resource, such as a lake or stream. All land masses feed into a body of water, whether it feeds into the Mississippi River or your backyard pond. Obviously, water cannot travel uphill, so all watersheds are determined by topography. Watersheds range in size from a few square miles to an entire continent. Watersheds provide water for drinking, irrigation, streams, and activities such as fishing, swimming and boating. In addition, they provide food and shelter for wildlife.

— Compiled from press release

Dale Severson displays medals earned in ski jumping and Nordic combined events.

See Watershed – Page 3

Where does all that water go after a heavy rainstorm or when the snow melts? Obviously, some of the water is absorbed by the ground and by plants. The rest eventually drains into surrounding wetlands, lakes, and streams, but it must get there via a watershed.

What is a watershed?

Page 2 ~ North Oaks News ~ June 2015

Brothers Complete Eagle Scout Projects — Submitted photos

Brothers Wyatt Bieber and Cody Bieber completed their Eagle Scout projects in coordination with NOHOA and the North Oaks Garden Club on May 16. Thirty-three volunteers donated a total of 110 hours to complete the 2,000 square feet of landscaping designs by each boy at the new West Rec. Wyatt and Cody are the sons of Markus and Heather Bieber.

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North Oaks News ~ June 2015 ~ Page 3

Watershed – From page 1 What is a WMO? By law, all land within the metropolitan area must be within an organized watershed. Watershed districts are governed by county commissioners, while Water Management Organizations are governed at the municipal level. The entire city of North Oaks falls within the Vadnais Lakes Watershed Management Organization’s (VLAWMO) boundaries. VLAWMO was formed in 1983 to protect the Vadnais Lake watershed area in northern Ramsey County and a small portion of Anoka County. VLAWMO covers approximately 25 square miles in the northeast metropolitan area. In addition to North Oaks, the watershed encompasses portions of the cities of White Bear Lake, Gem Lake, Vadnais Heights, Lino Lakes and White Bear Township.

What does VLAWMO do? VLAWMO’s mission is to protect and enhance the water resources within the watershed. VLAWMO is responsible for: • Protection of surface water quality • Flood control and storm-

water management • Wetland protection and management through the Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) • Groundwater protection recharge VLAWMO activities include water quality monitoring, education and outreach projects, wetland protection and water quality enhancement projects.

Who pays for VLAWMO? The Vadnais Lake Area Water Management Organization is funded by a stormwater utility fee. Property owners within the watershed are charged a fee to manage the stormwater that runs off their property. This public utility fee is determined by land use (e.g. residential, commercial, etc.), and is included on Ramsey County property tax statements.

the watersheds surrounding a lake, stream, or river, we’re directly affecting the water quality in that lake, stream, or river. Everything we do in a watershed, from caring for our lawns and gardens to picking up our leaves, affects the local water body. Caring for your watershed is caring for your local wetland or lake and your drinking water!

What can you do to protect our watershed?

You can help your watershed by understanding that you are part of the solution to water quality problems. Your actions affect the water and environment around us. Plant and maintain natural vegetation to help water quality by soaking up rainfall, reducing runoff and retaining sediment. Plants native to the area also reduce the need for fertilizers and pesticides, which can seep into the ground and water supply. If you must fertilize, use phosphorus-free fertilizers (excess phospho-

rus causes increased algae growth). Keep your leaves and lawn clippings out of the streets. Pick up your pet’s wastes. It all adds up to better water quality. And that means water that is fun and safe to swim in, live by, and enjoy. For more information about watersheds and how you can help, please visit

Why should homeowners care about watersheds? A watershed is more than just a piece of land that collects the rainwater and dumps it into a lake or river. Watersheds are the source of all the water we use. If we pollute


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Page 4 ~ North Oaks News ~ June 2015

NOHOA NEWS AND NOTES By Kimberly Murray NOHOA Executive Director Life is never boring for the NOHOA executive director. Most days, I have plenty on my mind and a list of concerns to attend to. Here are some examples:

Mother Nature NOHOA spends money, time and energy every year protecting the natural environment of North Oaks. Unfortunately, a healthy environment isn’t always a pretty environment and money must be spent to restore the property to its original status. Simultaneously, NOHOA must work to maintain existing shorelines, marshes and waterways to prevent deterioration.

Emerald ash borer In the next year or two, an infestation by the emerald ash borer is expected to reach North Oaks. When the infestation reaches its peak, many, many ash trees could die. In developing a response to the infestation, NOHOA is creating a plan that may take as long as 10 years for full implementation. And with every new answer comes more questions! Stayed tuned as a NOHOA plan of action is determined to incorporate preservation of some trees along

with a gradual removal of potentially hazardous trees. Strategic planning. The NOHOA Board of Directors always has ideas, and with ideas come questions. Finding ways to align the ideas and questions into a framework that guides decision making now and into the future is a wonderful challenge. It is not an easy or quick process. However, the outcomes are what provide the structure, culture, perception and foresight of the organization. In the next year, you are going to see the board incorporate new insight and oversight to its functioning, resulting in more efficient operations, better service to the membership, enhanced clarity and consistency in managing the affairs of the organization, and increased accountability for actions taken.

Maintenance It is that time of year! With spring comes the need to pay attention to landscaping, ball fields, boats and the beach. Projects that were waiting for the sun to shine now need to be completed. Roads and trails need repairs and I have to remember that Mel’s Services only has so much time in a day to get things done! Beyond the yearly maintenance tasks requiring attention, NOHOA is following through on

of the funds you contribute.


— Submitted Photo

Though among the smaller pest insects, the emerald ash borer can wreak significant damage. the upgrades and repairs to our physical assets associated with the reserve study and budget. To start, in May, the tennis office at the East Recreation Center was rebuilt. Next in line are improvements to the Deer Hills and Lake Estates parks. Other improvements include a new raft at the beach, new windscreens on the tennis courts at East Rec and expanded landscaping services in Rapp Farm.

Budgeting Believe it or not, it is already time to start working

Mounds View graduate earns 9th All-America honor The Gustavus Adolphus College (GAC) women’s swim and dive team won the 2015 MIAC (Minnesota Intercollegiate Athletic Conference) Swimming and Diving Championship at the University of Minnesota for the sixth consecutive year. Seven GAC swimmers, including Mounds View graduate Katie Olson of North Oaks, qualified to compete at the 2015 NCAA Division III Swimming and Diving Championship in Shenandoah, Texas. At the NCAA Championship, Katie swam in all five of the GAC relay events and the 50 and 100 individual freestyle events. The 200 medley relay team placed seventh and the 200 freestyle relay team placed eighth, earning her two All-America honors. She also earned four All-America honorable mentions for the 400 medley relay (ninth place), 400 freestyle relay (ninth), 800 freestyle relay (16th), and individual 100 freestyle (13th). The 400 freestyle relay team set new GAC school and MIAC records. Katie also tied the GAC school record for the individual 100 freestyle that she set at last year’s national meet (51.19). Katie has been recognized as playing a key role in three of the four times the GAC women’s swimming and diving program has finished inside the top 10 at the NCAA Championships. She

on the NOHOA budget for 2016. There is never a shortage of ideas for spending, while there is never enough funding to cover the costs! In the past year, the treasurer and I have learned much to guide us in this process. Looking forward, we are considering why each expense needs to increase, decrease or stay the same. We are looking at criteria to guide our decision making and prevent unexpected, reactive spending. We hear your questions regarding dues increases and allocations and want to be strong stewards

Katie Olson has become one of the most decorated swimmers in GAC program history. This year she was awarded the Jon Carlson Leadership Award. As Katie’s college swim career comes to an end, she plans on attending graduate school in physical therapy.

Awareness Since January, I have been trying to promote the concept of NOHOA members knowing more about and using more of their community’s assets. This month, I am encouraging you to find NOHOA’s shuffleboard court. When you find it, enjoy a game. My treat!

NOHOA HAPPENINGS Recreation programs:

Pleasant Lake Beach rules

All of the North Oaks Summer Recreation Programs start in June. The programs offered are soccer, sports academy, T-ball, lacrosse, basketball and tennis. For more specifics check the website (nohoa. org) or call the NOHOA office at 651792-7765.

The beach opens one-half hour after sunrise and closes one-half hour after sunset. Police will patrol the area. Beach neighbors, if you hear any activities when the beach is closed, please call the Sheriff ’s office immediately. Inflatable rafts and rings are not allowed due to the number of children using the beach and the need to assure safety. Coast Guard-approved life jackets or anything with foam which is attached to the body is allowed. Glass containers are prohibited because of possible breakage and risk of injury to bare feet (maybe yours). Dogs are not permitted. The animal control officer will remove dogs, if necessary. There is a sizable fee to retrieve a dog from custody. Please separate beverage cans from other trash, bend the cans once and place in the container for recycled beverage cans. Fires are not permitted except in the grills. Boaters and wind surfers are not allowed in the swimming area. There is ample space for landing of boats to the east of the swimming area. Children who want to use the raft will be required to pass a swim test administered by the lifeguards. Beach reservations are now required for parties of 20 or more. Please contact the NOHOA office with the date and time. This will enable us to properly staff the beach.

Pleasant Lake Beach opens June 6

— Submitted Photo

If I could eliminate assumptions from my universe, I would do so immediately. Unfortunately, assumptions are part and parcel of my world and so I must continuously work to eliminate the need for members to make them. One method I use is this column to acquaint you to my position and to invite you to contact me when you have a question. Secondly, I work regularly with NOHOA’s executive assistant to make the weekly email blast more interesting and informative. Two of NOHOA’s directors are leading a project to enhance NOHOA’s identity and ways to share information. Their work will contribute to the strategic planning process as well as to boost NOHOA’s image across the community.

The North Oaks Home Owners’ Association (NOHOA) Pleasant Lake Beach swimming area will open Saturday, June 6. Lifeguards will be on duty daily through Sunday, Aug. 23. Two lifeguards will be present from noon to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, with three guards on duty between noon and 6 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays. Except during inclement weather and when the temperature is below 70 degrees, the guards will be on duty during these times. Only the swimming area defined by the raft, float lines, docks and lifeguard chair will be monitored by lifeguards. They are not babysitters; please do not expect them to watch your children while you are away from the beach. The first Fun Day at the beach for kids ages 5-12 will be held 1-3 p.m. Wednesday, June 17. Come join in the fun! For more information, call the NOHOA office at 651-792-7765.

North Oaks News ~ June 2015 ~ Page 5

Rummage sale donations fund many programs By Carol Beatty Contributor So you dropped off clothes or household goods at the West Rec on May 16 or had some unneeded furniture picked up that day. Now what happens to all of that stuff ? Those items were packed onto semitrailers to be stored until September, when they will be delivered for the Sept. 19 and 20 rummage sale. The residents of North Oaks have generously donated many gently used but no longer needed items to North Oaks Children’s Hospital Association (CHA) Guild II for the last 17 years. Obviously, North Oaks hasn’t yet run out of wonderful merchandise for the gigantic rummage sale held each September at the Shoreview Ice Arena. North Oaks donors should feel proud that these donations have a major impact for children. This year, CHA has pledged $815,000 to Children’s Hospital and Clinics of Minnesota. Many of the programs and research projects sponsored by CHA are ongoing and could not continue without their funding. That’s why your donations to the rummage sale are so important! In 2014, North Oaks Guild II contributed more than $130,000 to CHA. All those items add up! Since another drop-off is Saturday, Sept. 12 at the Shoreview Arena, start saving your items now. Are you curious about these programs and projects? For a complete list and descriptions, just go to the CHA website

— Submitted Photo

Trained therapy dogs are just one of the programs supported by Children’s Hospital Association. Donations to the North Oaks Guild II Rummage Sale help make this and many other important programs possible! The fall donation drop-off is 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sept. 12, and the 17th annual rummage sale is Saturday, Sept. 19 and Sunday, Sept. 20, all at the Shoreview Arena. at The variety of programs funded by CHA is amazing. Guild II has been fortunate to have had representatives from some of these programs speak at guild meetings, so its members know these really make a difference in the lives of children and their families. Three of these programs are described

below: The First Steps program is a parenting support and resource program for younger families that deliver at United Hospital. This program began as a community partnership between the hospital and Children’s Hospital Association. They serve between 200 and 230 teen-parenting families each year. The First Steps

program is almost entirely grant funded by CHA. Music therapy intervention at Children’s involves a broad spectrum of styles and needs tailored to accommodate each individual situation. Providing sensory stimulation through engaging patients in active participation in music is one example of how music can play a role in treatments. Therapies can also help with coping skills, emotional expression, and to increase the patient’s interaction in the overall healthcare experience. Pets Assisting With Healing (PAWH) captured the guild’s attention. One member even had her dog trained to become a therapy pet. This is a two-part program to allow patients a furry diversion since a trained therapy animal visit can play an important role in normalizing their stay. The Animal Assisted Therapy Program integrates a therapy animal into the child’s care plan. The therapy animal provides motivation for the completion of certain activities such as obstacle courses during physical therapy, trunk or reaching exercises in occupational therapy, articulation or language skills in speech therapy, or trying new foods in feeding therapy. Several members of Guild II have participated in designing and constructing therapy vests that are worn by the dogs who participate in this program. So North Oaks CHA Guild II encourages you to keep those donations coming. Many children benefit from your thoughtfulness. For more information, visit www.

The North Oaks Garden Club thanks you! What a day it was on Saturday, May 9 at the Hill Farm site for the annual North Oaks Garden Club Plant Sale! Apron-clad garden club members scrambled to get everything set up for customers awaiting the 9 a.m. gate opening. Wagons were the hot commodity as customers loaded them up with gorgeous North Oaks perennials, stunning hanging baskets, beautiful annuals and fragrant herbs and vegetables. It was a perfect day weatherwise; the sun was shining, the temperatures were pleasant, and the Hill Farm site was picturesque with lilac bushes, tulips and daffodils in full bloom. On top of it all, we had record attendance, record perennial donations and record sales! There are so many people to thank for helping this year’s sale

— Submitted Photo

Members of the North Oaks Garden Club gather before the May Plant Sale. to be so successful. While we can’t list everyone individually, we would like to give a special thank you to the following: - All who donated perennials from their gardens - The Hill Farm Historical Society, for use of the Hill Farm site - Mel’s crew (Steve, Will, Keith, Tom, Jeff and Dan), for site

preparations and set-up - Dale Severson and Al Hans, for their time and use of their indispensible trailers - Mike Robertson, Mark Rehder, and the North Oaks Natural Resource Commission for the free tree seedlings - Sue Beising, Master Gardener, for volunteering time to an-

swer customer questions - The Girl Scouts, for volunteering at the children’s potting bench - Peterson-Waddle Trash, for continued support year after year - Michelle Klein, for the many hours spent tallying plant sale proceeds - Our vendors, for their participa-

tion and adding to the festive Plant Sale atmosphere - North Oaks Garden Club members, for donations of plants, time, treats, and many talents. - Our customers, for their continued support of the Garden Club Preorders and Plant Sale! As a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, the North Oaks Garden Club returns all plant sale proceeds to the community in support of education, beautification and ongoing improvement projects. Be sure to visit the newly completed West Rec Center, where some of this year’s Plant Sale proceeds have been put to use in the landscaping! — Submitted by the North Oaks Garden Club

IN MEMORY Bergeson Raymond L. Bergeson was born June 17, 1926 in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, and died at his North Oaks home May 5, 2015. Survived by wife of 62 years, Carol, daughter Kathleen Bergeson (Marcus Dollard), grandchildren Nola and Anders Dollard, all of Lewisburg, Bergeson Pennsylvania. Ray was a 1950 graduate in engineering from Purdue. After two years at Studebaker, he moved to Minnesota where he retired as chief engineer after 35 years at Honeywell. His nine patents included instruments for the Lunar Excursion

Module (LEM). In his retirement, he resumed building and flying radio-controlled airplanes and, using his skills in carpentry, plumbing and electrical wiring, remodeled the North Oaks home. He also used his genius repairing electronics, computers, etc. for many fans. Celebration of Life service was held at 11 a.m. Friday, May 15 at First Presbyterian Church, 4821 Bloom Ave., White Bear Lake. Special thanks to caregivers Verlene Spafford and hospice nurse Annie Hart and her staff for their final loving care. Memorials preferred to First Presbyterian Church WBL Foundation, HealthEast Hospice or donor’s choice.

Schenck Stephen K. Schenck age 59, of North Oaks, Minnesota, formerly of Anaheim, California. Passed away peacefully with his wife at his side on May 2, 2015. Recently retired from the federal government. Preceded in death by parents, Arthur and Jacqueline. Survived by wife, Maureen; beloved dog, Lady; cousins as well as many friends. At Stephen’s request, there will be no services. He was a kind and gentle man who will be greatly missed by all who knew him. A special thanks to the staff at Regions Hospital who helped him with his battle with Lymphoma. Memorials preferred to the Animal Humane Society in Golden Valley, Minnesota.

Page 6 ~ North Oaks News ~ June 2015


And the quest goes on …

— Submitted Photo

Biking on North Oaks roads requires extra care due to the absence of bike paths.

Bike paths hampered — a history By Joan Brainard Contributor Biking trails in North Oaks (Letters to the Editor, North Oaks News May edition) were discussed many years ago by an officially appointed committee comprised of local residents who expressed the need for bike paths. Its goal was to install hard surface bike paths adjacent to the primary roads — East and West Pleasant Lake, East Oaks and North Oaks roads. This proved to be easier said than done. In many areas adjacent to roads there was – and continues to be — insufficient flat ground for a path: steep slopes end at the edge of the road. Culverts and mailboxes needed to be moved. Committee members walked every road in search of solutions to these problems. As the southwest area was under development, an extra four feet for a path was included. The partially off-road path from the North Oaks Golf Club to the Don Bush, Pleasant Lake, West and East Pleasant Lake road intersection was added.

When the north side of East Oaks Road from the Golf Club to the East Recreation area was measured, it was found there was sufficient space for the installation of a four-foot path (the minimum standard) except near the Golf Club, where there were major trees next to the road. Mailboxes were not on that side of the road and only a minimal number of culverts needed to be moved. To finance the path, North Oaks Recyclers, a group of volunteers who organized the drop-off recycling four times a year at East Rec, offered $10,000 they had accumulated from selling the newspaper, glass and cans. The path was added. To officially designate the path for sole use of bicyclists and walkers, state law required a symbol of a bicycle be stenciled in white on the path. Unfortunately, the City Council refused to do this. As noted today, the East Oaks path varies in width — it is no longer four feet wide. The North Oaks Home Owners’ Association widened the roadway by taking the additional width from the path. While pursuing a study of

North Oaks


Editorial Kristine Parker, Editor (507)-766-9846, cell phone Multimedia Representative Leanne Swanson 651-407-1223 Published monthly by Press Publications Copyright © 2015

Next Issue: July Mailed Wednesday, June 24

Ad/Want Ad/Celebrations Deadline: Monday, June 8 Letters to the Editor/ Editorial Submissions Due: Wednesday, June 10 Mail or Deliver Announcements and Letters to: Kristine Parker, Editor 2 Red Pine Road

Please email if you would like to receive a monthly email reminder of these deadlines. If you or someone you know would like to receive the paper and live the North Oaks please call 651-407-1200 8 am - 5 pm, Monday - Friday

the possibility of paths on East Pleasant Lake Road, a group of residents whose homes were on the road protested the installation of a bike path. It was standing-room only at the annual NOHOA meeting in December. After a hot debate, the membership voted against the path. With the defeat of the East Pleasant Lake Road path, the committee did not pursue the addition of a path on North Oaks Road. Unfortunately, the same challenges addressed years ago remain today — primarily, a lack of sufficient flat area adjacent to the roads. The necessity of moving many culverts and mailboxes remains as well.

North Oaks News Letter to the Editor Guidelines Letters to the editor are limited to 350 words. Statements that cannot be confirmed by the newspaper may be removed, or the writer may be asked to submit proof of their accuracy. Letters are subject to editing for clarity and grammar. Up to two signatures may accompany each letter to the editor, and each must include the telephone number and address of the writer. All letters will be verified. The North Oaks News will not publish letters to the editor that have been copied from another source and/or mailed out in bulk. It is the intent of North Oaks News staff to publish only letters originating from writers living in North Oaks. An identification line may be added to some letters to help readers identify the writer by title or occupation.The North Oaks News reserves the right not to publish any letter.

Spring came early this year. CAROL’S QUEST In mid-May, the landscape was already quite green; magnolias, lilacs, crabapples all were in full bloom or even past. Some very warm days were followed by days not so warm but with much needed rain. Plant sales spurred the urge to get pots, hanging baskets and beds planted, placed and CAROL BEATTY cleaned out. My quest for beauty is once again getting fulfilled in spite of all those pesky weeds that mar the perfect view. Will the weeds ever be under control or do they have more perseverance than I do? As they energetically send their long tap roots underground, I often end up only breaking off those roots and then watching them re-appear again in a short period of time. It is that time thing that seems to speed up every day and every season. So that brings me to my decision to resign from being the editor of the North Oaks News. I have learned so much from the residents of North Oaks and the process of putting together a community newspaper each month. Most especially, I have learned to take notice of what is going on around me, to appreciate all the hard work that gets done by those who care about the community, and to understand how all that impacts me along with everyone else in North Oaks. I also realize how important it is to think about how I spend my time. I spent most of my working life (30-plus years) with one company (many different positions, but still). Now I want to take more time to reexamine old activities in new ways, go on some new adventures, and just appreciate the luxuries of time, friends and interests that I am so lucky to have. Being editor of the North Oaks News gave me a better understanding of how the community works, provided lots of insights into what I enjoy doing, and what other activities I might want to pursue. So now I have much to think about and a wider range of options to consider than I did before. How fun and exciting is that? The quest goes on. Since I enjoy both the writing process and exploring North Oaks, I plan to contribute to the North Oaks News when I can. So this is a passing of the editor role to Kristine Parker, who will bring new and different skills and outlook to that position. Please welcome her by continuing to contribute to the North Oaks News in ways that are interesting and positive for our beautiful community. — Reach the new editor, Kristine Parker, at

— Submitted Photo

Sweet rockets fill the woodland edges throughout North Oaks in June. Keep up the quest!

Find your home in

North Oaks News ~ June 2015 ~ Page 7

Getting to know you By Kristine Parker


Editor In racking my brain for a name for this column, I first hit upon the idea of making each month’s subheading a title or lyric of a song from a musical. Being an unabashed musical theater aficionado, I chose a Sondheim lyric for the standing column headline. The full quote is “Anything you do, let it come from you, then it will be new. Give us more to see.� This is from “Sunday in the Park with George�. As the new editor of the North Oaks News, I should introduce myself. I married into the North Oaks Parker family 14 years ago this month. Kris and Jim’s oldest child, Bill, is my husband. We have three boys, ages 7, 4-1/2 and 10 months. Bill and I met as English majors at the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, Washington. We started dating as freshmen and were married a month after graduation. After Bill finished law school in Virginia, we enjoyed being city dwellers in Chicago, where I earned my Master of Arts in humanities at the University of Chicago. After the birth of our second son, we decided the time was right to move closer to family, so we headed to Minnesota. We are currently sharing Bill’s childhood home with his parents. Most of my career has been teaching middle and high school English, but I loved my time writing for and editing

North Oaks

Call Krista Wolter 612-247-5106

KRISTINE PARKER my high school and college newspapers so much that I was excited by this opportunity to get back into journalism. We have recently discovered that our youngest son will require some special care to thrive, and I am grateful to be able to work with the team of professionals at the hospital and through the school district to help him achieve his full potential. When I’m not rounding up the boys, you can find me running the Pleasant Lake trail or walking around the neighborhood (or perhaps cutting across Southpointe Park to Caribou) with my baby in the stroller. I’m eager to hear from you— both what you would like to see me write about, and if there is anything this newspaper should be covering that you do not already see. This publication is for you, and it should represent your interests within the community. Thank you for this opportunity to serve you, and I look forward to this journey.



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— Reach the editor at

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Page 8 ~ North Oaks News ~ June 2015

Villagers spring luncheon offered balanced eating advice On May 13, about 35 Villagers members and guests enjoyed a delicious lunch at Tria Restaurant in North Oaks. The annual spring luncheon offered social time for members as well as an excellent presentation by Dietitian Cassie, who runs a health coaching business called Healthy Simple Life (HSL), located in Shoreview. Cassie’s presentation stressed the importance of eating in a

balanced way by including protein, fat and carbs every time you eat. When people skip meals or eat processed foods that are high in sugar, they experience a sharp spike and then a quick drop in blood sugar. This results in increased inflammation, cravings and fat storage, among other things. She then discussed ways to keep blood sugars stable throughout the day. More infor-

mation about coaching plans and classes is available on their website In keeping with the theme, Tria provided several excellent, healthy choices for the luncheon menu. The Villagers thank Sue McDougall for organizing this fun spring event. — Submitted by Villagers social group

Sewer Systems Installed • Repaired • Cleaned

— Submitted Photos

Dietitian Cassie from Healthy Simple Life provided tips for eating in a balanced way.

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North Oaks News ~ June 2015 ~ Page 9

CITY NOTES The City of North Oaks City Council met May 14 in the Community Meeting Room at 100 Village Center Drive, Suite 150. Highlights follow:

2014 monitoring summary of Highway 96 Superfund Site Michelle Hosfield from Wenck Associates shared the 2014 annual monitoring summary for the Highway 96 Superfund Site. Monitoring of the site and residents’ wells resulted in no well advisories. Contaminants are consistently registering below health risk limits. The overall contamination levels of the site are continuing to decrease, Hosfield said.

North Oaks Golf Club compliance check On April 11, the North Oaks Golf Club failed a compliance check by the Ramsey County Sherriff ’s office. The underage individuals used in the compliance check misrepresented their ages when they requested to be seated at the bar, and staff did not check IDs. The club will re-train all existing and future staff using TIPS training by June 15. The council resolved to send a letter to all North Oaks liquor license holders notifying them of this incident and encouraging them to train their employees on the proper protocols for age verification as well.

Hodgson Road sidewalk project The city is planning an extension of the sidewalk from Chippewa Middle School to Tanglewood and from the fire station to Village Center Drive. The current lack of sidewalks near the middle school is causing students to walk in the street, especially during the winter, which is a safety concern. The city will share the cost of this project with Ramsey County and the city of Shoreview. Council approved the lowest bid contingent on approval of the other parties involved.

Hearing for 2015 MS4 Plan Review The Council held a public hearing as part of the City’s MS4 plan review, as required by state law. No one from the audience offered comments. State law requires a public hearing when the city’s Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit is renewed. The purpose of the public hearing is to receive storm water pollution comments and input from the public. The MS4 program requires each MS4 city to prepare a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP). North Oaks SWPPP and stormwater ordinances are being updated in 2015. The current SWPPP document is available for public review at the city offices.

Pleasant Lake weeds Karen Dixon addressed the council with some preliminary research she did into addressing the problem of the proliferation of weeds in Pleasant Lake. The council will explore bringing in an expert to perform a delineation survey. This will determine what exactly is growing in the lake and what to do about it.

TIME FOR NEW BEGINNINGS As buds begin to pop and green returns to our Minnesota landscapes, we invite your family to consider joining the Club. Explore the benefits of social or golf membership. Visit Contact Kay 651.484.9627 | Joel 651.484.6311 | Visit us in Rapp Farm during the Artisan Home Tour from the Parade of Homes. 3 Weekends in June (5-7, 12-14, 19-21) This luxurious home by Kootenia will be sure to impress!


Heritage & preservation project moves ahead The council unanimously approved the establishment of the North Oaks Heritage & Architectural Preservation Project (NOHAPP). This project will assist homeowners in restoring and preserving historic homes in the city.

Joint meeting with NOHOA set The council voted to hold a joint meeting with NOHOA at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, June 11 in the Community Meeting Room. — Kristine Parker

Stunning home with beautifully landscaped lot and in ground pool. Amazing spaces for summer entertaining. Gourmet kitchen with cherry cabinets, stainless appliances, sile stone counters, with a large center island and wide plank flooring. 2 story great room w/cat walk overlook. Master suite w/spa style bath. Finished lower walks out to pool & hot tub. Must see!


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Page 10 ~ North Oaks News ~ June 2015

Back to the ’80s – North Oaks Social Club style By Kathy Laur Contributor The North Oaks Social Club closed out its year May 8 with a rousing Back to the ’80s party held at the home of Kyle and Anna Notch. The turnout for the event was as fabulous as the attire worn by its participants. The decade was quite diverse in terms of fashion. All of the looks of the ’80s were represent-

ed, including big hair, preppy collars, sartorial tributes to Madonna and flashbacks from “Dynasty”. A tremendous thank you goes to Anne Otte and Amy Blahosky for taking the lead in planning the ’80s party. They didn’t miss a detail. The candy table included Pop Rocks, Pixie Stix, candy cigarettes, and even those little candy dots on paper. Guests wanting to “get their game on”

could even play Atari. Everyone who attended had a fabulous time, and this will be a party talked about for a long time to come. Most impressive were those who were still able to fit into their prom dresses, letter jackets, dance clothes, etc. Classics! The North Oaks Social Club will pick up again in August for a Back to School picnic for families.

— Submitted Photos

Jim DeMay sports the preppy athlete look and Patrick Blahosky appears in a Members Only jacket and mullet.

Hands down, Brooke Moore sports the biggest set of bangs.

rich hist ory, ext raordinary result s.

Greg Moore channels his inner Don Johnson.

Channing Riggs looks a lot like Linda Evans from “Dynasty”, and Andrew Gamson is a bona fide rocker in a “hair band.”

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North Oaks News ~ June 2015 ~ Page 11

Community Foundation considers AEDs in North Oaks By Katy Ross Contributor It is impossible to predict when cardiac arrest will happen to someone, but wouldn’t it be great if we were prepared to deal with that in our community? The North Oaks Community Foundation (NOCF) is investigating buying automated external defibrillators (AEDs) for the city and placing them in areas where groups of people tend to congregate. Currently, there is an AED located at 100 Village Center Drive just outside the community meeting room. That is the only AED within a public space in North Oaks.

Another area that could use an AED is the West Rec building area. A lot of sports teams practice there year-round, other groups will use the new building for private events, and the annual Community Fair takes place there. There are other locations where the presence of an AED may also be desirable. The NOCF is interested in raising funds to purchase AEDs to install in such locations. The Foundation will work with NOHOA to determine how many AEDs would be appropriate and where they should be placed. It is especially important to note that having AEDs available in the community would help people respond to a cardiac arrest situation before

Rediscovering our forefather’s lives through genealogy Hill Farm Historical Society board members Paul Dickson, Barb Kirkpatrick, Eileen McCormack and Judy Ohannesian are history and genealogy fanatics. This led them to search for information about North Oaks Farm workers and where they came from. Using farm COULD TALK... payrolls and census data, they were able to trace the interesting life of John Rohr. John’s life is noteworthy for his long journey from Sweden, the distances he traveled in the United States, and the number of times he moved. John was born in Sweden in 1860 and emigrated to the United States in 1887 at 27 years of age. His name was listed on the 1888 North Oaks Farm payroll. He took a three-day trip by train from the East Coast, a distance of more than 1,000 miles, to work on North Oaks Farm as a teamster. The 1895 census lists him residing at a boarding house on Glencoe Street in St. Paul, Minnesota and working as a butcher. In 1899, John, who was then 39 years old, married 21-yearold Anna, a native of Germany, who came to the United States in 1894. By 1900, the Rohrs were renting a farm in White Bear Township. In May 1910, John and Anna, along with their six children, were living on North Oaks Farm. His occupation was listed as foreman. The 1920 census shows that John and his family moved east to Oyster Bay, Nassau County, Long Island, New York, where John worked as a laborer on a private estate. Gertrude, James J. Hill’s youngest daughter, and Michael Gavin, her husband, had an estate on Long Island. It could be assumed John moved east to work on the Gavin estate. Interestingly, the estate included a stone chapel Gertrude had purchased in France. The chapel was dismantled, shipped and reconstructed stone by stone at the Gavin estate. In 1930, John was still in Nassau County renting a home for $50 a month in the community of North Hempstead. By then, he was working for a landscaping contractor. The census shows he worked 70 hours in the week preceding the census. By 1940, John, age 79, was living by himself in Nassau County in a $10-per-week rental home making $960 per year working as a “poultry man.” John is just one of the many immigrants who came to the U.S. beginning in the late 1880’s looking for work. According to census records, almost all of the workers on North Oaks Farm came from abroad.


— Submitted by the Hill Farm Historical Society

STUDENT NEWS Christopher Plumb, son of Tom and Bette Plumb of North Oaks, received a Bachelor of Arts in economics with a minor in business management from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities at commencement ceremonies held May 17 in Mariucci Arena.

paramedics arrive. Every minute makes a difference. These days, AEDs are easy to use and work on both children and adults. They would give nonmedical users verbal instructions about how to use them. Training would also be made available once AEDs have been purchased. Some communities have been designated “Heart Safe.” Heart Safe Communities have tried to prevent a death from sudden cardiac arrest by involving members of their community. They have bought AEDs and placed them where people get together, and have focused on educating people about how to perform CPR. These cities have applied for the Heart Safe designation from the Minnesota Depart-

ment of Health and the American Heart Association. Some of our neighboring cities are Heart Safe, including White Bear Lake, Mahtomedi, Fridley and New Brighton. If you are interested in contributing to the purchase of AEDs for North Oaks, please send a check to the NOCF, 100 Village Center Drive, Suite 240, North Oaks, MN 55127. Your donation to the Foundation is tax-deductible. If you have any questions or comments, please contact NOCF at — Katy Ross serves on the North Oaks City Council.

Single-stream? Or two-stream?

Q: Why doesn’t North Oaks switch to a single-stream (or single-sort) recycling program like other cities? It seems so much easier! A: Currently, our city uses what’s called a “two-stream” recycling program. We put our paper into one bin and our containers (cans, plastics, glass bottles, etc.) into another bin. A single-stream recycling program is, indeed, easier for residents. However, if we want to ensure the materials we separate for recycling are actually being recycled, then single-stream collection may not be the best choice. Here’s why: when paper is included with other recyclables, it becomes contaminated with broken glass, liquids, and other matter and cannot be reused in the manufacture of new paper, cardboard, and similar products. On the flip side, the glass, plastics, and cans in a singlestream system are contaminated with paper, which poses problems for the processors and end-users of those recyclables. Switching to a single-stream system would also cost us a lot of money! There would be enormous upfront expenses in purchasing larger trucks to haul the recyclables and providing proper recycling containers to homeowners. We

would also lose about $60,000 in revenue that we currently gain from recycling our paper. These increased costs to the city would have to be passed along to you, the North Oaks resident. Finally, many homeowners now have their recycling picked up at their garage, rather than at the street. Because larger recycling trucks could not safely back up driveways, single-stream recycling would mean that every resident must haul their recycling down to the street. This would make it difficult for some individuals to participate in the recycling program. The North Oaks Recycling Committee was recently formed to examine how our city is doing with recycling, explore other recycling services that could be offered, and communicate recycling information to residents. The committee would love to hear from you! If you have thoughts about recycling or questions that you’d like answered, please visit the city’s webpage at and fill out a feedback form. If you’d rather share your thoughts in person, committee members will be at the city information table at the Community Fair on Saturday, May 30. Your question just might become the topic of a future column.

Page 12 ~ North Oaks News ~ June 2015

COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS Additional organization details and contact information may be found at under the Community Organization tab.

Social Club The 2014-15 North Oaks Social Club (NOSC) season ended

on May 21, with a final Food and Friends event. The NOSC season will kick off again in August with a Back-to-School Picnic at Pleasant Lake Beach. It will be an event for couples and families. More information will follow in the months to come. The Social Club is open to

all residents. Attend an event or two to learn more before joining. Details can be found at under Community Organizations. Event details are sent to members via Evite and are also updated on Facebook. To join Social Club, contact Brooke Moore at bliffrig@ya-

Deb Hjortland will provide the research. The book for July will be “My Antonia,” by Willa Cather. Contact: RSVP to Carolyn Still at 651-787-0081.

Babysitters wanted


If you have a teenager who is interested in babysitting and lives in North Oaks, the Social Club is looking to add him or her to its babysitting list. Please call or email Debbie Breen. She will need the teen’s name, address, phone number and age.

When & where: 9:30 a.m. Friday, June 12 in the card room at the North Oaks Golf Club. Details: Join your friends for a lively morning of Bridge. Contact: To play, call Pat Reioux at 651-481-7934, by Friday, June 5.

North Oaks Playgroup

Out To Lunch:

The North Oaks Playgroup is going to the beach! This summer the North Oaks Playgroup will be meeting every other Friday morning at the North Oaks Beach. Stop by for a visit, or pack a lunch and stay for the day! Summer dates are: June 12 and 26, July 10 and 24, and Aug. 7 and 21, 10 a.m. to noon. Parents, nannies, and caregivers are welcome. The North Oaks Playgroup is a program of the North Oaks Social Club, but you don’t need to be a member to attend. Contact for more information or to be put on the Evite list.

Find Quiet Luxury at Red Pine Farm This amazing custom built home has over 6,700 finished square feet with no detail overlooked. The home features 10-foot ceilings, spacious gourmet kitchen, porch, heated garage, sports court, spacious bedroom suites, bonus room, lower level family room & wine cellar. Water and sewer Lots available to build your new home. Visit AUDREY FRIEDMAN | 612-720-9262 MARK & LIZ GROTEWOLD | 651-481-6744 or 612-747-4723. If you are new and interested in learning more about Social Club, please contact NOSC president Debbie Breen at 651-3403626 or


License #BC002459

Details: Villagers is a social organization for North Oaks women and offers activities to promote friendships and shared interests. Members include new and established residents as well as former residents. All are welcome! Dues are $10 per year. Contact: To join or renew your membership, send checks to Joy Burdick, 7012 River Shore Lane, Champlin, MN 55316 (763-205-9818).

June Announcements: Book Club:

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Recipe Exchange: When & where: 11:30 a.m. Monday, June 22 at the home of Jean Rath, 44 East Pleasant Lake Road. Details: Our theme is “Hello Summer.” Out with the heavy winter fare, and hello to your favorite garden fresh delights! Contact: RSVP to Jean Rath at 651-484-1884 to receive your course assignment.

Save the date: Old Log Theater When & where: Saturday, July 18, Old Log Theater, Excelsior. Details: Enjoy the charming and nostalgic musical comedy, “Best Little Whorehouse in Texas.” Tickets are $30 per person. Show starts at 7:30 p.m. Carpooling will be available. Contact: Kathy Rich at 651728-0050 or Betty Poehling at 651-484-0855 with any questions.

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e s Frea te Estim


Minnetonka Eden Prairie Roseville 952.241.5100 651.697.4015 952.546.1423


Bunker Hills Edina 952.223.6258 612.424.9251 Prices and Participation may vary depending on location. Visit your GolfTEC Improvement Center for details.

When & where: 9:45 a.m. Tuesday, June 2 at the home of Carolyn Still, 22 Lake Court. Details: Our book this month is “The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin.” There are several versions: Kindle has one for $0.99, but there are some that are free to download.

When & where: 1:30 a.m. Wednesday, June 17 at the Craft Beer and Kitchen, 700 Commons Drive, Woodbury (formerly Sunsets). Details: Sunsets is now Craft Beer and Kitchen. This new restaurant has opened to rave reviews. Enjoy a delightful lunch with friends, then a short drive to Woodbury Lakes Shopping complex (9020 Hudson Road), where you will find all of your favorite shops along cobblestone streets! Carpooling will be available from the North Oaks Golf Club at 11 a.m. Contact: RSVP to Betty Poehling at 651-484-0855 and confirm if you will be carpooling.




North Oaks News ~ June 2015 ~ Page 13


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Page 14 ~ North Oaks News ~ June 2015

Congratulations to the 2015 Graduating Class of

Mounds View High School and the Top Academic Achievers!

Samantha Baschky

Samuel Blustein

University of Oklahoma

Peter Goggin

Claire Chen


Jared Everson

Namrata Gadela

University of University of University of St. Olaf College Minnesota, Twin Cities Wisconsin, Madison California, Berkeley

University of San Diego

Northwestern University

Florida Atlantic University

Kathryn Jeddeloh

AnYang Li

Varun Mangelick

Devon McDonald


Conlin-Brandenburg Dieters

David Lee

Samuel Lee

University of University of Concordia Michigan, Ann Arbor Wisconsin, Madison College

Northwestern University

University of University of Massachusetts University of Minnesota, Twin Cities California, Berkeley Institute of Technology Wisconsin, Madison

Joseph McGrath

Elizabeth Menne

Michaela Morse

Sara Nelson

Jordan Nustad

Ana Daniela Paraiso

Hannah Paulsen

Boston College

University of Pennsylvania

University of University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Minnesota, Twin Cities

Boston University

Bethel University

University of University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Minnesota, Twin Cities

Veronica Rasmussen

Jonathan Rolfs

Hannah Schultz

Julie Sherman

Nathaniel Smith

Anna Solfest

Noelle Stadler

University of St. Olaf College Minnesota, Twin Cities

Colorado College

University of University of University of University of Colorado College Minnesota, Twin Cities Minnesota, Twin Cities Minnesota, Twin Cities Wisconsin, Madison

Nathan Torunsky

Anne Walberg

Jonathan Wang

Nicole Wolf

Stanford University

St. Norbert College Georgetown University

Nicole Wahlin

Karl Keeler

Abraham Chen

University of University of North Dakota Minnesota, Twin Cities Wisconsin, Madison State University

Ryan Yoch

Yuqi Zhang Michigan State University

Maya Rao

Megan Tomhave

North Oaks News ~ June 2015 ~ Page 15

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Page 16 ~ North Oaks News ~ June 2015

Wonderful Sailboat 1986 Capri 14.2 sailboat & trailer It has a 2017 license and buoy #1 at North Oaks beach. Great for learning. New riggings, $2,015. Contact: Jonathan Hoistad 612-802-3949 or 651-482-0679

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