‘Invest in our planet’
This year, Earth day falls on Saturday, April 22. This year’s theme is “Invest in our Planet.” The Wargo Nature Center will host an Earth Day celebration from 1 to 4 p.m. Saturday, April 22. The event will include a bouncy house, refreshments, earth art project and an Eco-fair, where local organizations and businesses will provide information and resources on how to be a good steward to the earth. Before the celebration there will be an Earth Day service project from 10 a.m. to noon. Call 763-324-3350 to sign up.
City to acquire Winter property
LINO LAKES — The City Council has authorized city staff to move forward with negotiating a purchase price of the Winter property, located at 7473 24th Avenue.
In 2017 the city completed preparation of the Natural Resources Revolving Fund Plan (NRRFP). The plan identified six locations within the city that could be considered for the purpose of establishing a wetland bank.
The process of wetland banking allows the city to restore and/or create wetland and sell wetland credits through the state wetland bank. Bank credits would be used to mitigate wetland impacts for public improvements, assist economic development efforts and fund the acquisition and protection of high-quality open space.
The city has previously established two wetland banks. The first bank is located along Otter Lake Road, east of Arnt Construction; the second bank is located in Wollan Park. The plan identified the Winter property as a potential site. This property was also highlighted in the Rice Creek Watershed District’s 2018 wetland banking study.
The 138-acre property is guided office/residential in the city’s 2040 Comprehensive Plan and includes portions of the property identified as natural resource conservation area in the city’s Greenway Plan.
Staff, working with WSB and Associates, completed an initial review of the site’s wetland banking potential in 2020. The scoping document estimated a potential for up to 59 credits. A credit is equal to 1 acre.
Shannon Granholm
North metro school districts see fewer applicants
One thing most school districts can agree on is how difficult it has become to find teachers.
Four years after the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, districts across the nation are still feeling the effects. Many districts are facing teacher shortages, as fewer people decide to pursue careers in education.
The 2023 Teacher Supply and Demand Report shows the ongoing trend of district struggles to retain current educators and recruit new individuals to the
profession in Minnesota. A majority of districts reported being “somewhat significantly” or “very significantly” impacted by the teacher shortage (84%) and substitute teacher shortage (89%). The report also states that nearly one-third of new teachers leave teaching within their first five years in the profession.
Centennial Schools
Currently, Centennial Schools has approximately 20 open teaching positions.
“There are simply not that many candidates for teaching positions. We (recently) attended the Minnesota Job
TUESDAY, APRIL 18, 2023 VOL. 41 NO. 27 www.quadcommunitypress.com $1.00 HAPPY EARTH DAY: Test your knowledge with quiz PAGE 9 CIRCULATION 651-407-1234 circ@presspubs.com NEWS 651-407-1227 quadnews@presspubs.com ADVERTISING 651-407-1200 marketing@presspubs.com CLASSIFIED 651-407-1250 classified@presspubs.com PRODUCTION 651-407-1220 art@presspubs.com PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 9 CIRCLE PINES, MN Press Publications 4779 Bloom Avenue White Bear Lake, MN 55110 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED And where you’ll find... Friendly and knowledgeable staff Largest selection in the area And the lowest prices! Store Hours: Mon. - Sat. 9am to 10pm and Sunday 11am (763) 786-0198 9271 South Lake Dr.Lexington,MN.55014 Home of “Top Ten Thursdays” 770818 BEST OF THE PRESS 2022 of the Press Vadnais Heights 2022 of the Press 651-483-4055 WH Y C HOOSE US? Family owned and operated since 1975 Certified Expert Technicians Lifetime Warranty Collision & Mechanical Services Hail Damage Specialists www.fairwaycollisioncenter.com 125 E. Cty Rd. F • Vadnais Heights, 55127 F co
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District surveys remain an important element of the discussion regarding supply and demand of teachers. Table 26 shows how districts perceive the teacher shortage and availability of teachers.
• Alana Petrucci is the city’s newest parttime custodial worker. Petrucci started in the position April 11 and her hourly rate of pay is $23, which is at the top of the pay range for the position.
• The city received eight bids for the Pheasant Run reconstruction project. The city will award the construction project to low bidder A & I Excavating LLC for $886,886. The project is located on Pheasant Run north of Birch Street.
City Engineer Diane Hankee explained that the reconstruction will include new curb and gutter, new pavement and storm sewer replacement. Utility work will also include replacing and rehabilitating the existing sanitary sewer along Pheasant Run, and upsizing the existing potable water main from 6-inch- to 12-inch-diameter pipe along Pheasant Run and up to Captain’s Place, then looping back in at Black
Duck Drive. WSB will perform construction services for $64,900.
• A reminder for residents who are looking for a place to bring their junk: the citywide cleanup day will be from 8 a.m. to noon Saturday, April 29, at the public works building.
• Residents are encouraged to attend the Chain of Lakes Rotary’s annual fundraiser, the Chain of Giving, from 6 to 9 p.m. Saturday, May 6, at the Peder Pedersen Pavilion in Hugo. Visit https://chainoflakesrotary.com for more information.
• The Anoka County Friends of the Library will host its annual book sale Saturday, May 20.
• Residents who live in or near the Indian Hills neighborhood will be asked to weigh in on the kind of playground equipment they would like to have installed. The playground is scheduled for replacement.
The Centennial Community Food Shelf continues to see new families utilizing the food shelf. “The food shelf is strong. It continues to provide resources to the community,” volunteer Robert Parent said. “There is a lot of need out there, so we have been doing everything we can to step up and try to help out the community a little bit more.”
In addition to food distribution on Mondays and Thursdays, the food shelf has also began offering some Saturday options as well.
• Cars driving in the school zone (when children are present) along Elm Street, from Lake Drive to Snow Owl Lane, will now need to travel even slower after the City Council approved a resolution lowering the speed limit from 30 mph to 20 mph.
The city was contacted by representatives of Centennial Schools to discuss safety improvements associated with access to Centennial Middle School and Blue Heron Elementary School. The school representatives asked the city to evaluate the school zone speed limit.
• Resident Jeff Johnson recently visited the council on behalf of himself and some of his neighbors to learn more about the $100,000 grant the city is seeking for its water stewardship program. (See “Lino Lakes requests $100K for Water Stewardship Program” April 4.)
“Six months ago, we were talking about
• The city will make some changes to its state aid roadway system. Each year, the city receives approximately $200,000 that it can use on improvements to its municipal state aid roadways, which are specifically designated as such. Cities are allowed to make changes to those state aid designations. City Administrator Patrick Antonen explained that changes are necessary because Blaine has taken ownership of 87th Avenue and designated that street as a state aid road in their system. Changes to the system include the following designations:
o Removing Central Street between Lexington Avenue and Village Parkway from the state aid system.
o Removing Robin Hood Lane from Canterbury Road to non-existing route 110
o Removing non-existing route 110 from 85th Avenue NE to Robin Hood Lane
o Adding West Road/Fire Barn Road from Lexington Avenue to East Road
o Adding 87th Avenue/Canterbury Road from the western city limit shared with the city of Blaine to Robin Hood Lane.
• Potholes continue to be seen around Circle Pines and the surrounding cities. “If you have driven anywhere in the metro, you have seen it,” said City Engineer Eric Eckman. “This was a very brutal winter, with a lot of
how to get rid of the water that’s on the roads and in yards, and now we read about how we might be running out of water because we are using so much,” Johnson said.
Grochala explained that there are two separate things going on: the water stewardship grant has to do with conservation of drinking water, and the city currently has a study underway that focuses on flooding from stormwater in the Lakeview Drive area. He added that an improvement project is planned for 2027.
The next City Council meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. Monday, April 24, at City Hall. There will also be a work session immediately prior at 6 p.m. in the Community Room.
Shannon Granholm
freeze-thaw cycles.”
Antonen said the public works crews are street sweeping; patching will then begin.
• Now is the time to contact the Anoka County Assessor’s Office if residents have questions or concerns regarding their evaluation. Anoka County Assessor Alex Guggenberger recently visited the council to share some trends. The median value of a home in Circle Pines came in at $287,200, which represents a 4.47% increase over 2022. The median value of a home in Anoka County came in at $326,900, which represents a 0.80% increase over 2022.
• The city now has a contract with MnDOT that allows MnDOT to act as the city’s agent and accept federal funds for eligible transportation projects.
• Mark Sandman is the newest member of the Planning Commission, and Alana Neil is the newest member of the Park Board.
The next City Council meeting will be at 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 25, at City Hall.
Shannon Granholm
2 QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS APRIL 18, 2023 www.presspubs.com
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Mayor Rob Rafferty administers the Oath of Police Service to the city’s newest police officer, Zach Beddow. Beddow grew up in Lino Lakes and graduated from Centennial High School. He has served as a reserve officer and community service officer.
When: 12:45 p.m. Thursday April 20; and the 1st, 3rd and 5th Thursday of every month
Where : Rice Lake Centre, east end of Hugo Public Works building, 6900 137th Street N.
Details: Games begin at 12:45 p.m. Refreshments and coffee served. All senior citizens from the area invited. Contact: 651-592-0369 or barbconnolly1958@yahoo.com
When: 12:45 p.m. Monday, April 24; the 4th Monday of every month
Where : Rice Lake Centre, east end of Hugo Public Works building, 6900 137th Street N.
Details: Senior citizens from Hugo and surrounding area are invited to an afternoon of cribbage. Coffee and refreshments served.
Contact: 651-429-4413
When: 11:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Mondays and Thursdays
Where : Rice Lake Centre, east end of Hugo Public Works building, 6900 137th Street N.
Details: Free fitness classes for Hugo-area adults 55+ by Live 2B Healthy. Class designed for seniors to help improve balance, strength, and flexibility in a group setting. Periodic
CONTRIBUTED Centennial Community Education will host a parent speaker workshop from 4:30 to 6 p.m. Thursday, April 20 in the Centennial Middle School Auditorium. Erin Walsh will discuss “The Many Faces of Stress: Staying Connected in Challenging Times.” See calendar listing for more information.
fitness tests so participants can track their progress.
Contact: Barb @ 651-592-0369 or barbconnolly1958@yahoo.com
When: 10:30-11:30 a.m. Wednesday, April 19
Where : The Rookery Activity Center, 7690 Village Dr., Lino
Details: Monthly event for
• Property owners at 900 Lexington Avenue will see a lower assessed market value than originally planned after they challenged the assessed value provided by the county assessor. Instead of $448,300, both parties agreed the value should be $400,000.
• The average sale price of homes in the city of Lexington was $296,000 in 2022 compared to $268,000 in 2021.
• The low bid for the 2023 street project came in $20,000 less than the engineer’s estimate. The city received four bids and awarded the construction
seniors hosted by the Quad Chamber includes educational speakers, fellowship and networking opportunities.
Contact: quadareachamber.org
When: 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Wednesday, April 19
Where : Wargo Nature Center, 7701 Main St., Lino Lakes
Details: Free naturalist-led program for those 50+. May include trail hike. Registration not required; equipment provided.
Contact: 763-324-3350 or anokacountyparks.com
When: 3-5 p.m. Wednesday, April 19
Where : Rice Creek Chain of Lakes Park Reserve, 7373 Main St., Lino Lakes
Details: Introductory class for novice bike riders. Registration and cost information online.
Contact: 763-324-3350 or anokacountyparks.com
When: 3:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 19
Where : Encore Assisted Living and Memory Care, 720 Mahtomedi Ave., Mahtomedi
Details: Free educational speaker series with Tom Ostdiek. Light refreshments provided. RSVP.
Contact: 651-343-1787
When: 4:30-6 p.m. Thursday, April 20
Where : Centennial Middle School Auditorium
Details: Erin Walsh from the Spark & Stitch Institute will discuss “The Many Faces of Stress: Staying Connected in Challenging Times”. The free workshop is aimed at parents with children from birth through 3rd grade. Pizza and discussion follows.
Contact: 763-792-6122 or isd12. org/schools/early-childhood/ early-childhood-family-education-ecfe/free-parent-speakermany-faces-stress
When : 6-7 p.m. Thursday, April 20
Where : Gem Lake Heritage Hall, 4200 Otter Lake Rd.
Details: Learn how raingardens can be used to help solve drainage issues, add beauty to the yard, and support the greater watershed. Free.
Contact: 651-204-6070 or vlawmo.org/events/raingardens-1012
When: 1-4 p.m. Saturday, April 22
Where : Wargo Nature Center, 7701 Main St., Lino Lakes
Details: Family celebrations with crafts, bouncy house, refreshments, and Eco-fair with local businesses and organizations and information about how to be a good steward of the Earth. Free.
contract to low bidder Park Construction Company for $64,358. The project includes the reconstruction of Dunlap Avenue between Restwood Road and Flowerfield Road.
• Boulevard Bar & Grill’s application for a cannabinoid license has been approved.
• Ellie Dawson is Lexington Liquors’ newest fulltime employee. She was recently hired as a sales associate, and her hourly rate of pay will be $16.75.
• The city’s newest seasonal employee is Hunter Schmid, who will start in June in the part-time posi-
Contact: 763-324-3350 or anokacountyparks.com
When: 10 a.m.-noon Saturday, April 22
Where : White Bear Senior Center, 2484 E County Rd F
Details: Seniors can explore housing options in the area and have questions answered.
Contact: 651-653-3121 or communityservices.isd624.org
When: 1:30-3 p.m. Monday, April 24
Where : Mahtomedi District Education Center, 1520 Mahtomedi Ave.
Details: Free afternoon of Bingo with prizes. Drop-in for adults.
Contact: communityed.mahtomedi.k12.mn.us
When: 9-11 a.m. Wednesday, April 26
Where : Rice Creek Chain of lakes Park Reserve, 7373 Main St., Lino Lakes
Details: Walk through the park with an experienced birder and hear 20-60+ species of birds. All ages and abilities. See registration and cost information online.
Contact: 763-324-3350 or anokacountyparks.com
tion. His hourly rate of pay will be $16 an hour. City Administrator Bill Petracek shared that the city is still looking for additional seasonal help. Those interested should reach out to City Hall.
• The City Council recently held a closed session to discuss personnel matters under investigation.
The next City Council meeting will be at 7 p.m. Thursday, April 20, at City Hall.
Shannon Granholm
“Because we’re in this together.”
WHAT’S HAPPENING APRIL 18, 2023 www.presspubs.com QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS 3 To make changes or to advertise here, call at 651-407-1200. 762052
Find the church that fits your needs Celebrate Mass with us!
Sunday at 8:30 am St. John’s Site
Sunday at 10:30 am Parish Community Center 6995 Centerville Rd, Centerville www.stgens.org 651‐429‐7937 761757 761676 Join Us for Mass Mass Times: Saturday at 5:00 pm Sunday at 8:30 am and 10:00 am 171 Elm Street • Lino Lakes, MN • 651-784-3015 761677 762801 We welcome you to worship with us Virtually and in Person Sunday 9:30 am Fellowship & refreshments following the service 7330 Lake Drive | 651-784-7667 admin@linolakescommunitychurch.com & directions (1 mile south of Target on Lake Dr) Service times are subject to change during the coronavirus crisis. Contact your local church or check church web sites for service time and online service information. Family Worship Sunday 10:00 AM Call 763-784-1607 for Together Times TOGETHER PLACE CHURCH
Church Directory
Saturday at 4:30 pm Parish Community Center 6995 Centerville Rd, Centerville
14383 Forest Blvd N, Hugo
3860 Flowerfield Rd, Circle Pines togetherplacechurch.org facebook.com/togetherplacechurch 761679
Achievement in journalism
I’m always inspired to meet someone who has achieved success by hard work, determination and expanding education. There is a danger today for some college students when they graduate to expect a major position and high salary despite limited experience in the career path or profession they are pursuing.
A contrast is Angela Davis, who is host of weekday talk show on MPR News. She has been with MPR since November 2018 and has a background of 25 years of television reporting and anchoring in the Twin Cities and other cities throughout the country.
About the Town
Gene Johnson
Kathy and I were invited to hear her as a guest speaker at Bethel University’s School of Journalism. Her talk to the students was about her life story and the many obstacles she had to overcome.
She has had to face barriers because of her skin color and being a woman. Today she is very capable of leading conversations and topics on how the state is changing, Minnesota’s persistent racial disparities, economic issues, education and mental health.
She made the point to be accurate, moral, ethical and slow down to get things right.
People need to listen to different points of view to learn about various jobs behind the scenes. As a result, one needs to develop thick skin.
Newspapers need to be on social media to balance all of the misinformation. You must give yourself time to process what goes on around you to protect your spirit and joy in life. Set boundaries.
Davis is a member of local and national chapters of the National Association of Black Journalists and Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. She is a mother of two college students, and married to fellow journalist, Duchesni Drew. Before joining MPR she was editor at the Star Tribune.
The key message from her was to work hard, overcome obstacles, continue your education, and learn all you can about the key issues that people are struggling with.
The takeaway we left with is that she is a very persistent, professional journalist. Along the way she had to prove to every newsroom that she could do the job of being an on-air reporter.
She holds a journalism degree from the University of Maryland- College Park, which is considered one of the best J schools in the United States.
Dave Kansas, a director on the Board of the Johnson Center for Journalism at Bethel University, invited students to hear and see Angela Davis.
Too beautiful for earth
I try to glance at the obituary page in all of our newspapers on a weekly basis. I may know someone, sometimes a relative or friend I didn’t know was ill.
When I was reading the Baldwin Bulletin, my eyes watered when I read about an infant that lived only three days and died in his mother’s arms. There was a quote, “An angel in the Book of Life, wrote down our baby’s birth. She whispered as she closed the book, too beautiful for earth.”
Another part went on to say, “Some people only dream of angels. We held one in our arms. If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane, I would walk right up to Heaven and bring you home again.”
Perhaps that struck a memory in my heart when my first wife, Joanie, and I lost our first son hours after birth in 1956.
I also look at ages of deaths to see if I’m above or below the average. Community newspapers are great at reporting this information. They clip well for scrapbooks, too.
Gene Johnson is publisher emeritus of Press Publications.
Bringing new perspective to St. Paul
Ihope you are enjoying the warm weather and the awesome feeling that comes from watching the last mountain of snow disappear from the end of the driveway.
tax cuts. Current proposed tax increases total $9.5 billion. There is no reason to raise taxes by $9.5 billion when we have a $17.5 billion surplus. I will vote against any attempts to make life for Minnesotans more expensive.
less of the zip code. As a member of the Public Safety committee, I am working to address these issues through legislation that will:
With spring heating up, the Minnesota Legislature seems to have followed suit as we enter the final weeks of session. This is a budget year, so in the coming weeks we will be debating the various omnibus budget bills that will form the new two-year state budget. As we vote on these bills, which often are hundreds of pages long, it’s important to note that Minnesota has a $17.5 billion surplus.
Minnesotans are facing the consequences of rising costs every day at the grocery store, gas station, and more. With such a massive surplus, I am pushing to return Minnesotans hard-earned money through permanent, meaningful tax relief.
Unfortunately, this session we have seen more efforts to raise taxes, such as increased fees on car tabs or imposing additional taxes on home deliveries, than
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My number one priority is to listen to your concerns and address those issues. In my first term as your legislator, I am focused on acting on those issues. Whether it’s supporting family budgets, student success, safety in our communities, or transparency in state government, I’ve aspired to bring a new perspective to St. Paul to solve these issues.
Making life more affordable for Minnesota’s families is critically important. That’s why I authored the “Family-Focused Tax Relief Package” to lower costs through a number of innovative policies such as:
• Infant Care Items Sales Tax Exemption. This will make infant care items, like cribs, strollers, car seats, and bottles, tax exempt.
• Back-to-School Sales Tax Holiday. This will eliminate sales taxes on school supplies in the month of August.
• Full Elimination of the Tax on Social Security. This will support our seniors who are living on a fixed income.
Every Minnesotan should feel safe in their community, regard-
• Improve safety infrastructure in schools. My bill, the SHIELD Act, will provide $100 million in grants to ensure that our students are safe.
• Increase the penalty for fentanyl trafficking.
• Increase carjacking penalties. Our schools must be ready to equip our students with the help, resources, and knowledge they need to be the future of our community. I have worked diligently with colleagues on both sides of the aisle to support students, parents, and teachers through legislation that will:
• Provide mental health resources for students.
• Fully fund special education.
• Improve our reading proficiency standards to help address the achievement gap.
• Pension reform, to recruit and retain teachers and educators. There is still a lot of work ahead of us this session. As the omnibus budget bills moves forward, I would appreciate hearing your feedback.
Rep. Elliott Engen represents District 36A. He can be reached by phone at 651-296-2365, or by email at Rep.Elliott.Engen@ house.mn.gov.
least four weeks must lapse between publication. Exceptions may be made for rebuttal letters.
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• All letters are subject to editing.
• Deadline is 5 p.m. Wednesday of the week prior to publication.
• To submit a letter, e-mail it to quadnews@presspubs.com, fax it to 651-429-1242 or mail or deliver it to:
4 QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS www.presspubs.com APRIL 18, 2023
Press Publications 4779 Bloom Ave. White Bear Lake, MN 55110. Distributed weekly in: Blaine • Circle Pines Lexington • Lino Lakes COPYRIGHT© 2023 BY PRESS PUBLICATIONS, INC. Material may not be reproduced in whole or part in any form whatsoever. News 651-407-1227 Advertising 651-407-1200 Circulation 651-407-1234 Classified/Obits 651-407-1250 Production 651-407-1239 FAX 651-429-1242 Published Tuesdays by Press Publications, Inc. 4779 Bloom Avenue White Bear Lake, MN 55110 Winter Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 8 a.m.- 4 p.m. Friday, 8 a.m.- 3 p.m. Mailed Subscription Rate: $52.00 per year. Subscribe online at presspubs.com Carter C. Johnson Publisher cjohnson@presspubs.com Gene Johnson Publisher Emeritus ppinfo@presspubs.com Shannon Granholm Managing Editor quadnews@presspubs.com Patty Steele Director of Sales & Marketing marketing@presspubs.com Melissa McElin Production Manager artmanager@presspubs.com Mary Peterson Designer art@presspubs.com Brianna Luecken Circulation circ@presspubs.com Paul Dols Photo Journalist photos@presspubs.com Other departments obits@presspubs.com classified@presspubs.com callaspecialist@presspubs.com www.presspubs.com 651-407-1200 DISCLAIMER: Paid advertisements appear in Press Publications’ publications, including print and other digital formats. Press Publications does not endorse or evaluate the advertised product, service, or company, nor any of the claims made by the advertisement. Advertising does not influence editorial decisions or content. Press Publications reserves the right to refuse, reject, or cancel any ad for any reason at any time without liability.
Lingo Elliot Engen
Shame on Minnesotans for Freedom
Disinformation and lying — it’s everywhere. The back page ad by Minnesotans for Freedom (MFF), a conservative think tank with deep pockets, is such an example. MFF painted Sen. Heather Gustafson as “selling you out to big insurance and PBMs.” The information in this ad is false and misleading.
The legislation MFF refers to is SF168, a bill prohibiting excessive price increases for medications and mandating other actions designed to lower the cost of pharmaceuticals.
Everyone deserves access to affordable medications. Nobody with a chronic condition, cancer or other health issues should lose their life or health because a pharmaceutical company decides to price-gouge for profit. The high cost of prescription drugs affects all of us. When people can’t afford the medicine they
need, we all pay the cost through increased health insurance premiums, at the pharmacy, and through a decline in public health. SF168 establishes a Prescription Drug Affordability Board (PDAB) and outlaws price-gouging of prescription drugs. This benefits patients, providers, employers, state programs and private insurers, and drives down the cost of health care for everyone. These policies came from recommendations by the bipartisan attorney general’s Task Force on Lowering Pharmaceutical Drug Costs; six states have already passed legislation to establish PDABs, and more are advancing PDAB and price-gouging bills.
The pharmaceutical supply chain is complex, and it works for many stakeholders but not patients. And it takes more than one policy to address this problem.
A PDAB and price-gouging regulations build on past progress, which includes drug price transparency
Spring is a good time to clean
Yup, that’s what it is, just stuff. My wife and I have been lucky enough to have had three homes in our married life, along with additional storage places. All are capable of filling to the gills with “stuff.” Thank goodness we have moved twice, and have been able to shed some of the accumulation along the way.
Movers & Shakers
Jan Kreminski
Ok, so why do I share this overabundance with you?
Because the beginning of spring is a good time to review this pile, and do something about it!
First, at a certain age, you have that turtle beak or mollusk, rock, dried flower, or railroad spike that means nothing to anyone, but you. =I have all of these, and more. Two choices here, give it to a grandkid, or throw it out! Jeez, I can hardly wait for the look on their face when they get it.
Second, the next level of knickknack, things that do mean something to someone you care about, or at least they could use. Things like fine china, crystal, pictures, jewelry, useful tools you have three of, etc. A good way to move these is to ask people you care about what in
your house intrigues them, or that they might appreciate. They will usually tell you, if you ask. Next occasion, put it in a gift bag and present it, but ASK them first, otherwise, now they will have a bigger pile of useless junk then you!
Third, churches, Goodwill in Blaine, and other organizations still take useful items for their garage sales and resale. Great way to move items to people that can use good items, especially too small clothes (my problem).
Last, the pile in the back room that is overwhelming you. Ask someone that cares about you for help, as I have done, to give you the gift of cleaning up a contained room mess, or freezer, or storage area. If that doesn’t work, PAY them to help you, someone always needs extra cash.
And last, just throw it out, if it doesn’t fit in the garbage you can go to the city, or garbage hauler, and pay for the extra pickup fee to move it next garbage day. The same goes for stuff outside, does your yard look like a deserted junk pile? If you can’t do it yourself, use a little cash to get the kid next door to help move it to the curb… Spring is coming!
Oops, as I look around, I better get moving before the wife reads this!
Jan W. Kreminski is the chair of the Centennial Utilities Commission.
legislation, the Alec Smith Smith Emergency Insulin Act, and Medicare drug cost initiatives in the Inflation Reduction Act. Generic drugs are not immune to price-gouging. In 2019, Minnesota joined dozens of states in a lawsuit against generic drug manufacturers for collusion and price-fixing.
Big Pharma spends millions of dollars trying to defeat legislation like SF168 that make drug costs affordable. Health care should work for everyone. As a pharmacist, I know prescription drugs don’t work if people can’t afford them. Shame on Minnesotans for Freedom for misrepresenting the good work Sen. Gustafson and others in St. Paul are doing.
Dean Goldberg Circle Pines
JoJo was found living on the streets but, like a champ, quickly adapted to living in a home with people. It’s unknown how long JoJo was living as a stray, so it may take him some time to build trust, but once he realizes and understands you are there for him, you’ll have a friend forever. He loves the people he’s learned to trust.
JoJo is an Australian cattle dog/blue heeler mix. He weighs about 50 pounds and is approximately 2 years old. JoJo is social with other dogs, and he’s very good with the people he knows. New, slow introductions to others are always welcome. JoJo has settled in well at his foster’s home and has learned his basic commands, but he is eager to please and seems willing to learn more.
Arriving at Ruff Start Rescue from the local impound, JoJo is waiting for a family who will give him the love, time and training he needs to be his best. If you are interested in learning more about JoJo or adopting him, please fill out an application at www.ruffstartrescue.org. Once your application is received, Ruff Start Rescue will contact you as soon as possible.
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The Lino Lakes Police Department reported the following incidents:
• An officer responded to a report of a theft of fuel from a gas station in the 7000 block of 21st Avenue South April 4. The investigation is ongoing.
• An officer responded to a business in the 700 block of Apollo Drive for a theft. After an investigation, an adult female was arrested and booked into the Anoka County jail.
• An officer took a delayed phone call report of a personal injury crash that occurred at the intersection of Lake Drive and 79th Street April 4. Both of the involved parties were contacted, and a crash report was completed.
• An officer responded to a business in the 6500 block of Ware Road for a noise complaint April 4. The officer spoke to the business owner, who agreed to turn down the music.
• An officer attempted to stop a vehicle for failure to dim high beam headlights in the 6400 block of I-35E April 5, but the vehicle fled from the officer. The case is under investigation.
• An officer responded to a residence in the 8200 block of Rondeau Lake Road, where a delivery driver reported that they had run into a parked vehicle in a driveway April 5. Both parties exchanged information and a report was completed.
• An officer responded to a school in the 7500 block of Fourth Avenue where drug paraphernalia was found in the backpack of a student April 5. The incident is being handled through the juvenile's probation officer.
• An officer responded to a report of a juvenile using a vape device at a school in the 7500 block of Fourth Avenue April 5. After an investigation, the juvenile was charged with the offense.
• Officers responded to a report
of shoplifting in progress in the 700 block of Apollo Drive April 5. Officers located the shoplifters, retrieved stolen items and trespassed both suspects at the request of store management.
• An officer took a report of damage to property in the 6600 block of West Shadow Lake Drive April 5. The officer subsequently identified two suspects, who were both cited for damage to property.
• An officer took a phone call from a resident in the 7300 block of Stage Coach Trail April 5 who reported identity theft. The incident was documented.
• Officers responded to a domestic assault in Lino Lakes April 5. After an investigation, an adult male was arrested and booked into jail for domestic assault.
• An officer stopped two vehicles for speeding in the 8000 block of I-35E April 6. An adult male was cited for driving after revocation, no insurance and speeding. An adult female was also cited for driving after revocation and speeding.
• An officer responded to a report of a juvenile in possession of alcohol in the 7500 block of Fourth Avenue April 6. After an investigation, the officer charged two juveniles with underage possession of alcohol.
• A community service officer took a report of an aggressive dog on Robinson Drive April 6. Follow-up will be conducted.
• An officer stopped a vehicle for illegal driving conduct in the 6100 block of Centerville Road April 7. An adult female was arrested and was later booked into jail for second-degree DWI and alcohol content of 0.08 or more.
• Officers responded to a domestic incident in Lino Lakes April 7. An adult female was subsequently arrested and booked into jail for fifth-degree domestic assault and disorderly conduct.
• An officer and fire personnel responded to a call of a smoking vehicle in a business parking lot in the 500 block of Apollo Drive April 7. The registered owner was located, and an engine compartment fire was extinguished.
• An officer responded to the 6500 block of Lacasse Drive on a report of suspicious activity April 8. Two teenagers reportedly rang the caller's doorbell and then left. The officer observed possible suspects, but they fled on foot and were not apprehended. Officers will provide extra patrol in the neighborhood.
• Officers responded to a report of suspicious activity in the 700 block of Town Center Parkway April 8. The investigation is ongoing.
• An officer responded to a personal injury crash involving two vehicles in the 7900 block of Highland Drive April 8. One driver reported experiencing pain as a result of the crash. Both vehicles were later driven from the scene.
• While on patrol, an officer stopped a vehicle for speeding in the 300 block of Main Street April 9. After an investigation, the driver was found to be under the influence of alcohol and was arrested for fourth-degree DWI.
• A community service officer (CSO) was dispatched to a report of an abandoned snowmobile in a flooded field in the 6500 block of 12th Avenue April 10. The CSO found the snowmobile was submerged in water. The owner was located and retrieved the snowmobile after the fire department removed it from the water.
• Officers returned to a residence in the 6400 block of Fawn Lane for a juvenile male acting disorderly April 10. The male was subsequently arrested and taken to the juvenile center, pending charges.
The Centennial Lakes Police Department reported the following incidents:
• Harassment was reported in the 9100 block of Lovell Road in Lexington April 5.
• Officers responded to the 1800 block of Voyager Court in Centerville on a report of the smell of gas April 5.
• A theft was reported in the 9400 block of Lexington Avenue in Lexington April 7.
• Officers were dispatched to the 30 block of Village Parkway in Circle Pines April 7 on a report of damage to property at an apartment building. Upon arrival, officers checked the area but were unable to locate any suspects. The estimated loss is $2,500.
• A business owner in the 9000 block of North Highway Drive in Lexington reported damage to his business April 7.
• Officers received an animal complaint in the 400 block of Keith Road in Circle Pines April 8.
• An officer conduced a traffic stop in the area of Dupre Road and Main Street in Centerville April 10. The officer subsequently found marijuana in the vehicle.
• Police responded to the 9000 block of Jackson Avenue in Lexington April 10 for a neighborhood dispute.
• An officer observed a vehicle traveling at a high rate of speed near the intersection of Lake Drive and Village Parkway in Circle Pines April 11. The officer conducted a traffic stop and the driver was ultimately arrested for second-degree DWI and possession of narcotics.
• A theft was reported in the 9000 block of Griggs Avenue in Lexington April 11.
6 QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS www.presspubs.com APRIL 18, 2023
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APRIL 18, 2023 QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS 7 www.presspubs.com PAID FOR BY MINNESOTANS FOR FREEDOM • P.O. BOX 241357, ST. PAUL, MN 55124-7019 *82 percent of Minnesota registered voters responded “less likely” when asked, “Would you be more likely or less likely to vote for your current state representative or senator if they support legislation that allows increased profits for insurance companies and pharmacy benefit management companies (PBMs), but does not guarantee savings for patients?” (Minnesotans for Freedom survey of 502 Minnesota registered voters, March 23-April 3, 2023) PAID ADVERTISEMENT More than 8 in 10 Minnesota registered voters would be less likely to vote for a legislator who allows increased profits for Big Insurance and PBMs without guaranteeing savings for patients.* Sen. Heather Gustafson is considering PDAB legislation that offers no guaranteed patient savings at the pharmacy counter—only an unelected, taxpayer-funded board that could pave the way for Big Insurance and the PBMs they own to make record profits, at the expense of patients. The people of District 36 deserve better: Guaranteed lower out-of-pocket costs and more affordable treatment options. Not laws likely to benefit billion-dollar corporate interests. IS SEN. HEATHER GUSTAFSON IGNORING PATIENTS & VOTERS? 82% of Minnesota voters say NO to Big Insurance and PBMs! 770595
Adopt A Drain for Earth Day
Stormwater does not get cleaned before entering lakes and streams. When water flows off streets and into storm drains, it carries dirt, leaves and other pollutants that impact the quality of the water. You can take care of your storm drain by sweeping and raking leaves, sand and dirt, trash and other debris to allow water to flow easily and cleanly down the drain.
Participants in the metrowide Adopt-A-Drain program adopt, name and clean storm drains in order to protect water quality. Consider adopting a drain for Earth Day. To adopt a drain, visit www.adopt-a-drain. org to find a storm drain in your neighborhood.
Maplewood Mall hosts Earth Day event
The Maplewood Mall will host an Earth Day event featuring local sustainable vendors from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday, April 29. The event will also feature a theatrical performance by Mixed Blood Theatre at 2 p.m. and Earth arts and crafts.
Anoka County seeks volunteers for ‘Mighty Mississippi Cleanup Challenge’
Anoka County Parks is taking part in the Mighty
Mississippi Cleanup Challenge this spring and is seeking volunteers to help improve the quality of the river by removing refuse from its banks. There are two opportunities to volunteer:
9 to 11 a.m. Saturday, April 22 –– Mississippi West Regional Park, 13900 Traprock St. Ramsey.
8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 26 –– Coon Rapids Dam Regional Park, 9750 Egret Blvd. NW, Coon Rapids. A volunteer work group from Medtronic will be present at this cleanup.
Call 763-324-3413 to RSVP to one or both cleanup events and for more information. Attendees are asked
to wear closed-toe shoes and gloves. Anoka County Parks will issue garbage and recycle bags to separate and recycle waste. Parks Department staff and equipment will be present at these events to address the removal of any large or hazardous items. Participants in these events can share their experience on social media: #winneristheriver.
Free entrance to Minnesota state parks on Earth Day
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources will waive vehicle permit fees at all 75 state parks and recreation areas on Saturday, April 22. This “Free Park Day” is one of four days each year on which the DNR waives the vehicle permit requirement at those locations.
In addition to being a Free Park Day, April 22 is also Earth Day. Several state parks are offering Earth Day events. Find details about these events and others on the state parks event calendar (mndnr.gov/ptcalendar). For more information, visit the DNR’s Free Park Days webpage (mndnr.gov/freeparkdays) or contact the DNR Information Center by emailing info.dnr@ state.mn.us or by calling 888-646-6367.
Former Lexington mayor announces candidacy for Congress
Mike Murphy, former mayor of Lexington, has announced his candidacy for Congress to represent Minnesota’s 2nd District. In 2016, Murphy ran for City Council and won as a write-in candidate. He then served as the mayor from 2019 to 2022.
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“As a lifelong Minnesotan, I’m running for Congress to pioneer better outcomes that I wholeheartedly believe we can achieve together,” Murphy said. “It’s time to put the brakes on big government, and put our foot on the gas pedal for small business prosperity, individual liberties, and a restored national security standing.”
Murphy is a conservative. For more information, visit MikeMurphyForCongress.com.
8 QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS APRIL 18, 2023 www.presspubs.com
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number of events are planned around the north metro for Earth Day.
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Answer these Earth Day trivia questions correctly for a chance to win FREE Pizza provided by Pizza Man. Any ties will be an additional drawing for winners.
1. In what year did the first Earth Day take place?
2. Which was the first book to set the stage for society to change in becoming more environmentally aware?
3. Earth Day’s date was chosen because it falls between which two events on college campuses?
4. True or False: In 2016, the Paris Agreement was signed on Earth Day?
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5. True or False: In the USA, There are comprehensive, national standards regarding environmental education
6. Approximately how many people participate in Earth Day activities each year, making it the world’s largest secular observance?
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APRIL 18, 2023 www.presspubs.com 770823 Earth Day you can Adopt A Drain! The Adopt A Drain program asks residents to adopt a storm drain in their neighborhood and keep it clear of leaves, trash and other debris to reduce water pollution in local lakes, rivers and wetlands. For more information, or to volunteer, visit adopt-a-drain.org. Sign up for Curbside Organic Recycling Today! To subscribe to the program call City Hall at 763-784-5898 or email cityhall@ci.circle-pines.mn.us! Mail this completed contest form to: 4779 Bloom Ave, White Bear Lake, MN 55110
Day 2023 Thanks to these QUIZ sponsors! All entries must be received by Friday, April 28. Winners will be announced the first week of May.
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AREA SCHOOL DISTRICTS: Face hiring challenges amid teacher shortage
Fair, which is the largest job fair in Minnesota, and there was a significant reduction in the number of candidates who attended,” Human Resources Director Dan Melde explained. “We also know the number of students going into education has significantly reduced over the last couple of years. This will lead to not as many teacher candidates to hire in the future.”
Melde said where the district is seeing its biggest reduction of candidates is in special education. He explained part of the reason for the shortage is the paperwork mandates that are required of special education teachers. “There is less time to work directly with the students,” he said.
To combat the shortage, Centennial has had to increase where and how it advertises positions and attend more job fairs. The district is also advertising on billboards and letting the community know it is hiring by hanging banners on school buildings.
“Although we are experiencing a shortage of teachers, Centennial continues to be a place where teachers want to teach,” Melde said.
White Bear Lake Area Schools
Despite the shortage, White Bear Lake Area Schools says it is currently fully staffed. It may, however, be in need of some summer maintenance workers as well as a few individuals to fill part-time positions next year.
Director of Human Resources Matthew Mons says the way the district has been able to accomplish that is by hiring a number of teachers on variances in the hardest-to-hire areas and relying on teacher overloads, with teachers teaching during their non-student prep time. (A variance is a special permission granted for already fully licensed teachers to teach in another licensure area for which they don’t hold licensure.)
“When we have experienced vacancies in our full-time teaching areas, the
positions that have been the hardest to fill have been those in special education, science and world languages,” Mons said, adding that it’s also been difficult to find substitute teachers.
“Our largest shortage is in substitute staff members, in all categories including teachers, paraeducators, nutrition services staff workers and bus drivers,” Mons said. “We are continuously looking for staff members who are interested in these roles.”
Paraprofessionals and those in nutrition services, extended day and transportation departments have also been hard to find. “These positions play an important role in supporting our students’ experience each day, so it is vital to us that we are able to recruit terrific candidates for these positions,” Mons said.
Similarly, to Centennial, White Bear Area Schools says the overall hiring environment has become more challenging.
“Fewer professionals are seeking jobs in education, meaning we are receiving fewer applications and we are having difficulty finding applicants for some of
our licensed areas,” Mons explained.
The district has tried to “think outside the box” on how to get the word out about open positions; for example, it has been using yard signs and social media for that purpose.
“Our communications efforts are also seen as a recruitment and retention tool. As we continue to tell the story of the district, we aim to help people see that it’s both a place where students learn and grow and a place where employees engage and make a difference,” Mons explained.
Mahtomedi Public Schools
Superintendent Barb Duffrin says Mahtomedi Schools has been very fortunate when it comes to filling its teaching positions, as it was fully staffed for the 2022-23 school year.
The candidate pool for jobs remains strong for elementary positions, but the district has seen a decrease in that pool at the secondary level.
“Typically, the hardest-to-fill licensed positions in our district include areas such as special education and early childhood,” Duffrin said. “In addition, finding substitute teachers for last-min-
ute absences as well as filling paraprofessional positions continue to be challenging.”
For that reason, for the past two years the district has established a permanent substitute position at every school so that there is help with last-minute, unfilled substitute requests for teachers. In addition, Duffrin says community members have stepped up to fill some of the hard-to-fill paraprofessional roles, like lunchroom and recess duties, until they can be filled.
Retaining teachers is just as important as attracting them to the district according to Duffrin. This year, Director of Teaching and Learning Dr. Jenn Reichel developed a new teacher-mentor program to provide new teachers with more structured support and training during their first few years with the district.
Managing Editor Shannon Granholm can be reached at 651-407-1227 or quadnews@presspubs.com.
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Table 28 uses data reported by districts on whether they have difficulty filling open positions. It is worth noting that over half of all public school districts and charter schools did not respond fully.
UMD’s Gabbie Hughes: humanitarian award, and world title with Team USA
Gabbie Hughes, after completing a prodigious hockey career at Minnesota Duluth in March, received a national humanitarian award in early April — then helped Team USA capture the world championship.
Hughes was one of 25 members of the national team that defeated Canada 6-3 on Sunday in the finals of the IIHF women’s world tournament, ending a string of three world titles by the Canadians, in Brampton, Ontario. The Americans were 6-0-1 in the tournament. Hughes, in her first time on Team USA at this level, had one goal, during a win over Switzerland.
Hughes was announced as the recipient of the Hockey Humanitarian Award during the NCAA Men’s Frozen Four tournament held April 6-8 in Tampa, FL. She was honored for her work with Sophie’s Squad, a mental health awareness program that she and her family founded, named after a hockey player who died by suicide. Hughes was also a nominee last year.
“This means a lot more to me than just a personal recognition, it's a victory for mental health awareness in general,” said Hughes, in a press release from
A game-winning homer by Celsi Burn highlighted a 2-0 week for Centennial. The senior outfielder broke a 4-4 tie with a solo shot in the sixth inning as the Cougars (2-1) edged Rogers 5-4 Monday at National Sports Center in Blaine. She was 2-for-3 with two runs and two stolen bases. Riley O’Connell pitched (six hits, one walk, eight strikeouts) and had a double and RBI. Lily Gilmore rapped a single and double. Alexis Young hit a two-run homer for Rogers. The Cougars beat Totino-Grace 11-4 at home Thursday as eight players had at least one hit. Lily Renslow was 2-for-3 (double, two RBI’s), Lily Cummans 2-for-4, and Burn, Allison Hemming, Mandy Gooder, and Adrianna Thomas had RBIs. Maggie Olson pitched (five hits, three walks, six strikeouts).
Centennial cruised twice in the opening week, over Totino-Grace 5-1 Thursday in Fridley and St. Louis Park 12-2 Friday at home. Will Whelan fired six no-hit innings against T-G with 17 strikeouts and one walk, and went 2-for3 at the plate. The Eagles got four hits and a run against Tyler Gray in the sev enth. Vinny Wry notched two doubles, a walk, two runs, and an RBI. Aidan
Minnesota-Duluth. “I think having mental health — and specifically Sophie’s Squad — recognized by a national platform like HHAF (the award's foundation) is extremely important.”
Hughes logged 81 goals and 133 assists in her five seasons at UMD. As a junior, she was a first-team AllAmerican and a finalist for the Patty Kazmaier Award (which goes to the nation’s top player) while leading UMD to the NCAA runner-up finish. At Centennial, Hughes was a Miss Hockey finalist and led the Cougars to a state runner-up finish as a senior.
Anneke Linser was Hughes’ teammate during their entire careers at Centennial and Duluth. In their final season together, Hughes was UMD’s top scorer with 10 goals and 36 assists for 46 points, and Linser was the third-leading scorer with 17 goals (most on the team) and 13 assists for 30 points. Their tenure together ended with a 3-0 tournament loss to the Minnesota Gophers on March 11 as the Bulldogs finished 26-10-3. Hughes has a bachelor’s degree and masters degree in education. Along with teaching, professional hockey is also a possible profession for her. The Premier Hockey Federation is operating in the U.S. and Canada, and there are options in Europe
Centennial placed fourth among 10 teams at the Osseo Invitational in their opener Thursday with Cougar eighth-grader Taylor Thor placing second individually at Shamrock. “The team played well and it was a wonderful day out on the course,” said coach Mary Erickson. Top five were Maple Grove with 345, Totino-Grace 364, Blaine 373, Centennial 385, and Anoka 389. Thor shot 75, trailing only Kathryn VanArragon, who shot 70 for Blaine, among 59 golfers. Cougar junior Marina Allen shot 85, eighth-grader Ella Friedman 104 and sophomore Abby Rome 121.
Lieser had a single and RBI. Leading the attack against St. Louis Park were
Centennial notched two quick goals but Maple Grove controlled the rest of the game and defeated the Cougars 11-6 in the opener for both teams on Thursday evening at Maple Grove. Ella Weist scored 1:34 into the game and Ella O’Hearn made it 2-0 at 1:53. Maple Grove surged ahead 6-4 by halftime and outscored the Cougars 5-2 in the second half. Weist had two goals and O’Hearn, Callie Cody, Noelle Hemr and Anna Jarpy one each. Cody also made two assists. Maple Grove was led by Ella Olson with four goals and Sosi Van Wyk and Leah Muscafello with two each.
The Centennial Cougars opened with a 7-0 win over Totino-Grace on Friday. Winning in singles from 1 through 4 were Sean Oslund 6-4, 6-1; Zach Chaffey 6-0, 6-0; Jesse Simso 6-2, 6-0; and Ian Gangl 6-3, 6-3. Winning in doubles from 1 through 3 were Joaquin Bliss/JJ Bliss 6-0, 6-3; Trevor Allen/Brody Johnson 6-3 6-4; and Matthew Hanson/Drew Gangl 6-3, 6-2.
Bruce Strand
Will Whelan, Centennial pitcher signed by the Gophers, struck out 17 of 19 batters, allowing no hits and walking one, in six shutout innings, in a 5-1 opening win over Totino-Grace last week. After Whelan committed to the U of M, Gopher pitching coach Ty McDevitt assessed: “Will is a powerful lefthanded arm … solid three-pitch mix: a fastball that rides, ‘slurve’ (slow curve) with downward action, and a fading changeup … Long and strong build, smooth arm action.” As a junior, Whelan was 3-4 with 40 strikeouts in 25 2/3 innings while hitting .400 with three homers and 25 RBIs.
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“Your Financial Partner” ATHLETE OF THE WEEK Will Whelan Centennial Baseball
The above graphic announcing Gabbie Hughes’ award was prepared by the Minnesota-Duluth sports information department.
Aidan Lieser uncorks a pitch against St. Louis Park during a 12-2 win.
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Anna Jarpy scans the field while toting the ball.
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Craft Sale
Part-time Public Works Employee
The City of Lexington is accepting applications for a part-time public works employee to assist the public works department in regular maintenance and repair work associated with the city’s parks, buildings, streets, and utilities. The position is 20-30 hours per week – flexible hours. A high school diploma and a valid driver's license with a clean driving record is essential.
Applications available
Monday – Friday, 8 am – 4:30 pm, at Lexington City Hall, 9180 Lexington Ave, Lexington, MN 55014 or online at http://www.ci.lexington.mn.us/.
Salary Range: $17.05-$18.76/hour. For more information call 763-784-2792. Position is open until filled.
less than what you owe! FR EE quot e: 844/205-5439
THE GENERAC PWRCELL A solar plus battery storage system SAVE mo ne y, reduce your reliance on the grid, prepare for power outages and power your home. Full installation serv ices available. $0 Down Financing Option. Request FREE no obligatio n, quote toda y.Call 888/91 3-5895
Vintage home décor, european déc or mo stly Dutch, china hutch with lighting, cr ystal and glassware, large enterta inment center with lighting, so fas, loves eats, end tables coffee tables , Kitchen items, handmade embroidered items, jewe lry, bedrooms sets, antiq ue sewing mach ine, fitness equipment dolls Dutch/German CD s, and more! CASH or Venmo only
NOW HIRING! Admin Assistant 32-35 hrs/week Able to multi-task and handle variety of jobs, including correspondence. Call 651-271-5985 to set up interview;immediate or send resume to: bill@ whitebearcountryinn.com
Scrap meta l applianc e pick up 65 1-329-0815
WANTED: ALL 19 70S MOTORCYCLES Running or no t. Titled or not Will pick up. Cash in exchange. Sell now be-
EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY all real estate adv ertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Ho using Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preferen ce, limitation or discriminat ion bas ed on race, co lo r, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or nationa l origin, or an intention, to make any such preferen ce limitation or discriminat ion.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 livin g with parents or legal cu stod ians; pregnant women and peop le securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not kn owingly accept any ad vertising for real esta te which is in violation of the law. Our readers ar e hereby informed that all dw ellings adv ertised in this newsp ap er are av ailable on an equal oppor tunity bas is To complain of discrimination call HUD toll free: 1-800-669-9 777. The toll-free number for hearing impaired is 1-800-927-92 75
Press Publications in White Bear Lake is seeking a staff writ-
PT Admin Position in WBL Circulation Dept. 15-20 hrs/week. Call Lisa 651-407-1205
4687 Bald Eagle Ave., WBL 55110
Deputy Clerk/Office Administrator NOW HIRING!
White Bear Township, located in the Northeast Metro, is accepting applications for the position of a full time Deputy Clerk/Office Administrator. Applicant will execute a wide spectrum of administrative and office support responsibilities.
Duties include, but are not limited to, ensuring that Township policies, procedures, ordinances, legal requirements, and agreements are completed, followed up on, and/or updated as needed. Manages daily, weekly and monthly organizational and procedural duties as required and/ or requested by the Town Board and its Boards and Commissions. Performs in-house legal tasks in conjunction with the Township Attorney’s oversight. Performs a variety
of administrative and support duties to ensure legal compliance and effective operation of the Township’s office functions.
Education and/or experience requirements are as follows: Bachelor’s Degree and/or a minimum of five years of experience in a Public Administration support role; or equivalent combination of education and experience sufficient to successfully perform the essential duties of the job such as those listed above. Hiring range will be $65,542-$69,846. The Township provides health and retirement benefits.
Please apply through our applicant portal at the Township’s website: http://www.whitebeartownship.org/jobs.aspx
Priority consideration will be given to applicants who complete their application by noon on April 24th.
Weekly Outlook
52 Automobile
2011 Toyota Sienna XLE loaded, low mileage est. 110K, rear DVD player all accessories, great condition garage kept, spent many winters in Florida. Services by Maplewood Toyota all records available. $14,955 (612)-599-1729
• Employment • Employment • Employment • 020 Notices Press Publications suggests that you be aware of advertisers requesting payment for shipping merchandise. Confirm and verify all contact resources prior to sending any money. Take caution when responding to text messages that are not local numbers. DEADLINE FOR • CLASSIFIED LI NE ADS MO NDAY 9:00 AM • DISPLAY ADS FRIDAY NOON 651 -407 -1250 cla ssified@p re sspubs.com (Earlier deadlines for Holidays) THURSDAY 4 PM THURSDAY 4 PM Fr ee Wood Chips –Delivered 5 loads or more only. WB/Hugo area – 651-426-8660 Centering Solution s: Get organized; stay center ed. Contac t: kate@centeringsolutionsmn.com 17 Personals 23 Free Items 102 Services 104 Hauling/Moving 300 For Sale 362 Miscellaneous 362 Miscellaneous 369 Want to Buy 404 Garage Sales 407 Estate Sales 451 Rentals/ Commercial 506 Real Estate We Buy Vinyl Records Lp s, 45s , St ereo Eq uip We make ho use ca lls by appoin tmen t. Wh ite Be ar La ke Records 4775 Banning Ave, WBL wblrecords.co m 651 -2 24- 49 47 CASH FOR BEER & LIQUOR SIGNS: Neon s, Light Up Metal, Mirrors Wood, New, Old. The more the better. Call or Text Don at 65 1-334-9118 Sears Garden Tractor w/snowblow er & tw in bags All equip wo rks. $250, 65 1-425-928 0 BAND TEACH ERGRADES 5-12 New London-Spicer Schools. Open Until filled Start Date: August 2023. For more info: w ww.nls.k12. mn.us/employment DISH NETWORK: ONLY from Dish 3-year TV price guarantee! 99% signal reliability, bac ked by guarantee. Includes Mu lti-Sp ort with NFL Redzone. Switch and get a FREE $100 gift card Call today! 855/562-4309 DONATING YOUR VEHICLE? Get more! Free towing. Tax deductible. Plus , a $200 rest aurant voucher and a 2-night/3-day hotel stay at one of 50 locations Call Heritage for the Blin d to donate your vehicle today 844/220-9501 FREE HIGH-SPEED INTERNET for those that qualify. Government program for recipients of se le ct programs in clude Medicaid SNAP Ho using Assistance, WIC, Veterans Pension, Survivor Benefits, Lifeline, Tribal 15 GB internet service Bonus offer: Android ta blet FR EE with o ne-time $20 co pay Free sh ipping & handling. Call Maxsip Telecom today! 866/433-5324 IN FLATION IS AT 40 YEA R HIGHS. Inte rest ra tes are way up. Cred it Card s. Me dica l Bills Car Loans Do you have $10k or more in debt? Call National Debt Relie f and find out how to pa y off your debt for significan tly
fo re prices fall. Call Dan at 61 2/720-2142 NO-R ESERVE REAL ESTATE AUCTION Gorgeous Lo g Home on 78± Acres Lak e George, MN Online Bidding Opens May 8th Lic. #20303085 Jokela Auctions Inc. www .Jok elaAuc tion. com BOUTWELL'S SALES 5600 Norwich Pkwy April 29 – 8am Inside and Outside 3 Da y Esta te Sale 684 Florence Ave., Mahtomedi Fri, April 27 9am-5pm Sat, April
Press Publications We Need You!!! No w accepting re su me s Part -t ime an d Full-time ppinfo@pres sp ub s. co m 65 1-407-1200
Odilia Council of Catholic Women is holding a Jewelry & Craft Sale. Huge selections of costume jewelry, fabrics, and glassware items will be priced to sell & must go! Quilts, blankets, baby items & more - handmade by CCW crafters. Sale dates *Saturday April 29 - noon to 6:30 p.m. Sunday April 30 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. St. Odilia Church, 3495 N. Victoria, Shoreview, MN. 55126 PRESS PUBLICATIONS IS SEEKING A
Staff Writer
er to join its award-winning team. As a staff writer-reporter you will be responsible for coordinating editorial content and layout for our newspapers, website and social media pages. In addition to writing stories, the job will require attending meetings, taking photographs, assisting with the layout process, coordinating, writing occasional editorial columns and maintaining a positive relationship with the community at large. We are looking for a candidate who is an efficient writer, passionate about local community news and great at time managment. Candidates should have a degree in journalism (or a related field) and have relevant experience. To apply, please send resume, cover letter and three writing samples to quadnews@presspubs.com. Waters Edge Craft Sale Saturday, April 22rd 10am – 3pm Waters Edge Clubhouse 15290 Farmham Ave N. Hugo Join Our Assembly Team Hiring PT in White Bear Lake at Snuggle Me Organic. Mon-Fri. Flexible Hrs; Send Resume to: becky@snugglemeorganic.com • Employment • READ THEN RECYCLE! Now Hiring! Stop in to fill out application Get a treat on us! WBL Dairy Queen 4047 Hwy. 61 Fun Atmosphere Flexible Schedule SOLD Frank Watson is a local Meteorologist who operates a weather station in White Bear Lake. Weather data and observation are from his weather station and trips around the area. Frank can be found on the internet at WeathermanWatson.com. Weather Tidbits Brought to you by WeathermanWatson.com FOUR SEASONS AIR SPECIALISTS, INC. “Experts in Indoor Air Comfort Since 1974” www.4seasonsairwbl.com | (651) 426-5254 WEEKLY AVERAGES HIGH LOW SUN PCP 62° 39º 55% 0.68
SUNRISE/SUNSET APRIL 19 -25, 2023 6:21 8:04 6:19 8:06 6:18 8:07 6:16 8:08 6:14 8:09 6:13 8:11 6:11 8:12 Frank Watson We enjoyed a 7-day period of fantastic weather from April 8 to 14. Temperatures during this period were in the 60’s, 70’s and 4 days in the upper 80’s. People were out in droves. Roam, the local bike shop in Downtown White Bear, reported a brisk business as we took advantage of this summer-like weather (without the humidity). Of course what followed was not so pleasant. This past weekend we experienced a 50º temperature drop. Sunday bore the brunt of the return to winter with 3-4” of snow. I didn’t see much, if any, snow on the roads. Snow collection was limited to lawns and patio furniture. The forecast calls for slow climb back to near normal temperatures. CLASSIFIEDS 12 QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS www.presspubs.com APRIL 18, 2023 PHONE: 651-407-1250 | EMAIL: classified@presspubs.com
Suspect charged in Walmart robbery
BLAINE — Richard Shane Daily II, 36, has been charged related to the Walmart robbery April 4. The robbery occurred at the Walmart located at 4369 Ball Road NE in the city of Blaine at approximately 6 p.m. April 4. A male suspect was shoplifting. When stopped by loss prevention personnel, he pulled a gun and threatened the employee prior to leaving the scene.
Personnel from the Blaine Police Department, Anoka Hennepin Narcotic and Violent Crime Task Force, Minneapolis Police Department, FBI and State Patrol attempted to take the suspect into custody in the parking lot of a business in the 600 block of East River Road in the city of Anoka. As they did so, the suspect rammed multiple law enforcement vehicles but was trapped at the scene by police.
Officers quickly learned that the suspect’s girlfriend was also in the vehicle and the suspect was holding a handgun and refusing to cooperate. He told officers that he was holding a hostage. Anoka County SWAT teams and a
negotiator were requested to the scene. After several hours, the suspect agreed to cooperate and was taken into custody without incident. There were no injuries to the female passenger or any officers.
Daily is charged with first-degree aggravated robbery and possession of a firearm/ammunition by ineligible person. He was also booked into jail on multiple outstanding warrants from other agencies outside of Anoka County.
Ground broken on new Emergency Communications Center
Anoka County officials, partner representatives and community members recently attended a groundbreaking ceremony for the county’s new, 42,000-square-foot Emergency Communications Center off Hanson Boulevard in Andover. The facility will combine both 911 emergency telecommunications operations and the county’s radio shop, which provides and maintains all radio equipment used by law enforcement and emergency telecommunicators in Anoka County. Most of
Construction has begun on Anoka County’s new 42,000-square-foot Emergency Communications Center off Hanson Boulevard in Andover.
the capital for the project comes from American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds.
“In addition to improving working conditions for our current group of emergency telecommunicators, management and radio shop staff, the new, one-story facility will allow for future operational modifications,” said District 2 Anoka County Commissioner Julie Braastad, who serves as chair of the county’s Public Safety Committee. “This facility will be a tremendous asset when it comes to shifting our emergency response needs as our county grows and changes.”
Construction of the ECC/radio shop is projected to be finished in June 2024.
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APRIL 18, 2023 QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS 13 www.presspubs.com WHITE BEAR PRESS | VADNAIS PRESS | QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS | SHOREVIEW PRESS | NORTH OAKS NEWS | THE CITIZEN | THE LOWDOWN EMAIL: callaspecialist@ presspubs.com PHONE: 651-407-1250 Honest Work for Honest Pay 651-270-7360 Reasonable Rates - all jokes and laughs are free Servicing All Major Appliance Brands Major Credit Cards Accepted APPLIANCE REPAIR AUTO SERVICE • Auto Repair • Oil Lube & Filter Service 20 Years of experience serving White Bear Lake & Centerville - Friendly, Honest Service 651.226.4235 Monday - Friday 8 am - 6 pm 7137 20th Avenue North - Centerville www.facebook.com/vermauto 651-426-5078 · Oil changes · Brake services · Engine diagnostic & repair · Steering and suspension · Heating and cooling · Alternators and starters 4034 Hoffman RD, White Bear Lake, MN 55110 H UG E S AVING S! Lic. #20060261 651-257-4706 www.youngcastlebathrooms.com • Design • Bath Repair • Remodeling • Tub Surrounds • Free Estimates Bathrooms by BATHROOMS BLACK DIRT Screened Black Dirt Delivery Available 651.387.2098 Schneider Custom Woodworks Custom CABINETRY! Free Estimates & Callbacks within 24 hours schneidercustomwoodwork.com 651-213-6638 Commercial & Residential USTOM W D W R KS CARPENTRY CLEANING Household Waste Construction Debris Appliances Furniture 651-323-4682 Settled Concrete? Lakes Area Mudjacking - Since 1983Don’ t replace it, RAISE it and save $$$! Walks • Patios • Steps • Garage Floors Aprons • Driveways • Fill Voids Free Estimates Guaranteed 612-310-1485 Ask for Jim l a ke s a re a mudj a c k in g . co m CONCRETE Sidewalks Patios Steps Driveways & More! MJ’s Concrete, LLC 651.795.9736 FULLY INSURED • FREE ESTIMATES 651-308-1101 BillLe e Specialist in Driveways/ Garage Slabs Sidewalks/Steps Repair & Replacement Block Repair Interior/Exterior • Residential/Commercial Deck Cleaning & Staining Professional - Prompt Guaranteed Results 651-699-3504 www.rooftodeck.com DECKS 651-746-4582 www.northlandlandscape.com Bonded Insured • Lic #BC638094 Custom Decks/Footing Repair Screen Rooms/Additions Garages/Roofing/Siding Aluminum/Glass/Cable Railings All Repairs • Interior Doors from Birch Logs pulled from Lake Superior. • Stunning 3 or 4 panel solid (no veneers) doors. 2’-2” to 2’-8” — Jambs avail. • Qtr Sawn White Oak Casing 3/4” x 2.25” and 2.5” Tom’s Doors 651-777-0669 DOORS LORENZ DRYWALL • CHANGING CEILINGS OVER TO KNOCK DOWNS • TAPING • SPRAYING • ADDITIONS • BASEMENTS • NEW HOMES • GARAGES No job too small! Kerry 651-653-9021 (Cell) 651-271-4221 DRYWALL Wolf Bros. Dr ywall Co. Total Dr ywall Ser vices Residential/Commercial New Const & Basement Finishes Family Owned & Operated Forest Lake Insured CALL LEE (651) 428-0229 40 yrs • Since 1979 DRYWALL/PLASTER ELECTRIC New Construction/Remodel Residential Commercial Competitive Rates ELECTRICAL SERVICES 651-307-6502 Furnace & A/C Installations and Service Licensed, Bonded & Insured 651.426.4233 cphvac.net HEATING & COOLING LAWN CARE Northeast Metro Lawn Care • Lawn Mowing • Core Aerating • Spring Clean Ups • Fertilizing Jeff Irsfeld 651.428.3509 Jeff@yardworksmn.com Northeast Metro Lawn Care • Lawn Mowing • Core Aerating • Spring Clean Ups • Fertilizing Jeff Irsfeld 651.428.3509 Jeff@yardworksmn.com Northeast Metro Lawn Care • Lawn Mowing • Sprinkler Repair • Spring Clean Ups • Fertilizing MOKI E’S Lawn Service 1 ST T IM E D I SCO U NT L AWN MOWING • TREE TRIMMING • REASONABLE RATES 651410-3889 SCH Services, LLC Lawn Care Contracts commercial and residential monthly or per visit Sean 651-210-0061 www.SCHservices.net LANDSCAPING 651-746-4582 Bonded Insured Lic. #BC638094 www.northlandlandscape.com Ponds & Wat er falls, Paver Patios, Driveways, Concret e, Bobcat Work, Grading, Sod, Retaining, Walls & Tree Work, Plants, Mulch and Rock. Call or Text 612-424-7300 jonesmulchservice. com We will supply, deliver and install mulch to refresh your existing beds Let us do the hard work so you can enjoy your summer! • Retaining Walls • Mulching • Edging • Patio Pavers Jeff Irsfeld 651.428.3509 Jeff@yardworksmn.com Northeast Metro Landscaping SCH Services, LLC Spring Clean up Specials Lawn Care Contracts commercial and residential monthly or per visit Sean 651-210-0061 www.SCHservices.net Ehman Landscaping Specializing in: • Sodding •Seeding •Grading •Sod Repair • Sod Removal FREE ESTIMATES RonEhman@outlook.com Call Ron 612-720-1893 CONCRETE LANDSCAPING
14 QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS APRIL 18, 2023 www.presspubs.com PLUMBING white bear plumbing inc. ResidentIal CommercIal FREE ESTIMATES Bill 651-775-8396 www allaroundremodeling com Insured • Bonded • License# BC637741 Bathrooms Basements • Major/Minor Remodeling Garages Kitchens Additions TIME TO REMODEL? Kitchen / Bathroom Basement / Deck Check out our Models for design ideas. *1 yr financing option available* SHERCO CONSTRUCTION 651-888-4138 License # BC627690 Quality Home Building and Remodeling Room Additions • Kitchens Basements • Decks All Remodeling For more info visit KOlsonconstruct.com Lic. #BC-516217 612-868-6837 APPLEWOOD BUILDERS applewoodremodelers.com 612.670.7004 3 Consult with us! visit MN LIC# BC003215 REMODELING BATHROOMS ~ KI TCHEN S BASEMEN TS ~ TILES 651-238-6751 N o rco nHome s. co m Locally Owned Since 1994 Insured / Lic #BC105943 Twin Cities Premier Home Improvement Company ALL REMODELING STUMP REMOVAL STUMP REMOVAL Same Day Ser vice BACK YARDSNO PROBLEM! Fast, dependable, insured Major Credit Cards Accepted 651-426-8660 STUMP REMOVAL Free Estimates BACK YARDSNO PROBLEM! Fast, dependable, insured 651-426-8660 budgettreeservice@outlook.com Professional Landscape Contractor • Full Landscape Services • Bobcat, Grading & Excavation 651-426-0410 Letourneaulandscaping.com • Interior only • Wallpapering • Stain & Varnish • Painting of Home Furnishings (furniture, cabinets, mirrors, light fixtures, frames, etc.) www.LDMarshallPainting.com Free Estimates • Established 1987 L D MARSHALL PAINTING Scott or Linda • 651-426-9135 (office) Painting Pro Pro Livin g Colors • Professional, Residential House Painting • 35 Years Experience • Interior & Exterior • Kind, Respectful Ser vice CONTACT RICHARD 612-394-8978 Specializing in: • Cabinet Enameling • Interior Painting and Exterior Painting. • Hardboard Painting (Hardie Plank and LP) • Texture Removal/Repair CALL US FOR A FREE PROPOSAL 651-336-0561 16 years in business servicing the North East Metro. Discounts for Veterans and Senior Citizens. Warrantied work done by insured Employees. 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BC639211 “ TH E LE A K S S TO P HER E” Leaky Roof? 763-742-7500 over 40 years experience Full Ser vice Contractor bettersol.com MN Lic. BC639211 “ TH E LE A K S S TO P HER E” Leaky Roof? 763-742-7500 over 40 years experience Full Ser vice Contractor bettersol.com MN Lic. BC639211 • Roofing • Siding • Storm Damage • Repairs • Windows • Doors & More ROOFING/SIDING WM Hayes Roofing & ReModeling, llC Call 651-429-2682 Roofing • Siding • Remodeling www.wmhayesconstruction.com MN License #BC002810 Locallyownedsince1972 Meet Your Specialist Viking Auto Repair Service so honest, you can even keep your leg Find Viking Auto under “Automotive Repair” We offer services on: • Engine & Transmission • Computer & fuel injection system repair • Brakes • Suspension & steering • Tune-up • Exhaust • Cooling system service • Air conditioning • Tires • Electrical • Classic car repair • Alignment 2501 E County Road F White Bear Lake, MN 55110 651-407-3465 2022 Are you tired of paying too much for your auto repairs? You are always welcome to the home-like atmosphere with friendly service and low rates at Viking Auto Repair. 728200 Roofing Siding Windows STORM RESTORATION SPECIALISTS 612-284-5329 Storm Restoration Specialists 651-287-3720 Roofing Siding Windows TIMBERLINE ROOFING AND CONTRACTING • Hail Damage • Insurance Claims Call Matt 612.246.7079 ALL BUILT RIGHT CONSTRUCTION Lic# BC638717 • Insured Roofing&Siding Free Roof inspections & estimates WHITE BEAR PRESS | VADNAIS PRESS | QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS | SHOREVIEW PRESS | NORTH OAKS NEWS | THE CITIZEN | THE LOWDOWN EMAIL: callaspecialist@presspubs.com PHONE: 651-407-1250 ROOFING CONCRETE Spring appointments available now! Colored, Decorative & Stamped Concrete Rivard Cement Contracting 651-780-9031 RivardConcrete.com Quality Comes First • We do it All! BLOCK WORK • FLAT WORK • DRIVEWAYS • STEPS • WALKWAYS TEAR OUT & REPLACE ANYTHING OVER 35 YEARS & GOING STRONG ROOFING/SIDING FREE Roof Inspections Call Nora Benshoof 612-799-0931 Lic# BC771495 ROOFING/RESTORATION Roofing • Siding • Windows (763) 315-3911 4105 85th Avenue N. Brooklyn Park, MN allamericanrestorationllc.com Roofing • Siding • Windows (763) 315-3911 License # BC545108 4105 85th Avenue N. Brooklyn Park, MN allamericanrestorationllc.com FREE ESTIMATES! Roofing • Siding • Windows (763) 315-3911 License # BC545108 4105 85th Avenue N. Brooklyn Park, MN allamericanrestorationllc.com FREE ESTIMATES! Roofing • Siding • Windows (763) 315-3911 License # BC545108 4105 85th Avenue N. Brooklyn Park, MN allamericanrestorationllc.com FREE ESTIMATES! License #BC545108 Classified line ads run in all weekly Press papers presspubs.com LANDSCAPING
The City of Centerville Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, May 2, 2023 at the Centerville City Hall, 1880 Main Street in the Council Chambers beginning at 6:30 p.m. or shortly thereafter on the following matter:
ITEM: Variance
PETITIONER: Ryan Companies US, Inc./on Behalf of Amazon.Com Services, LLC
PROPERTY I.D. #: R#24-31-22-32-0004
ADDRESS: 6985 – 21st Avenue S, Centerville, MN 55038
The petitioner requests that the City grant a variance to allow the construction of two (2) additional ground signs near the entrances of the site (south of the northern entrance to the site from 21st Avenue and west of the eastern access to the site from Fairview Street). City Code, Chapter 152: Sign Regulations regulates the construction of signs, number allowable, size(s), etc. The petitioner believes that their request deviates from City Code requirements. City Hall is ADA accessible. Requests for hearing assisted devices or a sign language interpreter must be received before 4:00 p.m., April 26, 2023. All persons interested are invited to attend and to be heard or may submit in writing their concerns. You may contact the City Clerk’s office at (651) 7927933 or by facsimile (651) 429-8629 if you need additional information.
Published one time in the Quad Community Press on April 18, 2023.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Centerville City Council invites all interested parties to attend a public informational meeting to be held at its regularly scheduled Council Meeting of Wednesday, May 10, 2023 commencing at 6:30 p.m. or shortly thereafter, in Council Chambers of City Hall, located at 1880 Main Street.
The purpose of the meeting is to present and discuss the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program/MS4 (SWPPP/MS4). Information will be presented and discussed regarding the activities the City has been and will be engaging as a result of implementing the SWPPP/MS4.
A copy of the SWPPP/MS4 annual report is available for review at the City Hall. Please submit written comments at the following address: 1880 Main Street, Centerville, MN 55038.
A copy of the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) General Permit is also available online at: http://www.pca.state.mn.us/publications/ wq-strm4-51.pdf.
Please feel free to contact the City (651) 792-7931 if you have any questions or if you need additional information regarding the above stated item.
Teresa Bender, City Clerk
Published one time in the Quad Community Press on April 18, 2023.
OBITUARY Jonathan Allen Parsons
87, passed peacefully on Tuesday, March 7, 2023, at Lakeview Hospital in Stillwater, MN. Jon was born in Minneapolis, MN on May 16, 1935. He was a professor at the University of Minnesota and raised a family with his wife, Margaret Roof Parsons, in Circle Pines, MN. In 1996, Jon and Margaret retired to Polson, MT. In 2022, Jon relocated back to MN at the Lodge at the Lakes in Stillwater.
Jon is survived by his children: Alva Marie Parsons, Victor, ID; Sara Jane Parsons, Austin, TX; Susanne Kanning, Bend, OR; Jonathan George Parsons, Lino Lakes, MN; Andrea Schotzko, Afton, MN;
Pursuant to Chapter 333, Minnesota Statutes; the undersigned, who is or will be conducting or transacting a commercial business in the State of Minnesota under an assumed name, hereby certifies:
1. The assumed name under which the business is or will be conducted is: Sweets O’Clock
2. The street address of the principal place of business is or will be: 1040 County Road B West, Roseville MN 55113
3. The name and street address of all persons conducting business under the above Assumed Name, including any corporation that may be conducting this business. Ashley Maria Heck 1040 County Road B West,Roseville MN 55113
I certify that I am authorized to sign this certificate and I further certify that I understand that by signing this certificate, I am subject to the penalties of perjury as set forth in section 609.48 as if I had signed this certificate under oath.
Dated: March 31, 2023
Signed: Ashley Heck
Published two times in the Quad Community Press Press on April 11 and 18, 2023.
Independent School District #12, Centennial Public Schools will receive electronic proposals for: Section 403(b) Services for Employees until 3:00 pm on Thursday, May 4, 2023.
Proposals will be received by the Executive Director of Business Services Centennial School District 12 – Patrick Chaffey.
The Centennial School District 12 is seeking a recordkeeping service provider for a retirement savings plan set up under Section 403(b). These services may be provided by one Respondent providing all of the services or by multiple Respondents each providing one or more services together under one proposal. Interested parties may request additional information by contacting Patrick Chaffey at PChaffey@isd12.org.
Published two times in the Quad Community Press on April 11 and 18, 2023.
and eleven grandchildren.
More information is located at the Bradshaw Funeral Home in Stillwater, MN.
In lieu of gifts, feel free to contribute to The University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine, The Raptor Center, in memory of Jonathan A. Parsons.
Independent School District #12, Centennial Public Schools will receive sealed bids for: High School West Mechanical Equipment - Supply – until 10:00 a.m. on May 4th, 2023
Sealed bids will be received by the Executive Director of Business Services Centennial School District 12 – Patrick Chaffey :4707 North Road Circle Pines MN 55014 then publicly opened and read aloud. There is no agent for the receipt of bids other than the Executive Director of Business Services Centennial School District 12 – Patrick Chaffey.
Bids shall be submitted on bid form provided by the Bid Documents including Responsible Contractor Verification of Compliance form. The completed bid form shall be submitted without alterations, additions or erasures. Envelopes containing bids must be sealed marked separately “Centennial Public Schools – High School West Mechanical Equipment - Supply” with the name and address of the bidder, Work Scope Number and Title being bid and the date and hour of the opening. Bids shall be delivered to:
Mr. Patrick Chaffey
Director of Business Services Independent School District #12 District Office 4707 North Road Circle Pines, MN 55014
Lump sum bids for the defined work scope are solicited from responsible contractors specializing in, or highly experienced in this work.
Procurement of documents:
Nexus Solutions
Brenda Schultz
Phone: 763-370-6029
Email: bschultz@nexussolutions.com
Bidding documents will be available on or about April 15th, 2023.
Each bid of $10,000 or greater shall be accompanied by a certified or cashier’s check, or a bid bond in the amount of at least five (5%) percent of the amount of the bid made payable to ISD #12 as bid security that, if the bid is accepted, the contractor will execute the contract and file the required performance and payment bonds within the allotted time period after notice of award of contract.
The Board of Education reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids or parts of bids and waive any formalities or irregularities in the bidding. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of forty-five (45) days after bid opening without consent of the Board of Education.
Published two times in the Quad Community Press on April 18 and 25, 2023.
County awards contract for Rice Creek Chain of Lakes parking lot
Anoka County will pay $159,800 to Hakanson Anderson for the design, engineering and construction project management services for the Rice Creek Chain of Lakes roadway and parking lot reconstruction. The estimated construction cost for the project is $1.5 million. Funding will come from a parks and trail Legacy grant and the state park road account.
MDAN ads to run ONE TIME,
APRIL 18, 2023 QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS 15 www.presspubs.com
When you need us, we are here to help. *Servicing all brands Read our reviews and check out our current promotions at www.krinkies.com Licensed, Bonded, Insured Serving the St. Paul and Surrounding Area 651-426-5220 24/7 Emergency Service 2022 of the Press 771317 FREE TRIP CHARGE With repair $109 value! Valid during regular business hours • Expires 5/31/23
MDAN ads to run ONE TIME, the week beginning 4/16/2023 Metro REQUEST A FREE QUOTE CALL NOW BEFORE THE NEXT POWER OUTAGE (855) 984-8982 Prepare for power outages today WITH A HOME STANDBY GENERATOR $0 MONEY DOWN + LOW MONTHLY PAYMENT OPTIONS Contact a Generac dealer for full terms and conditions *To qualify, consumers must request a quote, purchase, install and activate the generator with a participating dealer. Call for a full list of terms and conditions. FREE 7-Year Extended Warranty* – A $695 Value! 770935 ATTICS BASEMENTS CRAWL SPACES CALL TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE! $250 OFF ATTIC INSULATION BASEMENT REPAIR or WATERPROOFING CRAWL SPACE ENCAPSULATION CANNOT BE COMB NED W TH OTHER OFFERS MUST BE PRESENTED AT THE TIME OF THE APPOINTMENT NOT VALID FOR PR OR WORK OFFER EXPIRES 6/30/2023 651-369-7776 www DBSQuadCommunity com F i n a n c i n g O p t i o n s A v a i l a b l e ! A T T C I N S U L A T O N C R A W L S P A C E E N C A P S U L A T O N B A S E M E N T W A L L R E P A R #1 Trusted, Local Expert * 770494
Vineyards & Breweries
16 QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS APRIL 18, 2023 www.presspubs.com *Note: Events are subject to change or be cancelled. Please call or visit the websites or Facebook pages for the most up-to-date information.
61 95 35E 96 694 WBL Stillwater 36 April 29 Music: Rich Schroeder 2-5 pm St. Croix Vineyards
29 The Bazaar 11 am – 4 pm Dancing Dragonfly
30 Mandala Art Paint & Sip 3-5 pm St. Croix Vineyards
3 Music: Brendan Bonin 2pm-5pm 7 Vines Vineyard
5 Cinco de Mayo All Day Dancing Dragonfly
5 Revenge of the 5th. A Star Wars Cabaret 9pm White Bear Meadery
6 Music: Wade Snake 2-5 pm St. Croix Vineyards May 6 Eggroll Queen Food Truck 2pm-8pm White Bear Meadery May 6 Flip Cup Tournament Big Wood Brewery May 6 Pappouli’s Wine Tasting 2pm-3pm Two Silo Winery & Vineyard May 7 Music: Tim Cheesbrow 1- 4 pm Dancing Dragonfly May 7 Music: Tuscany Trio 2pm-5pm 7 Vines Vineyard May 10 Music: Gary LaRue 5:30-8:30 7 Vines Vineyard May 12 Sparkling in Spring 5-7 pm Dancing Dragonfly May 13-14 Mother’s Day Weekend Noon-5 pm St. Croix Vineyards May 13 Mother’s Day Mini-Market 11am-4 pm Dancing Dragonfly May 13 Music: Rich Schroeder 2-5 pm St. Croix Vineyards May 13 Craft show w/local crafters 12pm White Bear Meadery May 13 GRAND OPENING! Food–Live music–lawn games Belle Ame Vineyard May 13 Pappouli’s Wine Tasting 2pm-3pm Two Silo Winery & Vineyard May 13 Winnesota Wonder Food Truck2pm-8pm White Bear Meadery May 14 Music: TBA 3-6 pm Rustic Roots May 14 Mother’s Day at the Winery 1-2 & 3-4 pm Dancing Dragonfly
14 Music: Vinnie Rose 1- 4 pm Dancing Dragonfly
14 Mother’s Day Brunch Belle Ame Vineyard May 14 Music: Josh Quinn 2pm-5pm 7 Vines Vineyard
20 Beach party! Big wood Brewery May 20 Pappouli’s Wine Tasting 2pm-3pm Two Silo Winery & Vineyard May 21 Music: Taryn 2pm-5pm 7 Vines Vineyard May 23 Paint & Sip 6pm White Bear Meadery May 24 Music: Patrick Allen 5:30-8:30 7 Vines Vineyard May 25 Mandala Art Class 6pm White Bear Meadery May 27 Pappouli’s Wine Tasting 2pm-3pm Two Silo Winery & Vineyard May 28 Music: Becky Rae 2pm-5pm 7 Vines Vineyard May31 Music: Paul Berger 5:30-8:30 7 Vines Vineyard Wednesdays Keychain Kash 8:15pm Big Wood Brewery Thursdays Music Bingo 7pm Big Wood Brewery Wednesdays Trivia Night 7pm White Bear Meadery Rustic Roots Winery Scandia, MN Dancing Dragonfly Vineyards St. Croix Falls, WI Belle Âme Winery River Falls, WI 94 8 Big Wood Brewery Saint Croix Vineyards WBL Meadery WBL Two Silo Winery 7 Vines Vineyard Dellwood Grant 6428 Manning Ave., Stillwater Since 1992 • 651-430-3310 Open 7 Days a Week 10-6 Follow detour signs near the Manning/Hwy. 36 intersection. 771006 rusticroots.wine 651.433.3311 • 20168 St. Croix Trail N Monday–Wednesday 12–7 • Thursday–Sunday 11–8 Live music every Sunday afternoon from 3 – 6pm We invite you to try our award winning wines along with our wine slushies, hard cider, Lift Bridge craft beer and our scratch-made food menu. Take Comfort. Drink Well. WINERY RUSTIC ROOTS “A premier destination for all good things” 101 hwy 96 East Dellwood 7 vinesvineyard.com 651-478-6300 info@7vinesvineyard.com 7 Vines Vineyard 771286 770802 DRINK LIKE A VIKING. DRINK MEAD! MINNESOTA’S FIRST MEAD HALL 1320 COUNTY RD. D. CIRCLE, MAPLEWOOD WHITEBEARMEADERY.COM | 651-352-9552 FIND US ON FACEBOOK & INSTAGRAM •Gluten Free •Barrel Aged •Private Event Space See our website for tasting room hours 771285 771283 “ Come for the view. Stay for the wine TWOSILOWINERY.COM “ W10829 875th Ave - River Falls, WI 612.405.4388 |BelleAmeVineyard.com 770797 During the week and many weekends we offer wine tastings, community events, and light fare catered by local businesses. 7 Open Every Day Hand Crafted Locally Grown Award Winning 2013 120th Avenue St Croix Falls, WI | DDWinery.com 771004