North Oaks’ tornado aftermath
“Love and Surprise”: two solo bike trips 44 years apart
Did you know that the big storm on July 18 included an EF0 tornado through North Oaks? Check out the story on the storm’s aftermath by the Natural Resources Commission, on page (4).
Hill Farm Historical Society
Resident Jerry Yanz re-created his postgraduation bike trip from Bellingham, Washington to his home in July. To read an overview of this amazing accomplishment, see more on page (13).
Archery team goes to World Championship in Tennessee Several North Oaks youths participated in the World Championship last month. For a photo and report, see page (5).
If your neighbors aren’t receiving the North Oaks News, ask them to call the circulation department at Press Publications, 651-407-1234, to start and stop the paper. Newspapers cannot be forwarded, so delivery is stopped if they are returned to the publisher. Don’t forget that each edition is available online if you are away from home at www.presspubs.com/north_oaks
— Submitted photos
Left: Jerry Yanz embarks on his first journey in June 1971. Right: Yanz en route on his repeat journey, June 2015. Upon his graduation from Stanford in 1971, North Oaks resident Jerry Yanz embarked on a solo bike trip from Bellingham, Washington back to his family’s home. Not only did he arrive safely home a month later, but he recently completed nearly the same trip over the same period of time, 44 years later. He has created a blog that blends his journal from his original trip with musings from the encore performance, entitled “Love and Surprise.”
In Jerry’s words: “I started the first trip on June 19, 1971, and reached my family home in Michigan on July 19. For this year’s replay, I started [44] years to the day from the start of [my] first trip, and as it worked out, I arrived home again on July 19. This symmetry was a pleasant surprise to me, as it was not in my original plan. “When I started the trip in ’71, I expected that the high points would be the physical challenge
See Yanz – Page 13
September Meetings
17th annual North Oaks Guild II Rummage Sale is here!
• Agendas available online •
CITY OF NORTH OAKS 100 Village Center Drive Suite 230 651-792-7750 www.cityofnorthoaks.com
City Council meeting: 7 p.m. Thursday, September 10
Natural Resources Commission meeting: 7 p.m. Thursday, September 17
Planning Commission meeting: 7 p.m. Thursday, September 24
NORTH OAKS HOME OWNERS’ ASSOCIATION (NOHOA) 100 Village Center Drive Suite 240 651-792-7765 www.nohoa.org
NOHOA Board meeting: 7 p.m. Thursday, September 3
Architectural Supervisory Committee meeting: Meet in the NOHOA office 6:30 p.m. Mondays, September 7 and 21 All other meetings held in the Community Meeting Room 100 Village Center Drive, Suite 150
Barn doors open for Farm Fest Sept. 13 Contributed by Pamela Crandall
Yanz repeats solo bike trip
Start the North Oaks News
City briefs
NORTH OAKS NEWS 4779 Bloom Avenue White Bear Lake, MN 55110
North Oaks
Reap the harvest at the farmers market Back for a second year, the Farm Fest farmers market presents a variety of vendors bringing their fresh produce and farm products to the event. From the honey to veggies available, plan to stock your pantries with local produce.
Games and petting zoo
By Ann Christianson Contributor Fall is the perfect time to clean out your closets, garages, boathouses, storage lockers and grandma’s attic and set aside your donations for the annual North Oaks Guild II Rummage Sale. After a yearlong effort in planning the sale, it is now time for your participation! This year’s sale is scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 19 and Sunday, Sept. 20 at the Shoreview Ice Arena, 877 West Highway 96, Shoreview. More than 500 area families and businesses contribute items and donations to make the Rummage Sale one of the largest in the area. Proceeds from the sale provide support to Children’s Hospital Association (CHA) and supports programs and services not covered by the annual budget at Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota.
The kids are back to school, the leaves are starting to change and the bounty of the fall harvest is picked. It’s time for Farm Fest, the Hill Farm Historical Society (HFHS) annual community festival. This year the event has changed to a new day: Sunday, Sept. 13, from 2 to 6 p.m. Farm Fest welcomes the North Oaks community of family and friends for an afternoon of local history, games, activities, farmers market, food, beer garden and silent auction. The historic site with its Granary, Dairy Building, Machine and Blacksmith Shop is located off Hill Farm Circle overlooking Pleasant Lake.
— Submitted photo
Shoreview Arena will be packed full of great finds for the annual North Oaks Guild II Rummage Sale scheduled for Sept. 19 and 20. More information is available at www.northoaksrummagesale.org.
Your donations are welcome Donations of clothing and household items that are in good condition may be dropped off at Shoreview Arena on
Saturday, Sept. 12 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. The Shoreview Arena is located at 877 West Highway 96 in Shoreview (at Victoria
See Rummage Sale – Page 7
The farm animal petting zoo is a perennial favorite of the young and many older attendees, too. Kids enjoy spending time with the animals: feeding them treats, brushing and grooming them, and going nose to nose with the gentle creatures. Pony rides around the farm entertain future North Oaks equestrians. Children’s entertainer Jack Pearson will captivate the young and old with his old-fashioned magic and storytelling. Snap a shot at the “selfie” photo booth or head to the inflatable giant slide “Jurassic Park” as well as the inflatable bounce house. Other additions are the big kid, little kid Hi-Strikers and the chicken wing fling toss. Testing skills, burning energy and entertaining the young, the games and activities will keep the kids busy.
See Farm Fest– Page 12
Page 2 ~ North Oaks News ~ September 2015
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North Oaks News ~ September 2015 ~ Page 3
Book Review: ‘Becoming George Washington’ By Kristine Parker Editor “Becoming George Washington” tells the largely unknown story of how an insecure, fatherless boy rises to become our indispensable Founding Father. A far cry from the powdered-haired general or president discussed in most Washington biographies, this book reveals young Washington as an “action hero” at the epicenter of the French and Indian War. “Becoming George Washington” follows Washington through harrowing battles as well as witnessing his success — and failure — leading an army in the field. At the same time, the book also explores Washington’s complex relationships with his difficult mother and caring brothers. Notably, the story contains an affair between Washington and Sally Fairfax. While highly controversial, the liaison is supported by documentation, including letters written by Washington. “Becoming George Washington” includes detailed author’s notes providing sources and commentary on events so the reader may know and understand the real story. One of my favorite things about the historical fiction genre is when the author makes the readers feel as if they have stepped through time and are walking alongside their subjects through important moments in history. Yoch achieves this, drawing readers in as flies on the
wall, drinking in lesser-known details of a president most people think they know. I was particularly surprised to learn how difficult Washington’s early life was; my history books were silent about the childhood of our first president. I believe this new information will help to increase admiration for him, however. Once readers are aware of the challenges he faced in his youth, they better understand how he became the strong leader our country needed to win independence from England and form our government. I would recommend this book for history buffs as well as anyone who enjoys a compelling story.
Book details Title: “Becoming George Washington” Author: Stephen Yoch Category: Historical fic on Price: $19.95 (hardcover), $4.99 (eBook) Release Date: Sept. 1, 2015 Publisher: Wise Ink Crea ve Publishing
Emerald ash borer expert to speak Sept. 29 Today, emerald ash borer (EAB) is a threat to our community. It has the potential to eliminate all native ash trees from Minnesota. The North Oaks Community Foundation (NOCF) will host a presentation by Cathy LeVahn on EAB at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 29 in the auditorium at Waverly Gardens. She is an emerald ash borer first responder, a University of Minnesota Extension tree care advisor, and an Anoka County Extension master gardener. LeVahn will discuss the current status of EAB, how it is spread and treatment options. She will also talk about proper tree planting techniques and common tree problems. A question-and-answer period will follow her presentation. All residents are invited to attend.
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Page 4 ~ North Oaks News ~ September 2015
NOHOA 2015 OPERATIONAL BUDGET OVERVIEW By Myra Coleman NOHOA Treasurer We are midway through the third quarter and our 2015 budget is tracking very closely to our original projections. Barring any large, unforeseen expenses, we expect to end the year on a positive note and within a 2.7 percent variance from our estimates. Attached is a snapshot of our 2015 “Actual and Projected Income and Expenses” as of Aug. 1.
January through December 2015 Income 3001.0 Dues & Assessments 3002.0 Initiation Fees 3003.0 Administrative Income 3005.0 Rents 3040.0 Other Income 3060.0 Flow Through Total Income
$1,482,490 90,000* 17,821 86,731 8,575 76,288 $1,761,905
*Significantly higher this year due to new construction. These one-time gains are unique to 2015 and will not continue at this level in the future. Expenses 4100.0 Mel’s (Buildings, Grounds, Roads & Trails) $823,741 4200.0 Roads Expense (Other than Mel’s) 306,255 4300.0 Administrative 177,292 4400.0 Payroll 144,239 4500.0 General Maintenance 106,497 4600.0 Facility/Activity Expense 36,464 4700.0 Flow Through 96,755 Total Expense $1,691,243 Net Income $70,662 During the coming weeks, we will continue to refine our 2016 budget projections (outlined below). Our community continues to grow with the addition of new neighborhoods, roads, trails and recreational areas. Consequently, we need to expand services to these new assets, along with maintaining our existing infrastructure. I am working closely with the Finance Committee to ensure we keep our costs as low as possible, while simultaneously delivering the spectrum of important services our community expects and values. Preliminary estimates reflect a 3 percent ($30/year) dues increase from 2015 to 2016.
Preliminary Draft: January through December 2016 Income 3001.0 Dues & Assessments 3002.0 Initiation Fees 3003.0 Administrative Income 3005.0 Rents 3040.0 Other Income 3060.0 Flow Through Total Income
$1,589,700 60,000 21,000 103,450 8,000 7,200 $ 1,859,850
Expenses 4100.0 Mel’s (Buildings, Grounds, Roads & Trails) $840,217 4200.0 Roads Expense (Other than Mel’s) 346,079 4300.0 Administrative 205,282 4400.0 Payroll 150,514 4500.0 General Maintenance 134,120 4600.0 Facility/Activity Expense 53,150 4700.0 Flow Through 0,800 5500.0 Annual Operating Reserve 36,403 Total Expense $1,856,565 Additional details are available at the NOHOA office or by calling 651-792-7765. The deadline for proposing changes to the preliminary 2016 budget is Nov. 2, which is the Monday prior to the November NOHOA meeting.
Storm “Tree-iage” A line of thunderstorms tracked across Minnesota during the early morning hours of July 18, toppling trees and knocking The g out power. p National Weather Service conional firmed that a tornado med swept pt through North rth Oaks from Charley arley Lake to Deep ep Lake. By the evening of the he following day, one local al tree service vice company mpany received eived overr 90 callss from m North rth Oaks residents, requesting uesting help in deal-
ing with downed trees. If you are planning to replace trees lost in the storm, you are encouraged to plant a variety y of native tree species. p The city has a list of trees that are recommended for the Twin Cities area. This list lis can c n be found at www. ca ww cityofnorthoaks.com. cityofnorthoaks Click on “Natural “Na Resources” near the top of the page, p ge, then pa th select “Forest “F Management” Managem from the drop-down dropmenu, menu followed follow by “Recom“Reco mended Trees.” Trees The Minnesota Department Depar
of Resources Forestry Division recommends planting a variety of native trees because they have a better long-term survival rate and cost less to maintain than introduced species. Native trees are indicated by an “N” on the list. Don’t forget to visit the North Oaks Natural Resources Commission Facebook page at www. facebook.com/NorthOaksNaturalResources. Homeowners are invited to post nature photographs, wildlife observations, plant observations, outdoor experiences, weather or trail conditions, and even pose questions. Visit the page today and “like” it! — Submitted by the Natural Resources Commission
NOHOA NEWS AND NOTES By Kimberly Murray Executive Director, NOHOA In 2013, the NOHOA volunteer Board of Directors made several decisions resulting in major impacts to the way the association functions. First, the board made a change to the staffing of the association by hiring an executive director and then began its evolution from being a working board to being a governing board. While these two transitions have not been without challenges, the key impact to consider in the changes was the board’s ability to become more proactive in its functioning. Prior to 2013, the directors were not only managing their own lives, work and families, but they were taking on the day-to-day running of the association: making decisions, overseeing staff, asking questions and researching options, etc. With the change to staffing the association with an executive director, the tasks assigned to the directors changed, allowing for time during board meetings to be spent on ensuring effective planning, managing resources, monitoring and strengthening programs and services and supporting the association’s mission and purpose. If you watch the Board of Directors meetings on television or read the meeting minutes on the website, you will see some basic changes in how the board operates. For example, you will see the board establishing policies that allow the staff to function independently and to standardize operations, providing continuity without requiring constant appraisal and discussion. Another example is to see the board following the recommendations of professional studies which have been commissioned and completed by experts in their fields. By looking to consultants for recommendations regarding roads, shorelines, drainage and so on, the board is able to view situations more objectively and doesn’t need to rely only on past impressions when making decisions. Finally, you should be hearing about NOHOA’s
work to develop a Strategic Plan that will guide all future board activities. The Strategic Plan will establish a framework for setting goals, establishing priorities, and ensuring prudent use and protection of NOHOA assets. The NOHOA Board of Directors and staff often hear from members concerned about dues increases and the need for enhancements in the community. In response, please note the information listed above. The Board of Directors IS putting mechanisms in place to ensure that suitable planning and thoughtfulness is incorporated into any actions taken. With the changing board focus, the reactive responses of the past are able to become proactive views of the future. In addition, as part of looking to the future, the board is recognizing that the community’s physical elements are aging and in order to maintain the quality of the community and a steady turnover of homes, efforts to improve and enhance existing elements cannot become stagnant. NOHOA has in place an aggressive road repair plan, a reserve study of ensured maintenance of NOHOA assets (buildings, fields, equipment, etc.), and is developing a plan for identified capital improvements. With the necessary foresight, the board can preserve the solid foundations of nature, uniqueness and privacy already in place while attracting new residents who appreciate the value inherent in the community. Last, but not least, if anyone has been following my monthly challenge offerings, please let me know! My intent each month is to guide residents towards finding elements of the community they may not be aware of or have not taken the time to visit and enjoy! In September, I encourage you to find the boardwalk. Quite unlike the one in Atlantic City, the North Oaks boardwalk takes you through part of the Wilkinson Lake wetlands and conservancy area. Take care as you cross, while keeping an eye out for the distinctive birds, dragonflies and other wildlife you might encounter as you pursue this new adventure.
NOHOA Board of Directors:
The North Oaks Home Owners’ Association (NOHOA) annual meeting is scheduled for Thursday, Dec. 3, called in accordance with the bylaws of the association. Agenda items include the 2016 budget and dues and the election of board members. The deadline for proposing changes to the budget is Thursday, October 29.
The North Oaks Home Owners’ Association (NOHOA) is looking for new board members. Help shape your community by volunteering to serve on the NOHOA board. NOHOA board members work together to plan and manage how our community can be a better place to live. NOHOA's mission is “to preserve and enhance North Oaks through outstanding leadership, services, and steward-
ship of our resources.” Board members attend monthly meetings on the first Thursday evening of each month and several planning workshops scheduled throughout the year. Please call the NOHOA office (651792-7765) for more details.
Thank you, volunteers! The North Oaks Home Owners’ Association recognizes the spirit of volunteerism in our commu-
nity. Many members volunteer their time to coach our youth in organized sports activities. The association appreciates this commitment and offers a heartfelt “THANK YOU!” Thank you also to all the adults and youth who have worked on the summer recreation programs this year. We couldn’t do it without you!
Lifeguards Tom Lazorik (head guard)
Chris Atkinson (assistant head guard) Elizabeth Atkinson Abigail Bachman Erin Dingman Marena Ekblad Louis German Gregory Pehl Peter Schavee Ben Snuggerud Erik Sundberg Sean Wentworth
North Oaks News ~ September 2015 ~ Page 5
Youth archery team makes good showing in World Tournament, Nashville The performance of our Minnesota archers at the 2015 National Archery in the Schools Program World Tournament was as hot as the weather in sunny Nashville. The glass, wood and oh-soswoopy Music City Convention Center hosted the event for 4,871 archers from five countries. Our shooters rose to the occasion and delivered impressive results: five White Bear Lake shooters finished in the top 20 percent of competitors from worldwide, and four of those were in the top 10 percent. Leading our pack of archers, Corey Lendway finished in top 2 percent of the competition and Calvin Denker finished in the top 3 percent. North Oaks resident Stella Cotner had a personal best score of 271 and finished in the top 20 percent of participants in her first archery season. In addition, there were several other personal best scores and two coaches
— Submitted photo
The White Bear Lake archers that attended the 2015 World Tournament in Nashville and their grade level for the 2014-2015 season (left to right): Jenna Amey (12), Samantha Johnson (11), Coach Becky Lassila, Stella Cotner (8), Sarah Hirsch (10), Ava Driscoll (7), Calvin Denker (11), Joe Gray (9), John Lassila (4), and Racheal Lassila (9). Missing from the photo are Corey Lendway (12) and Katie Wilke (11). very proud of ALL the White Bear archers. The entire White Bear Archery team, smartly dressed in
Weekly recycling begins week of Oct. 5 The North Oaks City Council voted Aug. 13 to begin weekly recycling. Over the past few weeks, the city solicited feedback from the community. A substantial majority of the respondents were in support of recycling on a weekly basis. Beginning Oct. 5, residents can put out their recycling bins every week. Today, 85 percent of North Oaks residents recycle, which is 20 percent more than any other city in Ramsey County. Each year more and more items can be recycled. For specific information on what is recyclable today, please check the city's website at www.cityofnorthoaks.com, or stop by the city office. There are handouts specifying what can be recycled. Ramsey County also produces a “Going Green” brochure that is mailed to residents each year. If you do not have one, you can contact Ramsey Recycles at 651- 633-3279. The brochure is also available online at ramseyrecycles.com.
black and orange, had a wonderful time in the country music capital and posted great scores that made the trip a proud ac-
complishment for all. Congratulations to all the archers! For information on joining the White Bear Archery Team,
attend the information meeting on Oct. 22 at 7 p.m. in the Central Middle School Auditorium or see www.whitebearlakearchery.org.
Summer road work makes progress The crack fill and seal coat work was completed in July. The 2-inch overlay work was completed in August or will be completed in September. When all the work is done, it will appear that we have $6,700 remaining in the road maintenance budget. In reality, we are short $54,000. We planned a 2-inch overlay on Lily Pond Road and East Gilfillan Road. This would have completed the work needed for this year in Zone One. Due to the shortfall, Lily Pond and
BILL MCNEE East Gilfillan roads will be done next year and cost about $61,000. We will then determine if we have enough money to
do all of Zone Two or if some roads will have to be delayed another year. We are planning to increase the road maintenance budget for 2016 by 10 percent and by another 10 percent in 2017. We then should have enough money in our annual budget to complete the six-year, six-zone cycle. Maintenance will have been performed on every road in North Oaks. — Bill McNee is the NOHOA Director, Roads
Superintendent’s breakfast
North Oaks Community Foundation offers innovation grants The North Oaks Community Foundation is pleased to offer two $500 innovation grants. Interested groups or community members that see a need for a project or service within our community are encouraged to download the Community Innovation Grant application form and prepare a brief proposal and statement as to why it should receive a community in-
novation grant and drop it off at the NOHOA office no later than Sept. 30. NOHOA staff will direct it to the attention of the North Oaks Community Foundation. The foundation board will review all proposals and announce the recipients of the three community innovation grants in November. Questions? Please contact Katy Ross at katyrminn@aol.com.
— Submitted Photo
Mounds View Public Schools Superintendent Dan Hoverman speaks at the Mounds View Schools Education Foundation’s Superintendent’s Breakfast Aug. 6. Hoverman provided an update on the important work of the district as well as the Mounds View Schools Education Foundation.
Page 6 ~ North Oaks News ~ September 2015
No day but today Tornado aftermath prompts By Kristine Parker
Editor, North Oaks News There’s only us, There’s only this, Forget regret Or life is yours to miss. No other road No other way, No day but today. I can’t control My destiny. I trust my soul, My only goal Is just to be. I don’t know about you, but for me, it is so easy to fall into the trap of feeling guilty for things that have already happened, or worrying about things in the future beyond my own control. The above lyrics, from the song “No Day but Today” from “Rent,” always ring true, but particularly hit home when Idina Menzel chose to sing them at her recent concert in Minneapolis. Maybe it was because I was already wrestling with mommy guilt from going back to work full-time and becoming apprehensive for my looming new school year. Maybe I was particularly susceptible to the words as I was inspired, but tired from being in a teaching workshop all week. Whatever the reason, I wish I could thank Idina personally for choosing that piece of a show she helped create. It is a continual goal of mine to be present as much as possible, especially for my children. So this lyrical reminder is particularly precious now that my time with my children will be more limited. Aside from this musical gift (made a double gift since the tickets were one of my Christmas presents from last year from my husband!), I cherish my time on long training runs to collect my thoughts and “just be” so that my mind will be ready to be the most present possible for my family
KRISTINE PARKER when I return. No matter how many times I run the path around Pleasant Lake, I always see something different. One day I heard and saw loons conversing. Another day, I marveled at a stunning sunrise. I will occasionally hold a staring contest with a deer. I generally win those. One consistent feature, with which I have no complaint, is the beautiful tree-lined gravel section of the path. Whenever I reach this portion of the path, a smile creeps onto my face and I feel as if I may have stepped into Narnia for a few moments. This communion with nature is an invaluable help in my quest for presence in my life. You cannot be too distracted by life and still run without falling; yes, it is good thinking time, but at least for me, it is difficult to hold more than one thought in my head at a time when I run. I try to preserve the calm that this meditative state produces in me as long as possible. So, for the foreseeable future, I will be attempting to pursue a closer relationship with my children, doing the best I can and remembering “Rent” writer and composer Jonathan Larson’s incitement: There’s only now There’s only here Give in to love Or live in fear. No other path No other way No day but today.
North Oaks
Editorial Kristine Parker, Editor (507)-766-9846, cell phone northoaksnews@presspubs.com Multimedia Representative Leanne Swanson 651-407-1223 northoaks@presspubs.com Published monthly by Press Publications Copyright © 2015
thanks, cleanup reminder I hope that all of you, like Barb and FROM THE MAYOR as anyone, getting our services restored. I, have reasonably recovered from Finally, the Ramsey County Sherthe recent major storm. The folks at iff ’s Department, Lake Johanna Fire Ramsey County have indicated to us Department and the EMT services that they believe North Oaks was hit were there for us as well. They ofby a F0 tornado. Viewing the damfered quick response to homeowner age the next morning, it was not a calls and managing dangerous situasurprise to me that they classified it as tions throughout North Oaks. such. Many of you had it much worse It certainly is amazing to see than we did, but the loss of two very MIKE EGELSTON the responsiveness of our service large trees on our property made us providers during these critical times. pretty sad. Thanks to all of the folks who help to protect us and I would like to express my thanks and appreciarestore our services quickly and efficiently. tion to Steve Elfstrom and his crews from Mel’s Services for the outstanding job that they did in getting Please note that while Mel’s Services cleared our roads open and safe. They did an amazing job the roads, they are not responsible for clearing the for us. Every time that I would call Steve to indicate remaining debris from the side of the roads on our another tree across the road he was already aware individual properties. That cleanup is each of our and on it. Thank you, guys, for providing such great responsibilities. The city is looking for dangerous service to our community! situations such as trees that may not have fallen during the storm, but are now creating a safety risk I also would like to thank the folks at Xcel Energy due to being over roads in unstable conditions. If for their quick, efficient work in restoring power you see a tree that looks as if it may be perilously to our community. I was amazed at the number of close to falling on a road, please call the city offices vehicles that Xcel had on site early that morning, and advise us. We have already been out numerworking virtually around the clock to get us power ous times and have sent letters to folks who need to as quickly as possible. Thank you, Xcel and your get these situations handled, but we may not have crews! caught all of the issues that may be out there. I would also like to thank Xfinity cable for their response as well. They were out in force as quickly
Contemplations on place July was a travel month for us with a family visit “up north” and then a wonderful time in France. Travel provides new vistas, experiences, friends, and insights — how amazing is that? Still, we come home and think about how lucky we are to live here. In the Bordeaux wine region of France, one of our tour guides was the fifth-generation heir to a beautiful chateau and vineyard overlooking the town of Libourne and the Dordogne River. Still in his twenties, he said that he never realized how fortunate he was until he traveled around the world and then came home to that magnificent property. How perceptive he is to realize this; however, the place was truly stunning. So I’ve been thinking about what is special to me (not only in North Oaks, but throughout our state and country). It’s easy to take this exceptional summer for granted: ample rainfall, beautiful sunny days, comfortable nights, and not too many mosquitoes. I know that a July tornado caused extensive tree loss for many neighbors;
Mail or Deliver Announcements and Letters to: Kristine Parker, Editor 2 Red Pine Road northoaksnews@presspubs.com
Please email northoaksnews@presspubs.com if you would like to receive a monthly email reminder of these deadlines. If you or someone you know would like to receive the paper and live the North Oaks please call 651-407-1200 8 am - 5 pm, Monday - Friday
CAROL BEATTY that’s always difficult, but luckily there seemed to be no injuries. However, every so often, the future haunts me. What will our world become if there isn’t enough clean water or air, or there is too much warmth or too little food for our native species, or not enough healthy, accessible food for all people? What if there are no birds or butterflies? Can we continue to use whatever we want, whenever we want, or should we push harder to figure out the changes in our world sooner rather than later? It makes sense that our resources are not infinite, but what does that really mean for our way of life?
Next Issue: October Mailed Wednesday, October 28 Ad/Want Ad/Celebrations Deadline: Monday, August 10 Letters to the Editor/ Editorial Submissions Due: Wednesday, August 12
Historical Society thanks Farm Fest donors Ann Haase NORTH OAKS — As a board member of the Hill Farm Historical Society who this year was newly challenged to solicit Silent Auction
items for the HFHS’s most-important Farm Fest fundraiser on Sept. 13, I would like to both give a personal shoutout to those businesses that quickly responded to my donation invitation, and encourage North Oaks residents to enjoy the double value of
Tough questions for sure, and acceptable solutions won’t be easy or comfortable. I’m pretty comfortable watching the flowers, trees and wildlife, and selfish enough to want my world to stay just as it is. I hope we can all embrace more open minds, continued research and shared sacrifice, but certainly we must appreciate our good fortune to live among nature’s splendor. In her lovely book about sharing nature with children, “The Sense of Wonder,” Rachel Carson said it well: “Those who dwell, as scientists or laymen, among the beauties and mysteries of the earth are never alone or weary of life. Whatever the vexations or concerns of their personal lives, their thoughts can find paths that lead to inner contentment and to renewed excitement in living. Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.” See you on the paths! — Carol Beatty is a contributor to North Oaks News
their bids, especially for those services they normally will be purchasing: ARTISTE SALON, WBL - gift certificates for any service COUNTY CYCLES, Roseville - bicycle tuneup
LIFETIME FITNESS, WBL - massage WHITE BEAR CENTER for the ARTS, WBL - gift certificate for a class. Editor’s note: The writer serves as secretary of the Hill Farm Historical Society.
North Oaks News ~ September 2015 ~ Page 7
Rummage Sale – From page 1
— Submitted photo
Eager shoppers explore great jewelry finds at North Oaks Guild II Rummage Sale. The 2015 sale is slated for Sept. 19 and 20 at the Shoreview Arena. More information is available at www. northoaksrummagesale.org. Street). Furniture donations are greatly appreciated. To schedule large furniture donation pickup for Sept. 12, contact Mary Leonard 651-895-3686 or Bev Ogren 651-492-1700 no later than Tuesday, Sept. 8. Pickup service is for furniture only and is provided only within North Oaks. Items should be ready for pickup on the main floor or in the garage. Smaller items should be dropped off at the arena on Sept. 12. The sale features both a boutique and collectors sections, so specialty donations are greatly appreciated. In addition, the sale includes household, bath and medical items, linens, luggage, art, frames and lamps, outdoor and garden equipment, pet supplies, sporting goods and clothing, bikes and accessories, women’s and men’s work and
What shoppers need to know When: Saturday, Sept. 19 from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Sunday, Sept. 20 from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. (Saturday early-bird admission from 7-9 a.m. is $3; free admission after 9 a.m.) Where: Shoreview Arena, 877 West Highway 96 (at Victoria Street; some construction in the area – don’t let that scare you away!!) Details: No strollers in the arena please. On Sunday many items are sold for half price. For more info: Visit the North Oaks Guild II website at www.northoaksrummagesale. org. Like us on Facebook at North Oaks Rummage Sale and follow us on Twitter at @ NorthOaksSale.
casual clothing and accessories, books, CDs and DVDs, children’s clothing, toys and games, seasonal, holiday and crafts, indoor and outdoor furniture and rugs. We regret that we CANNOT accept large appliances and TVs, building materials, cribs, car seats, combustibles, computers and components, encyclopedias, mattresses and sofa beds, microwave ovens, ski equipment, large exercise equipment or tires. Individuals wishing to volunteer setting up and sorting during the week prior to the sale can contact Mary Warren at 612291-1452 or srmaryfrances@ msn.com.
Benefits multiply There are many ways in which the benefits multiply from the annual fundraising event. People get to clear out unwanted but usable items from their homes, businesses, cabins, garages and donate them to the Rummage Sale – and individuals with needs are able to buy quality items at great prices – and proceeds go to Children’s Hospital Association (CHA) to support programs at Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota. In addition, after the sale concludes on Sunday afternoon, various charities take remaining items free of charge to give away to those in extreme need. Whether it’s your donation or your purchase, the benefits multiply! We are grateful for your participation.
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North Oaks News Service Directory located on page 14 in this issue
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Page 8 ~ North Oaks News ~ August 2015
Teacher Led School to Open in White Bear Lake Minn. - (August 12, 2015) Level Up Academy (LUA), a new charter school authorized by Innovative Quality Schools, is opening this fall in White Bear Lake. The school guarantees tuition-free, personalized learning to each of its K-6 students. Level Up Academy’s distinct and personal educational model has drawn the attention of local parents and scholastic professionals nationwide. LUA’s board includes nationally recognized charter school experts and innovators, such as Ember Reichgott Junge and Curtis Johnson. The Minnesota Department of Education awarded Level Up Academy $175,000 with the Federal Charter Schools Startup Grant. The school guarantees small classroom sizes. Teacherswill use strategies such as gaming, small groups, and individual tasks with minimal lecturing to personalize each student’s learning experience. “Our personalized approach allows students to advance at their own pace. We do this by providing students with a variety of engaging learning opportunities that focus on joy and creativity,” says Dr. Joan Arbisi Little, who will lead as the school’s coordinator. “The small class sizes allow teachers to easily work in small groups or one to one.” LUA is organizing as teacher-led school, which allows the school’s teachers to collaboratively govern the school. Level Up Academy is the first charter school opening in White Bear Lake. It is currently enrolling students only from grades K-6, but will eventually grow to add students 7-8th grade. For Further information visit us on our web-
site, Twitter or Facebook. Please contact Joan Arbisi Little Little@levelupacademy.org (652) 210-1860 or Cristaly Mercado Cristaly@levelupacademy.org (787) 565-5408.
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North Oaks News ~ August 2015 ~ Page 9
First Annual Color Dash
Magnuson Christian School is a Christ-centered, academically excellent educational community that develops the whole child – heart, soul, mind, and body. 4000 Linden Street White Bear Lake, MN 55110 www.magnusonschool.org 651-429-5349 Ext. 230
— Submitted
The Magnuson Christian School first annual Color Dash was a huge success! Magnuson students and their families, church members, and people from the community joined together to run, eat, socialize, and make a colorful mess. Mark your calendars to be part of the fun for the 2016 Color Dash on May 14!
Kindergarten Experience Join us for Kindergarten Experience at Magnuson Christian School! During this free event, students have the opportunity to meet the kindergarten teacher, explore the kindergarten classroom, and participate in a full morning of kindergarten activities, including music class with the music specialist. They enjoy going through the lunch line to receive their snack, and experience what it will be like to be in kindergarten. While the students Experience Kindergarten, parents meet the teachers, participate in a discussion about kindergarten readiness, and have a chance to ask questions about kindergarten, etc. To register for the Kindergarten Experience or for more information, visitwww.magnusonschool.org
St. John the Baptist Catholic School is a place‌ At St. John the Baptist we offer our preschool – 8th grade students Where every student is known, •High expectations and academic achievement cared for, and respected. •Strengthening faith and building character Where each student is a member of a •Respectful, nurturing, and safe community community of faith, knowledge, and service.
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Page 10 ~ North Oaks News ~ September 2015
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The St. Odilia Fall Festival will be here before you know it, and it’s not something you’ll want to miss. The 45th annual Fall Festival will take place the weekend after Labor Day, Sept. 12, from noon to 11 p.m. and Sunday, Sept. 13, from noon to 4 p.m. Many churches have fundraising festivals every year but St. Odilia has one of the largest in the area and it’s geared toward people of all ages with something for everyone to enjoy. Whether you prefer to take it easy and peruse the farmers market and book nook to rocking out for two days with some of the best musicians any church has ever heard, St. Odilia is the place to be. The food is
as diverse as the festival itself; everything from good old American fare to authentic Mexican and Chinese food and everything in between. The live auction itself is an event people look forward to every year and plan their day and night around. With donations from local restaurants, boutiques, schools and more, the silent auction is also quite a popular spot and perfect for gift-giving or keeping for yourself. There is an abundance of inflatables for kids of all ages to enjoy and compete in, and of course, games! Raffles include a cash raffle worth thousands of dollars and a quilt raffle in which everyone can participate. All are welcome!
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North Oaks News ~ September 2015 ~ Page 11
COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS The North Oaks Halloween Party is coming! Mark your calendars for the seventh annual North Oaks Halloween Party on Saturday, Oct. 24, from 3-5 p.m. at the Wilkinson Lake Recreation Area. Sponsored by the North Oaks Social Club, this party has become an annual tradition for many families in our community. Scheduled rain or shine, it’s open to all residents of North Oaks and their guests. Volunteers are needed to help with games and planning. For questions, to volunteer, or to join the Evite list, email marasmail@yahoo.com. See you there!
Medical marijuana examined What: League of Women Voters/White Bear Lake Area Meeting The public is invited to attend one of LWV’s regular September meetings in the area - September's topic is: “What’s the Buzz on Medical Marijuana?” When and Where: Mahtomedi’s group will meet on the first Thursday evening, Sept. 3, at 7 p.m. at the Mahtomedi City Hall, 600 Stillwater Road, Mahtomedi. The North Oaks group meets during the day on the second Wednesday, Sept. 9, at 12:30 p.m., Incarnation Lutheran Church, 4880 Hodgson Road, North Oaks. The White Bear group meets on the second Thursday evening, Sept. 10, 7 p.m., at White Bear City Hall, 4701 Highway 61, White Bear. The St. Croix Valley group meets on the third Wednesday, Sept. 16, at 10 a.m., at Boutwell’s Landing in the main building’s Steamboat Lounge, Oak Park Heights. For more Details: Please call Joan Sullivan at 651-493-0686.
Yogadevotion class What: yoga class by Yogadevotion When and Where: The next yoga class will start Tuesday, Sept. 8 and continue through Oct. 20 (7 weeks) at a cost of $50. The classes are from 6-7 p.m. at White Bear Lake United Methodist Church, 1851 Birch St., in the church’s Fellowship Hall.
For more Details: If you have any questions or want to sign up, contact Carolyn Sayles at tersay@msn.com or 651-779-0311.
North Oaks Preschool openings We still have openings for both the Bumblebee (3 year old) and Treefrog (4 year old) classes at North Oaks Preschool. Class size maximum is 20 students for each class, with two teachers and usually a parent volunteer in the classroom as well. North Oaks Preschool offers a unique parent cooperative approach that allows the parent to actively participate in the classroom and the administration of the preschool. For more information and registration/ enrollment forms visit www.northoakspreschool.org or call 651-481-1594.
Save the date for the Home Tour! Children’s Hospital Association North Oaks Guild I announces this year's Home Tour, Boutique and Luncheon will be held Friday, Nov. 20 and Saturday, Nov. 21. Visit three homes beautifully decorated for the holiday season. Event proceeds benefit the Children's Hospital Association, proudly serving Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota for more than 50 years! For additional information or to purchase tickets, please visit www.northoakschaguild1.org.
North Oaks Social Club Join your friends and neighbors in the biennial pilgrimage (via luxury coach bus) to the Gasthaus Bavarian Hunter in Stillwater on Saturday, Sept. 19, for Oktoberfest 2015. Don’t miss out on the huge outdoor festival tent with live music by the Artie Schaefer band, dancing, imported beer, brats and chops, giant pretzels and roasted almonds, or try your hand at Hammerschlagen! The bus will begin boarding at 5:15 p.m. at the North Oaks Golf Club parking lot and depart promptly at 5:45 p.m.
We will return at 11 p.m. Space on the bus is limited, so RSVP no later than Sept. 14 to secure your spot. Cost for transportation is $20/person. Beer, water, and snacks will be provided on the bus. All individual costs at the Gasthaus are your responsibility. Cost to enter the tent is $5 and ID is required. This is a great opportunity to include/invite new neighbors! So who's ready to polka?! Please contact NOSC president Debbie Breen at 651-340-3626 if you are new and interested in attending any of the events. The Social Club is open to all residents and you are welcome to attend an event or two to learn more before joining. Details can be found at www.cityofnorthoaks.com under Community Organizations. Event details are sent to members via Evite and are also updated on Facebook. To join, contact Brooke Moore at bliffrig@yahoo.com or 612-747-4723.
Lyme disease DVDs The North Oaks Garden Club has made available several DVDs on Lyme disease from Dr. Elizabeth Maloney: “Preventing Lyme Disease” and “What Everyone Should Know About Lyme Disease”. Members may borrow them from the NOHOA office.
North Oaks Garden Club Sept. 8 & 10: Peony digging and dividing Sept. 15: Minnesota Arboretum The public is invited to join the North Oaks Garden Club for a visit to the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum on Tuesday, Sept. 15. We will be joined by Jim Luby, Ph.D. for a private talk on the current University of Minnesota apple and grape breeding projects. The fruit breeding program at the U of M has introduced many apple cultivars since "Minnehaha" in 1920. "Haralson" followed in 1923. Honeycrisp, Zestar!®, SnowSweet®, and Frostbite™ apples are the most recent introductions. They are also a leader in developing high-quality, cold-hardy, and disease-resistant wine and table
grapes. This outing is a great way to explore Minnesota’s natural beauty and research expertise. We will meet at the West Recreation Center at 10 a.m. to carpool to the arboretum. Please contact Sharon Severson with any questions at 651-483-0766. September 29: Bees and Our Community The public is invited to join us at 4:30 p.m. at the West Rec for an informative tour. (see article) The Garden Club hosts activities and events for anyone with a love for the outdoors and gardening. It sponsors the annual Mother’s Day weekend plant sale and Holiday Boughs and Bows. Membership is $10. Contact Nancy Hans (651-4813954) or nancygardenhans@yahoo.com for membership information.
VILLAGERS SEPTEMBER ANNOUNCEMENTS: Book Club: When & Where: 9:45 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 1 at the home of Patty Healy, 1 Catbird Circle. Details: Our book for this month is “Shell Seekers,” by Rosamunde Pilcher. Helen Huang will provide the research. Contact: Patty Healy at 651-484-7101 to RSVP.
Bridge: When & Where: 9:30 a.m. Friday, Sept. 11 at the North Oaks Golf Club card room. Details: Enjoy a lively morning of bridge with your friends. Contact: Pat Reioux at 651-481-7934 by Friday, Sept. 4 to reserve your spot.
Recipe Exchange: When & Where: 11:30 a.m. Monday, Sept. 28. Host home to be announced. Details: Theme to be announced. Contact: Shirley Flittie at 651-483-4309 to receive your course assignment.
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Page 12 ~ North Oaks News ~ September 2015
STUDENT NEWS The following area students were named to their universities’ respective dean’s lists for the Spring 2015 semester. Brian Boerner, Creighton University Daniel Cooke, University of St. Thomas Daniel Kettler, University of St. Thomas Anna Long, University of Iowa Kaycie Traeger, University of St. Thomas
Farm Fest – From page 1 Check the Granary for auction deals Enter the Granary barn to learn about farming on the North Oaks Farm, and then bid on the great silent auction items. There are items to entertain family or friends. The most unique item in town is the private party at the Hill House on Summit Avenue. Entertain friends or make it a business event. Plan a night on the town with tickets to the Guthrie Theater. Bid on an art lesson at the White Bear Center for the Arts, or go for the Ducks Unlimited print or duck carving. Specialty dining items include restaurants such as Sushin. Plan the next family outing and bid on a log cabin weekend get-away, tickets to Valleyfair, or one of the sports options such as golf at the North Oaks Golf Club with the McDermotts. Pamper yourself and bid on a massage at Lifetime Fitness or primping at Artiste Salon or Zeo Hair Salon. Pick up some North Oaks history with bids on maps, windows or prints. Bid on something new or bid on something you already enjoy doing; either way, it’s a benefit to you and supports the HFHS.
New exhibits Two new and final exhibits have been added to complete the Dairy Building’s story. Visit the Dairy Building to meet Elizabeth Leggat, the young woman who managed the butter-making operations on the North Oaks Farm. The second new exhibit shows how ice was harvested
on Pleasant Lake during the period from 1884 to 1933. The ice was stored in an ice house that was once located on the north side of the Dairy Building for use throughout the year. At the time, it was the best way to keep food cold. The lake ice was a very important commodity, and to harvest the many tons of ice was strenuous and timeconsuming work. The HFHS honors Walter Meyer with a memorial plaque at Hill Farm. Meyer was a longtime resident of North Oaks and instrumental in organizing HFHS 26 years ago. He was its first president and a leader in raising funds for the restoration of the site’s buildings.
Food and drink Good food, good drink, good company. It’s a great combination you can enjoy at Farm Fest. Traditional fare and something new can always be found on the menu. The pulled pork sandwiches are a big hit. The beer buddies have selected a collection of favorite craft beers to pour throughout the day. The HFHS Board of Directors invites and welcomes the community to meet at the farm on Sunday afternoon for history and fun. Many old favorites, like the butter making, milking the cow, the blacksmith demonstration, and meeting “Mr. Hill,” return for the day. The event is free, with tickets available to purchase the food and beverages, and to play the games. Bring your checkbook and bid on the silent auction items in support of the continuing work on HFHS buildings.
The North Oaks City Council met Thursday, August 13 in the Community Meeting Room at 100 Village Center Drive, Suite 150. Highlights from the meeting follow:
Conduit bonds approved for NYFS The council approved a resolution to provide conduit bonds to assist Northwest Youth and Family Services in refinancing the existing loans they procured to construct their new office building. Shoreview cannot issue these bonds because they have already reached their capacity of $10 million in bonds, and North Oaks does not often issue bonds and therefore is able to do this. North Oaks has no liability in the repayment of these obligations and will receive a fee for the service.
City to adopt weekly recycling Councilwoman Katy Ross, chair of the Recycling Committee, related that she had many email responses to the request for comments on whether residents wished to adopt weekly recycling. She also mentioned a request for the city to buy recycling bins for residents. Ross stated that this could become prohibitively expensive for the city. The council suggested that Ross look into getting a group discount at a retailer and offering that option to residents who want to purchase a recycling bin. After a public hearing, the council approved the motion to increase the frequency of recycling from twice a month to weekly. Weekly recycling pickup will begin Oct. 5.
Council establishes Lyme task force The council has established a Lyme Disease Task Force to take on the tasks of finding similarly affected communities around the country, speak with their representatives and experts on Lyme disease on prevention and how best to help those already afflicted with the disease. The task force can perhaps find ways for North Oaks to become the subject of study of the disease to better understand it. Councilman Rick Kingston pointed out that there is no hard data on how many people in North Oaks have contracted the disease. This is another thing the task force can find out. Anyone interested in contributing ideas or information to the effort may contact Kingston (task force chair) via his email or other members of the City Council. The city has asked the DNR for an increase in permits for this year’s deer harvest.
Revised septic ordinance approved The council approved a revision to the septic system ordinance that removed the proposed point-of-sale requirement in which any house sold in North Oaks would require a new inspection of the house’s septic system.
Joint cleanup effort implemented It will cost the city between $5,000-$10,000 to participate jointly in both annual Shoreview/Arden Hills Cleanup Days. These are days where residents can clean up household goods they no longer have a use for. This is not in competition with rummage sales, etc. The intent is to get rid of junk that has no value. Oct. 3 has been set for Cleanup Day this fall. Spring dates are in May or June. It costs $15 to participate.
Hearing held for off-street parking ordinance Six residents emailed Ross and two more attended the public hearing held on the off-street parking ordinance. In response to public input, Ross indicated her support for separating trailers and RVs into different categories. People were also concerned about how the ordinance would be enforced.
Night to Unite an opportunity to gather feedback Kingston attended a block party at Brooke Moore’s house on Night to Unite, held earlier this month, to talk with residents about their concerns. He reported that a few people said how pleased they were about the fact that the city was going to take action on Lyme disease. They also appreciated the lake weed removal project.
NOHAPP holds first full meeting At its first full meeting, the North Oaks Heritage and Architectural Preservation Project (NOHAPP) generated a list of action items. One former member of the NOHOA Architectural Planning Committee is a great source of information on architecture in the city that is worth celebrating. NOHAPP intends to help educate the community about these properties. Its members also plan to help residents with distressed properties to restore them more easily and to let residents know about their activities and programs via the North Oaks News.
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— Kristine Parker
Can I recycle frozen food boxes? Q: . Can I put frozen food boxes (such as a frozen pizza box) into my recycling bin? After all, they are made of paper. A: No! For various reasons, there are several paper items that cannot be recycled. Here’s a list of some of those items:
Put these in your trash: - Frozen food boxes Bring these items to the yard waste collection site, located just north of the city at 5900 Sherwood Road, off County Road J: - Paper with food residue
Take these to a household hazardous waste site. For a list of those sites, please visit RamseyRecycles.com: - Musical greeting cards Many thanks to those of you who responded to the Recycling Committee’s request for feedback about weekly recycling. We received very helpful information from residents. Clearly, we are a community that believes in recycling!
North Oaks News ~ September 2015 ~ Page 13
Garden Club hosts beehive tour Sept. 29
Yanz – From page 1 and accomplishment of cycling across [the] country and the beautiful scenery I would encounter along the way. Indeed, traveling by bike, the travel itself is a challenge, especially over mountain passes of the West. And, as for seeing things, you not only see but at the sedate speed of a bicycle you become a part of the landscape. You experience everything more intimately than in a motorized vehicle. However, what I learned on that first trip was that the most impor-
tant aspect of it was the hospitality and generosity of the people I met along the way. “Repeating the trip 44 years later, I can happily report the same result. The best memories are of the people I met, the conversations I had and the hospitality and generosity offered by people all the way from Washington to Minnesota. The trip really is about people and gratitude, which again circles back to the title, “Love and Surprise.” Love what you’re doing and be open to surprises along the way.” To read Jerry Yanz’s blog in its entirety, visit jerryyanz.wordpress.com
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— Submitted photo
Bees collect pollen on their hairy legs. This pollen is then carried to the next flower they visit, causing cross-pollination. What do bees do for our community? Bees, flowers, and prairies belong together. Emily Dickinson captured it best: “To make a prairie, it takes a prairie and one bee ... and reverie. The reverie alone will do if bees are few.” But reverie won’t completely do the job. We need bees for plants to set seed and grow. Wind pollinates prairie clover and grasses, but other herbs and plants need native bees for cross-pollination. Oftentimes overlooked, all native bees play a large role in our ecosystem. In addition to supporting native plant communities, native bees pollinate food crops,
including apples, blueberries, cranberries and much more. Bee-pollinated plants produce seeds, nuts and berries that feed many bird species. Although small in size, bees have powerful impacts on our landscapes and gardens. The North Oaks Garden Club would like to invite our community to join us to learn about, and tour, some of the neighborhood bee hives on Tuesday, Sept. 29. We will meet at the West Recreation Center at 4:30 p.m. to carpool and proceed from there to four various sites. Please join us. — Submitted by the North Oaks Garden Club
— Submitted photo
A bee samples nectar from a flower.
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Page 14 ~ North Oaks News ~ September 2015
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Wildwood Home Improvement â&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘ Decks Deck Footing â&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘ Deck FootingRepair Repair RooďŹ ng â&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘ RooďŹ ng â&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘ Garages Garages Repairs â&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘ Repairs â&#x20AC;˘ Additions â&#x20AC;˘ Additions â&#x20AC;˘ Remodeling â&#x20AC;˘ Remodeling â&#x20AC;˘ Tile & Stone Work â&#x20AC;˘ Tile & Stone Work â&#x20AC;˘ Siding â&#x20AC;˘www.northlandlandscape.com Siding
&Locking Mailboxes
â&#x20AC;˘ Fences â&#x20AC;˘Arbors & Trellises
CEILING DOCTOR SINCE 1971 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Ceiling Repair Specialistâ&#x20AC;?
17 Years
â&#x20AC;˘ Gazebos â&#x20AC;˘Mailboxes & Posts
â&#x20AC;˘ Tile â&#x20AC;˘ Bathrooms â&#x20AC;˘ Basements â&#x20AC;˘ Major/Minor Remodeling â&#x20AC;˘ Doors Windows â&#x20AC;˘ Garages â&#x20AC;˘ Kitchens â&#x20AC;˘ Additions â&#x20AC;˘ RooďŹ ng/Siding
Interior/Exterior Remodeling
Dog Walking Dog Sitting House Watching House Sitting
Superior Service... Competitive Rates WE ALSO CLEAN: â&#x20AC;˘ Screens â&#x20AC;˘ Light Fixtures â&#x20AC;˘ Gutters Bonded & Insured Free Estimates
Outdoor Designs Exquisite Landscape StructureS
Free s ate Estim
Serving North Oaks Since 2004
Daveâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Deluxe
14 years and going strong!
Call or Email for a Free Estimate! 651-485-3888 proturf2@gmail.com
$100 in FREE services for the 2015 season â&#x20AC;˘ Detail Oriented â&#x20AC;˘ Highest Quality Products â&#x20AC;˘ Weekly Mowing â&#x20AC;˘ Fertilizing â&#x20AC;˘ Spring/Fall Clean Up â&#x20AC;˘ De-Thatching â&#x20AC;˘ Aeration
& Gina FreeKeith Consultations
James & Linda Keenan
MJ The Critter Sitter Professional Pet Sitting & Dog Walking Services Owned & Operated by a Veterinary Technician with 20 years experience in animal care
The Critter Sitter
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- Insured & Bonded - Veterinarian Recommended -References available
Let us give your pets the love & attention they deserve while youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re away!
North Oaks News ~ September 2015 ~ Page 15
Apples, Apples, Apples! Apples for everybody. Apples in pies, apples in doughnuts, rollovers, muffins and bread. Apples in the freshest cider you’ve ever tasted. Apples for every taste and purpose.
Find This House in the Parade of Homes! Fall Parade # 237
Model open Sept. 12 - Oct. 4
Thurs., Fri., Sat. & Sun. Noon - 6 pm
Find Quiet Luxury At Red Pine Farm
MLS #4549643
This amazing custom built home has over 6,700 finished square feet with no detail overlooked. The home features 10-foot ceilings, spacious gourmet kitchen, porch, sports court, spacious bedroom suites, bonus room, lower level family room & wine cellar. Water and sewer lots available to build your new home. Visit www. gonyeahomes.com
AUDREY FRIEDMAN ||612-720-9262 612-720-9262 audreyfriedman@edinarealty.com MARK & LIZ GROTEWOLD | 651-481-6744 JENNIFER LARSEN || 651-341-5524 LARSON 651-341-5524 markandlizgrotewold@edinarealty.com jenniferlarsen@edinarealty.com jenniferlarson@edinarealty.com
for Call l Hours sona Sea
C’mon out . . . we know there’s an apple to make you smile. PLUS... Strawberries and pumpkins in season.
WHITE BEAR LAKE • 651-429-7202 License #BC002459
No. of White Bear Lake off E. Hwy. 96 on Apple Orchard Road www.pinetreeappleorchard.com
Page 16 ~ North Oaks News ~ September 2015
Call us at 651.288.1940 or visit us at BARTLETT.COM
We Care Every Day in Every Way Relationship-based Reliable Responsive Trustworthy Select your caregiver from our experienced staff ! • 1 to 24 Hour Care • Errands/Shopping • Meal Preparation • Light Housekeeping
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Call for a FREE in-home consultation.
There’s no place like home.
MOGA’s Tree Service Stump Cutting TREE & BRUSH TRIMMING / REMOVAL Call for FREE Wood Chips
Reasonable Rates
Since 1975
New Construction Remodel Water Heaters References • Free Estimates
Sunday Worship Services 8:45 am ~ 10:05 am *10:45 am ~ *6:00 pm *Contemporary Nursery care available during all services
Check the website Children, SPARK Sunday (3 yrsfor - 4th grade) during morning worship Youth, Adult and Family Children and Youth Offerings, Summer Offerings as well as 3 yrs - High School, the start of Fall Programming. Wednesday nights.
651-484-7213 Preschool: 651-766-0723 www.incarnationmn.org 1 mi. North of Hwy 96 on Co. Rd. 49
4880 Hodgson Road, North Oaks