5 minute read
Centennial advocates connect families and students to resources

There are three faces that have become very familiar to families and students within the hallways of Centennial Schools.
They are Student and Family Advocates Kathy Berrios Cordero, Matthew Thao and Ramla Iman. The positions, which are new to the district this year, are funded via the Achievement and Integration grant through the Minnesota Department of Education.
“The student and family advocates are to help students and families with needs that center around the students’ educational experience,” said Director of Teaching and Learning Mark Grossklaus. “(They) are a valuable resource that helps families connect with our schools and provide additional support that some families might need to support their students.”
Berrios Cordero has worked for the district for 23 years.
Prior to the advocate role, she wore a variety of hats including paraprofessional, substitute teacher, Hispanic and cultural liaison, and Spanish interpreter. She was interested in filling the advocate role because she enjoys helping people, especially the Hispanic community, to pay tribute to her Puerto Rican heritage. She helps students with the last names starting with A-Har as well as Spanish-speaking families.
“My motto is, if you need help, I’m there for you no matter who you are,” she said.
Thao is a newcomer to the district. For the past six
Lino Lakes City Council Snippets Community Brief
Meet new friends
Are you ready to emerge from your winter cocoon? North Suburban Neighbors Club (NSNC) invites prospective members to a spring coffee at 10 a.m. in the Fireside Lounge of the Shoreview Community Center, located at 4580 Victoria St. N. NSNC is a nonprofit friendship organization for women in the north suburbs. The organization strives to provide opportunities for members to become acquainted with others in the area through friendship, goodwill and fun. Activities include coffee, eating out, programs, events, book club, movies, community service and more. To learn more about NSNC, call or text Ellen at 651-247-9601.
Political Brief

Emmer announces 2023 Young Women’s Leadership Program
Congressman Tom Emmer recently announced that his office would begin accepting registrants for the 2023 Young Women’s Leadership Program. Since 2016, the program has connected high-school-aged girls in the Sixth Congressional District with local women leaders for guidance and mentorship.
The program will span three sessions this summer. Topics will range from leading in a crisis to financial literacy and mental health management. Location and session times will be announced at a later date. Further details on the program can be found online at https://emmer.house.gov/young-womens-leadership-program. Registrants have until the deadline of Monday, May 15, to apply. Questions about the program can be directed to Theresa Braid at theresa.braid@mail.house. gov.
• The city plans to sell its 1994 Chevy S-10 pickup (Grass No.1) that was used for responding to grass/wildland types of fires. The vehicle is no longer needed, as the city now has use of a utility terrain vehicle (UTV). The vehicle will likely be sold for $12-$15K to another municipality.
• The council continues to hear concept plans from US Homes LLC (Lennar) regarding the Watermark development. Although the overall number of housing units hasn’t changed, Lennar is proposing to construct some different housing types and lot sizes to better fit market demand.
“I like the original plan. I’m not really interested in trying to move in another direction,” said Mayor Rob Rafferty. Council Members Tony Cavegn, Christopher Lyden and Michael Ruhland all agreed with Rafferty. The council ultimately directed Lennar to get rid of the townhome product altogether, and introduce some more 50-, 55- and 60-foot-wide lots.
• The city will pay KMS Air Duct Cleaning $15,212 to clean the ductwork at the Rookery Activity Center (RAC). The building was constructed in 2007. Mike Rowe, of RAC building maintenance, explained that typically, activity center-type facilities should have the ductwork cleaned every two to four years, but there is no evidence that the building’s ductwork system has ever been cleaned. In addition, the recent renovations created significant amounts of airborne debris.
The duct system is comprised of 10 independent zones, which will allow the contractor to work around the classes and activities of the RAC without closing down the entire facility. Funding is provided by American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) grant dollars.
• The Lino Lakes Civic Complex will also undergo some work. The city will pay NAC, a mechanical and electrical commercial contractor, $21,950 to balance the air handlers. The Civic Complex was constructed in 1999. Since that time there have been room modifications, replacements of boilers and air handlers, as well as other modifications that have caused the air handlers to become out of balance, Public Works Superintendent Justin Williams said.
This causes certain rooms to have hot or cold temperatures in comparison to the air handler temperature set points. By having the air handlers balanced, Williams said it will allow for equal and consistent air flow into all the areas of the building, which will provide better control at the thermostats and a more comfortable working environment. It will also improve the operation of the system. Other potential benefits include energy savings, improvement in diagnosing any system issues and better air quality. It can also increase the lifespan of the system.
• Due to cost increases, the city has decided not to purchase a Ford F-350. The adopted 2022 budget included $65,000 to purchase a Ford F-350 with dump box for the parks department maintenance position. Unfortunately, Ford F-350 truck costs increased by 43% between 2021 and 2022. Due to the significant cost increase, city staff has decided to forego the purchase of the new vehicle for the foreseeable future.
However, the city does plan to replace its 2008 1-ton for a total of $94,958 (including the chassis, dump box, plow and other accessories.
• City staff will select three to four firms to interview and from which to solicit proposals for the design of the future public works building and to determine the best site. Over the past 10 years, the city has been evaluating the con struction of a new public works building to replace the existing facility at 1189 Main Street. Constructed in 1971, the building does not meet the current and future needs of the city, Community Devel opment Director Michael Grochala said.
CNH Architects completed a site analysis and space needs study in 2017. Oertel Architects completed a subsequent evaluation in 2018 to refine configuration options at the existing site and downsize the facili ty and costs.
The $11.2 million project is cur rently included in the city’s five-year financial plan for construction in 2026.
“There is a real value to making sure we know what we are doing and do it right to begin with,” Rafferty said.
• The city plans to roll out a housing maintenance assistance program. In 2004, the city received $225,000 from the Metropolitan Council Local Housing Incentives Account (LHIA) to assist with development of workforce housing in the Legacy at Woods Edge development. The funding was provided to the developer in the form of a no-interest loan for construction of the Lakewood Apartment Building. Upon the sale of the building in 2022, the loan was repaid in full.
Under the terms of the LHIA agreement, the city can return the money to Metropolitan Council, or use the grant funds on a revolving basis to implement projects that would help the city meet its affordable and life-cycle housing goals, Grochala explained.
To implement the provisions of the housing plan, the Economic Development Advisory Council (EDAC) is discussing establishing a housing maintenance program to assist low- to moderate-income households and encourage home improvement. Grochala explained that projects would be limited to single-family homes that are at least 30 years old. Approximately 1,700 (or 20%) homes fall into that category. EDAC will further discuss the program and eventually bring it before the City Council for • City staff, Baker Tilly and Kennedy & Graven are currently preparing the city’s five-year street reconstruction plan, which will eventually be approved by the council. The 2024 project, which is estimated to cost $4.5 million, would include 81st Street, Elbe Street, Danube Street and Red Maple Lane along with thin mat overlays of Diane Street and Evergreen Trail. The project slated for 2027, which is also estimated to cost $4.5 million, includes Lakeview Drive (from Elm Street to Glenview Lane) Fairmont Drive and Gladstone Drive.
The next City Council meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. Monday, April 24, at City Hall.
Shannon Granholm